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>ITT: Stories of working in computing

I worked IT support for an architecture firm. I hated the job. Every single day, the pretentious hipster workers would decide that they want to move desk. Sometimes the boss would decide to move people's desks around whenever they worked on new projects. But here's the problem:

THE WORKERS INSISTED THEIR COMPUTER, MOUSE, KEYBOARD AND MONITOR(S) WENT WITH THEM TOO! Even though they could easily just move desk and use whatever computer was there, NOPE! They had to have "their" computers.

To make matters worse, every desk had cable tidies, but the workers would cover these with years and years and years worth of paperwork and supplies. So I would have to clear absolutely EVERYTHING off of their desk so I could unplug their computer. Then I would have to put all their stuff on a trolley and take it down to their new place. And of course, whoever was sitting in the place they are set to go in wanted to be moved too, so I'd have to trolley their stuff away and hook it up in a new position. The network cables were also plugged into floor boxes, which again, were often covered with clutter and near impossible to access.

Every day I had to do this process about 10 times because people were too pretentious to just move fucking desk without taking everything and the kitchen sink with them. Fury.
>>35519109 (OP)
I spent half of my work day as a technician hiding in the toilets. Sometimes I slept in the toilets or masturbated. I would also browse the web on my phone. Sometimes I was in there so long the lights would automatically shut off. I was often worried they had a hidden camera in there.
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>>35519109 (OP)
>>35519109 (OP)
When I worked in IT support it used to take the admin account about 40 minutes to replicate on each machine before logging in. So I used to just sit there browsing the web on my phone all day.
You should have suggested switching to VMs and all files on jailed directory ftp server for each user. explain the benefits in $$$ wording. moving shit takes times. time is money. what business owner wouldn't want to streamline something like this.
Multiple architectural projects would be going on all at once, and the boss wanted to move people working together on a project next to each other so they could communicate easier (as in face to face) and whatnot...

Plus it's architects we're talking about here, so they're all pretentious hipsters. That means sometimes they just simply up and decided they wanted to move for the "vibes" (literally, for the vibes) or so they were facing a certain direction when they work. This caused me great anger.
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>>35519109 (OP)
>working in computing
>they just simply up and decided they wanted to move for the "vibes"
this shit made me laugh out loud

meh, architecture is one of the hardest and most competitive majors. I guess they've earned the right to be retarded cunts.
Before I finished certs I found that this is also the life of your average janitor.
>teacher says desktop frozen
>tell her to turn it off and on again
>tells me it's not her job
>mfw she emailed me while I had the day off
>reading mail on a day off
Just reply that it isn't your job either, you have the day off.
Can confirm this. Also the life (whatever rank) office soldiers. I knew this guy who would only show up to for coffee breaks and hide in his hard to find office. He would usually leave 3 hours early and would the rest of the day running (to the nearest coffee shop)

To this day I admire him and will do the same if all else fails.

For the record in the 1 year I was there I didn't do much else either but had to watch out for higher ranking personel
Seriously, fucking business jews are enslaving you with "free" work phones, etc
>desktop frozen
>she emailed me
Well clearly the problem was either resolved, or she was able to use someone elses computer.
This is true. Greedy jews want you to work even when not at work "Hey, Frank, I know it's 2 AM on a Sunday morning but I need you to come down to the office."

I'm so glad I started working for myself from home. The great part is, I don't have to worry about sick days or holidays or commuting or talking to colleagues or bosses... It helps especially considering I have a poor immune system. Forcing yourself into work when you have a virus should be outlawed. Getting up at 7 should be outlawed.

Fuck the 9 to 5 grind. Sometimes I work from 4 in the morning, or do 20 hour shifts but it's because I feel like it...
But most of the time you probably get up at 2 and browse 4chan until it's late.
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back to your ghetto, friend
What I hate about working as a techy is that it RUINED computers for me. Now whenever I fiddle about with my computer or have to install operating systems it feels like work rather than fun or like a hobby. Installing components and fixing shit etc, it's ruined my hobby.

You'd think that it's a dream come true to be able to work on computers if you do it as a hobby, but believe me, when you have a nagging boss and annoying coworkers, plus the hell which is the office atmosphere, it puts you right off. You come home and you barely even want to put the computer on... Except you do anyway because there's fuck all else to do unless you're the kind of person who enjoys modern day TV, consisting of Jeremy Kyle, Jeremy Kyle and more Jeremy Kyle.
>>35519109 (OP)
So I have to say that the kinds of things you were doing at that firm are a slightly less structured version of what happens at Pixar weekly. I did some equipment moving work there and they have people move around all of the time for different projects.
>Seriously, fucking business jews are enslaving you with "free" work phones
That's why I always turn down these offers.
>>35519109 (OP)
Junior Architect here. Sorry about those things but we are so attached to our computers and its assorted peripherals. I even try putting our work files on a central server whenever I am project lead but some douchebag will always insist on using his own system.
And The Walking Dead.
C'mon, are you even trying anymore?
I don't think anyone on earth considers working with computers a dream come true.
Eleven y/o kids do.
>>35519109 (OP)
I guess I have it easy then - I work at a big telecommunication firm, and we have a nice big VMware View infrastructure.

Moving desks? Who fucking cares, as long as you have your portable View client program with you.

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