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Asus destroyed my laptop toaster's harddrive when I sent it in to repair, claiming that they had to in accordance to an EPA regulation. Looking it up, all we found was a 2006 regulation stating how companies must throw out electronic equipment, not that they had to throw it out.

I just want to know if I can push this further and if there's a legal argument to be had against them.
>>35307337 (OP)
they gave you a new one right?

why complain?

They do it so that the affiliated company who sent it in (example, best buy) can charge you $150 to put windows back on it
Them: >$10 billion dollar tech company
You: Likely a 16 year old virgin

Yeah man... Take em to court.

That being said, were you redeeming an RMA or were you sending it into lelGeekSquad for repair?

There was data on the damned hard-drive that I didn't want to be lost. They destroyed it without my permission and I had already requested that they send back the hard-drive so I could get it restored myself when I had the time and money. Why would I complain about getting a new one?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that my old HD has a ton of valuable information on it and I have no idea what's happened to it other than the claim they made about destroying it.
>without my permission
You signed a rma form right? read the fine print.

You should have backed up idiot. You dun goofed

no faggot, I didn't sign any form. I always read the fine print.
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>valuable information
I think we may have different opinions on what constitutes value, but I digress. /g/ is not the best place to ask for legal advice.

Yeah, my friend posted the OP for me because I've never posted on 4chan before. I browse but never post.

What I meant by valuable information is my bank account info, credit card info, account logins, etc.

I also lost a book I spent months writing and was making a very decent amount of progress in. I was going to publish it. Whoops.
>Backup Data
>Please backup your data to an external device or media (i.e. flash drive, SD card) before sending your product for service or before performing any troubleshooting procedure. (ASUS is not liable for any data loss incurred during the service).ASUS is solely responsible for service and examination. We apologize for not providing any forms of data recovery or back-up solution in the process of servicing.

That wasn't even fine print. that was large in your face print

The hard-drive was damaged to the point of being unable to back-up anything. But hey, thanks for finally posting something useful. But this wasn't on any form I had to sign.

If I could have backed up, I would have.
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Anyways OP congrats for fighting for your right srs, if more people were like you the world wouldnt be such a lazy shithole

But you're also forgetting that there's a difference between data loss and destroying the shit and throwing it away.
>bank account info, credit card info, account logins,
>digitally stored without backup
as expected of underagedb&

Thanks, lol.

I try. I know that this is utterly hopeless but I still try.

Nah, bro. It's browser data that hasn't been cleared before my hard-drive failed.

Plus I just don't have an external hard-drive to pull from my ass and use. I haven't had the money for one until I got a job a few months ago and completely forgot about considering.
... no there isn't.

If under warranty I assume they replaced your hard drive for a comparable version. That's what you signed up for with the rma was it not?

I didn't sign up for anything that I know of. I'll ask my father if he did because this was a gift to me from last Christmas. But if he signed any paperwork like that, there's no way he'd be complaining. He's won lawsuits on his own without a lawyer before and there's no way he'd be stupid enough not to read fine print.

Yes, they replaced my hard-drive. But it was requested that they send the old one back with the laptop so that I may have the ability to restore the data. They said nothing about throwing it away. My friend has an ASUS computer and when he sent it in, he got his hard drive back. It's weird that I never got mine back because everyone else does.
Do you think ASUS really cares about a 16 year old kid, who didn't read the warning on their site or understand the terms or agreements that you went into when you sent it in?
Do you think your father can really win a lawsuit against a large company who have to deal with idiot customers like yourself who were clearly warned of the consequences but didn't pay heed, then turn around and flip their shit when the exact thing they were warned of happens?
Do you think their legal team has no experience in customers complaining about the "valuable" data, or the security of a non-returned hard drive? How many times do you think they get this complaint?
How naive you are for thinking that you didn't sign anything when rmaing a product! "That I know of" is the key words because you obviously have no idea of what's going on in this exchange.

I sent my laptop to get repaired for a simple problem in the headphone jack. Beforehand what did I do? I backed up my data, wiped the drive, and loaded their default factory windows with bloat(TM) OS. When I got to the store, they tried to throw at me it was a software issue, I pointed out the factory OS. I got a call, and they destroyed my hard-drive, and replaced it with another. In the end they managed to screw it all up, and I got a brand new nice laptop that I'm typing on right now, with all of my original backed up data.

You have no right, legal or logical, to say you are in the wrong. You lose. Good day Sir.
You're supposed to back up your data BEFORE your drive dies, genius. It won't work if you try after the fact.

And if you couldn't get the data off of your drive, what makes you think ASUS could?
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>storing any more than a day or two's worth of important data on a tiny playing-card sized spinning magnetic hard drive slapped with no breathing room into the case of a cramped, hot laptop with very little or nothing in the way of ventilation or physical shock suppression
>expecting your data to last forever

>sending your hard drive in to a service company
>expecting them not to attempt just reimaging it and then tossing the drive and slapping in a new one if that doesnt work

Hi there, welcome. I see you're new to this 'technology' thing. I'll be happy to show you around. I'll be your chaffeur
Oh yes, there are rules here


>Implying I'm going to file a lawsuit

>Didn't read the warning on their site that's completely unrelated to purposely throwing a hard-drive out on purpose whereas it describes accidental data loss

>No idea what's going on in the exchange

I didn't buy the laptop, faggot.

Oh cool, you backed up your data, which is exactly what I couldn't do. Stop trying to make this point.

I am definitely in the wrong. You clearly can't comprehend what my issue is with that shitty brain of yours. I have every right to complain when I have been lied to by a company and caught them in the lie by looking up the law they supposedly claimed to abide by and found that it was clearly something different from what they described. Good day to you, too, cunt.
I said good day
>File: 1373940027556.jpg-(261 KB, 960x128

I had made a request before the laptop was received to send the hard-drive BACK WITH THE COMPUTER. They did not abide to this request. Therefore, they did not hold up what they agreed to do.

No, I'm not new to jack shit. I had nothing to back-up to considering I'm poor as fucking shit and can't afford any sort of external hard-drive. TRUST me, I would have done so if I could.
>purposely throwing a hard-drive out on purpose whereas it describes accidental data loss

>purposely throw hard drive after 'accidentally' discovering that the CLICKING HARD DRIVE is absolutely unrecoverable except by some agency with a scanning electron microscope and money -- national security money, and nothing but time.

Sorry dude, data is lost and there is literally nothing you have on them.
>I didn't buy the laptop
buying the fucking laptop doesn't have to do the rma policies fucktard.

>I had made a request before the laptop was received to send the hard-drive BACK WITH THE COMPUTER. They did not abide to this request
>thinking they have to abide by your shitty request
>thinking they agreed to send it back to you

>I had nothing to back-up to considering I'm poor as fucking shit and can't afford any sort of external hard-drive. TRUST
Skydrive, google drive, drop box... a single $5 flash drive

>No, I'm not new to jack shit
>being this new
There was probably a miscommunication between receiving and the actual technicians who reimaged the laptop.

In either case, if they sent back the drive, there's not a thing on God's green earth you could do to recover the data, so they did you a favor.
Why are you so insistent on pursuing this?

It still doesn't change the fact that the data could have been restored. It's almost as if they automatically assumed, "Hey, this kid's hard-drive is fucked. Let's just throw it out, he won't be able to afford to have it repaired and I doubt he'll spend the actual time keeping the hard-drive in his room until he can afford it."

"Yeah, let's throw it out."

That doesn't seem a little wrong to you guys in the slightest? :L
moonstar akemi?
'merica! Sue! Sue! Sue!

God I hate the people of my country

>I doubt he'll spend the actual time keeping the hard-drive in his room until he can afford it.
How much do you think dead harddrive recovery costs?
>That doesn't seem a little wrong to you guys in the slightest?
Of course it does. Doesn't change reality though

If you had the kind of money to send the drive in to have the bloody platters scanned, you wouldn't have sent your laptop to them at all in the first place.

>the data could have been restored
Probably not.
Write head crash? MBR corruption? MFT corruption? You're fucked either way.
>>35307337 (OP)
Fuck off Dumbass, next time, learn
A) Always backup irreplaceable info.
B)Never assume you'll get the same product back that you send in.

Sure there's a way I can recover data. All I have to do is have money. lol


Hey fuckface, it's not like it was my decision to send the laptop in or not. Do I look like a goddamn technician to you? I had no other choice.
How much do you think data recovery costs?
>You have to be a technician to repair a laptop.
90% of the time, you can easily do it.

>it's not like it was my decision to send the laptop in or not
Yes it was.

>I had no other choice
local repair shops, learning how to do it on your own

also realize this argument has nothing to do with either of his two points
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>data loss
But that's not applicable because it's property loss. Not to mention, that's generally under the assumption that the data was lost while ASUS was tinkering with it to see if they could fix it.

I'm not OP, but I did send in my ASUS laptop at a certain point for my harddrive failure and they sent my old 500GB harddrive back with my laptop after replacing it with a 1TB.
I didn't have this issue.

>"I'm a huge dumbshit complaining about underage b8 for not backing up shit"
You're not arguing anything constructive.
He's just talking about the fucking legal aspects of ASUS not giving him his property back. Just because he didn't back it up doesn't mean that he's wrong to ask for his property back. How fucking dense and condescending can you fucking be?
No it's not.
You sent it in with a problem.
They fixed it.
They disposed of the broken part.

Also realize that his argument was unrelated to the OP simply for the shitty argument of "OMG BACK UP UR SHIT LOELEOLEOELOELEOLE"

That's not constructive in the slightest. I didn't ask for captain obvious' advice here.
If that were true, then that would be saying that a company didn't for the first time ever assume that the customer doesn't understand prices and computer 'etiquette.'
>it's property loss

>Just because he didn't back it up doesn't mean that he's wrong to ask for his property back
Just because he asked nicely doesn't mean ASUS has to do what he says.
But it is.
There is nothing else to be learned from this, baka op.
Laptops are a lot more difficult to take apart and put back together than a conventional desktop.
>hurr durr no it's not
Literally ask anybody who had dealt and built with computers for years.
>Literally ask anybody who had dealt and built with computers for years.
Like myself. Who know that laptop's hard drives and ram are generally one or two screws away.
Most of /g/ would agree that replacing a laptop hard-drive is easier than legoes
Yes, they are more difficult, no, they aren't hard.
Desktops are simply unimaginable easy to service.
Especially something like a hard drive.

Except for unserviceable laptops like the macbooks, the HDD, and many other parts, are easily replaceable. The worst I've seen was an acer netbook, and even that wasn't too bad.
It's not my problem because I'm not the fucking OP. I got my harddrive back with double the storage space. OP, I would assume, legally owns the computer. People aren't allowed to just dispose of other peoples' property without consent.

Yes it does because it's his, or his parents, legal property.
>Laptops are a lot more difficult to take apart and put back together than a conventional desktop.

hurr durr no it's not
I've been putting together and tearing apart desktops and laptops for a living for the past 3 years among other duties.

What laptops are compared to desktops is more TEDIOUS. There are (generally, not always!) more screws involved in removing the hard drive.

None of it is difficult, it is just tedious, don't confuse the two.

And tedium is not an excuse for not helping yourself
Which they exchanged for an equivalent part, and tossed the defective one away.
Do you think they are going to give him an extra hdd for free?
Never mind that the hdd if actually broken, is, well, broken, and if not, OP is an idiot for sending in a laptop for a soft error.

Either way, fucking summer.
>There was data on the damned hard-drive that I didn't want to be lost.
then it's your responsibility to back it up
>People aren't allowed to just dispose of other peoples' property without consent.
>Yes it does because it's his, or his parents, legal property.
I don't mean to pull the "yeah no" card, but take a look at how ASUS laptops are built. It's like a fucking welded maze and most of the models don't allow you to take off the keyboard without taking apart half of the top.

>yes, no
Yes, they are more difficult and that's what I said. Hard is subjective.
>without consent
Except he gave it, even if he's bitching about it now. >>35307720
>People aren't allowed to just dispose of other peoples' property without consent.

Yeah dude whenever anyone changes my oil or replaces the brakes I ask for the old oil and the worn out brakes back.
Recycling, mang.
Yeah, asus has shit customer service. Even Razer has better service.
I've dealt with asus laptops, they aren't bad.
Neither is taking the top half off.

Did anyone ever say that desktops harder to service than laptops?
Laptops are easy to service, with few exceptions.
I doubt OP had a macbook, or similar.
Deal with it.

We did take apart my laptop and try to repair the hard-drive.

Problem was that the hard-drive had no visible damage. It was internal. Like any fucking generic person would have the tools to repair a hard-drive from the microscopic level.
They're supposed to replace the harddrive with a new one because it's under warranty. Even if it wasn't under warranty, they still have to give him his old harddrive back, LEGALLY.

"it's a corporation so they don't care"
invalid point now leave

Nobody cares, and oil isn't renewable so that's fucking stupid. Some people actually do ask for old brakes back and they get them.

He gave it to them for repair. That article doesn't apply to physical property, and they still were supposed to give it back.
That's when you switch it out, or RMA just the drive/ask for the part to be shipped.
Either way, if it's physically damaged, the data is gone.
>more complicated and tedious
>"hurr durr no its not hard"
Do you hear what you are saying? On top of that, what's legitimately difficult is subjective, but it always goes up the more complex it gets.
That's not true. There are was to retrieve some data-loss as long as the harddrive isn't broken into large visible chunks.
Used oil can be used. Certain trucks run off the used oil as long as it is filtered to keep large impurities out of it to not hinder the eninge.

It was on doomsday preppers yo
Used oil cannot be used as oil. Used oil can only be used as used oil. Needing more filters just complicates the process and just means you can't 'just' use used oil
No, you seem to be putting words in my mouth, I never said it's complicated or tedious, because it's not.

No they aren't.
Not only is it in the contract you signed, but that is an excellent way for people to get free hdds.

If it's physically damaged?
Not really.
The whole freezer method won't work, and I doubt op is going to pay thousands for a professional service.
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>There are was to retrieve some data-loss as long as the harddrive isn't broken into large visible chunks.

Not if it's overwritten.
I don't care if Mr. Gutmann says it's true. if it takes you a magnetic force microscope and 10 man hours to recover a single bit, then it's theoretically possible to recover an overwritten hard drive.

We don't live in theory land, we live in "if i do this I will bankrupt every nation on earth and be dead before it's done" land.
Let me make a summary for all you folks out there:
> guy's laptop stops working
> sends it to ASUS to get fixed
> they replace broken hard drive
> guy complains that they fixed it
> "The hard-drive was damaged to the point of being unable to back-up anything."

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>What laptops are compared to desktops is more TEDIOUS
>Laptops are easy to service, with a few exceptions
You are one or both of these people.

You don't need to sign a contract outside the warranty and there's nothing in ASUS laptop warranties that say they can do this.

>freezer method
I hope nobody actually tries this.
Add to that, guys breaks laptop.
Parts don't physically get damaged on their own.
It's like you think harddrives are mystical products that can't be unraveled. It's really not that complicated.

More tedious means nothing.

This sentence is tedious to read.
This sentence is more tedious to read.

Also, you do realize the warranty is EXACTLY what he is using here, so he did sign.
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No, that's not what fucking happened. Stop changing the story to make it fit your view of idiots.

>guy's laptop stops working
>sends it to ASUS to get fixed
>replaces harddrive with a new one
>guy complains he didn't get his old harddrive with his new one
>"They aren't legally allowed to throw away my property"

You're a fucking asshole.
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>More tedious means nothing.
More tedious means "more tedious."
A broken hard drive might as well be. Data recovery that isn't something soft that something like SpinRite can rectify is fucking DIFFICULT AND SLOW AND NOT WORTH IT
So they should give him a new hard drive, for free?
They exchanged it.
>more tedious means nothing
Are you trolling or just really stupid right now? Tedious is tedious which requires more work.

I love you.
This sentence is tedious to read.
This sentence is more tedious to read.

More can mean something infinitely small.

For the last time, servicing a laptop is, typically, fairly easy.
Yes, it's harder than a desktop.
That does not make it difficult.
Let me make a summary for all you folks out there:
> guy breaks working laptop
> sends it to ASUS to get fixed
> http://support.asus.com/repair.aspx?SLanguage=en
> thinks ASUS will fix hard drive with all data on it for free
> lel
> they replace broken hard drive
> guy complains that they fixed it
> "The hard-drive was damaged to the point of being unable to back-up anything."

For the record, it's more tedious to put a laptop in a box and ship it back to ASUS than it is to take out the four or five screws necessary to access the hard drive
He's asking for his old one that he already owned, with the new one that he's owed under warranty.
It's supposed to be replaced, not exchanged. It it was exchanged they would have had to fix it or put it to use. No company would want a broken harddrive
This sentence is tedious to read.
This sentence is more tedious to read.
It's been replaced and exchange according to their TOS.

They won't send the old one back, as that would be abused.
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What's tedious is to put the screws back in, actually. Some models of ASUS laptops decide to just pack everything together with tape, so if you end up having to take some tape off, then you might end up trying to do something equivalent to trying to stuff a bunch of clothing into a small suitcase.
Their TOS doesn't say that. There's nothing in the TOS that says that at all. Why are you making up things?
>>35307337 (OP)
lawfag here

what country/state do you live in?
That's what tedious means. You're making this arguing tedious.
OP, what would you have done with a physically broken drive anyway, you aren't getting it back.
Adding more to it means almost nothing.
A desktop is tedious to service.
A laptop is more tedious to service.

Both are incredibly easy to work on.
Nothing in the ASUS TOS says they have the rights to destroy and throw out property. There's also nothing in ASUS warranties that say that, and there's nothing signed when turning it in for repair.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is just factually incorrect.
What the fuck? Haha.
>means almost nothing
Except the part where it's not nothing and that it's something. You're contradicting yourself.
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>trying to do something equivalent to trying to stuff a bunch of clothing into a small suitcase.

I fear to look on the inside of your desktop computer's case
Are you saying almost nothing is the same as "is nothing" are you autistic?
No, you don't seem to understand.
Adding more to something doesn't suddenly make it this impossible task.
All it says is it is harder, even if by a miniscule, completely unnoticeable amount.
This sentence is tedious to read.
This sentence is more tedious to read.

Go take calculus.
Almost nothing IS the same as nothing.
So wait, you're complaining ASUS threw out your HDD even though you had no way of accessing the data on it because it was damanged beyond repair?

You're an idiot
For all practical purposes.
Let me guess, you haven't taken calculus yet?
We're arguing over theory, and completely off topic.
Yes, a laptop is harder to service, no it isn't difficult.

You really don't want to.

Nobody but you has said this.

That's retarded.

Stop talking about calculus. Almost nothing is almost nothing. Nothing is nothing. Almost nothing is something.
He might have planned to have it repaired. They still don't have the right to throw out personal property.
> cleverly insults a person's intelligence by asking if they've taken a math class
> can't even read ToS
> can't even handle a laptop without it breaking
> needs to send it to get repaired
> complains that its fixed

pls babby
actually, no manufacturer will send you a drive back. Even if you request it back. I work at GeekSquad City where the actual repairs take place.

if we replace a hard drive under warranty, the replacement drives have to be crushed according to all manufacturer instructions. Data backups should be a regular thing, not an oh shit kind of thing.
>implying he's the same guy who was talking about the difficulty
It's fact that it's more tedious.
It wasn't even fixed. It was replaced.

Take it to get repaired. What else would you do with a broken HDD?

>General Product Warranty Service Terms

>During the Limited Warranty Period as stated above, ASUS will, at its sole discretion, repair or replace any defective component. All spare parts or modules removed under this limited warranty period become the property of ASUS.
You're the one implying that adding more tedious to a task makes it become much harder.
No one here would agree that a desktop is hard to service.
A laptop being more tedious does not make is harder.

For all practical purposes, almost nothing is nothing.

I'm not op, I've done none of that.
Have taken calculus
It would have been different if I said "the limit of an amount of something approaching nothing"

But I didn't

I said "almost"
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This is true. I was also given it back. I'm >>35308575 and got my HD back, even having the storage capacity doubled.

Might I add that it took 8 weeks because they lost it in the shipping.
You realize that you can't do that right?
You can send it to a professional recovery service, for 5000 starting.

More tedious doesn't make it difficult, unless you consider building a desktop hard.
>What else would you do with a broken HDD?
Throw it out because you aren't getting shit back
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Light up. There is almost no gas leaking.
>Limitations of Liability

>If the product fails during normal and proper use within the warranty period, ASUS will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective parts within the product, or the product itself, with items that are functionally equivalent to that as originally supplied, or better, during the warranty period defined for the model, using new or refurbished parts or units. If the product is under warranty, the ownership of the replaced defective parts will automatically be transferred to ASUS. All components repaired or replaced by ASUS will be under warranty for the remaining period of your warranty. ASUS will recover the originally configured operating system bundled with the product if the hard drive is to be replaced. ASUS will not be liable to restore or transfer the user’s data or programs from the original hard disk

OP is a retard of the absolute highest order
But an amount that's more can easily be something approaching nothing.
Something approaching nothing, and almost nothing, are for all practical purposes, identical.
If you have a gas stove, there is always almost no gas leaking out.
It's very difficult to make a completely sealed environment.
So OP is all this mad because he is a moron who can't into logic and lost all of his animu porn?
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trololol toasters
Oh, I guess the thread is over. Someone should have posted this earlier.
What is something approaching zero?
Almost nothing.

Almost nothing includes approaching zero.
That's really awesome.

What's the specs?
>approaching zero
That doesn't mean almost zero is zero. Either something is or isn't something. Nobody can argue otherwise or else they're retarded.
As something approaches zero, it can be treated as zero.
That's the basis of calculus.
Either way, this had absolutely nothing to do with the original argument.

More can easily mean an increment that infinitely approaches zero.
Nailed it.
No it doesn't, so stop talking about calculus. That has nothing to do with this. This is about pure logistics, and you're being stupid.
If .1 does not equal zero, then .1 is not zero. You're fucking stupid.
Even I took calculus and I know you're being retarded. Something is something and there's nothing that you can argue further about with that.
Can we agree that more can mean an amount that infinitely approaches zero, and thus can be treated as zero?

.1 is far, far greater than almost nothing.
>more can easily mean an increment that infititely approaches zero
That's not true though
There's no fucking way that's true.
No it's can, because you don't round down in logistics. Strictly speaking, something is something.
>fucked up text me
No it can't*
But it is.
More means more.
It has no specified amount.
For the purposes of the original argument, something like 1.001 more difficult would be unnoticeable, but still more.

However, it can easily mean something far, far smaller.
No, because you're the only person on this earth who thinks "more" necessarily involves infinitesimals.
But it does.
Now you're just pulling out the confusing dialogue on purpose. Something is something, regardless of how close it is to nothing.
Confusing dialog?
What part of that is confusing?
Eventually, something becomes so small that for all intents and purposes, it is equal to nothing.
But it doesn't

Holy shit my sides left orbit
>>>35308701 (You)
>"it's a corporation so they don't care"
>invalid point now leave
Good job putting words in my mouth. He signed it over for the care of ASUS. At that point, it's ASUS's property and he owns a "suitable replacement" IOU. Not caring isn't a part of it... it's not recognising the obvious legal statutes around a rma
4 IO ports
dual controls, with adjustable timer
cancel button
It does.
An infinitesimal is still technically a quantity, thus, included in more, but for all practical intents and purposes, it is equal to nothing.
>for all intents and purposes
That phrase just adds a level of the debate which is irrelevant and just convolutes the whole subject. Not for all intents and purposes, because the argument was that it's something. Fuck you.
This is already over and done with. There was already a huge argument that you apparently missed where someone finally proved that ASUS has the rights to take full legal control and property over spare and replaced parts.
You are also the only person who'd describe something "equal to nothing" as "more than nothing."
.9999 repeating equals one.
It's the same concept.
As I've been saying this entire time, for any actual use, it's 1.
Wait, is really just a toaster? I thought you had it rigged up as a power supply or actual computer.
But that's true.
It's both.
Technically, an infinitesimal is still more, but it'd be impossible to tell, or notice, or it would not be an infinitesimal value, thus, practically, equal to nothing, as I've said this entire time.
You're retarded. Stop saying practical intents and purposes because this wasn't about how likely something way, but if something is possible or not. This was a black and white debate that you somehow thought it was okay to turn it into a theoretical shitfest.
That's rounding a number up that amounts to something, where you have been arguing that rounding something down to a number that's nothing. This doesn't help your argument because greater than 0 is greater than 0 and greater than 0 is not 0.
There are lots of things that are technically true but completely meaningless. I hope that in your time amongst humans, you will eventually learn to stop saying meaningless things.

When was this whether it was possible or not?
It's clearly possible to replace the hdd in any computer, even soldered ones.

It's a matter off difficulty, and in most cases, it's quite simple.
You were originally saying that more tedious made it very difficult, to the point of not being worth doing.
That is clearly false, as more is very vague.

Only technical, practically, that number is still zero, as you could never measure an infinitesimal number.
No it's not. that's not true. You're the only human being that would make the argument that because there's an almost no chance of something then it means nothing at all.

It wouldn't be impossible, and it wasn't to begin with. Stop talking about infinitesimals when we're trying to debate LOGISTICS where 1 = 1 and .9 does not equal 0.
We got completely off topic, and a poster insisted on saying that more meant some significant value.
It does not.
But it does.
For all practical purposes, you cannot detect an infinitesimal number.
It might be there, but it's so small as too be completely unmeasurable.
For all purposes outside theory, aka, practical purposes, it is equal to zero.
It's true that you could be able to replace it. We were talking about the chances until you started doing it. It's not a matter of difficulty because we weren't arguing difficulty. We were arguing if it was possible or not with the current technology that you can get from your average radioshack or computer repairman.

No, not only technical, or practically. Stop saying that. THERE IS NOTHING TECHNICAL OR PRACTICAL ABOUT ONE BEING ZERO.

1% = 1%
0.00001 = 0.00001
A glass with a drop of water at the bottom = a wet glass
Nobody was talking about infinitesimal numbers. Nobody wanted to. You're a huge faggot. The whole argument was about what >>35309642 said.
You are right.
More _does_ mean "some significant value." Otherwise you wouldn't describe it as "more."

Well, maybe you would, Mr. Technically-Correct-Is-The-Best-Kind-Of-Correct. But you're also a high-functioning autist, and hardly an authority on English.
Left laptop to go help friend with totaled car, came back, forgot to push submit, submit.

auto update fires, thread has doubled in size. lol'd
Those numbers are infinite magnitudes greater than infinitesimal numbers.
A glass with an infinitesimal amount of water on it, would be classified as dry.

It's not a matter of chances, it's matter of difficulty.
It's possible to replace any hdd.

Just because it's more difficult than a desktop hdd, doesn't make it hard, or outside the ops scope.
The vast majority of laptops are fairly simple to service, as I said.
Happens to the best of us, man.
Technically correct is just that.
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>those numbers are infinite magnitudes greater than infinitesimal numbers
picture related

Thank you for stating the obvious. Now can you stop being a faggot and using stupid concepts of "technically."

If something is more difficult, then it is more difficult. It's harder to replace a harddrive in a laptop than a desktop because laptops are generally packed tightly with parts that are very loosely put together
No. Technically correct is technically correct, and only slightly correct. Correct and Incorrect are black and white concepts. Technically means it's not completely, or that the correctuality is aimed at a different aspect of a situation.
Glad to get that argument out of the way.

Yes, it is trickier, to a significant figure, but that doesn't not make it something hard to do, and on many laptops, it's actually easier.
I wouldn't say opening a smaller laptop makes it easier. It really comes down to model to model, but with something like an ASUS laptop in the past 5 years, they're made pretty poorly.
Do you really want to keep this argument going?
More can refer to something infinitesimal small.
>I wouldn't say opening a smaller laptop makes it easier
I never said that.

Asus laptops are a bit trickier, but I've dealt with a few.
It normally involves taking the screws out of the back, popping off the top bezel, the keyboard, getting into it, unscrewing the cage, etc.
The hardest part are those ribbon cables.
<1 hours work for anyone competent.
No, because it's nothing about anything infinitesimal. This is about logistics where something is equal to something. When saying the word technically that complicates the issue. It's not completely correct, because it's not completely correct. This isn't disputeable.
The problem is that some models of ASUS laptops have the parts put inside with just tape. Some models are literally just boxes screwed together with the pages loosely taped to the sides and to each other. And it's scotch tape, not even thermal tape.
Logistics doesn't change the definition of more, and you should use concrete properties for it.
Aside from not knowing if that's the case here, I don't see why you can't replace the tape.
The asus's I've dealt with weren't that hard.
The worst was an old hp pavilion from the 90s that needed the screen removed for some bloody reason.
I am using concrete properties. Correct is correct.
And, with the definition of more, I am correct.
More says very little, it can be anything from an infinitely small number, to infinity.
Some parts in ASUS laptops are just supported by the tape. It's like someone took a bucket of legos and dumped them into a bucket, taping a few together. If you end up taking stuff out, it can be a pain in the ass to put it back in and tape them securely.
Yes it does mean that. What's your point?
are you replying to me under the assumption that I am someone else?
We still have no idea if OPs laptop does that.
Either way, it sounds annoying, but not too tricky.

More says very little, it can be anything from an infinitely small number, to infinity.
This is the core of the entire more argument.

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