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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community

File: 1371334217529.jpg-(847 KB, 1280x720, Xbox Won.jpg)
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/v/ is retarted and can't understand how powerful the Xbox One is.

What does /g/ think of this amazing machine?

On a scale of 1-5 black dicks, how many will Sony be raped by because of the powerfulness of Xbox One.
looks okay. better then wiiu. lil better then ps4.
You mean A LOT better right?
>>34602080 (OP)
0, because the PS4 is actually more powerful.

Nice bait, though.
>>34602080 (OP)
>>34602080 (OP)
>Vanilla Right !ZkO8HAFvhQ
This tripfag has been shilling for MS for weeks now according to the archive.
No it isn't. Nice try though.

>>34602080 (OP)
Oh surprise another tripfag trolling.

What's bothering you today tripfag? surely I can assure you that shitposting is bad for everyone
>this tripfag again
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While this might actually fly on /v/ or /b/ no one on /g/ is going to fall for this.
Wow. A lot of you retarts on /g/ right now huh?

It's like you forgot about the power of the cloud.

The machine is less or equally powerful by every metric except RAM amount, which it wins by 0.004%.
A win is a win.

Nice one kid.
Yes, and it's the only win it gets, so it should treasure it.
>>34602080 (OP)
Can't tell if hired by Microsoft or just plain retarded.

Specs don't really matter anyway. The PS4 has more memory ALLOCATED to games because it has dedicated processors to handle UI tasks. That is the ONLY difference.
it's mediocre
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Yesss... use the cloud. We won't send any of your private data to the NSA.

Trust us.
It's going to redefine the term botnet
ps4 has MORE CORES in gpu. ps4 is actually usable unlike xbox one. They both suck when compared to 2010 pcs.
>Cloud power
>implying the PS4 couldn't take advantage of that
You do realize the xbox one is required to connect to the internet once every 24 hours, not all the time, right?
>PS4 specs are better in most other categories
>PS4 is $100 cheaper because no stupid motion gimmick NSA spy "your body is the controller" camera coming with it

I'm not even getting a PS4 or Xbox One
PC master race
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
>Processor = RAM

Are you really this retarded?
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I guess I'll feed the troll

Here trollolololo, I have some lovely facts for you to blindly refute.
It's also got the most new IPs. So there is another. It wins in plenty.

They already said they won't.

>You do realize the xbox one is required to connect to the internet once every 24 hours, not all the time, right?
What are you using now? INTERNET. Crazy right?
>PS4 specs are better in most other categories
Oh. Just a trolling Sonygger.
I guess you wouldn't mind if I pulled down your pants at work then?

[spoiler]Of course you wouldn't, your job is to stay at home and post this shit on 4chan.
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Good consumer you, good consumer you.
I was saying that extra ram isn't required because of the dedicated processors. I didn't say they were the same thing.
>Spoiler doesn't work

Oh right, I'm on /g/...

Wait, this thread is on /g/?
>ignoring the point that I was making with the online requirement
I'm saying that it doesn't have it for cloud power
it has it for muh anti piracy
Xbox is to consoles what Windows 8 is to Operating Systems.

An invasive, intrusive, malignant mass of cancerously preposterous ill conceived notions hellbent on destroying any form of freedom of choice within the consumer market.
They want always online so people can use the cloud you fucktart.
But that still doesn't make any sense.
>What does /g/ think of this amazing machine?


xbutt, go home.

oznzb Usenet Indexing Community

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