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liquid > air cooling?

pros and cons.
>>31395506 (OP)
Pro: It cools your system
Con: It's liquid, so if you fuck up, you fuck up bad.
Closed loop liquid cooling does the same as air cooling except more expensive. Real Liquid Cooling is expensive as fuck, so air cooling is the best way to go
>le B^U face
liquid cooling needs more care than air cooling.

>get some dust blower and give your PC a blow job

>take them apart and wash
>>31395506 (OP)

each has their own pros and cons. research faggot
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>blow job
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i prefer mayonnaise
Liquid cooling itself makes no noise at all, but some aircoolers don't do that either.

Is this true? I have a closed loop liquid cooler, and it's loud as hell. I wouldn't mind going back to air cooling just for the noise reduction if it gives the same results.

Side note, my i5 is overclocked about 700mhz.
Get better fans?
mayonnaise masterrace reporting in

Its the pump that's making all the noise.
False as fuck bro.
What is a pump?
Buy a decent closed loop system.
Not placing motherboard in mini-freezer

what year is this.
Real liquid cooling is expensive as fuck, high maintenance (compared to air cooling) and more of a hobby thing than anything else. Unless you're pushing your gear to the absolute limit there's no reason to go open loop, and closed loop is overpriced shit.
The year of condensation and people chanting "I thought it would work."
Pumps don't really make a noise once they're moving water and not air.
>high maintenance
Cleaning and water replacement every 6-12 months is high maintenance now?
The fans should be making FAR more noise than the pump. It's time to RMA that shit.
>(compared to air cooling)
Also, if you're properly maintaining the machine (taking it apart and cleaning every 1-1.5 years on top of replacing water) then yes, it's significant maintenance.
Compared to air cooling, yes.
But the whole point of watercooling is that the point of heat exchange does not have to be close to the point of heat generation.
You can have an external radiator that you can place in a different room if you want to do so. Along with the pump.

I have a watercooling setup, but I agree that it's more like a hobby, to me at least.

they've little 12v fish pumps, easily over 30db, over any fan
>implying my Laing DDC is an aquarium pump
The point of watercooling is increased surface area for heat dissipation. The water part is because moving water is more efficient than copper pipes running all over your case for a giant air cooling setup.
What this guy(>>31395805) said, in addition to that I move my PC around every couple months for LAN parties and moving between campus and home.

So much BS.
There is no point in watercooling, it's a hobby. Air cooling is far more practical for virtually the same results.

Actually most of them are variants of fish pumps. I'm not saying d5 pumps are fish pumps, but many of the lower end ones are.
Yes. But
>increased surface area
would not be possible without moving the heatsinks because of the space constraints near the CPU socket for example, and because of the maximum length of evaporation/condensation-based heatpipes.
>not oil cooling
Yes it is. I was considering watercooling my 3570k/7970 rig so I researched it extensively for a week and I decided not to because I could purchase almost two more 7970s for the same price. Watercooling is a hobby and an overall fun thing to do just like owning a sports car. It's not price-efficient but that's not a big deal.
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It's bawss
At least someone gets it.
Oil cooling just enables you to do passive cooling without underclocking. You might even get a "slight" overclock, but it's hardly efficient and dissipating heat compared to traditional cooling.
i was actually considering mercury
>dat thermal conductivity
hardly efficient AT* dissipating
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>No using Novec 7000 immersion cooling

Please tell me you don't mean a submerged setup . You might as well throw your computer in the ocean.
no, in pipes
I dare say that would be a dangerous, but extremely cool setup if you used clear tubing. I don't know how well mercury would behave with cpu blocks/gpu blocks and radiators as far as resistance goes but it would be a fun project.
other than mercury poisoning it should be able to pull off some intense overclocking
>implying it's silent
If it is, tell me how.
I have a top with built-in reservoir that is decently silent if I run the pump at 8.7V (12V - 3.3V) - still more than my fans but less than my HD.

>dat electric conductivity
mercury destroys aluminium
>tell me how.
Put it on a shoggy sandwich or something like that.
>top with built-in reservoir
seems to imply it is in direct contact with the case which resonates and amplifies everything.
If you could find/make blocks & a pump that would play well with it, it'd be fucking awesome.
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what if we get a mercury cooled rig and dunk it in oil?
If you can even compare it to your HDD speed then you shouldn't be worried. My setup is usually at 30-35db when idle, and 55db with cpu and gpu at full load.
What if we take a mercury cooled rig and use it as a household water heater?
Oh. That makes things difficult. How about copper or nickel?
I can't into >>>/sci/
NOVEC 7000
I'm fairly sure it's okay with those two, and most waterblocks are copper, so that's not a problem. Although I'd be concerned most about aluminium components in the pump getting dissolved, and then of course there is the issue of mercury poisoning...
He could use Galinstan, thats not poisonous, altough it also has the same problem with aluminium.
What is the viscosity like on mercury? Would it require a stronger pump than water would for the same setup?
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liquid > air
Keep hating faggots
If you have the h100i, i know that feel
find a substitute that is a liquid metal at (-5c to 105c) and isnt poisonous

oh wait AHAHAH
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Saw this shit at quakecon 2011, twas epic.
OK. I will post it for a 3rd time. Novec 7000 is a non-toxic, non-conductive perfectly safe liquid that has a boiling temp of about 45c
perhaps i should rephrase it and leave in the key element, "element"


its just mercury, unless gas metals exist...
Yeah I know. Are there any metals with a lower liquid temp that could be used for phase cooling?
Download the latest firmware, fixed my issue.
>liquid metal
>near electronic components
what are you on about?
Unless you are running a server at near overclock 24/7 there is no reason to purchase a liquid cooling system. Hell even then you should just stick your server in a cooled room.
Face it(I had to): Liquid cooling systems are for people who are "tech enthusiasts" and just want to look like the most "1337 LOL".
Using a metal for phase change cooling is like using a wrench to pound a nail in. Sure it might work, but it will not work very well and that is not what a wrench is designed for.
Servers are not liquid cooled. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and are just spouting bullshit.
B^U op? really?
>Put it on a shoggy sandwich or something like that.
I have, no vibrations going to the case
>seems to imply it is in direct contact with the case which resonates and amplifies everything.
No, I mean something like this:

I have an older model of that reservoir.

I'm still figuring how to get he pump to be as silent as my fans. What I'm hearing of the pump are motor noises and impeller noises (a slight whining sound that has been there ever since I bought this pump).

Any ideas?
>Servers are not liquid cooled.
sometimes they are, but only for a few applications
>Hell even then you should just stick your server in a cooled room.
Did you miss that point?
I don't know of a single data center that uses liquid cooled server racks.

Liquid cooling is enthusiast tech, not server tech.
Anybody have that link to that article about the company that used their servers as the building's water heaters?
I know of only two.
One is some faggot who runs a minecraft server. When I told him why this was fucking stupid, he said that the servers performed some small percent better.
Two was pretty legit: Four servers meant for largescale data mining. These things run 24/7 at near overclock, and get very hot.
I use liquid cooling to make my PC silent.
Big passive radiator and undervolted pump works to keep my PC always-silent.
>I use liquid cooling to make my PC silent.
But why?
Is it really that annoying?
Some financial firms use overclocked liquid-cooled servers, also. Mainly high-frequency traders, if you have to receive market data, make decisions on it, and send buy/sell orders back within milliseconds, you need all the clock speed you can get.
Adding slow fans to the rad would increase your cooling efficiently significantly while not increasing the sound levels at all. Passive cooling is for space restricted setups.
Yea I forgot about those.
That's what the large scale data miners mostly does.
Bayesian Updating or any sort classification system requires a large amount of CPU.
>B-but gotta keep my PC cool with liquid
Since when the fuck water and electronics matched?

HSF are still good.
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gpu accelerated?
actually what about just using Arctic Silver instead of water, shit would transfer heat like a motherfucker.
Maybe if you have a 300 pump setup.
I don't know the viscosity, but mercury is over 20 times as heavy as water per unit volume, so damn right it'd need a more powerful pump. Also needs a setup guaranteed not to leak toxic heavy-metal vapors.
Not him, but I would shell out whatever it costs to silence my PC. I don't mind a fan, but I do mind having a jet engine next to my head because I'm rendering.
>next to your head
You keep your tower on your table then?
The only space I have for it in my dorm is right next to the head of my bed.
liquid cooling has literally zero effect
Oh ouch. My computer can hit 50db when mining buttcoins and such but I have it in my closet which is right next to my desk and the cables go under the door (closet is dedicated to PC silence.)
my networking professor did this with a shitty computer in class
the goddamn thing gets so fucking hot
it's seriously NOT worth it
Real custom liquid cooling is better than air, but closed loop water cooling, which is what most commercially companies call "water cooling" today, is the same or worse than air cooling for more money. In those close loop system, the liquid doesn't dissipate any of the heat, it just brings it from the contact pad to another location, a radiator, where it has to dissipated by fans. As opposed to an air heatsink, which is a contact pad attached to copper pipes which are attached to a radiator that then has air blown through it by fans, dissipating the heat.
so basically closed loops are just like air cooling just with a radiator instead of a fucking heatsink
and a long cable between the cpu and the heat sink

seems useless to me unless you really care about the appearance of the closed loop vs air
Aren't closed loops also quieter than air cooling?

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