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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community


For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

EDIT: The Rotating Banners contest is now over, but we still need more House Ads!

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Is there any difference between power strips? Should I avoid something cheap if I am connecting all my desktop components to one?
Get a UPS
>>34960901 (OP)
buy a decent brand at an authorized retailer
most come with $100,000 (or around local equivalent) warranties if your equipment is damaged by surge.

a good UPS will protect you from non-surge electric events that may fry your shit.
Yes go for the cheapest possible power strip you can find, and make sure you plug your 1200W PSU into the last socket on the strip.
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Sorry but Danish power outlet is master race.
At the bare minimum get one with a surge protector.

Better yet get a(n) UPS.
>Does not have a clip to hold the socket in place.
>master race

pick one.

real Schuko master race reporting in
>Accepts schuko

Confirmed shit.
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OP here, our sockets may be happy, but the chaps' sockets beat them in functionality and safety.
What country uses that one in the middle of shit tier?
>le 107-2-D1 face :D

It's a Japanese outlet with a crocodile clip for grounding.
America on ungrounded sockets.
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>>34960901 (OP)
Happy plug is god tier.
>>34960901 (OP)
The one with 2 holes is optimal, healthy human eye can't even see more than 3 holes.
Does it look fussed? It's clearly happy.
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>>34960901 (OP)
Lies. US plugs take up so little space compared to your god tier plug, it's ridiculous. Seriously, fuck Singapore and other countries with such massive plug.
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Am I the only one who lol'd at the American saying was something good for taking up less space?
The italian plug takes even less space.
>Be in America
>Plug something in
>Observe homes of ordinary residents while there
>Live metal hanging loosely out of sockets, daisy-chained sockets and bent pins everywhere
>Switch off all their sockets before leaving the house each day
>Go on "vacation" with them
>Get a call halfway through, the house has an electrical fire
>Somebody left a socket on, and some insect got between the pins hanging loosely and shorted it out.

WTF is wrong with you people...
>Caring more about a couple of centimetres than safety
Seriously, under what circumstance would you be limited in the amount of space a plug socket can take up?

oznzb Usenet Indexing Community

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