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americans have fat hands

so they made a bigger phone so they wouldn't get sued
technology advances?
fat hands evolved to be superior at clapping
They also tend to forget to put down their phone when spontaneously clapping. This is why they invented gorilla glass.
>>34263396 (OP)
>Could use with one hand.
>Can't use with one hand.
Yep, technology went to the shitter.
Discuss what?
there are smaller smartphones. ie; iphone, galaxy mini series.
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That's not technology's fault, that's Samsung crap going on and people falling for that korean garbage

My 3.7 inch lumia is exactly the right size for single-hand usage.
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and this? Blackberry Q10
2100 mAh, 1.5GHz dual-core processor, 2GB RAM
>qwerty phone
Sorry, I'm not a woman.
Just get a smaller phone if you don't want to use two hands

No one's forcing you to buy anything
>people falling for that korean garbage

Falling for what though? Koreans and Japanese people themselves like the bigger phones.

Nokia themselves make all kinds of sizes. There's even a 6" Lumia reportedly coming out.
If you don't like large phones you're a manlet
>>34263396 (OP)
It was easier to hold a phone and fap.
I miss those times.
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>10 years ago



Locked down computer that's also a google tracking device.

>2 years from now

Full fledged computer that I can run sudo apt-get --purge remove botnet on, where I can finally go back to just having my location tracked.

Tell that to the literal manlets in asia making these for themselves.
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>He uses a physical keyboard
Sounds nice and I would love to get one, but no apps
They're making them for the ubermensch, aka people of European descent.
>he makes typing less comfortable to conform to fashions
>he doesn't have a slide-out QWERTY
>because it's not fashionable

Fucking consumers.


You're good at being handsome and fighting wars, that's about it.
I'm American, but my ancestors came here from Europe and conquered the natives.
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>he can't use swype
What is there to discuss, technology gets better/more jewish.

Yeah because the shitty Samsung Note is a shining example of smartphones
>Colour screen on a phone in 2002

Were you some kind of richfag OP?

I remember when Polyphonic ringtones were for richfags
Swype is ship and is only gook fur the most basic of nerds rages

Even if you sunk have sausage fingers, semen will have to serf terrible typos like this

Your people also slowly evolved to have smaller brains and fatter bodies in their new hamburger rich environment.
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>implying swype is anywhere near as awesome as a phys QWERTY
We developed inventions that catapulted us centuries ahead of where we would have been before hand.
See: Transistor, microprocessor, internet
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Definitely not a narrow one like that thing. Look at it restricting screen space.

Too bad the best keyboards are on shit phones.
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>Not still using a Sony Ericsson Cybershot K800i for ultimate camera-to-phone technology

Meh, Blackberries will never be anything other than a girl's texting/BBM machine
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Koreans are crazy, and Japanese are clinging onto their flip phones like crazy while severely hating anything coming from korea

anything >5 inch as a phone is not practical. Also anything from Korea with google software on it make my red flags stand up straight
The 9900's keyboard was widely acknowledged to be best in industry, and for good reason. the Q10's is even bigger than the 9900's. there's no way the droid 3's keyboard is nicer than either the 9900's or the Q10's.
If your upper class, bred for intelligence and looks by the selection pressures of society (unlike the rejects that form the lower classes), is a credit to your whole race, then black people are amazing because a few of them had advanced kingdoms in the muslim ages and all jews are rich geniuses instead of mostly being grumpy, semi-fanatical sheep that do anything rabbis tell them.

>Sony Ericsson
>dat stick that eventually becomes unusable

Enjoy your irritating as fuck phone
I hear Japan is crazy about apple products and all use iPhones these days.

all humans are shit except for the upper crust and we wouldn't function in groups if it was any other way
>implying it still isn't going strong from when I got it on release day
top lel
>At 25 mpg, an original Model T would still give you better fuel economy that most vehicles on US roads today

Maybe you got a decent model, but I owned one very similar to that where the stick would only recognise left and down movements. I ended up throwing it against the wall after 3 months in a fit of autistic teenage angst
>better than touchscreen
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We used to have passenger planes that travelled faster than the speed of sound. now, we dont
Maybe you just got a shit model then, because everyone I knew that had one never had any problems. One of my friends still uses his as well.
Even for typing, maggot.
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We used to have rockets that brought us to the moon. now, we dont
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Nowadays the Chinese stole the blueprints for our most advanced military weapons and aeroplanes

Feels bad man. inb4 chinese invasion in Alaska when oil supplies run low
Haha no.

How do humans work? They don't expect physical feedback by nature at all! They don't use their highly sensitive fingertips to locate things, like keys, they look at thing with eyes designed to assess large scale situations and pick things off in the distance.

They were expensive and a waste of time because we weren't building bases. We were just collecting rocks.

Now we're collecting rocks on mars instead.
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>better for anything
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>still using a cramped Galaxy Note
Sure is summer in here.
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We used to send probes outside of the solar system. now, we dont
I saw someone walk around talking on a Note 8 a few days ago. It looked ridiculous. It almost covered his whole right side of the head.
>needing textured feedback to locate keys
>can't do it by muscle memory
It's like you can't even human.
>having to learn the locations of keys over time, treating your phone like a musical instrument that takes a few weeks to master instead of using something intuitive
>still at a disadvantage if your phone slips by a fraction of an inch while you type, or if your hand is shaky

You really do like to suffer for fashion.
We used to waste our money and resources on cool novelty projects.

Now we don't.

Now we're working on commercializing spaceflight and planning multiple colonial missions instead. Now we're working on a way to bring humanity to the stars instead of bringing pictures of the stars to humanity.
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You should see the japanese appstore, new games popping out all the time.

They're all very grindy and cash driven though.
phones are too big nowadays
4.7 inches I mean what the fuck
4" seems most that can be used comfortably one handed
I have a Galaxy Mini and that's bullshit.
>mfw it's probably the most secure plane ever
>mfw it's also one of the most reliable planes ever

>tfw fuel being too expensive
feels bad mang
concorde was expensive as shit and a pain in the ass.

you had to completely screen the runway for debris manually as the smallest bit could cause a fatal accident with concorde, e.g. what happened to AF 4950.

a dc10 lost a 17 inch strip of metal on deparature to the states on the runway before, rupturing the tire, and this debris ruptured the fuel tank.

tl;dr concorde was a massive, expensive, dangerous pain in the ass.
Android was Apples idea. Disprove me faggots:

Before Smart Phones Apple made the iPhone.

Then all of a sudden everyone wanted a Smart Phone.

You can't even disprove this shit.
I didn't want a smart phone back then and I don't want one now.
My nigga. I don't see the appeal in them. I just want a device that can ring and text people without having to spend upwards of $500 just to get one that actually works.
Your statement is merely anecdotal and fails to act as proof.
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we could discuss this endlessly, but they made a blackberry-esque prototype and a prototype for touch android called the dream in 2006, they were planning on blackberry-esque release first and then later the dream, but the iphone's release caused them to hasten these plans for capacitive screens, not turn towards them for the first time.
Debris can affect pretty much any plane

Concorde wasn't dangerous, there's only one accident in all it's history of fliying

It was fuckexpensive, but it was the fastest civil transport ever, the only thing comparable being the Tu-144 that never flyed without a shitton of problems
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I agree, android was made into an iOS clone at the last minute. It's better than iOS now, but it's still shit in countless ways.

Ubuntu phone and tizen will fix things, hopefully. I want a phone where I can remove the in depth tracking and all dependence on it.

FirefoxOS will not fix things, it's "made for mobile", in the sense that "mobile" must be limited instead of "desktop" optimized for a touchscreen.
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implying any method of input doesn't require learning and has a learning curve..

It's like qwerty VS dvorak discussion. neither is better and people learn to type equally fast on either
debris can affect any plane but combining the concorde's design and rare flights with the expensive fares and despite that losing revenue (where the plane was kept out of national pride) it was doomed to failure.

if the accidents and reputation didn't kill the concorde, higher fuel prices did.
Smartphones of the past
>you can do anything you want with them

Smartphones now
>locked down
>media consumption devices
>muh apps
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>They were expensive and a waste of time because we weren't building bases.

Your a special type of stupid aren't you?
Except with physical keyboards, most everyone is already over the learning curve, muscle memory (in both hands!) isn't as crucial (you can feel where the keys are) and the only disadvantage is not being up to some dumb fashion trend.
Android and iOS are both ripoffs of Debian

Before Package Managers Debian made apt-get and Synaptic

Then all of a sudden everyone wanted an app store (ie a package manager)

you cant even disprove this
>human exploration
>worth the money
How fucking retarded do you have to be to get a Galaxy Note? That thing is too fucking huge.
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Honestly, I have a Galaxy but I keep going back to my candybar Nokia on most occasions. The only thing it's good for is displaying pictures because of the screen size, but the horrid keyboard (even with Swype/Fleksy/Swiftkey, typing on a static screen is terrible) and the fact that you cannot comfortably use it in any position but with two hands while standing upright I don't really play any games either, Angry Birds lost its entertainment value after about the third level, and every other feature sans the wifi is available on my other phone. Which doesn't really matter since I have an unlimited data plan. I even use the same fucking browser.

The claim I was replying to stated that 'everyone' wants such a device. I'm a part of that group, and since it does not apply to me, the statement is disproved. I cannot present any physical proof to make YOU believe, but that's another thing.
>standing upright makes me less inclined to use it*

Don't know what happened there.
the z22 was a fantastic basic pda in the era before smartphones. very cheap, super long battery life, good handwriting recognition.

god I loved that thing until it broke
>spending it on football players and movie stars paychecks instead
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>3 of my smartphones broke
>this thing still works just fine
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Excuse me for my ignorance.

But isn't the advance in mobile technology entirely based on the ability to make things smaller and smaller?
>overpriced, risky ways to gather trivial information when you have several safer and cost effective alternatives
>ever needing to launch more than one or two probes into the outer solar system
>not advancing telescope technology and preparing to put humans on extraterrestrial bodies permanently
>not planning to expand off-planet populations
This shit makes me sad. Instead of exploring space USA "saves" money and spends some hundred milliards (billions) to beat the shit out from 2 sand nigger country.

Money well spent I guess
You can slam any given Nokia phone into the ground and it'll work fine in all cases. Hell, it takes a good dozen falls even for the screen to crack.
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>Implying its not
>Implying NASA doesn't usually have a return on investment between $8 and $14

Also they invent stuffs
>special sections for blacks, indians, and puerto ricans

Yes, they need highlighting, or else people would hate them for being useless by majority.

>New Horizons
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Wtf man? I can't tell the difference between the T and the Y key from the way how they feel. All keys feel the same

When you're typing on a physical keyboard, that's pure muscle memory. The only advantage of a physical keyboard is tactile response, which you can have on a touch screen if you enable it to vibrate.

the major disadvantage of a touchscreen keyboard is that it's super awkward to hold it and type on it, especially when it's >4 inch in size
'murrifats are fucking stupid and they'll buy anything they don't need for money they don't have.
PS. I still use nokia 6020.
>Thinking people want smartphones because of their app management

P.T.: they don't... they actually hate the app management in smart phones.


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