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Cell phone jammers, are they worth it?
>>34730562 (OP)
are you asking if its worth the price?

or are you asking if its worth the felony that you would get for using it?
Why do you want one?

Also, hope that the NSA agent on 4chan doesn't notice.
is it worth buying one? I'm looking for one that fits in my pocket.
Absollutely. Rude cellphone users deserve to be shut down.
1.) Do you need one?
if yes - go to 2
if no - No.
2.) Are you willing to pay for it?
if yes - Yes.
if no - No.
>>34730562 (OP)
where do i buy one
engineering or computer science major detected.
>mfw I'm still not out of high school
Why is it illegal?
all the better for you then.
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I just want to use it in the theater, check this one out
I wish they would use them in cinemas but apparently there are laws against it.
Because murder become elementary to get away with
Who still goes to cinemas? Just download the goddamn blu-ray rip.
Because if someone needed to call 911 and that stupid piece of shit was running it'd stop it from happening.
On top of that it likely interrupts or jams emergency radio services.
There's a reason the FCC doesn't fuck around when it comes to any and all radio wave broadcasting.
cinemas have hot girls
Many theaters are getting jammers installed that prevent regular calls but allow emergency calls.

>Why didn't anyone call 911 when the theater set on fire?
>Because Anon had a jammer
>One count of possessing a jammer
>Two hundred counts of first-degree mans laughter

Many people.
>inb4 3dpd
that you will never talk to

>implying Blu-ray rips are available when a movie is in a theater
>oh you
Sometimes people just want to spend some time with a special someone in a dark theater.
How would they know if one of these was active? Besides their phones not working, that is.
>Besides their phones not working, that is.
It's not just phones that it jams, but a wide range of radio waves.

How do you find black holes if you can't see them?
>>34730562 (OP)
>Cell phone jammers, are they worth it?
sometimes yes, I'd imagine.

I don't have one though because I am in the USA and only the fed government is allowed to interfere with cellphone transmissions. For anyone else (even state and local governments) it is a felony. They can't even use jammers in prisons, even though they know prisoners get phones smuggled in occasionally,,,,,,, you have heard of the iPhone? Well how about the assPhone? ;>)

You CAN get the jammers somehow in the USA though, because about once or twice a year some hotel owner gets busted for running one, to force people to use the in-room pay phones.
why would you use a jammer when a theater is on fire anyway

Girls just wanna have fun
I still don't understand.
cell phone jammers don't create black holes
>How do you find black holes if you can't see them?

not the same
youre retarded
If you turn it on AFTER the fire, then it's no laughter, it becomes second-degree murder.

The answers to the two questions are the same
dumbass. if you can't see something you can still study the phenomena it produces which you can observe. you then learn stuff about that which you are studying even if you can't see it.
10/10 laughed hard
They probably aren't very effective considering that in BR prisons that have them, inmates still manage to call outside with their smuggles cellphones.

in this case, its a white hole, figure that one out genius.
>trusting authorities to not help criminals
deep in their assholes, they are probably shielded from the jammer's effect.

oh wait...
i think i would be too busy fleeing the fire to turn anything on
Excuse me, princess.
you must write fanfics, dont you?
Which is why that (and my manslaugher charge) implies that you would turn it on before the fire, and forget to turn it off.
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>never owned a cellphone
>carry a portable jammer with me in public
>mfw riding the bus or train and inconsiderate, loud, situationally unaware people freak out and are completely unable to function when their irritating device loses connectivity for a few measly minutes

Now if only I could block loudmouthed women from speaking near me and my passive aggressive erection would reach maximum size and throb like a second heart.
Enjoy your felony.
I live in Europe.
Enjoy the gallows
How would they catch him
How are you liking the Americum?

Dohoho, that image in combination with this post made my laugh heartily. You are doing God's work, anon.
The same way they catch people who illegally broadcast.
How do they catch people who illegally broadcast? How long will you guys keep posting analogies without actually explaining anything?
For not paying his TV license
>>34730906 :: badumtsk
>>34730917 :: why would it have to be me then, for all we know I'd probably have perished in the fire too
I would use a jammer in the theater just to piss off people who want to talk to others on the phone before the movie even starts.
Not him, but sorry for assuming you aren't retarded.
You follow the signal. Or white noise, depending on the case.

Goddamn, just look up black holes and you'll get it

a low powered personal jammer should be ok
What if you only get charred?
Besides, in most states, there is no difference in punishment for an attempted felony and a committed felony.
If I get doubles, I'll buy a cell phone jammer and use it in a government building until I'm caught.
>>34731075 :: who knows, if I was stupid enough to leave the device powered ON and have it on me as evidence then yeah I very likely deserve the assfucking.
>king of shitposting

seems legit
use it near a hospital or airport
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>Two hundred counts of first-degree mans laughter

I can dig it. 200 people burning to death because one guy decided to use a cell phone jammer is pretty hilarious.
>portable jammer

DIY or purchase?
How long would it take before someone realizes they are being jammed to alert the authorities to triangulate your ass?

This is assuming you use a pocket-jammer that you flip on and off discretely at your convenience.
They can catch the transmitter using tower triangulation. The same way they'd find a specific cell signal, only they'd be looking for a small area devoid of cell traffic.

I didn't get doubles, so I'm not doing it.

Actually it's more specific than that.

Generally it's disruption in a specific area, usually a complaint from someone. Then the FCC(or whatever regulatory body you have) sends a followup van that tries to localize the disruption.
Luckily for you, you'll probably serve in federal prison first (while receiving care for your burns) before you're hauled off to state court (thanks to the Supremacy doctrine) so you'll have time to heal and prepare for the assfucking.
Because possession of the hardware is not a crime, is why you can get them.
Well, you're more likely to be found due to proximity than anything.

Since you will use it along x paths/places, that will very likely incriminate you especially if you're caught on camera and they review it.
Yes. Go to a starbuck and have this in your jacket. Fuck with everyone else.
Well, you'd actually be getting the hipsters to finally start working on that novel.
I feel like it would be highly unlikely that they'd ever pursue you unless you were being a really big pain in the ass to the public and were using a 5 watt jammer or something.
Lots of inexpensive chinese-made jammers can also block wifi for extra lulz.
>walk in cinema early
>place jammer one row away and turn it on
>movie ends
>retrieve jammer
>walk away
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were you referring to a similarly-named coffee chain?
Well it also depends on where you use it, if you're on a open place with high elevation, the noise from the jammer might travel a fair distance.

Again, it really depends on various factors, like how dense the area you're living in is.
As if knowing simple if/then/else boolean syntax were even remotely impressive.
>Lots of inexpensive chinese-made jammers can also block wifi

Why would you need to buy anything when deauth attack works just fine?
>walk in cinema early
>place jammer one row away and turn it on
>movie ends
>try to retrieve jammer
>cannot because police investigation into 200 deaths
A: Because you'd still have to have a wifi chipset capable of this type of attack.
B: Why bother using a deauth attack when your cell jammer also jams wifi?
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>200 deaths

Humanity has been successfully jammed
Has anyone actually used one?
A:I do.
B:One lands you in jail, while you can laugh yourself stupid with the other. Pick one.
enjoy your watchlist

I bet you don't even go on facebook, you serial killer
Code monkey detected.
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le jammed face
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Yes. A family member owns one similar to OP's pic. It works pretty good, but it's not something you'd want to keep running in your pocket all the time. The battery has limited life and it gets kinda hot.
It breaks to flow of logic and is unnecessary.
Code monkey.
>It breaks to flow of logic
>it's not easy enough for a monkey to follow
>gets hot
>sets pants on fire
>someone tried to call 911; can't because cellphone is being jammed
>person with the jammer dies in a blazing fireball of glory
>cellphones start working again
You're confused. This thread is about CELL jammers. My point was if you're using a jammer in the first place, in a starbucks, why not use one that also jams wifi.

Also, I wouldn't be too sure a deauth attack is legal.
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>unmaintainable spaghetti code
makes me want to buy a 3g dongle just to see if the firmware is rewritable to shit out noise on all frequencies
>any good adjective
ITT: Edgy teenagers
>I blindly follow other people's beliefs without question

Code monkey.
Probably because one would look less suspicious with a laptop instead of a jammer.

Though I concede that this is a thread about cell jammers.
>That's most of the website
No, the aim is to block Edge
>mommy, he doesn't agree with me!
>not using real arguments
we're all doing it now
>5w jammer
Cooked balls.
Aww looky, its scared of the NSA.
How cute.
when I was in 9th grade a senior bought one of these from me
I think I paid about $34 for it off DX (the first thing I ever bought off DX) and sold it to him for $60
I don't remember how it got to me buying it for him but I still look back on it fondly now that you reminded me of it
>the joke
The serial killer/facebook like should have given it away
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how do you get a cinema on fire
>this is what murikkans actually believe
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