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>rectilinear cases for efficient airflow
when was the last time you saw a jet turbine in the shape of a rectangular box? Didn't think so.

Thank god Apple is out there re-inventing what all PC users have been getting wrong for decades.

Prediction: in 2 years time, all PC enthusiasts switch to cylindrical tower form factors and then pat themselves on the back, riding the coat tails of Apple's engineers yet again.
eat shit mac fag
stay mad
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>>35114011 (OP)
>dat Space Saver II
I used one of those for years.

Personally I think the cylindrical design is pretty cool. I was always a huge fan of the G4 Cube which was really similar in concept despite being a cube rather than a cylinder.
>>35114011 (OP)
Agreed. I laugh internally whenever my mac-hating friends tell me how stupid they think the new mac looks.
That's a really nice keyboard.
stay pleb
>>35114011 (OP)
>when was the last time you saw a jet turbine in the shape of a rectangular box?
When was the last time you saw a personal computer with a high compressor, low compressor, high pressure turbine, low pressure turbine, combustor and gearbox?
Looks like a trash can with LEDs
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>>35114011 (OP)
You were saying?
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>>35114011 (OP)
>implying the Mac Pro wouldn't be just as unreliable as a Russian gas turbine engine
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>>35114011 (OP)
Why can't I hold all these rectangulz?
>Mixing up Fairings and Turbines
Ash tray computer.
>>35114011 (OP)
>when was the last time you saw a jet turbine in the shape of a rectangular box? Didn't think so.

When was the last time your computer flew you from JFK to LAX? Airflow is useless, cooling is what you need. Instead of blowing your money on retarded trashcan case you can buy a cooling fan > peltier module > heatsink setup which will be miles more efficient at cooling. Jet Engines propel planes, computer fans cool hot chips; airflow is only important because you want to remove hot air.

But you wouldn't know that because your brain is incapable of self-awareness. Be a good Goy & do as your told by forking the shekels over.
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Step one: Report.

Step two: Hide.
>Mig 31
I should play some more ace combat....
air intake, not turbine
inb4 200+ replies
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>>35114011 (OP)
So rectangle, wow!
But we need to reach the 200 reply quota in an apple thread anon. Do your part and upvote.
ITT, people who can't identify airplane engine parts
>apple thread
But OP's picture shows windows
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moar fighter jets please
All I have are rockets.
>>35114011 (OP)
Turbines spin, and the fans in a rectangular computer are circles too. Your analogy is shit and your troll thread is shit.
ITT, people who don't understand that the nacelle is not an engine part
This is why /k/ hates all of you faggots.
You have no clue about anything.
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Aww man, those feel hit me hard. Why did you have to bring this up, anon?
>>35114011 (OP)
This principle only applies to a computer with one massive fan. When you increase the number of fans beyond 2 it just gets dumb. Also, you'd have to put the computer on its side to increase airflow. otherwise you're trying to shotgun a drink through one hole.
>implying /k/ knows anything about the aviation industry
>implying that Russian engines don't have shit lifing
i don't get it. Are you posting this to prove OP wrong? Do you not fucking see the cylindrical turbine on the back of the aircraft? OP is 100% right about air flow

>b-b-b-ut muh cubes, muh squares
>Implying /g/ knows more
We know of several actual aerospace engineers who frequent our board. And in combat, MiG's are a match or superior to western planes in most cases.
Not turbines.

>not using variable bypass turbofans

Bet you're still only using a dual spool as well
>Comparing a jet turbine to a computer

Also, the reason a lot of cases are rectangular is due to the fact that motherboards are other system components are reliant on it. Things like the Mac Pro are developed in a non-standard fashion. Although it allows the machine to operate in a certain way, it severely restricts the user's ability to use components that do not conform to the standard; thus making it a ticking timebomb of planned obsolescence.
itt: /g/ proves yet again it knows nothing about technology save for playing legos with off the shelf parts.
apples and oranges
I know that feel man, my dad's thermo prof in college was involved in the design of the Orenda Iroquois engines and used to tell stories about it.

Someone asked for pictures of fighter jets, so I obliged.
>implying that aerospace engineers make up the vast population of GE/P&W/RR compared to mechanical engineers
>implying that the Russians have a 5th generation fighter that can compete with an f-22 raptor or a f-35 lightning II
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>>35114011 (OP)

how the fuck are you supposed to take stuff in and out
>We know of several actual aerospace engineers who frequent our board

I'm a retired aerospace engineer for Skunk Works. I can tell you without a doubt /k/ knows jack squat about advanced weaponry, let alone the most elementary of engineering topics. The fact that you would identify yourself from /k/ is only proof you are too unsophisticated to know how bad that board is

-TopGunner Out.
>Implying the F22 has seen real combat yet
>Implying the F35 isn't shit
Also, poor choice of words on my part, but I wasn't referencing the major so much as engineers who work in aerospace with degrees in varying fields.
>not having a gear attached to your low spool so that you can have your LPC and LPT running at higher RPM

educate yourself, son
>Dat ad hominem
I like guns. I hate newfags. Really, /k/ is for shits and giggles in my case.
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>geared turbofans
>any year

>MiG's are a match or superior to western planes in most cases.

I think you mean Sukhoi's
>Implying the F22 has seen real combat yet
>Implying the F35 isn't shit
Well considering the F-22 and F-35 have the most advanced engines in them, F119 and F135, along with having the most advanced electronics system, they don't have anything to compete with call them shit.
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I know it's not a jet craft (or a fighter for that matter) but I've always liked the look of the Lancaster
Apple proving yet again that Macs are only toys, not real computers. SURE AIN'T GONNA RACKMOUNT THAT THING.
>implying that the LEAP-X is anything but a paper launch
>implying that there is anything out there with better fuel economy compared to a GTF
>hasn't seen the diagram of them mounted sideways in a rack
shit, you really would have a jet plane if you did that
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I like the looks of anything from the WW2 era that flies.

>implying geared anything can match even a dual spool in specific fuel flow
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>>35114011 (OP)
is that keyboard mechanical?
>>35114011 (OP)
oh god

it's beautiful

the keyboard I mean

Is it bucling spring?

What model is it?
IBM space saver II. It's rubber dome.
>implying anyone ever used rectangular fans

this entire thread is based on a lie
>Is it bucling spring?
>10keyless buckling
yeah right, if only
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>>35114011 (OP)
>when was the last time you saw a jet turbine in the shape of a rectangular box?
>>35114011 (OP)
Such a form factor would be an inefficient use of space.
but the macpro has a retarded round air intake
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So PC enthusiasts will be putting their old out dated parts in the trash can then? They don't belong there. You have to dispose of the appropriately.
actually GTF gives you about 15% better SFC compared to a dual spool
It's an IBM Space Saver II.

Unfortunately, it's not buckling spring. It's rubber dome, though not the linear mushy kind. The keys resist completely until they suddenly snap down when you apply enough pressure. The keys on mine seemed very stiff and it was not very enjoyable to type on.

That said, it's a compact tenkeyless keyboard with a genuine TrackPoint IV, complete with center button, just like a modern ThinkPad's. If only it had good keyswitches it would be the ultimate keyboard.
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>what is the IBM Space Saving Keyboard

No TrackPoint, though.
Good night, sweet prince
Didn't that have problems flying? I don't even remember.
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>>35114011 (OP)

> Sucking Apple's dick in post

> Pic shows it running Windows 7
The actual combustion chamber will be either elliptical or circular. Having a square combuster leads to very poor combustion in the corners, where the flow tends to stagnate (at least in relation to the rest of the flow). There will always be a transition from a squarish inlet to an elliptical combuster, unless you are pants on head retarded and want the lowest combustion efficiency possible.
Good night, sweet prince

Poor Arrow
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It was a prototype jet fighter built by the nazis at the end of WW2.
None of the modern TrackPoint keyboards have mechanical keyswitches, though I'd prefer the scissor switches to what the Space Saver II has. I do think the layout of the Space Saver II is perfect, though, and better than the compact ThinkPad layout for desktop usage.
>Letting this tryhard bait get to 70 posts

Shouldn't have gotten past 10 posts.

Eat shit faggots.
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>>35114011 (OP)
>when was the last time you saw a jet turbine in the shape of a rectangular box? Didn't think so.

In the most efficient turbine ever, in the most advanced civilian plane ever
>turbine blades rotate around a central axis
>implying square turbines are even possible without having blades that can change length at incredibly fast speeds while still be structurally sound
>even if you could, airflow would be fucked up
>the most advanced civilian plane ever
>implying that adding an afterburner, which is basically a mechanism that simply sprays more fuel into the exhaust of an engine, is somehow advanced

It was in production and operational, until there was not enough raw resources to build it

It had problems due to shitty materials, the engines lasted less than an hour

But it was the most advanced fighter plane of WWII
>after burner
Pick one and only one.
>implying the Concorde isn't objetivily the most advanced plane ever

Realiable as fuck, the most secure plane ever, and still advanced today even with it's 70's technology

>implying the advanced thing on the engines wasn't the intake ramp
It actually entered production, but the state of German industry was so bad that they had trouble supplying it with jet fuel. It needed a longer runway than normal aircraft, and this made it hard to deploy. Germany was being subjected to relentless 24/7 bombing; airfields, factories, and refineries were prime targets. Allies had near total air superiority at the time so it was hard for pilots to get adequate training.

When properly deployed, it was incredibly effective against bombers and there was nothing in the allied arsenal that could match it until after the war.
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My apologies.
If Germany had access to better materials, and could have held out for a few more years, that jet would have done massive damage to the allies.
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There are a whole bunch of conspiracy theories about one aircraft surviving and what not (not to mention all the ones about why the project was cancelled).

I blame Diefenbaker. Though, if the project hadn't been cancelled the engineers involved wouldn't have gone to NASA for the Gemini and Apollo projects.
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mite b cool
>Zoom Zoom
Conformed for Mazda
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Something like that already exists, but its not a fan.
because it worked so well for the RSX
that is really one of the few places several "danger don't stand here fuckwit" warnings are actually well placed.
It's nice how pretty much every modern war technology was pioneered by the Nazi germany.

Assault rifles? Check
Night sights? Check
Drones? Check
Ballistic missiles? Check
Helicopters? Check
Jet fighters? Check

I'm probably missing a whole lot more.
Bu tit did
sort of, that oil burning/leaking problem was pretty serious though.
I don't know what a RSX is, but I'm just saying it'd be pretty novel to have a PC with square fans.
Don't you mean the RX-7/RX-8?
>the most secure plane ever
All planes today are required to have engines that are able to provide enough thrust to make it back to the runway in the event of a full engine shutdown in up to half of total amount of engines on the airframe.

>still advanced today even with it's 70's technology
The concorde was terrible with fuel economy and that is the only thing that matters today in terms of commercial airplanes with noise being the second most important factor.
>>35114011 (OP)
I didn't know turning your computer in to a toilet was being inventive.
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They also had some amazingly insane craft designs
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Apparently drill bits exist, no idea if you can get them commercially though. I'm sure it'd be trivial to translate it in to a fan.
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>engines on the wingtips
That's nuts.
>Implying anyone is even talking about faggot OPs post anymore.
That does look cool, and I would love to have on in my PC, but it would become quite complicated for aviation considering you need to have multiple stages to get the compression required.

Circular is simple and werks.
oh god what, is that suposta spin around the plane while flying?
The RSX used a normal i4, you're thinking of the RX7/RX8.
Nope The RSX had an i4 with VTEC, yo.
yes, you're right, I meant the RX-7/8. The ones with rotary engines.

Its been a while.
Was supposed to be a VTOL that landed on it's tail.

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For anyone wondering how a turbojet works.
Another good site to learn about elementary aerospace principles
Forget square fans, I want a turbojet-cooled PC.
Use compression of a fluid in a different application, make yourself a Cascade cooler
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>>35114011 (OP)
Silverstone FT03 mini
>RICKY BASTIN: It is the world's most efficient jet engine. Technology-wise it is still the envy of designers all over the world, even now.

Also, it's the most secure ever, only one significant accident in all it's history
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You seem to be forgetting that the inside of a computer is not symmetrical.
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And everyone's favourite chopper
I disagree that either actually explain how a turbojet works.

I don't think any explanation would be adequate that didn't let you derive, (using appropriate simplifications) how much more thrust you would obtain from a particular turbojet setup, relative to just burning that gas and pointing it backwards.
>RICKY BASTIN: It is the world's most efficient jet engine. Technology-wise it is still the envy of designers all over the world, even now.
>Using a Concorde engineer instead of a Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus engineer's comment about an engine.
Nice source

>Also, it's the most secure ever, only one significant accident in all it's history
One catastrophic failure of a fleet size of 26 does not make for an impressive safety record.
Thrust is going to be given by your gas exhaust velocity, it's actually quite easy to find (with simplifications of course)
>relative to just burning that gas and pointing it backwards.
Because using rockets is a viable way of propelling an manned airframe across large distances.

You do realize that the nasa link is the most complete set of resources available that non engineers can actually understand.
Let me put it another way: for me, to understand something means to be able to derive how something operates from first principles.

E.g. how can you calculate the exhaust gas velocity from the properties of the turbine
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I'd be fine with my CPU, GPU and SSD in a cylinder, Provided there was also space for internal drives.
There's no fucking way I'd depend on a computer that relied on storage connected external.
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>processor tube
That's the one at the Smithsonian in DC, right? It's smaller than you'd imagine. Fun fact, to the left of that plane, on the other end of the room, is the Enola Gay.
>>35114011 (OP)
right shape and diameter to not fall out of a macfags devastated anus
Well what the fuck would you call it?
You all seem to have a very low bar when it comes to an explanation here.

What I'm asking to be explained is contained within the box labelled "propulsion device".
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Why not new harddrives?
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You have been visited by the Spooky Skeleton! Repost this 3 times in the next 2 seconds or you will be visited by a Spooky Skeleton tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become skeleton.....
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Because arm.
Unless you used a smaller disk and fir the arm into a disk, but then you fuck the idea of airflow.
I've got it somewhere, been a few years since I did compressible fluid/turbo machinery.

The nozzle at the exit is there to choke the flow of exhaust gas so that the flow will go super sonic as it exits. The temperature, pressure and mass flow rates will let you use mach tables to determine the velocities across the shock wave. The pressure and temperatures after combustion will be able to be found using basic thermodyamics.

A lot of compressible fluid calculations involve the use of tables.
>>35114011 (OP)
>Thank god Apple is out there re-inventing what all PC users have been getting wrong for decades.
Also what Apple has been getting wrong for decades, fag.
>What I'm asking to be explained is contained within the box labelled "propulsion device".
You won't get an actual answer due to key inputs being classified.

We have a winner!

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