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>Captain kirk, why don't you come down alone?
>Well this certainly doesn't seem like a trap. Beam me down scotty!

And those horrible dialogs, and the hell is up with unfinished plots?

>We just discovered time travel.
>Well fuck it, who cares about that.

Does this show get any better? Im still on the 1st season.
Wrong board? Try /tv/ - Celebrity Feet
But the show is supposed to be all /g/. I know its not weaboo but still.
DS9 is best Star Trek
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>Star Trek
>But the show is supposed to be all /g/.
we're childish, but not THAT childish
So you're telling me you'd prefer to watch weaboo over this? Wow this place is worse than i thought. So long faggots.
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>star trek
>not cowboy bebop
Yeah, later episodes are a lot better

I liked the one with the black and white painted alien guys arguing over who's superior, while Captain Kirk threatens to blow up his ship
>The original series
Watch Next Generation.
Especially the later episodes post-riker-beard and dianna getting a real uniform.
/tv/ is --> thataway

>Cowboy Bebop
>not Planetes

stay pleb and scientifically inaccurate
I liked The Next Generation more. The technology is newer, cooler, and more botnetty.
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I'm afraid
>not voyager


it's like you want your ears to bleed from all the technobabble
If anything the dial down the technobabble on voyager. TNG couldn't help itself from getting Geordie to say random shit all the way through an episode.
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I personally love TOS - but I didn't try to take it seriously at all. If you overthink it, yeah, its pretty dumb.

My personal favorite episode: A Piece of the Action, in which there's an entire planet based around Prohibition-era gangsters. Insanely stupid idea? Oh yeah. Really fun episode? You bet.

And no, there are no ongoing plots at all. Not only do they forget about time travel between episodes, they find entirely different ways to achieve it! There is some continuity though - for example, they use one of these methods in the movie Star Trek IV.
>To where no man has gone before
>1 episode on 5 takes place on earth, in the past or on a clone planet.
star wars > star trek
why not watch both?
No. Have you seen *any* Star Wars film recently? I went to watch the original trilogy a few months ago and was shocked at how bad they were. Then I realized that the last time I actually saw them, I was about in elementary school and I doubt I understood anything then beyond spaceships, explosions, and laser fights.

Special effects yes. Otherwise it's the same plot for all 6 movies. After you've seen the first one you've seen them all.
here we go again
We are talking about Science Fiction here, not about futuristic fantasy with knights, swords and magic.
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>we space sope opera drama with sociopolitical and religious overtones now

also sexy clone sluts
>>33303658 (OP)
Look at Scotty, how thin and manly he was!
It's good, you just have to understand it in context.

It's half action/adventure rubber masks 60 silliness, half high and mighty moral plays.

You'll come to love the Spock/Kirk/McCoy triumverate, and most scenes in which the three interact are pure gold.

If you really want to gain an appreciation for these guys, watch TOS up to Space Seed, then watch the Wrath of Khan (Second movie) (which in my opinion achieves the perfect balance between action and philosophy)
this, Spock's Brain is sstill one of my favorites jsut because how fucking stupid it is.
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let's not forget about Caprica, Alessandra Torresani makes my dick hard every time I think about her eh.. performance
How does /g/ feel about Doctor Who?

Over the last few weeks, I watched (almost) everything from the 2005 revival to current and I'm pretty impressed. It doesn't take itself too seriously and the Doctor is pretty much a walking, talking deus ex machina, but I found it enjoyable.

Thinking about trying to go watch some of the classic series, but I doubt I really want to invest that much more time into it. The new series seems to do a pretty good job explaining the important bits.
Yep, the big difference between TOS and the rest is that even when the plot is mind-numbingly stupid, it still manages to be good fun to watch.
Yeah, the first episodes are a bit tedious. I just started as well, watched the first season in the last two weeks. Trust me, it gets better. What episode are you on?
>>33303658 (OP)
>Does this show get any better?
Obviously you haven't seen the episode with the walking pizza yet (I forgot the name now). Btw, did you ever have any trouble with Tribbles ?
13 the conscience of a king
>It doesn't take itself too seriously
understatement of the century
Star Wars for me is peculiar in that the universe is very interesting but most of the media portraying it e.g. the films are bad
Star Trek on the other hand has good TV shows, but the premise is boring as fuck
So far in and you don't like it? Well, it might not be your kind of thing.
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tfw I see ppl talk about space operas but don't mention firefly
>tfw I see ppl use the word opera but don't mention browsers
Star Trek (all of the series) is NOT meant to have any continuity. It has the same format as Baywatch or The A-Team: the episode of the week. It’s a platform where the writer of the week can play within a specific fictional universe. Currently these kind of shows (episode of the week) have been replaced by reality television.

You would be correct by saying this is bad writing, but it is not how the show was made. Just look at every episode individually. Some are good. Some are really good. Most are shit (pseudo-science combined with new-age bullshit and technobabble).
I just think the plot is stupid.
There is no plot. That's the thing.
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why can't we have quality word play like this in movies anymore?
I still think continuity is what made Enterprise so shitty post season 2
>>33303658 (OP)
No, in fact, it will get way, way worse.
Wait until you watch gems like Spectre of the Gun and Spock's Brain.
Thats what bothers me the most, most the good episodes end with clifhanger endings and then the next episode they go like fuck it.
Like that episode where they intercept the invisible ramulan space ship and destroy it, like what the fuck thats it? When the show finally becomes interesting they move on to something else. It would have been very interesting if they dug deeper into this whole ramulan deal but they didn't and thats just annoying.
Go and watch DS9. It has much more continuity (from the second half of the series at least)
Never watched old Who but mean to.

Series 1-6 are fantastic. Series 7 so far is easily the worst. Moffat has no idea what he's doing anymore.
>>33303658 (OP)
i couldn't watched it.
Could watch every strar trek except for it even
You don't as such need the classic series in order to understand or appreciate the modern, and they are very different beasts.

With the classic series the pacing is a lot slower, stories are spread over a number of half-hour episodes, and effects are certainly hokey at the best of times.

Nevertheless it's worth watching in it's own right, there are plenty of gems and the Doctor is always entertaining.

The 4th Doctor is mostly accepted as the peak of the classic series, as he had the best writing staff (Douglas Adams of Hitchhikers Guide fame).
I think the answer you're looking for is Sherlock, but I agree.
>star trek thread
>why aren't you guys talking about firefly
Yeah, you wanna watch Deep Space 9. It starts off slow (and pretty shitty), but by God it grows to the point where you have series-long plots and arcs that intertwine.
pls go
Or just watch Babylon 5. It’s were DS9 stole its ideas from. DS9 still has some great episodes and characters, but it ultimately doesn’t go anywhere with it. Babylon 5 was thought out beforehand and has some of the best writing of any TV-show I’ve ever seen.
Except for that last series, where literally nothing happens
>has never done a full watchthrough of DS9
Season 5 had massive problems with production, however the second part of it was still good. It brought the Centauri-conflict full circle and the ending was great. The first half was manly bad because the budget was extremely low and a lot of stuff was already covered in season 4 because the makers thought the show would end. Personally I would’ve preferred it if the first half of season 4 had a story with Bester and Garibaldi, since it was the only real thing left unresolved.
ugh, such an underrated series
>cowboy bebop
Never finished watching it, i forced myself to sit through half of it and had to turn that shit off because i was dying of boredom
sitcom crap
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too boring, not enough fite, if i am watching scifi about a fucking heavy battle cruiser i expect some fucking battling
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I love dr who, but it would be way better without elemental tier plot holes in the story line and it could also do without occasional silly as fuck stories
Fucking weaboos, they are like a disease.
You’re not even comparing the same types of shows.
>Matrix sequels
>wear red uniform
>wear red uniform
>wear red uniform
>wear red uniform
the tv show
Should have put planetes instead of madoka
your god tier should be called nostalgia tier. Because objectively they are equal to great tier.
And some other bullshit going on.
>tfw tolkien about space tv shows but nobody mentions superior andromeda season 1
fuck you all plebs
I'm a fan of most of these, but I 'd make some changes.

Red Dwarf out of God Tier, it's good for it's first 6 seasons, but that doesn't make up for the fact that Doug Naylor kept going after Rob Grant left and gave us 7, 8, back to earth and 10 (which is only OK).

DS9 deserves God Tier, Firefly deserves great tier, because there wasn't a single bad episode (even though it was short).

Voyager only deserves Okay tier, because there are so many bad episodes, and unlike TOS or TNG, the bad voyager episodes are usually boring as fuck too. Voyager had some great high points, but it suffers from too many glaring issues (boring cast, plot not allowed to develop because of reset button, poor use of it's premise, boring aliens of the week).

TOS deserves good tier, because even if it's crazy and the plots are stupid, it's never boring and has a stellar cast.
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Anyone here ever seen Earth: Final Conflict?

That show went from great to some of the worst shit I’ve ever seen.


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