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How big is /g/'s porn folder?

Why would I have only "a" porn folder. I organize regular anime shit with porn, regular pictures with porn. etc.

I don't need to hide my porn from my mom.

Lol I don't hide my porn it's a folder in my videos. Whenever someone uses my computer I just hide invisible folders.
However big the internet is.
If I stopped deleting my folder over and over I would have over 500GB.

But for now, its about 135GB of gay porn.
>>35403271 (OP)
>bad 3dpd
jesus christ OP
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Until two day ago, I had over 2TB of ecchi, hentai and porn. CG sets, videos, artist collections, Nico MMD videos. All download in the course of 3-4 years. Could be much bigger, if I wasn't so picky.

While trying to merge folders in different disks, I accidently lost one of them. I was about to recover it with Recuve, when I realized all that was taking way too much of my time to collect, select and organize.

Deleted it all. Trying to use my time to focus on playing and designing games. Still feeling the withdrawal pains.

But the bigger the collection, the harder it is to go back once you let go, since you can't possibly match the amount and quality you had before.
My tip for you if you wanna quit is: get an assload of it then delete it. You'll feel like you can't be fucked to get it all again.
I'm extremely selective. I only save the highest quality pictures. So about 3gb. Its all hand-picked though, so it took a long time.
You did the right thing, that is too much porn.
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The only porn I save is pictures. Funny thing is, I have never even jacked off using these pictures, I just browse and save pictures.
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only enough to know i don't like 80% of it
>>35403470 here. Same thing. Collecting just for the sake of it. I never even kept the complete sets, just the best of each one.
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>having a porn folder
>year of our lord RMS 2013
>>35403271 (OP)
>Downloading porn
>not streaming it from trusted sites
ya blew it
>4months ago: 5.3TB
>now ~200GB
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>streaming anything
Having large porn collections is a direct result of having too much bandwidth.
Streaming porn is far more logical since it's so much easier to switch over to what I'm feeling like today.
and the quality?
>1080p blu ray rip > 240p youporn video
Same I'm thinking about unloading most of my shit, except the "really rare" and/or classy stuff, for example my marilyn monroe collection :3
It does the job.

Just like how we used to wait 5 minutes to download a jpg of a pair of tits.
>It does the job.
Uncultured swine.
i remember 480x320 bmps and gifs...
>>35403271 (OP)
about 10GB i normally stream in HD, but since i dont like th idea of streaming porn in hotels networks i keep those few vids
blu-ray porn makes the women look even more ugly than they are and I prefer amateur.
Imagine when sony brings out their 4k porn service
You'd be surprised how quickly you can fill up several terabytes with a few subscriptions to high quality porn sites. 1080p videos average a few gigs each.
Yes I get to see the imperfections in them even more!
Whats the point of hoarded videos, after a few times you will never watch it.
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Actually some of these vids get better with age. I have a better selection than Red Tube or any other streaming site and all in HD. You are a beggar. I am a chooser.
>Whats the point of hoarded videos, after a few times you will never watch it.
And that's where you are wrong.
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I like giant boobies, real or fake.

This is a truecrypt mounted HDD.
>gay porn

What a faggot.
>This is a truecrypt mounted HDD.

Pedofag detected.

>Not having an encrypted truecrypt volume that takes 5 seconds to mount to ensure nobody finds it by accident

It's not even encrypted well, it's just a password I also use for stuff that deals with money.
You'll get found out eventually, pedo. Mark my words.
I have a collection fetish. I normally will watch one video a day, and read a doujin or two. Plus it's usually the same video/comic. Half of my doujin sits in the "sort me" folder.
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Images only.
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forgot pic

If anybody ever finds it all they'll realise is I have way too many videos of Jordan Carver, Denise Milani and Karina Hart.
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yes, I hide my porn in E:\program files\system
and I live alone
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I just have my H drive for all my doujins and H manga. Keeps it nice an separate.
okay 2TB is getting to the point where you could plug that fucker into a raspberry pi and start your own porn site
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better question
how does /g/ organize their porn folder?
0 GB.

Because there is literally no reason to save porn in this day and age.

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I share multiple porn accounts with people online for like $3 a mknth . have access to reality kings and other great sites 1080p streaming st will instead of leeching from a slow host
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>billions of uncategorized pictures

I know that feel

>not fapping to glorious 2d
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>watching professional porn

I bet you think wrestling is real too
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forgot oic
Why would you ever quit?
You clearly want to have sex with your mother.
>! - tfwnogf feels

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>>35403271 (OP)
674GB of JAV and probably 200GB of other stuff
About 1 GB. Handpicked pictures only. I don't even fap to them that much, it's sort of a hobby to collect them. For actual fapping purposes I stream videos from the net.
>Got a Jordan Carver site password awhile back
>Grabbed all the videos and sets I could
>Still works months later

I'd love to swap passes with someone if they have access to another big boob model (Karina Hart, PBD, chelsea charms, beshine.. anything huge is fine)
haha silly virgins

All images, no videos.
>>35403271 (OP)
how big is the internet?
Nah I just have to watch my shit in 1080p.

Good free sites for 1080p are eporner.com and porn1080.com btw.

Also Beeg.com is pretty good but is mainly 480p and some 720p but from professional studios.

I want to like JAV but the crying noise they make just turns me off.
>Bragging about virginity
>Being under 18


When will kids learn that only kids brag about no virginity
kill yourselves and good morning
>bragging about their porn library
I don't see the point in keeping porn...
ur mom lol
100GB, due to my hoarding of everything I see. I really should delete most of it.

The parts I like are mostly furry, bondage and bestiality.
Do you by any chance have some Bluewut?
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In all honesty, I usually run a low pass EQ. But probably half the content is gokkun, and they don't make much noise when there mouths are full. Cliche though it may be, this oft reposted comic covers the rest.
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20gb of pictures. 132gb videos.

posting from my chromebook, so no screenshot.
Good point.

If gigatavu is in fact a gigabyte... holy shit
It is.
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>Saving all this porn
>Don't remember the stuff I even saved
>Always finding more never looking what I saved
>Decide to delete it all
>Wind up regretting deleting everything
>Cycle continues
Nope, tpb only has two torrents.
You sound like my roommate
I probably am, come into my room and put your hand in my pants. If I blush, you know it's me.

Anything else it isn't me.
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Too busy to watch any nowadays so I end up hoarding my drive.
My H-manga make up around 30GB and I have 60GB of hentai.
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It's not really porn, but I like to fap to celebrities. :^)
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All this is porn. Get on my level scrubs.
I usually make a new folder and store shit there. After a while I delete it if I see that the content is stupid.

I had around 120gb at one point, containing all sorts of stuff. Ecchi, hentai and porn of quite a few things, but once I just decided to delete it all.

In any case I can't help but stumble upon content that I want to fap to. Like 2 videos I found yesterday in /rs/ that made me pretty happy.
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i need help.jpg
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>>35403271 (OP)
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I think it's some ~400gb, currently using thinkpad so can't check that.
Top lel at Binary Domain
usually what i do is just fap to the new stuff and just keep some really good stuff around

i should make a little program that makes me pick one out of two randomly selected titles from a folder, and deletes the loser.
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>professional porn
Ahahaha, no you fucking plebeian. Professional porn is filled with fake-titted whores and mentally retarded cameramen. Amateur is where it's at
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>All of these windows screenshots.
I don't really get people who say that you shouldn't fap to anything you already fapped to.

There's a video I watched like, 7 years ago I think? Somewhere that I cannot even remember unfortunately, and I'd love to watch that video again. Unfortunately I'll never find it, but it was just about some skinny blonde doing really cool things with her vag.
7.76 GB
3200 Files
46 Folders
>Thinks linux is not only for doing work.
>b-but muh freedumbs
Enjoy recompiling your source code every 30 minutes, nerd
It's not.

It's also for wasting time on stupid shit.

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