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I want to buy a Nexus 7 tomorrow once I get paid.

I have tons and tons of music I'd like to play on the thing, but clearly 32gb isn't enough considering I need App room too. I have a Raspberry Pi and an external HDD laying around. Is it possible to set up my pi as a media server and stream my music to Android elegantly?
>>35633981 (OP)
Why not upload your music to play.google.com?
Doesn't that cost money? And wouldn't it take ages to upload?
Google Play helps you bring your iTunes library to your Android devices. You can upload up to 20,000 of your songs from your computer to Google Play for free. Once you’ve uploaded your music, it's instantly available on the web and your Android phone or tablet. No wires, downloading or syncing.

Right from there website. I've never used it so I don't know how well it works.

Has anyone else? I use PowerAmp as my Android music player. Can I somehow use poweramp to play my Google Play music?
>Doesn't that cost money?
>And wouldn't it take ages to upload?
Not for me but it might for you.

check out the standard version
Works fine for me, and I don't think you can use Poweramp. Just Google's music app.

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