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I have a mother who except for the bare basics of computing and internet usage (and even smartphone usage), needs me for every computer she has. Even for basic computer problems she needs me. I have been dealing with this for about 10 years since the age of 15 (I'm now 25) (and sadly that type of experience would be useful in a real job, but actually useless since they need a certificate to prove it).

I would love to just spend a day teaching her how to actually use her computer so she would be less dependent on me. But she will have a minor problem which she will suddenly "forget" her training need me because she will not have time to do it but she rather has me do it so she can just watch. I want to just scream NO and "I can't help you with basic problems you keep seeing", but she will have a raging fit the instant I say no.

I want to find how can I can help my mother be less technology impaired without me getting a brain aneurysm. And two questions: Is it possible to make money teaching technology impaired people to be more self-reliant because there seems to be a lot of people who only know bare basics of computing. And, how do you people deal with people who are depenent on family members and you for free tech support?
>>34422996 (OP)
Start charging them.
Can't: My mother is unemployed, and she will have a raging fit. Besides I'm unemployed as well.
How old is your mom?
Either have sex with her or stop posting on 4chan.
>Can't do anything but bend to others' will because "they will be upset with me"
If you ever do get a girlfriend, prepare to get whipped m8.
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>whole family unemployed
>pic related
>>34422996 (OP)
I feel your pain man.

>"Hey Anon, this message popped up on this website that says I have a virus!"
> "Mom remember what happened the last time you did this?"
>"But this says their product was scanned by Norton Antivirus."
About 52 years of age
Fuck you, get out.
I'm sorry, but not giving a fuck is not an option. I don't have a job yet and still dependent on my mother and father for financial support.
There are other people who have them, you expect them to be obviously poor?
Maybe we could arrange a system where your mom helps me relinguish my sexual frustration and i will help your mom financially. This way you could charge your mom for your services.
Either stop the bitching and help her out, or stop helping her so you can stop bitching.
One or the other.

Be happy your mother knows which way the remote should point. It's about every couple days she's calling on me to figure out why her soaps aren't playing, and all I have to do is turn the remote around.
>It's about every couple days she's calling on me to figure out why her soaps aren't playing, and all I have to do is turn the remote around.

Let me guess, its a ery complicated remote with buttons everyewhere amd she's too afraid of them to even bother reading them?
My mom signed me up for a credit card I didn't ask for.
oh also she gets her identity stolen all the time so I was pretty glad she used her computer for this purpose
>>34422996 (OP)
Your mom loves you and enjoys having the oportunity to interact with you.
This anon is telling the truth, I was just going to post it.
Problem is that she has been treating me as a surrogate husband.
Well, unfortunately, the nature of life is that you won't have this problem forever.
>>34422996 (OP)
>Is it possible to make money teaching technology impaired people
Of course, people give courses for that stuff. I see ads for it in grocery stores sometimes. "learn Word Excel Email etc.etc."
>how do you people deal with people who are depenent on family members and you for free tech support?
I help them, and I actually enjoy it. It's what people do in life. She gives you love, food, a roof, security etc.. You give back what you can.

I charge people who are not friends or family, unless they can give something useful back to me. So it's still the same deal.
You're a privileged little fucking asshole, aint ya?
Another wise post of this anon. OP be happy with her. Trust me.
I had to make up for spending half the day trolling /b/
You'll miss her when she's gone ;_;

be nice and help her.
Seriously bro, you're living with your parents in your mid-20s, presumably rent free. The least you can do is help them with their computer shit, even if the problems are mostly stupid.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. I've been there.

Just look at it as part of paying "rent."
Disguise firefox to look like internet explorer. Put adblock plus on it. 98% of the internet problems will be fixed.

Other comp stuff, that's difficult. Quiz her. Make an attempt to actually teach her. I know mine took a year to really get used to the DVR, after spending who knows how long to get used to the VCR, but she did and never asks me on it.

My dad though... at least he fully understands that he has no idea what he's doing, so he'll ask for help first before trying to mess with things. He can barely operate a 900mhz wireless phone from the 90s (fucking thing won't die, i love it, but they're getting price gouged on home phone bad).
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Just good to know there are intelligent anons around.
If I can get a job, which is never since companies are too damn cheap to hire people. It's bad enough I have major depression.
You didn't understand what he said. This guy did though >>34424116
and these too:
Be thankful if your tech illiterate parents realize that they are tech illiterate.
It far more frustrating if you have to deal with tech illiterate people who thinks they know shit.
a million times this
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My old relatives are cool, because when I help them, they're more than willing to learn. Helping them out gives me that warm fuzzy feeling. Them feels are awesome.

My closer relatives are not so great. They expect everything to work perfectly, as advertised. They whine when they lose cellular coverage, and ask extremely vague questions like "How do I know my stuff is on the cloud." They also check up on my every know and then because I do a bunch of shit on Linux, got a huge ass gaming computer, and I also have a Guy Fawkes mask.
My mother today:
>bottle sprayer with water and cloth
>sprays on power supply in my opened case
>cleans it
>I try to explain to her how she could have died
>she shrugs and continues to watch something retarded on TV
I failed as a son
Actually teaching somebody is hard because some people just outright don't want to learn. I enjoy helping and teaching people so long as they actually try. But I had to teach my mother on and off how to copy and paste for close to four years, which flies right into laziness and not giving a fuck. Most people who can't use technology are trapped by the idea that they shouldn't NEED to learn this stuff, along with a crippling lack of faith in their own skills and instincts. Common misconceptions don't help, some people are outright scared of their computer and can't escape the paranoia that it'll explode if they do even the smallest thing wrong. It's why supposedly intelligent people turn into retards when met with a screen, they just don't care enough to learn
>If I can get a job, which is never since companies are too damn cheap to hire people.
Where do you live? Detroit?
Honestly, even in this shithole of an economy, I think most people could get a job doing something. I have some degree of sympathy if you're in your 40s and have been doing the same thing for the past 20+ years (still not a free pass to collect unemployment for months/years).

What gets me is the attitude a lot of people in their 20s seem to have -- "Oh, the economy is terrible, I can't get a job." Well, if you live in your parents house and want out, go flip some fucking burgers for a month, save every penny, and rent a cheap room. If you live in an even remotely urban area, there are likely hundreds of rooms for $300-600/mo on your local craigslist.

Heaven forbid you tap your inner entrepreneurial spirit and figure out your own way to make money.

How about this OP: sign up for ebay's affiliate program. Offer a free class which teaches elderly/tech illiterate to use ebay. Show them how to bid on / buy an item (can be something cheap, like $2 cheap). Get paid for every person that signs up to ebay and buys something. I knew a guy who did this a few hours once a week at his local community center and made a pretty penny on the side.

God I hate those people

>I do a bunch of shit on Linux, got a huge ass gaming computer, and I also have a Guy Fawkes mask.
You sound like an idiot though, I hope that was a trolling attempt.
>It's bad enough I have major depression.
Oh, you're one of those. If you have a legitimate physiological problem, I'm sorry to hear that. Please seek the help you need, there are countless taxpayer-sponsored programs to get you medication and/or therapy.

Sadly, it's far more likely that you're an entitled little shit. Yes, life can be hard. Get over it and get off your ass. You'll feel better if you're being productive - even if that means flipping burgers to rent a room. I believe people who believe they have "depression" are actually feeling a sense of powerlessness in their own lives. Being broke and living with your parents as an adult is practically the definition of 'powerlessness'. So, get a job (even if it's shitty), move out of your parents house, get yourself some degree of personal autonomy. You'll be shocked at how wildly improved your general mood and well being will become.
>>34422996 (OP)

Get employed, then tell your mom that all you want to do when you get back from work is enjoy your time and not fixing peoples' computers. She'll give you benefit of the doubt because you work and get tired throughout the day. A man needs his rest.
>Get paid for every person that signs up to ebay and buys something.
Is that an (automatic) Ebay thing or did he arrange that with the clients himself?
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>>34422996 (OP)
This is what Macs are for. I had to help my mother all the time when she had a Windows PC, I suggested she get a MacBook, and she has almost never asked for my help since. And she does more on the Mac, like managing all her photos in iPhoto, than she ever did on her PC.
>sign up for ebay's affiliate program
Sorry, missed that. Reread and understood.
all good breh
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> I want to find how can I can help my mother be less technology impaired without me getting a brain aneurysm.
Buy her a mac.

> Is it possible to make money teaching technology impaired people to be more self-reliant because there seems to be a lot of people who only know bare basics of computing.
Yes, but it's not like the old days.

> And, how do you people deal with people who are depenent on family members and you for free tech support?
I help the people I like and I don't help the people I don't like.
>Where do you live? Detroit?

I live in DC, and in addition to technology skills I have a degree in Government and Politics.

>Honestly, even in this shithole of an economy, I think most people could get a job doing something. I have some degree of sympathy if you're in your 40s and have been doing the same thing for the past 20+ years (still not a free pass to collect unemployment for months/years).

I actually I'm on disablity, I do get money each week.

>What gets me is the attitude a lot of people in their 20s seem to have -- "Oh, the economy is terrible, I can't get a job." Well, if you live in your parents house and want out, go flip some fucking burgers for a month, save every penny, and rent a cheap room. If you live in an even remotely urban area, there are likely hundreds of rooms for $300-600/mo on your local craigslist.

Fast food jobs aren't exactly hiring with for 80 people for every one position. And even if there are hundreds of room available, most of them are likely be in gang-ridden areas.

I wish it was that easy.
>technology skills

>I have a degree in Government and Politics
As I'm sure you know, this is essentially worthless

>I actually I'm on disablity, I do get money each week.
I love how 'feeling blue' is a disability now. Have you considered moving out with this money? Have you invested it into anything that could potentially elevate your financial status or general well being?

>Fast food jobs aren't exactly hiring with for 80 people for every one position.
>And even if there are hundreds of room available, most of them are likely be in gang-ridden areas.
Move to a different city or state. But that would probably mess up your gubmint bennies though, right?

>I wish it was that easy.
There's your problem
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>Move to a different city or state. But that would probably mess up your gubmint bennies though, right?

I'm afraid that cost money. I bet you're going to suggest North Dakota but housing there is way beyond budget.

(I bet you have a real job do you?)
OP, move out.
>I'm afraid that cost money.
Didn't you just say that you get money every week on account of your 'disability'? What do you do with it? Saving it, I assume, is a notion you've rationalized your way out of long ago.

Doesn't have to be north dakota. Move somewhere that isn't gang-ridden, if that's a legitimate concern for you.

People on very limited budgets move across the country all the time. What's stopping you?

I'm self employed.
>some people just outright don't want to learn
That's completely true.
It's every month I get money from disability (SSI). I get money every week from working in my father's office too.
>Mac = Computer for retards/lazy fucks/technophobes
Finally an use for Apple products.


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