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Is it normal for Free/Libre Software to give you a boner 24/7?
Should I be worried?
>>35057174 (OP)
if it gives you a boner for more than four hours you should stop using it and see your doctor
>shitnux: a shit the update broke the system...again
>windows: ok cool
>os x: ok cool

>updates breaking systems

How does it feel using a distro from the previous decade?
>windows: please reboot x 100
>linux: rebooting now causes either a kernel panic or the desktop to not load. enjoy googling a solution on your tablet/phone for the next several days.
>osx: only $99!
Archlinux is current.
>using shitnux
how does it feel using an OS from the previous decade?

>still no prof software for shitnux, still not polished, still can't play games
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>>35057174 (OP)
OS X updates haven't been 99 bux in years.
It's also a terrible choice of distro
>implying they were at some time
Found the problem.
OS X updates are only $20 though
>no prof software for shitnux
Firstly, you're actually referring to proprietary software because lots of free software is also used professionally. Examples:
- PostgreSQL
- Apache, nginx
- Java
- Python
- Busybox/Linux (routers, embedded hardware)

As for proprietary software:
This very much.

A year ago nearly every update to elementary OS wiped out lightdm.
>shitnux still doesn't have photoshop
b-but muh GIMP

>still doesn't have games
b-b-but muh 2d chess

>still doesn't have working drivers
b-b-but muh free shit
theyre free on piratebay
Hobby distros are not functional operating systems. When you're a big boy you'll see that and in time you'll even remove your matrix text screensaver.
>still no prof software for shitnux
Science is run pretty much solely on Linux.
Photoshop works on Linux tho
>Wine doesn't count for some reason
>implying linux isn't a hobbyist OS
You don't belong here, firne. I bet you use winsucks

winsucks doesn't even has ssh
never had this problem on debian. stop using hipsterish arch. if linux indeed had this problem, most websites would have gone down frequently
>using a distro which is still in beta
>using linux for desktop use
what kind of retard would do something like that anyways? linux is decent for servers and flow though
>calling all oses nonfunctional
top kek
>can't read
top jej
>what kind of retard would do something like that anyways?
Peugeot runs 20000 GNU/Linux desktops.

The city of Munich runs 15000 GNU/Linux desktops
Steve Ballmer tried to coerce the mayor back to Windows but they stayed the course and already saved several million Euros.
>samefagging on /g/ because i love starring at muh pretty icons instead of getting a job
oh wait you are doing your job..
and tvs and smartphones, and routers, and all kind of other embedded systems, and believe it or not .. there are other things you can do on a desktop than playing games or using photoshop
The French police intends to convert 80000 desktops to GNU/Linux.
>shitnux for desktop use
really? name one benefit over windows, just one

inb4 freedoms

admit it, linux is shit (hell, that's why we call it shitnux)
/s instead of \s as path delineators.
>winfagface when can't become French policemen because 0 knowledge of GNU/Linux

- Package management is the #1 reason for large-scale Linux desktop installations. See

- Vendor independence. Previously these companies were dependent on Microsoft. Now they can choose one of many FOSS support companies. Red Hat, Novell and thousands of smaller ones.
- Money
Citation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiMux
The next city will be even cheaper to convert because much work has already been done. Sooner or later most German cities will run Linux, not Windows.
both work on windows actually
try typing "C:\Users\Alex\Desktop" in explorer, it works the same way as "C:/Users/Alex/Desktop"

>shitnux users not knowing what they're taking about
go back to masturbating to your anime desktop little girl, child molestor
>>35057174 (OP)
Just kill yourself.
>wangblows for desktop use
really? name one benefit over linux, just one

inb4 gaymes

admit it, windows is shit (hell, that's why we call it wangblows)
>savings in software costs
too poor for real OSes, lal
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Superior kernel
Stability (though this varies from distro to distro, it is still more stable than winshit)
Faster in every aspect
Advanced users and programmers can do more, while on windows everything is locked down.
Also pic related
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>>35057174 (OP)
hm. But it's free.
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>using gnu/shitnux
i love how you faqquits trolled yourselves into installing a toy/hobby OS
They don't understand that different OSes have different numbering conventions
shitnux users really are children, huh?
>thinking only things that cost money are good
>being this brainwashed
Stay slave
pay munich 100 million $/year to use windows. they might consider bearing with a bug ridden, inefficient, terribly coded os
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Yes goy, spend money or people will think you're poor!

>he thinks gnu/linux isn't an inefficient, improperly coded, and shitty mess
then why do we call it shitnux?
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Lies and slander
Yes, godly. And what does the competition have? Hmm?
Using both / and \ (which should always be for escaping) sounds broken as hell. What the fuck were those hipsters thinking?
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>using shitnux
linux is anything but a hobby distro. developers who are too incompetent to get into google or intel to work on linux and open source have to settle for a job at microsoft. also enjoy your os coded by asians and indians.
>using windows
>shilling for windows
topest lel
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>calling facts that he doesn't want to accept, "lies"
typical gnu/shitnux fanboy

pic related, take a shower sometime
That doesn't negate the use of GNU/Linux, but it's a nice thing to see that Windows are acknowledging what they were lacking.
Ah yes, the old POSIX subsystem. Unfortunately it has always been a piece of garbage.
>Tfw macfags are so asshurt their thread got rocked they're shitposting in this one.
>no sources
Those are called claims.
my thoughts exactly
they're reasons not to use linux, the source is your heart, you know it to be true

>using shitnux
It is always a case of negatives versus positives, and one simply has to make a choice. Do the benefits outweight the trouble? I am glad i switched to linux, even if linux has quirks.
>the lack of stability
lolnope. linux is the most stable os out there
>hardware issues
most enterprise hardware is supported. support is only lacking for cheap parts though. so maybe you should quit being such a poorfag
>lack of variety
same can be said about the shitty buggy programs for windows(except the de's on linux are beautifully coded by professionals)
also why should i care about wangblows, an os used by 0.4% of users?
linux has a lot of quirks and no benfit aside from price though lol
my thoughts exactly
>implying 93% of computing devices are running on unstable software
how is a job at microsoft serving you?
also why is your ip originating from asia?
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my thoughts exactly
you can trace my IP? are you a hakkker? XDDD

i love shitnux users, they're so childish; is that why we call them manchildren?
my thoughts exactly
>hakkker? XDDD
i love wangblows users, they're so childish; is that why we call them faggots?
>all work on windows
i lol'd
my thoughts exactly

Trolls trolling trolls while being trolled by more trolls.
>shitnux for desktop use
what is this, 2002?
my thoughts exactly
>wangblows for desktop use
what is this, 1800?
my thoughts exactly
>linux users claiming superiority for no reason
>windows users saying they can do "work" but are mostly too busy arguing with linux users on /g/
>mac users staying quiet so they don't get gangraped in the /g/ showers.

Yeah, good job guys, I can see how superior you all are and how much work is being accomplished right now...
didn't that shit die out already?
my thoughts exactly
i agree. gnu/hurd masterrace
my thoughts exactly
didn't that shit die out already?
>Not true, no source given.
>NO IT'S LE TRUE xD SHITNUX xD xD xD lol xD le master torle111!!!!!!!111!!!!one!
my thoughts exactly
Is this the start of an epic new meme?
go back to reddit, you cancerous piece of shit
my thoughts exactly
my thoughts exactly
my thoughts exactly
Whatever makes GET HYPE
my thoughts exactly
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>winfaggots and lintards arguing over petty matters
OS X mastterrace

feels good to be using the world's most advanced desktop OS
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m-my thoughts exactly 
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>Says shitnux.
>Calls others cancerous pieces of shit.
>Fucking thing, gotta restart
>I'll just go suck a dick while it restarts
Linux mastterrace

feels good to be using the world's most advanced desktop OS
>Says shitnux.
Wait do shitnux users not find that accurate? the only reason we call it shitnux is because it's worse than shit...it's an accurate nickname i think
It even sounds retarded. Even shitux is better.

Windows mastterrace

feels good to be using the world's most advanced desktop OS
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my thoughts exactly
my thoughts exactly

FreeDOS mastterrace

feels good to be using the world's most advanced desktop OS
Linux mastterrace

feels good to be using the world's most advanced desktop OS
>good power management
pick one

seriously /g/ I'm still butthurt about that shit
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it may not be as shitty as linux but it certainly isn't advanced
Notebook and pencil master race.

Feels good to be using the world's most advanced OS.

You guys should learn to type.
Jupiter helps
my thoughts exactly
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used all OS, currently using windows/osx 10.7

linux is by FAR the easiest and best for updates.
Windows is shit takes forever
Mac is yawn too lazy to install shit for it, some updates are free. Massive ones like going up a whole number are paid.

Linux>Mac>Windows for updates
my thoughts exactly
yeah well even without I had some to adjust my clock speeds and all that but still. I lose like 40% battery life.
my thoughts exactly
i agree. freedos masterrace
>buyers' remorse

As a GNU/Linux user, I agree. I wrote my own powersaving script though. Set it to start on boot and it SHOULD be universal. If something doesn't work it's pretty straughtforward.

depend() {
before *

start() {
echo 10 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio
echo 90 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio
echo 60000 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs
echo 5 > /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode
echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save
echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy
echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/link_power_management_policy
for i in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/autosuspend; do echo 1 > $i; done
iwconfig wlan0 power on
my thoughts exactly
does that save you 15 minutes or 10 minutes?
my thoughts exactly

No idea.
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dat font rendering
Looks fine for me, sorry that I'm not you
>they don't think you can pipe on windows

much to learn you still have
>all windows have been an update of an older windows
>each major updates cost upwards of couple hundreds

>all macs since X has been updates
>each major cost $20

>all linux has been same since forever
>each major upgrade cost couple of hours to couple of days of lost time

Assuming you get paid 20/h.

Macs cost 20 usd + 1 hour worth of time configuring. Totaling 40 usd.

Windows cost 100 usd + 2 hours worth configuring due to driver downloads/etc. Totaling 140 usd.

Linux costs 0 usd + 4 hours of configuring. 20*4 = 80 usd.

Mac: 40 USD
Linux: 80 USD
Windows: 140 USD.
That font hurt my eyes
Suggest better, then.
It's as polished as you make it.
>Macs cost 20 usd
Don't you mean >2000 usd?

>Linux 4 hours of configuring
Why did i configure my first linux distro in under hour?
I have never had an update that broke my system. Quit lying.
I'll give you more than one. Package management, lack of it on windows makes me dread every time I use winshit. The ability to change window managers, file managers, panels, etc. etc. I have complete control over how I use my system and can tailor it to suit my work flow perfectly. Wangblowers os shoves its cock down your ass and makes you use it the way it was designed to be used and the way devs thought you should use it.


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Something like this, I think
package management, speed, stability, text config files, security, being able to actually trust the fucking thing.
I've never configured fonts nor do I felt I need to. So, unless you can show me how, I'll keep posting screenshots like that.
>each major updates cost upwards of couple hundreds
>shit breaks everytime

>all macs since X has been updates
>each major cost $20
>needs hours of work incase something breaks, which it often does

>never breaks

Assuming you get paid 20/h.

Macs cost 20 usd + 24 hour worth of fixing shit + 300$ after you've finally had enough and decide to take it to the istore. Totaling 780 usd.

Windows cost 100 usd + 10 hours worth of backing up data, fixing shit that the buggy driver update process messed up, configuring due to driver downloads/etc. Totaling 300$ usd.

Linux costs 0 usd. it just works

Mac: 780 USD
Linux: 0 USD
Windows: 300 USD.
Windows and linux both only mess up if you're retarded.
If Linux is so unstable, then why is it used by most servers and supercomputers around the world? You would think that an OS used in those types of things would have to be stable as fuck.

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