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>The Myth of America's Tech-Talent Shortage

>Colleges, for instance, are already minting far more programmers and engineers than the job market is absorbing. Roughly twice as many American undergraduates earn degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines than go on to work in those fields. As shown in the EPI graph below, in 2009 less than two thirds of employed computer science grads were working in the IT sector a year after graduation.

Should I be worried, /g/? I'm about to start my junior year CompSci and I read this shit. It was the complete opposite of what I've been told. What the hell do I do?

Do I just keep at it with CompSci or abandon ship?
Forgot the link.
>>33440858 (OP)
It's true. The "CS Shortage" is basically a scam.

When they say shortage, they mean "we want to pay you suckers even less than we currently do, so bend over and get fucked."
>Windows XP
You have to admit. Being a programmer and making a ton of cash out of college couldn't have lasted forever.
Yes. Don't do CS unless you're really good or really interested in it. It's not a good major right now. You missed the boat about 10-15 years ago when it started really growing and you probably could've gotten away with being moderately good and had a great career in it. Not any more.
>>33440858 (OP)
Keep at it OP! If you study hard and graduate hard and walk hard I'm sure they will change there minds about the influx of Comp Sci.
You'll get a job just fine, don't listen to any of these spergs. It's a good major and it will get you a wide variety of jobs.
All that chink outsourcing man
jump into petroleum engineering, everyone needs those and you get shitloads of money.
This is why I'm going to be a network engineer, love that shit. Don't get me wrong, I'm a moderate tier programmer but big ass servers just get my juices running.
+ setting up media servers for home users is hugee in my country right now, high-paying shit too.
>>33440858 (OP)
When they say shortage they mean a shortage of foreigners who will work more with less pay.
Also, notice how there aren't any articles about "OH GOD THE PETROLEUM ENGINEER SHORTAGES!"

That's because it's not a con
If you're good, or even just average, and in a decent-sized market (read: not Buttcrack, Montana) you'll get a job. It won't me 300k and any job you want, but it'll be decent.

If you suck, yeah, you won't find a job.
That is basically true. I got my degree in computer engineering 3 months ago and the only job that I have got is a replacement for vacations as DBA for 3 weeks.
I dont want to be a douchebag but if you want to study now is a bad time because degree's are considered shit if you dont have 3-5 years of work experience.
it's what I'd do if I hadn't already gone through my whole education.

dem feels.
What about this?
>>33440858 (OP)
I'm sure there'll be plenty of positions, you just have to know where to look
A lot of people don't get jobs because they're picky as hell about where they want to go
>inb4 you don't know what it's like
I worked in my university career center for two years in my undergraduate career
most entitled pieces of shit I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with
>people being picky about where they get their first job

there are people that won't accept a job because of where it is
or, they want to work with only a certain kind of people
I've honestly had people turn down a position because they wanted to work solely with CS majors, and the position required them to work on a team with various professionals
a lot of the people graduating with degrees in CS or math or science that complain about "there aren't any jobs" are just assholes complaining that there aren't any jobs that fit their deluded, elitist visions of society
Do those jobs pay well?
I personally wouldn't mind doing something I don't want to do, but that's in my field, just as long as I get paid decent.
That way, I can work towards a more decent job.
That is until electric cars take over.

in about 4 years.
oh yeah, they pay just as well as the jobs that they would otherwise want to have
sometimes, even more due to travel bonuses or housing reimbursement
people just like to ignore things that don't necessarily agree with them
My father's work has been unable to find new hire engineers, they are looking for roughly 100 of them.
So if Computer Science is bust.... what do?

halp plox
What kind of engineers?
this thread is just a scam to try to scare people away from programming so you can have more of the market share.
>>33440858 (OP)
Was that study made by ausfailians?
More broadly I should say design engineer
Wow that sounds fun.
CE/CS major here.
Haven't started my official classes, but its what I've been working towards.
I just don't want to be out of work by the time I get out of college.
Do they also hire computer engineers?
My dad hires for Intel, right now he says they only accept a minimum PHD with at least a 3.5 GPA.

Thank god for nepotism.
>>33440858 (OP)

Get your shit together, graduate with high grades, do optional courses, get professional formation outside of college as well as inside of the college, work your ass off to grab an internship and otherwise do what you can to distinguish yourself.

If you don't, you'll lose your job to others who do.
Yeah they're looking for them as we speak
because we only need petroleum engineers for cars, right?
I'm planning to get a PHD.
I'm assuming CS?
Looks like I'll be working for AMD ;_;
cool, that's my major
>computers are literally everywhere
>software is always getting outdated
>need needs for computers will always be popping up

computers aren't going anywhere. And as long as we have computers we will need people to program them.

If you think these statistics are bad for CS majors, just look at basically any non engineering fields. Those people are fucked

We should really consider ourselves lucky
>implying intel needs cs people
They only need a few for their compilers and shit.

Still getting that phd though.
Pretty much this. Looking at my university's information they release, around 64% of the people leaving with CS degrees get jobs straight out of school in their field. This is the highest percentage there.
Fuck. Freshman year as an EE here, but I hate it with a passion and have been considering switching to Computer Science. Hate the idea that if I switch I won't be able to get a job when I get out.
These are the type of people propagating the idea that they're are no jobs in Computer Science.
>I have a bachelor's in Computer Science, I'm too good for some pleb programming job!
No you're not, and they pay decent.
Go the middle route with CE.
Maybe you could go into robotics?
Robots do seem pretty cool...
And as for >>33441849
I've thought about it, its what my Academic Adviser suggested when I told him I wasn't too happy with my choice in EE but since he had done a lot of EE stuff in college, has been trying to keep me in the program.

It depends on what you want to worry about. Will you have a job? Sure. Will you make more than a first year elementary school teacher? lol no.

CS majors are wage slaves. Should have went engineering if you wanted employment flexibility.
> implying I'm only getting a software degree
top lel
>did EE in college
>now he's an academic adviser
These articles pop up from time to time.

The problem isn't that there's a shortage of tech talent (or science talent). We're overflowing with PhD's and tech people. We have them falling out our asses.

What we have a shortage of are jobs that offer pay commensurate to the level of education and experience those people have.

All those companies aren't bitching about not being able to find tech-experienced people, they're bitching about not being able to find tech-experience people who will take entry-level office-slave wages.
That's kind of scary considering that first year elementary school teachers get paid jack shit.
I think you should stick it out. My brother and his friend aren't even college graduates and they're running the technology department at their company.
We have weird ass advisers here at UT Dallas. They seem to actually know a thing or two about the course material for the degrees. The ones who work for the School of Engineering and Computer Science actually made flow charts and shit for what classes are needed for what degrees, something no one else gets here.
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Ahh fuck
Don't care, programming is fun
Petroleum engineering sounds like you're gonna be working on an oil rig or something
My uni has flowcharts.
>Petroleum engineering sounds like you're gonna be working on an oil rig or something
Yup. 3 months on, 3 months off. Pretty good gig as long as you dont get killed in the process. Some good geo jobs in that field as well.
The point was
>hurr durr CS = programming!
when it really isn't. You don't need a CS degree to program, though programmers may have a CS degree. Saying programming is all CS is about (which was strongly implied in the post I was replying to) is just as retarded as saying CS is a subset of IT.
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>mfw today, my professor told me that there won't be any more need for SysAdmins because everything will be moved to "The Cloud"
But what about the cloud's system admins?
>Those who don't know shit, teach
there can only be one
>implying the Cloud won't admin itself
Specialize. Find a profitable niche.
.......What about CE?
>all this disinfo

Just faggots pissed they didn't get into CS or IT. It's probably the fastest growing field in the world
excellent opportunities, better than CS
I did a chem/petro engineering degree. The first job I got after a year of job hunting was a job working in a warehouse doing the same shit I did before college. I live in the middle of the marcellus shale. None of the drilling companies want to train recent graduates, and there are plenty of seasoned texans who will go where the rigs are for work.

Good thing we are have not had a disgruntled engineering grad go on a killing spree or do a terrorist attack. The body count they would rack up would put everyone else who did something similar since 9/11 to shame. One of the leaders of the 9/11 plot was an unemployed PhD civil engineer.
>>mfw today, my professor told me that there won't be any more need for SysAdmins because everything will be moved to "The Cloud"
He's almost absolutely right. Most operations are being consolidated. Outside of fortune 10000 companies there is very little need for more than 3 or 4 sysadmins deployments. Everything little business IT will be run by some burntout CS major that's "the IT guy". The one exception is the medical field; thanks HIPAA.

oh fuck, he was right then

I was going to get my IT degree in the Sys Admin track, but it is not too late to switch over to Forensics (lel yeah right) or Business Intelligence or Information Architecture!
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>MFW when your professor is an ass-hat and you still need SysAdmins to run the "Cloud".

Tell that bitch I said this to.
>yes, goyim, continue paying for your CS or IT degree!
Are there any EXTREMELY demanding fields in CS which other people won't take because people find it so hard, and it the same time could give dosh?
>yes goyim, dont go into CS or IT, get an art degree like a good goy, there are no STEM jobs and it's oversaturated
just about to finish freshman year for cs, you have me somewhat worried now
Don't worry, the job market is shit no matter what major you are.
>highest job growth
>most jobs being created every year
>every year more and more things are becoming computer dependent
>most people suck with computers

You picked a good field.
get a master's degree in it you'll be fine
>>33440858 (OP)
Really that paragraph shows that our graduates aren't smart or hard working enough even after graduating with those degrees
Good luck finding a job with those pretty pictures of circles and arrows. Seriously though, you better be better than the other CS students somehow.
the world still needs network designers r-right?
>tfw everyone and their mother has a degree these days and you don't feel clever or special by having one now
>>33440858 (OP)


You're fucked.

Should've went software engineering.
>implying SE isnt a subsection of CS
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>Yes, the field is oversaturated! I made good decisions in life!


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