Gr8 b8 m8
>doesn't know about man
>Memorizing all the commandsI'm not a nerd.
>>35513307 (OP)>>35513350>man tar
we fired a kid at our workplace because he spent 5 hours doing a task he could have googled in 30 seconds and wasted our timewelcome to the fucking internet
>>35513350tar -xvf ./file
tar -xvf ./file
>>35513350tar -xvf yourass.tar
>>35513363That's a man command.I have xvf memorized, I don't even know what it does besides extract(I think) files.
>>35513350tar -xvf
tar -xvf
>>35513350Wouldn't simply inputing tar do the trick?Causing the program to output the coded message designed to alert the user that they need to use the command with more arguments is a valid command.
>>35513368What was it?
>>35513307 (OP)Who cares that's how most people learn...Would you rather have noobs coming to /g/ asking for every command?
>>35513307 (OP)>I use Windows for life>I'm terrified of the prospect of looking up how to do things, and learningSounds 'bout right.
>>35513394lel that's what I was thinkingI'd just do tar --help. it's a tar command and it's 'valid'.
...yes, that's how it works.When I want to know things, I look it up.This applies to anything.
>>35513307 (OP)Is that suppose to be an insult or a bad thing?
>>35513350tar --help '>implying it doesn't return a 0 exit status
'>implying it doesn't return a 0 exit status
>>35513414That would be my first choice.
>>35513369>>35513387lok tar ./orc
lok tar ./orc
>>35513429You're missing the point, doofus.
>>35513350tar -xvfz filenamed-did i make it?
>>35513561No. it was a tar.bz2, we all died.
>>35513400>>35513404>>35513505wretchedyou guys have such an inferiority complex it's hilarious.
>>35513307 (OP)how do you learn anything without starting at the bottom
>>35513596>spending 30 seconds to do write something that would take 3 seconds to typegr8b8m8
Typical Windows user
>>35513645gen2 isn't kawaii
I don't google to find my way around an unfamiliar "command">>35513596Oh, it's a macfag. Typical, posting image macros and showing off how fucking stupid he is.Here's one you'll find hilarious, I'm sure. As the kids say, it's EPIK XDD.
>>35513596How's seven year old bash holding up
>>35513629>>35513645>>35513674Still have yet to show me how Linux is not useless.Oh wait you can't.
>>35513307 (OP)>google it the first time>never have to look it up againThis is how learning works. You don't just automatically know everything about something you've never used or done before.
>>35513693Last time I checked google, amazon, twitter, yahoo, and the NYSE ran linux
>>35513749red dinosaur?
trolling and shitposting as far as the eye can see
>>35513793you blew my mind friend.
>>35513561le nopeits tar filename -xvfz
>been off /g/ for a while>notice that a new version of android 4.3 has been soft launched>oh boy let's see what /g/ is saying>front page is nothing but linux threads and ironic shitposts
>>35513713> rm -rfWhen you can just do the readmanual (-richfont or -rf for the graphically inclined), there really is no reason to not know your shit.
>>35513854what's new in 2.3?
>>35513307 (OP)>what are manpageseven the greatest sysadmins still refer to them, you can't know everything
I could fuck all of you up.
>>35513864a whole lot. http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-2.3-highlights.html
>>35513369>>35513375>>35513387>>35513561>>35513828>dashestar was made before POSIX, you can just write "tar xvf"
nice meme :)
>>35513693Linux's place in the world is to be a wonderful tinkering/learning device and an internet server. If you do not know operating system or web servers, its pretty useless.
>>35513878my phone already has had all these features. wtf?
>>35513858I didn't know anything about that the first time I tried to use a terminal. So I looked it up.
>>35513876fuck you dude ill take you
>>35513898simply epic
>>35513892You're forgetting embedded linux
>>35513913what is?
>>35513892>no mention of androidok
>>35513341>implying man is usefulseriously that shit is fucking useless.I can't stand people who pretend man is useful
Did you the 3DS OS is Linux based?
>>35513307 (OP)But I don't google every command. Most of the ones I actually use; I already know.
pic very fucking related
>>35513933no its not.
Bait, bait everywhere.
>>35513693>Hurr prove me wrongI can shitpost on /g/ from it, which is the same as what you are doing from Mac nOSeX or Winblows.
>>35513893fucking retarded. He linked to 2.3 not 4.3 I hope you are a troll
>>35513957It's a quote from some hipster fedora wearing faggot
>>35513992so what's your point? my phone still has all those fucking features.
>>35514001>trying to be ironic>shitposting instead
>>35514033>redditwhy are you guys quoting reddit. and this subreddit is clearly a joke.
>>35513858It's sudo rm -rf * If you're not on Arch. (standard user document operation, readmanual, richfont, show index)
>>35514020It's some image, I probably have it somewhere in the clusterfuck thats my b folder. Not worth looking for really
>>35514033>/r/circlejerkDid anyone actually post that on /r/atheism?
>>35514061wow. this post was totally worth posting.
>>35513943>typical mac users>using windows xpFigures.
>>35514072>Adhoms against ironic shitpostingWhat?
>>35514091you quoted the wrong post
>>35514089and a typical windows user is using OSX
>>35513453Fucking hell, anon.Well fucking played.
>>35514062Not really. There are a few posts of it, but most of them only received <10 upvotes.On a side note, it looks like Reddit isn't nearly as edgy as it used to be. This type of material would be the material you'd expect to see on /r/atheism a year or two ago.
>>35514232>jpgHOW IS IT MOVING?!
██████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████install
>>35514236Why would any self-respecting individual know that?
>actually using verbose flagmom look im using a terminal its for hackers look at all this stuff happening
>>35514287what do you mean
sure is winter in here
>>35514264It isn't?
>>35514317Oh. sorry. the acid must've kicked in
>>35514264Are you high?
>>35513369>>35513375>>35513387>>35513561>>35513828tar xvf is inefficient. You should be writing tar xfv instead.
>>35514341using v at all is inefficient and pointless
>>35514383but v stands for vagina
>>35514383I just hit a random combination of "x,v,f and z" whenever I run the tar command.
>>35514383The reason xvf is inefficient is because the f is closer to the x than v is to the x. You're overextending on your keyboard for xvf.
TIL I'm the only one on /g/ who learned commands from a UNIX book in the 90sHave fun with yer fancy google, kids.
>>35514416>using v at all
>>35513629>spending 30 seconds to do write something that would take 3 seconds to type> seconds to do write something that would take 3 seconds to type> write something that would take 3 seconds to type> write something that would take 3 seconds to type
>>35514429I will
>>35514433yes? why would you write anything when you can type
>>35513307 (OP)>implying I need to use the command line
>>35514429>implying I use jjewgleOkay well, startpage technically does
>>35514460>using voice
>>35513930>seriously that shit is fucking uselessMan is useful but there are times when a google search is going to be much faster. If nothing else man can show you things about the command you didnt know.
>>35513596Whoa wait whatHow
>>35514429I learned a lot of it from a book that was written in the 90's. Does that count?
>>35514486who uses voice
>>35514562I do not have thisAt what version did this become a thing
>>35514592osx lion
>>35514610I have lionWhere is this panel
>>3551459210.8 with offline mode coming with 10.9
>>35514638DamnI guess this is a pretty good reason to upgrade
>>35514562Enjoy passing all of the information that enters your mic to apple. Jesus christ how retarded do you have to be?
>>35514676Le offline mode doesn't upload to le apple.
>>35514638I will never use this feature, and I'd imagine it will take up a lot of space. Is there a way for me to remove it in 10.9?
I would like to interject and introduce you to manjaro linux, a great distro with a great amount of potential. You might be asking why should I use manjaro linux? Good question, the fact that it brings reliability out of the box. Why use anything else? Manjaro linux will increase productivity and allow you to surf the web and still get the superior protection from viruses and other unwanted enteties within your machine. Manjaro linux is based on arch and willassist new users from windows and make them feel at home but without the bloated ware that would come with windows os. manjaro linux is a fantastic choice that is reliable and easy to use but still having the linux technicalities that other linux distros have.Manjaro the future is here visit us at manjaro.org and get your copy today
>>35514695It's opt-in, you can choose to download it first time you activate it. It's 765mb for en-US
>>35514692No you dumbass, it doesn't work when you're offline.
>>35513943>in this moment I am euphoricEPIG REDDIT MAYMAY :DDDD
>>35514676Jesus Christ what have you done
>>35514711It will in 10.9 niggertron, read my posts.
>>35514728It's a quote some stupid post from an atheist reddit from some neckbeard, originated and perpetuated on redditBasically, the 'euphoric' bullshit is a reddit may may
>>35514273>>35514702But Arch is for 1337 haxors. Why try to make it easy?
>>35514822what's a may may
>>35514860comes after april
>>35514860it's what hip and savvy internet users use to refer to ideas and actions
>>35514847because it a great combo, easy installation and easy to use, its free so why not try it on your virtuall machine, or install it on your machine?great for new users and experienced
>>35514898then why not just say idea or action instead of confusing the reader
>>35514939Saying that is a may may in itself. We like meta-jokes here on the internet, enjoy your stay.
>>35514974If you allow me to reply through a picture.
>>35514974may may is just how kids with aspergers say memes. I don't know why they do it like that.
>>35514911Because Ubuntu already exists.
>>35515094But other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how are you enjoying 4chan?
>>35513307 (OP)
>>35515035I could elaborate how it's a joke making fun of those who are uneducated and don't know how to pronounce meme and have fallen pray to the commodification of internet culture because they want to appear savvy.But I'll call you a faggot instead.
>>35515146>don't know how to pronounce memethese people don't exist
>"i use windows">doesn't know any DOS commands
>>35515111Is this a reference to something
>>35515164yes they do
>I use Ubuntu>widget A requires widget B>widget B requires widget C>widget C requires widget A>>35515171>>>/mlp/
>>35515179burden of proof is on you then
>>35514389I still have my vagina-card
>>35515164le me-me
>>35515193what does windows have to do with mlp?
>>35515204Everybody in the entire universe (Including aliens) know how to pronounce meme?>>>/x/
>>35515229yes. you have yet to prove me wrong
>>35514890during the 500 days of summer
>>35515193>/mlp/Are you high? That's blown up pixel art.
>>35515215They're both for manchildren.>muh games>muh horseporn
>>35515241It would involve me linking to shit sites like knowyourmeme and cheezburger network, whores that participate in the cultural commodification I was talking about.So no, I will not.
>>35515267I guess industry standards are for manchildren as well.>implying wine can handle master-race OS applications
switched to lubuntu this summer after being too lazy to drop win 8 despite being super fucking annoyed by itdid it mainly for my internship because the other intern is way more competent than me and does all that useful shit and I'm just trying to keep upcouple of weeks of awkward asking for command reminders from him until i got it downeh you faggots aren't that special
>>35515283>can't find one shred of proofthen I'm right
>>35515293"I don't have a job that needs high end, expensive software but I pirate it anyways so I can feel important. That's why windows is the best. Install windows."-Every windows user that makes this argument on /g/"I don't have a job that needs supercomputers, but I use linux anyways so I can feel important. use linux."-The equivalentResponses to responses go on like "well if you're not doing that your job isn't real work and you're a fag lol"
>>35513307 (OP)>using Google at all>not using man and info when you need to figure out how to use a commandStay pleb.
>>35515398>windows users using photoshop to make reaction images>linux users ricing their kernels until they have the least possible amount of overhead>tfw
>>35515398more like "I don't have a job that needs high end, expensive software but I pirate it anyways so that I can use it for editing my own personal videos and photographs and for creating music as a hobby"
>>35515322Alright thenCancer alert:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qViYuz2kNYwhttp://blog.cheezburger.com/announcements/cheezburger-acquires-know-your-meme/
>>35513828>its tar filename -xvfzNo it's not.>Usage: tar [OPTION...] [FILE]...
>>35514062>Did anyone actually post that on /r/atheism?Yes.http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/15xwij/i_came_up_with_this_quote_just_a_few_minutes_ago/The content of the post has been removed, but here's a screenshot.
It's true. Linux is not self contained.There is no way from going from something you want to accomplish to somehow conjuring up the right commands out of thin air. You have to use google.
>>35513350alias untar='tar xvfz'I aint got time to remember that shit
alias untar='tar xvfz'
>>35514033The joke is that nothing he says has value because he's uglyIf he was george clooney /v/ would call him a hero
>>35513930But it is.
>>35515679>over 700 downvotesnot even the atheism subreddit liked it. why are we repeating it then
>>35515797>But because, >intelligence
>>35515729tar xzfxtract ze files
>>35515783We're shallow, aren't we? Good thing too, looking below the surface is for faggots. If someone is a faggot on the outside, they're a faggot on the inside.Ugly people are merely human beings that failed to form properly.
>>35513307 (OP)>tfw have to google a tutorial to install every piece of software.>tfw i need a program that is not on the AUR, seriously guys what do you do?
>>35515825Use a distro that actually has support
>>35515825you.. compile it? or generate a package?
>>35515729That will only work for .tar.gz files, not .tar.bz2
>>35515822>quentin will never come back to save us;_;
>>35515825>ubuntu>add-apt-repository>install>arch, etc>./CONFIGURE>I NEED HOW MANY DEPENDENCIES?>FUCK I DONT HAVE THE RIGHT LIBRARY VERSION
>>35515863And GNU tar autodetects the file type
>>35513307 (OP)well wtf is wrong with googling each command?if we asked what the command was here, /g/ would just say I'm a summerfag and link me to one of those let me google that for you things./g/
>the shitty user interface is a feature>hurr only master craftsmen can use a screwdriver without a handle.
>>35515922>well wtf is wrong with googling each command?That there is no coherent manual and you have to rely on second or third hand accounts in some random posting that may or may not be relevant to you.
Read the fucking man page
>>35515922the wrong part is that you're not learning anything and then going around dickwaving that you're some leite haxorz for using ubuntu and knowing only how to apt-get and copy paste commands
Linix is fuckin shite. I tried to download it for TF2 a wile back and it required some gay ass shit that i couldnt find. Wasted a weak of my time :/
>>35515998>a weak of my time
>implying people who have an actual use for linux besides shitposting on 4chan care about what other people usedisgusting.
>>35514692Have you read le privacy policy? Remember, Apple is also an active, eager participant in PRISM
>>35513693It's constructed in a logical way with a software philosophy behind it. Does this mean it stacks up feature for feature with Windows? No. But it's better in every way.Not going to bother writing out a list of the reasons it's better, but it is.
>>35516173Every way except all those features, you mean.And the list of reasons you don't have.
>>35516230Holy shit, there are lists everywhere. Not going to make another one. If you haven't figured out yet why people like UNIX better than your operating system it's not going to help reiterating it.And it's better in every way. Its drivers are better when properly made, it just has less support. Its games run faster, there are just fewer.
>>35516268I use OSX. It's UNIX and it's got all the actual support and features that linux doesn't. Next?
>>35516230Honestly, where to even start.... Memory management CPU footprint Virtualization Portability Behavior inside a virtualized environment Freedoms Corporate support Open nature/no walled gardens Inexpensive at any scale of deploymentYou need more or can you just say you're trolling
>>35516300It's also got the botnet. Enjoy, /g/oy.
>>35516314No, all of those are better on windows / osx. Because I say so. Without any benchmarks or proof.See how that works?
>>35516300It doesn't have- source code you can see/share/modify- lack of cooperation with the NSA- support for hardware outside of Apple's ecosystem- a package manager- built-in C compiler- choice of all components (window manager, file manager, filesystem, etc)
>>35516335Yeah, I do. That's how Windows/OSX users work.
>>35516348>- built-in C compilerActually, OSX comes with Clang.
>>35516389Is that so? I stand corrected. I'll check next time I'm using a Mac.
>>35513307 (OP)It's like you're saying you use Windows and you have to Google every PowerShell commandlet. That's not necessary, just use the various GUI tools available on Linux, there's one for pretty much everything.
>>35516348>- source code you can see/share/modifyHow many times have you modified the linux source code?>- lack of cooperation with the NSAYour data isn't safe as soon as it leaves the port. Not that I have anything to hide.>- support for hardware outside of Apple's ecosystemApples hardware is good. I'm not poor.>- a package managermacports, brew. Not that you need one, since you can do drag and drop installs of entire program directories nested in pseudo-executables.>- built-in C compilerWrong.>- choice of all components (window manager, file manager, filesystem, etc)Again, what does the choice matter if I have no desire to change it? OSX has a UI leaps and bounds ahead of fucking Gnome or whatever horseshits they've replaced it with. You can choose filestyle formats, though.
>>35516431>linux source code?more than a dozen.
>>35516389Clang is a worse GCC with companies shilling false benchmarks.
>>35516441Like what?
>>355164311) Plenty of times. I can't keep track.2) I see you're using the nothing to hide argument. Mind posting your details and living in a glass house? Why are you hiding behind an anonymous name and not linking that post to your Facebook?3) Apple hardware is rebranded and marked up generic shit. Sorry that you don't understand the value of buying more for the same amount of money. I personally like getting an even nicer computer for the same/less.4) The real reason package management isn't big is because the App Store is their version of that. And it's pay. And it's not as organized/diverse. Do I need to go on?5) Who the FUCK uses Clang?6) Ignorance is bliss argument? Followed by you saying even in your ignorance something is better than another thing while being ignorant upon that not knowing that there are MULTIPLE WMs and other components you can freely choose from and fully modify? How is a closed project not leaps and bounds BEHIND?
>>35516460Have you ever compiled a kernel? Even that very basic act is modifying what code goes and what doesn't go into the base of the OS that your system runs upon. "Modifying code" is an oblique statement.
>>35516520>1) Plenty of times. I can't keep track.Name one time. One.>2) I see you're using the nothing to hide argument. Mind posting your details and living in a glass house? Why are you hiding behind an anonymous name and not linking that post to your Facebook?I take it you don't browse the internet then, because your data is being harvested as you do so. Oh wait, here you fucking are.>3) Apple hardware is rebranded and marked up generic shit. Sorry that you don't understand the value of buying more for the same amount of money. I personally like getting an even nicer computer for the same/less.I'm a software developer. People throw money at me and I don't really give a fuck over 500 bucks more for something I'm gonna use every day.Plus, Apple hardware integrates with all other apple hardware. I can use my phone to play videos on my TV off of my computer in another room.>4) The real reason package management isn't big is because the App Store is their version of that. And it's pay. And it's not as organized/diverse. Do I need to go on?Uh, macports. Brew. Third party package managers. Totally free. I don't use the app store on my mac. You can download executables anywhere.>5) Who the FUCK uses Clang?Literally millions of professional developers.>6) Ignorance is bliss argument? Followed by you saying even in your ignorance something is better than another thing while being ignorant upon that not knowing that there are MULTIPLE WMs and other components you can freely choose from and fully modify? How is a closed project not leaps and bounds BEHINDI used linux for 8 years, and lots of window managers. I don't want to fucking design a UI. I'm not a goddamn designer. I don't give a shit about ricing my clock onto my desktop or what the fuck ever. Do you seriously choose your operating system based on how pretty you can make it look?
>>35516556Fine, "editing". Holy shit, do you honestly think that picking what parts you want in a kernel is equivalent to writing code? And yes, I have.
>>35516431>Your data isn't safe as soon as it leaves the port. Not that I have anything to hide.I like it how people use this as an excuse for running operating systems with backdoors.
I cant use tar - that fucker is complex as shit
>>35516632How do you know your OS doesn't have a backdoor? Did you personally read every line of code and comprehend in its entirely. I'm sure you've checked every single library being used by every single program on your machine, right?
>apple fag completely shitting on insecure linuxfags
>>355165941) This is actually part of my daily job, I help maintain a small company's Xen installations and hunt down bugs because of the unique hardware/software combinations we run. My particular area of interest is directed I/O development.2) I don't own my own net connection. I use an overseas VPN and TOR. The burden still lies with you buddy. Why are you posting as Anon?3) I'm a software developer too. People throw money at me and I give a fuck because I know that 500 bucks can make my setup even more efficient. Maybe you're just a software user.>shillingHeh, since you're a developer why not use superior options to these solutions? Don't tell me you're ignorant or lazy!?!?!?!4) Right, downloading executables "Anywhere" is smarter than using a reputable repository.5) Righttttttttttttt. Do you happen to live in Cupertino California?6) Yet you only named 1 before. I don't rice my desktop either, I took 5 minutes to snap my toolbar where I wanted and changed what icons appeared on my taskbar. I don't think that constitutes designing a UI, most users do the same as me when installing a new OS.Ironically, you did choose your OS based on what you think is pretty. You chose OSX.You have to be one of the most obvious shills in quite some time, and if you're not then you are seriously fucking stupid or a troll.
>>35513793I've been ruined
>>35516647My OS could hypothetically have a backdoor but I KNOW yours does. Pick one.
>>35516594>I take it you don't browse the internet then, because your data is being harvested as you do so. Oh wait, here you fucking are.Sounds like you're a tad bit salty over being a part of the botnet. Good thing a great deal of us with brains take precautions and limit how much our freedoms are infringed.
>>35516617If writing, then yes here as well.
>>35516789>1) This is actually part of my daily job, I help maintain a small company's Xen installations and ...How is this modifying linux and not just writing other programs?>2) I don't own my own net connection. I use an overseas VPN and TOR. The burden still lies with you buddy. Why are you posting as Anon?Because it's the default? And 4chan is full of retard teenagers who like to pull pranks? It's not like the NSA is going to call me asking for battletoads if they find my porn.>3) I'm a software developer too. People throw money at me and I give a fuck because I know that 500 bucks can make my setup even more efficient. Maybe you're just a software user.I care far more about the OS than the hardware, yes. As long as its capable I don't really care.>Heh, since you're a developer why not use superior options to these solutions? Don't tell me you're ignorant or lazy!?!?!?!Because reinventing the wheel is fucktarded. The software to do this cost me a dollar which is what I literally make in ten seconds or something like that.>4) Right, downloading executables "Anywhere" is smarter than using a reputable repository.Again, you complete idiot, there are macports and brew which use reputable repos. And I don't download from "anywhere", but from companies whose products I trust. Not some teenager with free time like on linux.>5) Righttttttttttttt. Do you happen to live in Cupertino California?Close, Santa Clara.>6) Yet you only named 1 before. I don't rice my desktop either, I took 5 minutes to snap my toolbar where I wanted and changed what icons appeared on my taskbar. I don't think that constitutes designing a UI, most users do the same as me when installing a new OS...are you claiming that you can't rearrange icons and position task bars in OSX? Are you a complete idiot?And no, I chose my OS because I wanted a professional level UNIX. I just find the UI inoffensive enough to leave alone.
>>35513344>i'm not a nerdkek
>>35516823You 'know 'it? Show me some proof.
>>35516647This is essentially the same argument that creationists use to try to make it look like science is faith based. It's a shitty failed argument that isn't convincing to anyone with half a brain. No, I haven't read the code, but it is fully peer reviewable and someone has. This information isn't hidden in any way.Could GNU/Linux have a backdoor? Absolutely. However, until I see evidence of it, I assume it doesn't. With Windows or OSX, I can't determine that because the source code is not available. For those OS's, I have to remain in a state of perpetual agnosticism, and I am not comfortable with that, therefor I will not use Windows or OSX by choice.
>>35516838I do not care if the government knows what I jerk off to. It's not kiddie porn like you, apparently.
>>35516878Also my mac came with gcc and clang. But faggoting over compilers is retarded.
>>35516896So you've never checked the source of any of them and have no evidence for any backdoors, is what you're saying.
>>35516932>any of themNot him, but I have checked the source for some components. Hell, I've actually wrote some of the source for one component.
>>35516947That's like checking one square inch of a boat and proclaiming it has no leaks.
My only problem with Linux is when developers don't include some small obscure dependency inside the .tar. People are going to delete it anyway after the program installs, so I'm pretty sure those extra few kilobytes won't be missed.
>>35516953The same goes for science in general, see >>35516896You trust the scientific consensus, knowing that it is peer reviewed and scrutinized every day. A physicist may know nothing about medicine, yet he trust his doctor and not some holistic unga bunga medicine man from the jungle of Africa.
>>35513596i'm sure there are some here that feel sorry for you for having been born a flid.
>>355168781) You read how I did Directed I/O development, right? This is still relatively new and many companies (I'd wager to say most) (small and large) that use the Xen kernel modify it in addition to deploying it.2) You should really use your name though. Even if it's lazy you're hiding. If you have nothing to hide then why are you afraid of "retarded teenagers"? You secured your shit, right? You're using that amazing Apple OSX that isn't prone to exploits and vulnerabilities, right? The NSA isn't going to call you, correct. They will silently steal and spy. If you're familiar with Syme from 1984 you should understand why being aligned with political ideologies and having "nothing to hide" is still not enough. You also just proved you DO have something to hide.So it's >nothing to hideor >something to hide, no matter how much you want to admit itIt's the latter with every human being, if they don't choose to acknowledge it they believe it's the aforementioned (which doesn't change the reality of the latter)3) I really doubt you've ever done any time critical development where wasted cycles are wasted money. Hope mom's basement/Apple's offices are working out for you.4) How am I the complete idiot when you are downloading from "companies whose products I trust". You set a nice precedent of trust with buying Apple to begin with, buddy. I don't have much free time at home, which is exactly why I like the Debian repository. If I did have free time I'd use Gentoo to mess around in.5) Right, so the Santa Clara Apple campus. Does this mean I should report for advertising or trolling?6) I never once claimed you couldn't. Read again. I chose a simple and functional WM, and I didn't have to reinvent the wheel to do so. >professional>not linuxPick one, but it seems you already chose the latter. The Fortune 500 and myself chose the former.
>>35517077You told me to post my Facebook, you fucktard. What would that have to do with my computer's security? Openly sharing your contact info with someone you're arguing sounds like a great idea. Why don't you go first?Actually, unlike you evidently, my time is better spent not wasted fucking around with config files for no reason other than to stroke my e-peen.l8r g8r
>>35513341>doesn't know about GNU Infoman is a harmful, useless piece of shit software cobbled together 40 years ago by the AT&T faggots that /g/ worships so much. It doesn't even have hypertext or hierarchical navigation, for fucks sake!
>>35517133You said you had nothing to hide. That is a universal statement. Unlike you I can safely say I like privacy, so I don't even have a Facebook to share. Any reason you've stepped up the aggressive tone in your sentences? Maybe the cognitive dissonance is settling in nicely.Interestingly enough as I already mentioned, my time at work is spent making money messing around with config files, while at home I have a package manager do things for me. Enjoy your shows on your Apple TV. Hopefully you will use your Macbook to view this post in the near future, or perhaps you will instead not read and immediately reply to yet another thread on your Iphone. Thankfully you were the one to start bringing the "E-peen" in your introductory post, extolling your financial credentials. I'm sure I'll see you later, because you're most likely another college kid on their Macbook chiling in mom's living room.
>>35516399>using GUI But guize I want to be teh haxors like anonymous :D
>>35517077>nothing to hide
>>35517550Thank you, hopefully the stupid macfags can understand this.
>>35518073Really the Unix philosophy is bunk. We'd be better off with the ITS philosophy of actual usability rather than "hurr durr le bloat".
>>35518200My issue with info is its lack of usablitiy, not its relative bloat.
>>35513561no, the filename must come directly after the f
>>35514033It's not a bad quote. Intelligence is needed to grasp concepts, solve problems, whatever. To be enlightened by ones own intelligence is indeed a wonderous thing far better than being deluded by some horse shit about a bearded old man in the sky.
>>35513350tar c is valid, but in the situation I would provide it with a valid file. Most likely the current directory:tar c .
tar c .
>>35513368please be specific
>>35516126Why hasn't anyone blown up that shit yet?
>>35513693>Make retarded claim>Hurrrr proof me wrong>Will probably refute any reasonable argument as "opinions".Shitposting 101
>>35516268>it just has less support.>there are just fewer.AHAHAFAGGOT.jpg
>>35518355The command line reader doesn't support mouse clicking, but Emacs does. And I believe there is also a decent Tk reader. You can also read the info manuals in a browser or as PDF.man is bullshit, especially with the section number system. Why not have an ordinary fucking menu? And why is the entire manual for a program on one page? It should be divided into logical sections that you can jump between.>>35518515I never said Unix was bloated, I said Unixfags were too preoccupied with bloat. They are always calling things from the ITS and LispM tradition bloated because of its feature-richness.
>>35513307 (OP)gr8 b8 m8
>>35520913I'm a Unix fan, but I'll give you that Unix isn't perfect. However, it's good enough, and probably the best thing we have out there. Like (Raymond?) said about Plan 9, no one wants to switch when the current system is good enough.
>>35513307 (OP)One day he'll googled the commands often enough to have remembered them, that's called learning.
>>35521080I'm trying to think:a. what commands does the average joe need?b. why are they hard to remember? I only use my terminal because I like to. Is 'ls' 'cp' 'mv' 'rm' 'ps' 'ps -e' 'make' 'chmod' 'usermod' and 'useradd' really that hard? You don't even HAVE to use them, they're just there if you like to.
>>35513307 (OP)>not duck duck going thempleb
>>35517550>implying people working with computers in a cubicle actually score dates, that end in sex.
>>35521012Yes, of course I do use a Unix-like system myself, but It's the GNU-isms that makes it really bearable. Like user-friendly long options, Emacs, the aforementioned Info system, etc.That's not to say Unix wasn't a stroke of genius at the time, and the best of all is the awesome interoperability that wouldn't have been possible without it and POSIX.
>>35521160We, as /g/, should design and build a replacement for UNIX that's source compatible.
>>35521193We'll call it /g/oonix
>>35521193>We, as /g/, should design and build a replacement for UNIX that's source compatible./g/ couldn't even finish their coreutil rewrite.
>>35521193That's pointless.If you're interested in kernel hacking, check out the Hurd kernel for the GNU operating system.