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>watch moon landing on youtube
>imagine how awesome it must be back then seeing this kind of shit on TV
>people cheering and thinking this is the beginning of a new age of technology where we conquer the stars
>40 years later
>unemployment everywhere
>countrys spending all their money and work to find the best way to remove kebap

why is technology stagnating so hard right now?
>>35256524 (OP)
Because we are stagnating. Because the people are complacent and ignorant, and those in power are complacent and ignorant as well.
>>35256524 (OP)
>new age of technology
Televised by pointing camera at screen.
>susi and strolch

That's just the western world.

The Chinese are doing fine.

Can't wait until they finally take over completely.
The Chinese hasn't done shit either, NO ONE is doing anything
And people still don't know how to spell countries.
yes they are
Name something they've done that's halfway interesting lately
They're at a brink of an academic renaissance there, have you been living under a rock?
Everything that can be invented has already basically been invented. We really should have stopped at the frisbee, but now we have mp3-players and such, but do we need em?`
Once again, name something interesting, this usually involves a source or something everyone knows about
That's the dumbest thing I've read all week.
I'm pretty sure that was comedy/satire.
>hlfway interesting
Well that's an awfully relative thing that I couldn't state without a doubt but I know they put money into research into nanites.
Sounds interesting, link?
>The Chinese are doing fine.
Modern Asian nations are just western copyist that can't do anything on their own.
gimme a sec, lost it and need to re-find it.
>>35256524 (OP)
Because business hasn't changed.

Idiots still think that threatening employees with demotions and job loss is effective motivation for better work.
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What we need is another war. A really war. Not bombing sand nigger which only costs money and more money but a real war with someone that can take it.

Aliens would be best but we might have to rest to killing other humans.

What else is there to stimulate not only the economy but also technological growth?

Of course I'm joking but what else is there? I feel like too much peace makes countries bloated bureaucracies and people complacent and idle.
Why would they do something else, if they found the easiest way to advance?
When Europe was still developing, everybody copied from everybody aswell.
But it is. People are so brainwashed that they need to work, that losing job would mean major social stigma, forcing them somehow to work even more and harder.
It appears I can't find it. Never mind.
god damn these fedora gaytheist fags are getting sadder by the day

That's what people get from buying shit they don't need for money they don't have and go on living from paycheck to paycheck and are forced to hold a job as long as possible since having even one month without work is going to fucking take away their home, car, huge tv and for all I know his wife and kids too.

For fucks sake, when did this trend of living more expensive than you can afford start?
>that image
>>35256524 (OP)
>why is technology stagnating so hard right now?
You can't put it like that, man. Consumer technology might be stagnating, but surveillance technology is flying higher than even the Stasi ever dreamed of.
>needing to work
>not living in a glorious welfare state
>tfw autismbux
Occasionally I feel like I'm the cause of wasteful government spending, but then I consider how horrible the alternative is.
>>35256524 (OP)
Instead of having a rival superpower, the West is concerned now with locking us into a feudal corporate situation, reducing the power of nation states and their governments, and passing that power to international corporates.

You don't have to pump money into innovation to fight a bunch of Arabs with Kalashnikovs, but you can pump money to your buddies at halliburton, 50,000 dollars a screw.
>that feel when I don't have any talents/skills/ideas that could make the world a better place
>that feel when I'm too screwed up to contribute a small part by doing a menial job
>that feel when I"ll live out my life as a worthless NEET as the economy and society falls apart

Welfare state is a disaster for big nations, especially when they don't have ridiculously huge amount of easily accessible resources like some scandinavian countries do.
>still thinking the moon landing was real

You know english.

Join a mission and go teach english poor kids in africa/india.
>still thinking god is real
I think someones tin foil hat is too tight.
Korea is actually doing really well. Samsung and LG haz the tech, and JYP and SM Entertainment haz the muzic
Hyper inflation will get Joe six pack to stop watching tv,and ask how did we fall so hard.
When wages stagnated in the 70s.

I watched the Mythbusters episode on that last night
I couldn't do anything like that. I can barely leave the house without anxiety attacks.

It would be very difficult for me to teach a language without knowing the students' native language anyway.
>>35256524 (OP)
I asked my Mom how cool it must have been to see the moon landing live on TV and she said she didn't really care that much at the time and it was just another day to her.

I'm surrounded by fucking plebs.
>For fucks sake, when did this trend of living more expensive than you can afford start?
No idea, I came later and didn't see it.

Even then, the social stigma still remains. Its easier to work for most people. Besides most wouldn't even know what to do with their time anyway.

You seriously believe this shit? The Scandinavian resources that allow them to have a welfare state! Gotta love the glorious propaganda of the right. Its not like US, Russia and other plutocratic shitholes bath in resources, right?

Wellfare state isn't limited to Scandinavia btw.

Based on that do you now this?

From what I know the only thing that is getting worse is household income because households are getting smaller and smaller. Per capita income is raising all the time.

You fucking moron. It's not only about having resources. Sure russia or china have resources. But the also have ridiculously huge population. To support a working welfare state in china or russia it would probably take an industry that is extracting all these precious resources from all the possible locations at the same time, and efficiently too.

Scandinavian countries not only have a lot of natural resources compared to their population(Sweden, Norway and Finland each have 16–23 people per km2 and Iceland has 3.5, while there are only 0.14 Greenlanders per km2 in the ice-free parts of the country), they are also pretty easy to extract.

So the benefit they get from their resources is very large compared to their population.
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>broken window fallacy
No. I understand that you may think war might stimulate the economy according to the old adage "necessity is the mother of invention" but war is a stupid way to go about it. Another space race would be the most ideal way but people are too focused on short term profit to invest in such long term ventures.

A link please. Source dude.
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>implying we aren't seeing HUGE progress in social technology

pic related

Space race took place only because of cold war.

And I know about broken window fallacy, I read the Wealth of Nations, I said I was joking.
It's a shame that one of the foremost global superpowers (USA) is set up so that they profit most during wartime.
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everything is fucking fine

you're just upset because no of the recent technological advances have lent themselves to flashy TV specials.

You wanna know something more impressive than the moon shot?
The Linux Kernel.
I want to see another space race, but to the nearest NEO (near earth orbit) asteroid. Full to shit of precious metals, a single asteroid would be worth 3-4 trillion dollars.
Maybe it'd be worth spending a billion or two on getting there.
social technology is a step backwards for humanity.
Fair enough. It's sad that war is even considered a silver lining for economic progress by mainstream economics now though. Of course it's much easier when you're bagging on some Arabs all the way in the Middle East.
It's not effective, as even positive motivation like promotions raise the stakes and can cause mediocrity as an outcome, if not spectacular failure.

The fact is that businesses haven't changed how they approach labor or goods. Some companies even sell licenses to software and are surprised about piracy in an age when everyone has the means to reproduce and distribute it themselves for no cost.
Yeah, it's an impressive mess.

Shit ain't worth shit if you can't get it down from orbit to earth, which is pretty expensive if you don't want to make a lot of fresh craters on earth, or not until we build an industry located in space or on moon that would need these resources.
>social technology
more efficient delivery for duckface pictures. A small step for technology, a big leap for all womankind.

Wrong. Maybe someone thought the same way when people started using smoke signs.
There's also this.

A lot of information out there about this stuff as of late.
Yes, because USA/Russia have so few resources. Obviously Norway can profit better from theirs but thinking resources - population size is the only reason, is...fucking dumb.
Germany and France are so full with resources right?

USA could easy afford wellfare state after cutting the idiotic "defense" budget and actually do something for safety of their people.

Well, maybe not really "effective" but it works too.

Why would they, if their current model make more cash? Take streaming for example, the profits would be not even close to DVD sales or whatever other obsolete physical media people still use today.
Why bring it down to earth? Build things in orbit. The reason we don't build things in orbit now is because we have to get the materials and manpower there, and if you're bringing it from asteroids you already have the materials lying around.

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