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Why don't you own the best console of the 7th gen of gaming, the PlayStation 3?
>>31392081 (OP)
Because I'm not a console peasant.
But I do, it's sitting untouched next to my 360 and my Wii.
Why aren't you eating the best animal shit of animals, Orangutan feces?
I hope you're at least going to play The Last of Us.
6 inches dust on my ps3, console are the worst purchase ever.
So /v/ and /g/ aren't much different huh? PC MASTER RACE AM I RIGHT?
But I do. However I dont have one of those cheap immitations. I have the original 60 gig
I don't play video games.
You should take the time to get to know the iconic media that'll be helping to shape generations to come; it's a big market and going to be an even bigger part of western culture in coming years.

I can sympathize with not labeling yourself as a gamer, but you should take maybe an hour or two just to explore something new.
I fail to see what makes that game worthy of anyone's time. Looks like another generic third person shooter set in a post apocalyptic setting.
I'm sure it will have a lot of nice cutscenes and segments where I push buttons and pretend I'm actually doing something.
Thanks to the ease with which custom firmware and homebrew software are applied to the PS3 and the high degree of similarity the PS3 controller has to the SNES controller layout, my Playstation 3 is the best $400 emulation machine/DLNA streamer I've ever purchased.
I'm waiting for PS4.
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I would but the pee ess quatro is coming.
Seriously though. If I didn't have a gaymen PC I'd be using the PS3 a fuckload more. Backward compatible 80gb PS3 Phat master race.
If it was backward compatible to both PS2 and PS1 I totally would.

Shame, really.
Thinking of getting a slim but I want free games.
There's two big things with The Last of Us that could appeal to you; the first is the tech aspects. They've used extensive HSA and modelling animations to give good fluidity to combat and and it's all very cleverly constructed. The second is the drama behind it, there's a reason there's a 14 year old girl in this gritty realistic-styled shooting game; they're trying to elevate the way people can enjoy video games by attempting to engage on sympathy (not too dissimilar to the new Tomb Raider game). In all technicalities while you control the man, the game is designed around her, it's pretty bold and it should make for some good story telling.
If you've got a gaymen PC you don't even need the backwards compatibility because PCSX2 is fantastic these days. I just hook a sixaxis up to my PC and play with that. I also use that as a Classic Controller for Wii games since they're damn near the same thing. Then throw in a Gamecube controller and you're covered for most things.
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Anybody on /g/ like Kingdom hearts?
>>31392081 (OP)
900 $ price
can play ps2 games

800 $ price
can't play ps2 games

I do not remember the exact prices but it was something odd
Is /v/ actually raiding us?
I have one, but its broken. Shit tier.
Really? You're hating on consoles? Considering the Cell Processor and HSA the PS3 has more sophisticated technologies than most computers - outdated, yes - but more sophisticated nonetheless.
Very true, but TBH I don't wanna haul my PC into the living room and hook it up to the TV whenever the need to couch potato gets it's hooks into me.

Wireless video is a no-go as well due to the layout in my house.
No, but a console wars is not /g/ territory, as this thread started out.
>TFW you've never had the comfort of a sofa to game on
>TFW until you were about 13 you had a wooden dining room chair
Man my feet used to suffer because of that shit, had to sit on them to be comfy. Count yourself lucky ;_;
>opinion is fact
Oh, every time I sink into that gigantic leather sonofabitch, I count my blessings. Before I moved out of the house and got a bigboy job I was stuck with a TV tray for my monitor to sit on and a recliner. In my apartment it was a recliner and a god's honest TV. Now I have my house, the PC is in my mancave and the TV and consoles stay in the living room.
>>31392081 (OP)
I do. It's untouched compared to my PC.

Just like every other console I know...

Consoles will never had Dota 2 or Starcraft 2 or Sim city 4 or Tropico 4 or Counter-Strike or Call of Duty 2/4 with pro mods or any of the games I'm interested in and require precise inputs.

Well, the very concept of the cell processor (more spu for parallel processing) is outdated now that you can do gpgpu. Even Intel recognized that by scrapping the larrabee processor for the desktop computer (and later releasing the Xeon Phi).
The gpu is outdated, but it probably was even on launch.
because hurr durr PS4
Go back to /v/.
>Outdated at launch
>7600GT outdated in 2011
You wish Jim. But yeah I can't wait to see the PS4.

Not sure where 2011 came from.
I was thinking of buying it but with the recent announcement that Sony is going to show PS4 on the 20th made me wait, I want to see it it's backwards compatible.
My bets are on compatibility with PS1 and PS2, but not PS3.
Playstation 3 - Available Nov 11 2006.
GeForce 8000 series - Available Nov 8 2006.

Yup. Outdated at launch.
>>31392081 (OP)
News games tuns at like 20 fps and at 720p.
It's what mos people seem to be expecting, giving the Cell and all, but it's just 11 days away. I can wait.
So the GTX 580 was outdated as soon as the GTX 680 was launched? Outdated suggests an obsolescence, it certainly wasn't obsolete.
My best is none of the above.
I bought one 3yrs ago. It's my most used console this generation.
Compared to the 360's GPU, it was outdated.
PS1 games are only $6 and PS2 are only $10 stop spouting bullshit. At least use the PS3 before you say shit.
Outdated. Not deprecated. Note the difference.
The PS1 and PS2 games that are already on PSN are probably going to be playable. The question is how they will go about PS3 games.
See I'm hoping the PS4 will just emulate PS1 and PS2 games.

Yeah, I can see that; PS3 would be too difficult to emulate, too expensive to integrate.

Nah, only Skyrim, most run at 30-40 FPS on the Playstation. Mass Effect also had low dips of like 25.
I have a PS3.
And if you can't find used PS1 and PS2 games for $2 and $4 respectively on a physical disc, you're a retard and a good goy for falling for Sony's bullshit.
>judging a game based on pre-release hype
>>31392081 (OP)

>What is Playstation 4
Even though no BC seems very likely, it would mean that Sony has to start building their PSN store from scratch.
The only way you'll find those is if you burn a copy on your computer. There is no such thing as a a PS1 game that costs 2 dollars and a PS2 game that costs 4 dollars.
They probably won't do PS3 games at all. Emulating higher-end PowerPC on an X86 arch would be a fucking nightmare.

Gotta admit it'd be a cool move on Sony's part if they at least included the ability to run PS1/PS2 games from disc. Doubt they will. They've been bitten by the XBL "FREE MONEY" bug in a bad kind of way.
pre-owned games fucktard.
Ebay "Sony Playstation 1" sort by price. Click buy it now. OH! WHAT'S THIS?!?! GAMES UNDER $2 WOULDN'T YOU KNOW?!?

Granted it's a bunch of shit games, but the point stands. Physical media for older consoles is going to stay cheaper than digital downloads for a while yet.
I do own one,bought it mainly for GT5.
I also have a jtag 360 and a gaymen PC collecting dust.
>tfw lost the passion for gaming
In my opinion, £4.99/$6.99 would be a sweet spot for old games and digital download. Agreed they're a bit too rich to justify for me too.
This is why I don't see Sony including support for physical media in the PS4. Why bother when there's money to be made?

FFS we're talking about a company that's patented a way to keep pre-owned games from playing in their next console.
They won't do it. They'll be sued for antitrust practices if they follow through with that.

Also, £4.99 for a PS1/PS2 game is slightly pricier but still reasonable. £11-£13 they're charging right now is too steep.
You mean $4.99/£4.99

I don't know where you're getting the idea that prices will be based on pounds.
>Implying any store sells the games for the same amount in pounds as dollars
I used a typical conversion for prices in games; £4.99 for $6.99. £4.99 = $7.88

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