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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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>No more Flash on ninite.

WELP time to jump ship, what's better than ninite /g/ ?
>installing flash
>>33136451 (OP)
>Not watching YouTube.
>>33136451 (OP)
Is this motherfucking serious? what the fuck?
>>33136451 (OP)
>not using the HTML5 player
html5 sucks ass. it's a bad standard and you should feel bad for pushing it
But it's not bad. Even if it is, Flash is worse.
>preferring Flash to anything
>pretending html5 isn't a steaming pile of horse shit
>pretending Flash isn't a fossilized pile of dinosaur shit
>no more flash
Op is dumb. Only reason i was mad about no more flash on android was because there's so many stupid motherfuckers who still use it.
and yet it is still better than html5, that's why it's still so prevelant and html5 is barely adopted
>implying one can watch all YouTube videos with the HTML5 player
Deal with it.
HTML5 just barely came out. Stop being retarded.
sure buddy, keep telling yourself that.
You can.
Keep believing otherwise, mate.
Have fun using bad software.
Do...do we have Adobe shills ITT? Seriously?
>not realizing the security risk html5 represents
>not Adobe
>implying Flash doesn't present just as many
I said:
nope, html5 is worse, it's an infection vector that no one has even begun to address


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