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Going to tech school and getting the degree "Networking Specialist". Now that I've been reading more on the subject...I'm really starting to get discouraged. Am I looking at a waste of time or are the people on forums ignorant? I'm sure there are a few IT guys on right now.
>Certs that it prepares me for are A+, CCNA, N+, TestoutPro and I think that's it.
>>34300712 (OP)
don't go to school, man. i went and fucking hated the course the first two semesters were mostly shit i knew already. go get a data entry job somewhere and self-study for the certs, then just move up from there in 2 years you'll have the certs and experience to get a promotion or better job.
IT is almost entirely outsourced to india.
if the indians had remote control robots that could physically turn power off, do cabling, & move things around, there would be no american IT workers.
>>34300712 (OP)
the only people those certs and degrees matter to are the hr people, so yeah on one hand it's kinda useless, but on the other hand a paper trail of your qualifications is what'll get you the job instead of the guy who obviously knows everything but didn't get any papers saying he knew it
I do know a lot of the material, but I looked for a while for self study books. Could never find anything comprehensive.
> but I looked for a while for self study books
just look up whats on each test on use the internet and books to study whats there. on top of that buy cheapo parts and just work on stuff at your house. you could even look and see what each course your school will give you and just study whats there lol. use your login for school and steal homework assignments and shit, buy the textbooks if you want just don't pay for the education itself.

if this is a "tech school" (please tell me its not ITT) you should know that many of the teachers just graduate from that school and then teach at that school.
While these certs are a walk in the park for someone with moderate networking experience, they are required to even touch a switch at most places. You can make a pretty decent living working on networks, the only problem I'd see is if you really don't like networking.
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My first job is a fast food chicken joint. Could I get a data entry job with no associates degree or office experience?
As someone who has done sysadmin work without a degree or anything -

I have always wanted to know what it'd be like to have the degree and be super knowledgeable on it.

It's not a terrible career - it pays great compared to most jobs - and EVERY company needs IT work done, whether in-house or hired out, so it's a growing industry that is mostly recession proof.

Just make sure you play games, have a drink or a smoke, maybe try and get into real programming or doing creative things on the side - I think a tech can become easily depressed from just fixing people's shit all the time.
yeah, but you'll probably have to work the relatives and family friends to get you in somewhere.
yes. are you in the states? check out bright dot com. they are the best also sites like snag a job and simply hired. or go to a staffing agency (make sure they offer office jobs, most are manual labor) and take a typing test.

my mother does that shit and wiped old people asses for 30 years prior.
God damn I hate that shit. Even this chicken joint.. A CHICKEN JOINT, I needed my friend to bless me in. So fucking garbage. I live in the south and know no one with an IT job.
why? even starting in a call center would help he just needs to look for the jobs and talk to people. data entry jobs aren't that hard to find.
>live in the south
shit, i'm sorry. can you get to virginia? you pretty much need to move, i lived in the south and the work there is shit.
>IT is almost entirely outsourced to india.

Not for companies that give a fuck... but yeah.

I work for an American IT company. Our clients are willing to pay more to speak with people they understand, and at this point it's already become well understood that the majority of Indian IT companies are frauds - for every brilliant Indian programmer or IT guy there are a dozen dirt-farmers who are actually trying to cash in on outsourcing as a racial stereotype

>I sound Indian so by now Americans will just assume I know what I'm talking about
even shit tier jobs are a bit hard to come by, and why would you take a job where you're the bottom rung when with a bit of networking you can start out as the second from bottom rung?
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My area defined.
>Girls = Nurses and Moms
>Guys = Mechanics and construction
That's it... I'm not getting roped into that shit. No way.
That's what I want to do. I like networking and security. It's fun to me and so is using Linux (but I know I can't start out with this).
you need a job to network. unless he knows someone that works in the field which he clearly doesn't. office work is office work people in call centers will know people in data entry who will know people in IT. either way he doesn't i don't feel college is the answer here(unless he goes comp sci)
>>34300712 (OP)

OP, you're getting a degree for one of the largest growing career fields on the planet right now

Just calm down.

People argue that college is a scam and degrees don't matter, I agreed - I got tech jobs without a degree but still see people with degrees earning MUCH much more than me, so we still have to admit that degrees help - and people arguing otherwise are usually just butthurt and jealous - OR they are ocassionally the genuine case like myself, guys who got jobs without degrees.

Either way, you're in a good spot, just keep going. Among the possible things to study for, yours is absolutely not the biggest waste of time.
I really hope so... I mean, I forgot to mention that at my chicken place we use POS and I do the tech support for them (they don't like talking to IT, because they are enraged easily) and some guy said that when I finished my certs I could come work there. I REALLY doubt he's serious. Just sounds like some shit you tell someone like, "keep up the good work, buddy".
college is great and i don't think its a scam but tech schools giving out "networking specialist" certificates isn't really the same. op, why cant you go to a community college?
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>>34300712 (OP)
Visual CertExam + Braindumps, yo.

Focus on those two, then branch out to find a specialization.

There are going to be people that say college is necessary, and there are others that say it's nice to have but certs are more important.

In my experience, having someone working there vouch for you is a great way to get your foot in the door, but you better pick up quickly, and yes, the certs will definitely help.

>pic unrelated


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