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Fact: Windows is the industry standard workstation OS.

Stay poor, virginal, unskilled, and irrelevant by using Linux on the desktop, /g/.
Because paying $200 for your operating system really puts you on the road to having a lot of money!

Okay, you could use this in any argument

Right, because all the UNIX users who know how to program, administrate servers, and use a command line are unskilled! We should have been spending our time learning how to click buttons in Photoshop.

It's like you don't realize that 90% of tech-related jobs use UNIX!

Obvious bait, but just in case anyone actually believes Opie.
Linux is not UNIX. But OS X is.
>linux is not unix
>wine is not an emulator
>OP is not a fat useless faggot

Just because the creator says so doesn't make it true.
as if UNIX certification is worth jack shit

How about the fact that most professional software is for Windows? Do you even STEM?
Being true makes it true. Linux is a kernel that replaces UNIX kernels. Wine is a compatibility layer that translates one kind of system call into another. And I happen to be the fattest, most useless, faggot you ever...

itt: butthurt windows user who tried to use linux but couldn't
Fact: Linux is the industry standard server OS, and linux and OS X share a place as the workstation OS of choice for scientists working at places such as NASA and the LHC.

Fact: Windows *SPECIFIC* software is limited to a small scope of "enterprise" programs used by a portion of STEM majors and video games. It does not hold dominance over all STEM jobs, or all jobs period.

Fact: If you think what OS a person uses on the "desktop" affects their life in any way, be you a linux user making fun of "those laaaaaaaaaaaaame gamer fags" or a windows user making fun of "those laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame programmer fags", i don't know how to say this nicely, but you have crippling self esteem issues and might also have aspergers syndrome (autistic sociopathy). There is no other explanation for your desire to demean people on 4chan and self-centered idea of what is useful in an operating system besides another form of mental retardation.

Fact: Your home computer is not your work computer. You are not limited to one home computer. You are not limited to one operating system running at once on any one computer.
> certification
JC too expensive?
Because in Windows you can started right away. All your programs are in the start menu. You press the windows logo on your keyboard, type some program and hit enter. You open an icon from your desktop and it opens in the associated editor/viewer. You can open the explorer and browse your files. You can open the configuration panel and change your settings; delete software, change hardware drivers et cetera.

In Linux, you don't have all that. You have a terminal which is very daunting, inexpressive and it has a steep learning curve; even advanced Linux users don't know half the commands of their system! You don't have a fluent understanding of the directory structure. You don't know when your kernel will panic or which packages/dependencies you are missing. It's just a very uncertain system which needs a LOT of configuring and getting used to before you can do day-to-day tasks like browsing the internet or word processing.

I choose Windows as my main operating system which means I don't have to remember commands or in which directory (/etc? /mnt?) stuff goes. I install programs with installers directly accessible from the internet and they do all the work for me. I don't have to run a few commands and have to Google what software has which package name.

I am stable, fast yet advanced, innovative and highly configurable. I'm a Windows user.

Actually I'm very familiar with Linux. Use it on my servers/vps/router. My favorite distros are arch and debian. Most industry standard programs are for Windows. So why bother with Linux on the desktop?
Nice, 8/10.
Because "the desktop" is a word without objective meaning to you people. "desktop use" It refers to what you do on your desktop.

>linux sucks for tasks X, Y, and Z that I and some other people do on desktops/laptops
>therefore you shouldn't use it on desktops/laptops

Literal fucking aspergers

No surprise coming from someone who installed linux on their router.
Why does anyone give a shit what OS other people use? I had a math professor who still used OS/2 Warp in 2008. He was an eccentric hippy. But so what? It affected me.


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