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hi /g/

I have an Nvidia Geforce 660GTX

It does a good job, runs my games at max and stuff

However, some of my games get stupid high FPS. In particular, Stalker. I get between 700-1k Frames in that game and it's making my GPU whine. Is there a way to cap my FPS without using vertical sync so I don't get mouse input lag?

My temperatures get pretty high when I play Stalker
>700-1k frames

nigga what
The fuck?
try running it at a normal resolution and not 2x2
My 670 whines too but I do not get those frames with vsync off

When I check my FPS through the console, I regularly get 700-1000 FPS while I am playing. It'll drop down to about 400 if a lot of shit is going on, but if I'm just hanging out somewhere, I go up to that range

hence why I am worried about burning my card
Nothing? Is there no way to cap a frame rate externally from the game without mouse input lag?
if this a troll thread?

Why would it be a troll thread?
bump for help
if it's ture use v-sync to limit the fps to like 30 or 60
Yes, it does limit the frames.
lol i know. I was meaning if the 700-1k fps was ture.
I've seen this happen in menus and stuff, where there isn't actually anything intense to render.

I've never noticed if it actually increases my temperatures or anything.
Screencap it, I want to see these 1k frames
Everyone knows humans can't tell the difference after 800 frames per second.

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