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How bad is your ISP?
>>35613680 (OP)
I would leave.
>>35613680 (OP)
Not bad at all.

I love you ATT.
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Pretty bad. They can't even collect proper usage statistics.
>speaking random shit-tier language
And where I would go? BT that trottles torrents to 20kbps or o2 that trottles everything except facebook?
Neither of them offer anything better than 8Mbps in my area.
Move from UK.
B-but I just moved here ; __ ;
I hear some Russian ISPs run their own file-sharing networks and you get free internet if you upload a lot of good shit, is this true or your glorious fairyland not all it's cracked up to be?
I wouldn't be surprised.
The rest of the world couldn't give a shit what Russia's doing as long as they aren't pulling some crazy North Korea shit.

some ru ISPs have private ftp that is customer IP whitelisted. you can upload/download movies & games there.
I swooned reading that, that's so great.
lol what I've been on BT for the past 10 years and they've never throttled torrents.
>not having non-standard keyboard characters from your main language as part of your encryption and password systems
And the best thing is that you can't give passwords at airports because it isn't feasable and it isn't feasable because they can't into non-standard. Bonus point for inventing your own personal alphabet.
plans available
512 kbps-15$
1 mbps-50$
technically, this is a bandwith savings method for the ISP. you only use local bandwith and not peering bandwith for them.
holy fuck
You forgot the important part, limited or unlimited?
>>35613680 (OP)
Hah i got that same letter about peak times. Ignore it and continue downloading.
I put in for a free one month upgrade to 50mbps/25mbps on Thursday (uncapped unthrottled) and it STILL hasn't gone through, I'm stuck on 25mbps/25mbps.

And you thought you had it rough OP.
>>35613680 (OP)
>fair share
>you don't get to have what you paid for

Fuck the world.

A brave new 1984 shrugged world.
holy shit you fucking cunt you don't even know you're born

I'm on 2mbps/0.5mbps until i move fucking house.

wow you just made me butthurt
That's not common, but it's true. The ISP I'm using right now has this kind of offer.
>using more then their fair share.

Hahahahahahahahahaha, oh wow :'D
If I pay unlimited XY speed, guess what my fair share is? Unlimited with XY speed at any given moment of the day.

Your ISP is sucks OP.
~$90 a month for a 150/15 with 2tb monthly limit.
>monthly limit
Oh god.
>tfw 3Mb down .5Mb up
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I'm from Bosnia and I pay for $15 for this.

Could be worse...
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This shouldn't happen
That's what I thought when they introduced it.
Makes no god damn sense.
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They must be doing caching or something.
how much of my internet speed is wasted on continously sending data to google and the NSA?
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USA ISPs are currently fighting each other. they are capping traffic and demanding money from websites or else they get throttled to their customers.
>USA ISPs are currently fighting each other.
Source please, I'd like to read about this. I heard something about this not too long ago.
I get 1/0.3
Fucking straya
Land of the free

Murica fuck yeah!!

lots of articles on google about the other providers
fucking telstra the indian shit cunts
So this is just Verizon? I get nasty emails from Cox Communications when I hit around 100gb. I don't have cable TV, I just stream Netflix. When I hit the 100gb mark I get pissy emails, and severe throttling that causes ridiculous skipping and pausing in my streams.
idk where is my isp office
they don't have homepage
they don't have my email address
>For Cox, it’s not about being the biggest; it’s about being the best.
In the future i am going to be forced to move to USE, unwillingly. Namely Nevada Las Vegas.
What can i expect as far as Internet connections and ISPs go if i may ask?
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Shitty deals (prepaid, $1.5/day for 1GB/day) but great coverage.

I get up to 8/2mbps on 3G in a rural area.

I get shitty speeds right now because I forgot my USB extender cable and it's the busiest time.
>They argue with me about Netlix use and try to sucker me into AD filled cable TV

How about no.
I mean, this is my 3G ISP.

At home I have an overpriced 12/1.25 cable connection, but at least it has no NAT so I get pings under 6ms.
are you a tapper?
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MFW I have a great provider
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1.53 MB JPG
Download: 2.54 Mb/s
Upload: 0.57 Mb/s
Latency: 165ms
>my country has been receiving refugees/asylum seekers non-stop
>i want to leave this shit hole
idk what it is
Okay. So I regularly use about 2.4TB/month. I've only found one ISP that doesn't give a shit. But my upload with them fucking sucks. 1mbps up. I'm a household of 10 heavy internet users, can't afford business class. And worst of all, when someone maxes out 1mbps upload, download suffers, packets get dropped. Etc.

Are there any large isps that don't throttle or cap?
That's what you get when Internet access is controlled by cable companies with an interest in protecting their lucrative television business and they avoid regulation by pretending that there's actual market competition even though they're a local monopoly (or duopoly at best).
do you by any chance not pay for your internet
i pay
>>35613680 (OP)
>google fibre
>guaranteed 1gbps, no data limit
i'm pretty happy.
>NSA fiber
Enjoy your privacy.

Oh wait...
all dat sour grapes
I use VPN so i'm fine
>I use VPN so i'm fine
This is what retards ACTUALLY believe.
>moning about imagrants

>implying there are any native Ausfags and that the whole of Aus isn't built on immigrants in the first place.
I would love 1gbps
Always expect your internet to be tapped/recorded. Its not like att/cox/tw don't watch what you do
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>live in corn fields
>get "wild Blue" sat internet, I call it "wild jew"
>"you get 1.5 down, .5 upload"
>always get timeout errors
>slow as shit...maybe get .6 down
>ping is absolutely disgusting
>5 GB cap we were never told about, we go over in about.....a week
>speeds further reduced. i cant even get to google
>call up, they complain that we "signed a two year contract you pay 600 to cancel"
>tell them this is bullshit
>"we're sorry but you signed the contract"
>call credit card company, credit card company is on our side, nulls any charges by "wild jew" internet
>they want their hardware back
>tell them to suck a gigantic flippin floppin horse dick.
>mfw I used the roof mounted dish as a target for my pellet gun, and then took it in for scrap.

america. Jew companies everywhere. fuck this place. fuck people in general...

if theres anything i learned, we have not advanced into a civilized society, weve just gotten sneakier.
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lo and behold
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overpriced 17€/month unlimited 100/100. Enjoy your speed limits.
You act as if any other ISP cares about your privacy to begin with
Dat ping
Dat packet loss
>that pic

You deserve that and everything else you faggot.
You know dial up is free now right?

>sat internet

not all that surprising
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Based Virgin Media.
fugg :---DDDD-DDD

Also enjoy your shitty ping.
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They're the wurst
I get half of what I pay for, at best.
I hope you never escape the curse of shitty ISPs
Well sir we will just have to confiscate your laptop. Have a nice day.

i'm boiling with jealousy
I've gotten two free speed upgrades of 10Mbps each taking me to 60Mbps, they replaced the DOCSIS router free of any charge the day after I called them, they've rolled out a nation-wide hotspot functionality over all routers of theirs so I always have internet access using WiFi. They always announce it when they are going to repair things or upgrade things so downtime is not unexpectedly coming.

I'm not disappointed.
>Caring about furries
What is this, 2008
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Oh also, related
I'm paying for 40Mb/s dl and 10 Mb/s upload
More than that, they literally own the area and are physically disallowing other companies from coming in and providing high speed
you seem mad friend
Well sir, you can't confiscate shit under the law over an inability to utilize your system to input a password and under the law i am not obligated to give you the online link container that stores my non-standard characters.
That also wasn't an invitation to start posting porn
It was the fact that the guy posted something completely innocent and two people sperged out over it
Might wanna calm down m9
Only terrorists use non-standard characters, it's off to Guantanamo with you.
Not samefagging at all.

I love summer = )
Papa Putin will like to have a word with you sir.
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Im not paying for my internet. I cracked a router in my apartment because im a poor hacker who lives on tuna fish and pills.
FUCK UR SHIT fuck you fuck this fuck everyone

also fuck that guy who doesnt like furries. he has a small dick.

ya hear that ya tiny dicked bitch? piss off
>More than that, they literally own the area and are physically disallowing other companies from coming in and providing high speed
FYI, that's what it's like in the entire country. 55% of the US population only has 1 provider offering at least 6Mb down (i.e. people who live too far for DSL). 30% can get cable or DSL at that speed. A mere 4% have 3 or more choices.
actualy i just posted once. no joke. not even lying.
calm down
I know
That doesn't make me any less buttflustered
Reminds me of my friends internet, they messed up on the connection so he has 5mb/s down, 150mb/s up
He doesn't even use it, I'd love that upload for my stream/YouTbe
I was only one of those
ITT : People with shitty ISP and not moving to another ISP or country
>white and intelligent people move from USA towards better Internet environments
>Mexicans keep going in and breeding to consist over 50% of the US full population by 2050
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sky are the shittest...
Rev up those torrents, you've got some private trackers to upload on.
>intelligent people
Oh god my fucking sides...
Moot is pretty intelligent. After all, he got an "intelligent" dumbass like yourself to waste time on 4chan 24/7 in addiction.
So I guess drug sellers are the most intelligent people on earth, huh?
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>>35613680 (OP)
Give them a respond with only this image as an attachment
Pretty average. 16 down and 1 up for 30€, unlimited calls included. Pretty much every ISP has that. I'll have to wait until I get out of contract and move to an ISP that offers the same for 5€ less.
Of course. If you are addicted to their stuff they are certainly more intelligent than you.
Internode, Australia.
It's a re-distributor (there is probably a better word for it) of Telstra, but cheaper.
Has it's own games website to download patches, videos, demos, etc.
Steam is unmetered
And best of all, it provides free access to Usenet via Astraweb with no bandwidth restrictions and 8 connections.
>virgin media
sounds like ISP for virgins
Very bad is an understatement.

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Paying extremely overpriced for 100/100 still get these speeds.
I dont get it though. I have virgin media and stream 24/7 and upload at like 90% uploads speed 24/7 as well as downloading a shit ton 24/7 yet I am never throttled?
My ISP could be worse considering its BSKYB but at least no throttling limits and its free until October and then I'm upgrading to their FTTC package
>posts spaced a few secs

YOU are the summer, my friend.
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>>35613680 (OP)
>This helps to stop our service getting blocked up with people using more than their fair share.
>their fair share
Are they serious?
MY ISP doesn't give a fuck about what I download and I always get the speed I pay for at any time of the day.
They suck so hard.
>He doesn't know how to post in quick succession
>Calls anyone summer

Boy I sure love summer = )
Winter is coming
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>>35613680 (OP)
I was suprised by this because download speeds on torrents tend to be 100/kb, even though there's like 1k+ seeders and I don't limit the DL speed.
And videos on say Youtube stutter. As in they only load to a certain point, then I need to click anywhere on the timescale so it loads again - why??
>make 700GB worth of copies of a retarded video
>do random name generation on all of them
>encrypt drive
>make the airport authorities a heave time over their shit
>finally input the password
>see them sift through the same video over and over again
>all that lost time
>all my laughter
More people should be doing this.
>complaining about 25/25
I get no where near 2.5/0.5, let alone 50/25
>>35613680 (OP)

pic of hand pls.
I'm not a poor piece of shit that looks like a criminal so no need.

>tfw first class
>tfw first out
>tfw they barely even check my bag

Feels good being superior.
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Could be worse.
>he thinks first class makes him immortal
I am first class and i had a few searches.
They are on random people, even pregnant women as i've seen in a few cases.

Talk about leaking an ego into a puddle of stupidity with your post.
>100 megabit down
>10 megabit up
>80 a month
>Unlimited everything

Then again maybe it isn't so bad. I'm not sure how much I'd have to download or upload for them to complain

Its obvious that OP still lives at home and this day and age in Britain that is perfectly OK as you need to earn more than 20k just to be able to rent a small flat
>They are on random people
You tell yourself that you filthy trash. Over 500 flights and not a single search.

Stay inferior.

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