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In the hypothetical case that you need a laptop and have the money to buy either a MBP or a MBA, would you buy any of them? if yes, which one and why, if not, show me a superior laptop.

I'm not a Macfag. I hate Apple as a company and the majority of their consumers, but I'm getting slightly inclined into thinking that Apple laptops are their only good product along with the iPod classic.
>>35514265 (OP)
>>35514265 (OP)
I'd get a Vaio Pro instead

This is not a difficult concept.

Buy. A. Thinkpad.

Unless your arms are weak like a baby, or you are a faggot who wants his laptop to look pretty, they are the best.
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anyone who says the MBP and MBA are "bad" is a retarded pleb

you just have to look at the hardware and compare to other laptops. its hard to say definitively "oh get this one instead" because unlike Apple, windows laptop vendors have SALES. apple is what you see is what you get.

i think the current MBA is the perfect laptop for anyone. but i would still buy a thinkpad instead, because i have no need for the lightness of the MBA and the pricetag is high
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>>35514265 (OP)
No. Apple is EFI-only and it's a pain in my ass.
If anyone can tell me how to install a Live USB of OpenBSD such that I can boot to it on my Mac, pls respond. ;_;
I would buy some APU convertible laptop for Windows + Linux, and a few extra batteries. Seems the most versatile and useful to me.
>>35514265 (OP)
>can't even swap a battery
>locked down hardware that is hard to maintain
No. I would buy a beefed up gayman laptop like an ASUS GT750, or Lenovo W series if the design wasn't uter garbage.
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I want a refurb MBA 13" but they only come with 4GB.
but your pic contradicts everything you said.
>NVS 4500m
>is based on the consumer GeForce GT 630M / 540M chip but with lower clock rates

Not to mention you are saying the exact fucking opposite of what your image implies.
>I'm not a Macfag. I hate Apple as a company and the majority of their consumers, but
The Retina Macbook Pro sounds really nice, but I just can't use a computer without a nipple mouse.
does that thing really have 15hours?
weren't mba the top tier laptops when it comes to battery time?
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what the fuck

Why do people still bring up old MBPs for price comparisons. Even Apple fans laugh at MBP owners for owning an overpriced piece of shit instead of the MBA or rMBP

>>35514265 (OP)

There isn't a general better use computer right now than the MBA. Any laptop with a high res screen (think 3200 x 1800) costs more than the 13 inch rMBP.
>>35514265 (OP)
No, but only because I already have a laptop that does what I need and does it well.
Is there even a laptop at all that has 2560x1600 res, doesn't weight more than 5 lbs, and isn't more than $2000?
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>you need a laptop
>have ~$2000 to blow

In that case I would do what I did irl, buy a transformer tablet for $500, and build a $1000 desktop

other stuff
>64gb micro sd $50
>128gb full sized sd $150
>1tb usb 3.0 drive $80


I even replaced my phone with my tablet/laptop by getting a 4g hotspot. So I can just VNC into my desktop if there's anything x86 specific I need to do... but there usually isn't - ARM on linux is versitile, and a transformer gets double the battery life of a macbook air while being built more solid/thin with a better (touch)screen.
Samsung Ativ Book 9
-i5/i7 Haswell
-4/8GB RAM
-3200x1800 screen
-256GB SSD

>There isn't a general better use computer right now than the MBA. Any laptop with a high res screen (think 3200 x 1800) costs more than the 13 inch rMBP.
Hi there.
I can't build a desktop without spending $2k because I don't want pussy hardware.

The laptop you linked is 1366x768
>I can't manage my finances and determine what the most powerful build is for under $1000

I built a desktop worthy of software development, if you need to game then just play around with some of the tablet games on the android market until Nvidia grid comes, get a bluetooth controller and play all the same shit you would on your home PC.
In other words, you don't know what you're talking about.

>desktop worthy of software development
>tablet games
thing is a piece of shit, that resolution will bottleneck the GPU and eat the battery. Abandon your shitty legacy applications like their developers did and Join the ARM master race today, it's not too late.
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why would that mean I don't know what I'm talking about?
Out of the two, the macbook pro, aslong as it's not the retina version.

They can be upgraded by yourself.
First off, that particular model is 1366x768. Second, HD 5000 will have no problem at all with that resolution.
ARM is a bigger evil than x86 and terribly inefficient. Go MIPS and save the world.
Too bad the Ativ Book comes with the HD4600, not HD5000.
>ARM is a bigger evil than x86
>x86 is a horribly inefficient clusterfuck of an instruction set owned by Intel
>ARM is efficient and open
Even HD 4600 will handle it fine. HD 4000 didn't have a problem with 2880x1800 and Haswell iGPUs are much more powerful.
just because it can run it doesn't mean it can average decent fps rates and battery life.

Keep in mind that a lower priced transformer can be equipped with 3-4 docks for the same price.

>not wanting 40+ hour on screen battery life

1366x768 anyway like you said though, in 2013. I'm not a qHD guy, but 1080p is fine.
>ARM is efficient and open
No it's not. Intel has a lot more performance per watt than any ARM chip. At the moment the A15 still can barely catch up to a Core 2 Duo ULV made 6 years ago. The Exynos 5 Dual has 8W TDP while a Core 2 Duo ULV has 10W TDP.
Also, enjoy your ARM licensing costs.
>HD 4000 didn't have a problem with 2880x1800
Didn't the rMBP 15" have an Nvidia GPU? The rMBP 13" had HD 4000 and was plagued with lag issues.
The 4600 is only a around 10% faster than the 4000, and that was dog shit on the Macbook pro where it lags just browsing facebook.
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>more performance per watt.
I have bad news for you.
When plugged in the rMBP runs on a Nvidia 650m, this is why people tend to not notice the lag.
>Exynos 5 as a representative for A15 SoCs

oh man this gets better.

>Consumers paying for ARM licensing costs
>Intel chips several times expensive and 99% of time come with windows licensing costs


That tablet he listed costs no more than $300 to make, a big chunk comes off the top for W8



As always, Intel is up to their usual shenanigans.
>480 cores vs 8 Intel cores.
Also the only advantage is heavily threaded applications so Web servers benefit from it. For anything else, x86 beats the shit out of it.
>>35514265 (OP)
get mbp
Oh wow, a 4W ARM chip bet a 1.7W Intel chip with a 5 year old Atom architecture. Well done!
>Chrome OS
[citation needed]
You can put linux on it.
>64 GB of storage
So? My linux partition is 80 GB and I rarely use anything else.
I'd rather get a surface RT, since they're going for cheap

no point in getting overpriced facebooks machines for me since I already have a Desktop for heavy editing and know better now than to keep my projects on these fragile pieces of overheating shit
>>35514265 (OP)
>Apple laptops are their only good product along with the iPod classic.

Hey, this guy's alright.
That 1.7 number is from Intel. No other site has been able to confirm that number. Hell, it's probably idle TDP, knowing Intel.
Just throw in a 128GB SD card. It would still be cheaper than a Mac and the card is almost flush.
Is there any reason a person shouldn't just do this? I mean, the data may be slow, but is it fast enough to watch movies and stuff on it?
i guess that's a no then :)
A laptop with that screen size combined with the weight limit you set has not been achieved AFAIK by any laptop released for sale to the public.
>>35514265 (OP)

this beats even the retina out of the ball park, with half the price
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So should I return it? I'm obviously getting totally ripped off.
>>35514265 (OP)
New thinkpads suck. I'd buy a MBP or MBA in a heartbeat.
Samsung makes awful computers. I bought one thinking "I hate Apple."

Two years later, biggest waste of money in my life. I still am using my Macbook from 2007. I bought that Samsung in 2011 and paid $1100 for the piece of shit and the hdd had a head crash and I never dropped it, and the capacitor aging was god awful.
As someone who owns one, I'd say you aren't getting ripped off at all.

Frankly I'd prefer to use OS X over Windows.
Finally, someone on /g/ who has a brain.
Nope, Macs are seriously much better laptops than any other competitor hands down
>>35514265 (OP)
No because they are cheap crappy laptops. I would instead wait for the pixel refresh
thats not my fucking problem that you're god awful at choosing hardware. dont buy based on brand, components are those that matter.

running this exact same laptop coming from a matte hi-res macbook pro. runs like a dream and i couldn't be happier
What would you be using it for op
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> dont buy based on brand

Unless it's a ThinkPad, then you should do whatever /g/ says.
>Macbooks are crap. Facebook macheen!
>recommend pixel
Welcome to /g/oogle
actually this is the most sensible thing to do.

i'd go with a used x series thinkpad, and run debian on it.

build a desktop, dual boot it. run it as a server when not at home
So can the thing run Linux natively with Android fully removed? If so, which transformers are capable of this?
a few things make me want to get the current MBA
the battery life, weight and how easy it is to resell are the biggest reasons

really on the fence right now
>how easy it is to resell are the biggest reasons
This may be true a few years ago but now their values drop almost as fast as other laptops with the same specs.
Just for reference:

2010 MacBook Pro selling for $700. That's probably about half its purchase price, after 4 years. That's pretty good.
Actually here's a better one:

2011 MBP for $900, with active bids.
aren't they know for their build quality or something
And here's the cheapest W520 from 2011. Not much different when the specs are the same.
Lenovo obviously doesn't sell it anymore - what's the MSRP on it?
At the time, probably $2299.

Here's a dell precision with similar specs.
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Dell is soon coming with a laptop with a resolution of 3200x1800 pixels. It will be 4,5 lbs and is estimated to be between $1,7k and $2k.

source http://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/04/campaigns/precision-m3800-workstation?c=us&l=en&s=bsd
Damn, that's a sexy workstation, let's just hope it doesn't heat up as badly as the XPS 13.
I can't stand the silver border accent dell uses on all of their products. Just let the whole thing be black damn it.

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