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>Want a cheap gateway to the world of Windows Phone? In the US, it won't get much cheaper than AT&T's new version of the Lumia 520. Nokia's starter device will cost just $100 contract-free when it hits AT&T's GoPhone prepaid service on July 26th -- that's $50 less than T-Mobile's already inexpensive Lumia 521. There won't be LTE support or other frills, but we suspect that many customers won't mind at this price.


/g/, you can't make excuses anymore. This is literally 100 dollars, brand new and off-contract, and has a 4 inch screen and the full Windows Phone 8 experience. It has the best reviews for a phone at this price point.

There is no fucking excuse to be a poorfag stuck on a feature phone anymore. Buy this motherfucker already and join the smartphone master race, ok?
Did I mention that this has SD card support and you can make it a 72GB mp3 player if you wanted?
>buying a bright colored phone
It comes in black.
>>35484454 →
>getting a phone as dark as your soul
The real cost of owning a smartphone isn't in the device itself, it's the extremely high cost of data plans. Even with a prepaid device, data costs an average of hundreds of dollars per year.
You don't need to get a data plan...
Looks decent but will Windows Phone get any less shitty?
What's shitty about it?
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Got nothing?
>no apps
Such as?
google play store
I have a Lumia 900 great hardware, but I personally would not buy another windows phone.
no apps
no customization
lack of basic functionality like rotation lock and VPN settings

YouTube, Google Maps, Vine, Flipboard, Instagram, Hipstamatic, etc. I could keep going.
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>>35484361 (OP)
Well at least you came up with something.
to be fair we have 3rd party instagram, vine, and YouTube clients which are just as good (or arguably better, like MetroTube) as their first party counterparts.

Also Hipstamatic and Flipboard are coming.
>he likes a good product
>h-he must be a shill!
You can call shill, I would call easy bait.
>shitty phone
>good product
Come on now.
It's a $100 phone, what do you really expect?
costs 280 usd where i live

for 100 i'd buy it as a third phone or give my second phone to one of my family members. for 280? hah no
W8P has no apps?

So everything is iOS or Android, but nothing for W8P?
It makes me a bit suspicious when the exact same thread promoting a product with the same photo, same file name, subject line, and text each time is reposted 15+ times per day. It certainly appears to be Microsoft marketing.
yeah, WP is newer and has a smaller market share. Higher risk than publishing for iOS and Android.
Should I get this or a Samsung in the same price range?

Or a chinkphone?
I brought the 520 yesterday. I am a linux user.
The overall use of the interface is very refined. More so than an android, and definitely up their with IOS. It is very quick and very responsive. The browser is good, and scales pages much better than android does. I have only had a few issues so far. Coping Music from Linux on to it is impossible; even using an mtp Client. and The lack of apps on the marketplace is disappointing. Anyone have any questions?
Android is going to run like shit on a $100 phone.
Yeah, I've heard MTP support is wonky with Linux, which is disappointing.
I'm working on getting a bug report together at the moment. Hope we can get it fixed! I did at one point have access to the file system on the sd-card through it, when I tried storing music in the music folder, it did save their. I was able to view it on a Windows computer, but it wouldn't detect on the phone. I think when it syncs with the App on the desktop version, it adds the media to some sort of an Database / index.
Go away Apple shill
Is the 301 any good? Seems interesting. Very cheap and not touch.
>costs 280 usd where i live

Must suck to live in a 3rd world country
>W8P has no apps?

It has plenty of apps right now, but yeah, it didnt have many apps a while ago.
>Should I get this or a Samsung in the same price range?

Depends on what phone you get. Android phones at $100 run like shit.
But it's not as if you can have every neat app ever?
How is the battery life?
How much did you pay for it?

Why did you buy WP instead of Android as a Linux user?

How's the overall build quality?
Personally, I think WP8 is fine as long as you're not an internet addict who needs like 50 apps on his phone.
I don't have a smartphone myself yet, so I don't know much, but my brother bought one for 80$ (a mio, I think) and seems to be happy with it.
I just finished charging it overnight, but on the initial battery from the store, which came at 30%? lasted for a good 4 hours of solid use; In short, It seems pretty good, but I haven't had a full day of use.
Why did you get the 520 instead of a good phone like the Nexus 4? Are you poor?
If you've never owned a smartphone before, WP8 is a good way to start, especially at $100 off contract. Just make sure you grab all the updates when they come out.
> $299 New Zealand Dollars

> Their wasn't anything that had decent screen size ect in my price range; the other option would have been a galaxy ace, and to be honest it's pretty shit.

> Really solid. It's the back is rubberised the same way that thinkpads are, so it doesn't slip around. The way the case comes off is really nice, so you don't feel the creases in your hands. Theirs no flex when I try to flex it.
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yo bitch i got a galaxy s4 suck me

Yeah, I am poor.
Do you feel that the number of apps available right now is enough for your daily usage or were you just disappointed at the lack of variety?
>living in 3rd world NZ

Enjoy your sheep, sheepfucker.
What does it get, four hours of battery life? Pathetic.
Of course, America again. Why can't they do this in Yurop some time?

75€ for a lumia 520 jesus christ.
>>35484361 (OP)
>Windows Phone
I'd rather have the feature phone.
This is actually tempting. I have an old Samsung Ace that's been to shit recently..
Then again, I might get a deal for a S3 mini for €150
I use my phone for Texting, Facebook, Calling and maybe looking something up on the internet, reading the news/listening to music. For a heavy smartphone user I would say android would suit better. I was expecting their to be more apps, Lack of a dedicated Youtube player struck me as strange. I hope google gets on board a bit more.
I know the feel bro.
Getting out as soon as I can.
at least you live in europe

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>>35484361 (OP)
>no LTE support
enjoy your shitty 30mbps download speeds poorfag
Will it be unlocked?
>>35485161 →
use metrotube

We had an MS-built YouTube player but Google said lolno and had it taken down.
>What does it get, four hours of battery life? Pathetic.

That's the same as an Android phone, really.
I swear to god, you illiterate piece of shit.
We only have 3g where I live, and why do you need that much bandwidth on a mobile device?
>I'd rather have the feature phone.

Nobody with a brain would prefer a feature phone over a Windows Phone.
Sorry man. I have to cope with it to. dislexia is a bitch.
>supporting linux
>no dedicated YouTube player

Why would you need one when YouTube works just fine in a browser?
7-8 hours of screen on time with a G S III. I get two or three days if I don't use the screen a lot.
>Lack of a dedicated Youtube player struck me as strange. I hope google gets on board a bit more.

They have one but Google made them take it off the store.

Not to microsoft. to the guys at mtp; do you even into linux?
>lack of customization
>moderate lack of apps
>metro interface
>expecting LTE on a $100 dollar phone

You are retarded.
It is slightly inconvenient compared to having a more native app. I guess I'll get used to it.
>tracks everything you do on it in addition to your location
>rent a device from microsoft for $100
>only 15 hours of talk time over 2g
>only 300some hours of standby

I use my phone for calls, texts, email, and music.

I'll keep my nokia 301 okay? 900+ hours standby, 20 hours talk time.
get metrotube, the trial is basically a free version if ya can't pay for it.
Sorry, Looks good, But I'd rather buy another 620.
Good shit, the 620.
>7-8 hours of screen on time with a G S III

You are lying. Nobody gets that on the stock battery.
no ones arguing with ya buddy
But the 301 doesn't have wifi.
>Why would you need one when YouTube works just fine in a browser?

Because the browser isn't optimized for Youtube. An app is so much smoother and more powerful.
Nope. I keep the brightness down and I don't have a bunch of runaway services eating battery in the background (I'm looking at you, location services).
Doesn't Microsoft keep the Linux version of Skype up to date?
They don't really do much to maintain it. It never really changes. Pretty sure it was compatible with Linux before Microsoft gained ownership of it, though.
>choosing a feature phone OS over Windows Phone
>wanting to rice like a faggot
>needing a billion apps when you already have enough for the major services unless you're a fag who needs an app for every social network out there
>implying Metro UI isn't "muh minimalism" which /g/ loves
>It is slightly inconvenient compared to having a more native app. I guess I'll get used to it.

Dude we just told you that Microsoft has a Youtube app and it will come back to the store once they get permission from Google to put it back on the store.
>Will it be unlocked?

No but AT&T will unlock it for you after 6 months of using it.
>on a phone

shit nigga i'll just carry a laptop or a tablet

you can't browse the web on a tiny 4 inch screen
But you forgot that it being Microsoft makes it shit by /g/ standards.
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Shit, this laptop is almost completely perfect. The only thing about it that isn't, is that you can't turn the display 360 degrees into tablet mode.

>you can't browse the web on a tiny 4 inch screen
Sorry, missed that. Awesome! I'll keep an eye out.
>Sorry, Looks good, But I'd rather buy another 620.
>Good shit, the 620.

Did you see the 625? You should buy that for the same price.
I thought the 625 was due for december.
>shit nigga i'll just carry a laptop or a tablet
You can fit those in your pockets?

>you can't browse the web on a tiny 4 inch screen
Yes you can.
but then how am i shitposting on /g/ everyday
>But you forgot that it being Microsoft makes it shit by /g/ standards.

/g/ standards are all poorfag shit like Thinkpads they dive in the dumpster for, and most of them still dual boot Windows 7 anyway
>you can fit those in your pockets

it's called a jacket, you might have had a job where you wore one

or a suitcase, you might have had a job where you could get away with carrying one

>yes you can

What phone do you have? I shitpost with a Nexus 4
>it's called a jacket, you might have had a job where you wore one

You have a job where you tote around a laptop or tablet in your jacket? Are you a nigger? A person with a job just gets a smartphone so he can always do work even without his laptop.

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