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Whats with this complete lack of respect for Steve Jobs? He ran a very successful company and changed the MP3, PC, and smartphone industry.

Is it because he didn't invent anything? Is it because he used technology that existed that nobody was using (i.e. Gorilla Glass) and put them in his products? Isn't that being your reason contradictory to why you love your other tech heroes?

And how did he not change the industry, his company did? He was very involved in his company. He played a big role.

It's like saying Bill Gates means nothing without his company. It's like saying anything that exists that wasn't created 100% solely by one man is not worth caring about, because the team as a whole did so.
Didn't you post this earlier.
>>32099505 (OP)
I don't respect him because he created a cult of personality instead of a cult of good computing and he created a society that values visuals over excellent engineering principles.

He is against everything I stand for
>>32099505 (OP)
he made aac, he didn't associate with mp3
>>32099505 (OP)
>>32099505 (OP)
He was just a worthless marketer who died of aids.
also see
well he died of cancer that he refused to get treated
Without him you'd still be using your "feature" phones.
Yeah "cancer" was just a way of hiding the aids.
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guess you didnt know about Palm and Windows Mobile
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It wasn't just Jobs, it's everything else about Apple after "the return of Jobs". Although as head hancho, and his notorious management practices, the buck still stopped at his desk.
>>32099505 (OP)

But bill Gates actually did something that contributed to the development of his company's software.

Bill Gates invented Basic and was the Lead Software Architect there from the ground up.

Steve Jobs is jut a turtleneck wearing faggot who was just the poster boy for Apple. Everybody knows Steve Wozniak contributed to the developing process 100 times more than Jobs did but half of you probably don't even know who he is.
Bill Gates is still more hated overall than Steve Jobs will ever be, but at least Bill Gates isn't fucking stupid.

And he's not dead, either.

Bill Gates was smart enough to not die from cancer.

Team Gates represent.
Bill is also a bro
motherfucker is eradicating polio and malaria

Jobs used to park in handicapped spots
Yes, "cancer".
Dieter Rams has praised Apple for preserving his designs though.
>Everybody knows Steve Wozniak contributed to the developing process 100 times more than Jobs did but half of you probably don't even know who he is.
Nice contradiction there dude.
>it's in physical form, it must be legit!
jobs was basically scrooge mcduck, was a faggot to everyone he ever interacted with

and he made shit products

>Jobs used to park in handicapped spots

Oh lord, my sides.

I just envisioned Steve Jobs as this 'grinch' type character that fed from the tears of innocent children, stealing their christmas, beating up disabled people, running over little girls' bikes with his Hummer.

Fucking Steve Jobs. Mr. Gates is a saint and a hero to anyone who uses modern day personal computing. Without Gates, 4chan probably wouldn't exist - Well, not as we know it today.
Steve Jobs didn't tip. Ever.
Actually dude for all accounts you just nailed it on the head, only replace Hummer with Mercedes.

Steve Jobs took Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER called her again.
Because he was a fucking douche.

Citation: literally everyone outside of his family that has actually interacted with him.
Dorothy Mantooth is a Saint!
>Everybody knows Steve Wozniak
>but half of you probably don't even know who he is.

Standard autistic trip

I agree though, Woz WAS Apple

Contrasting the Hummer to the small, pink bike with training wheels owned by a little girl just seemed better.

And Steve Jobs just used her like a door mat.

Fucking Steve Jobs. Breaking hearts and consumer's dreams since 1955.


I didn't mean it to sound like I was an elitist who claimed he was the only person who knows about Steve Woz, but if you ask anyone about Apple, they'll tell you about Steve Jobs, but when you mention Wozniak they'll either cite the Big Bang Theory or tilt their heads in a confused fashion.

he bought a new merc sl class every 6 months to avoid the need for a license plate
Bill Gates is a good guy he saved millions of lives in South Africa.

Steve "The Ball Tickler" Jobs is dead cause of all the bad things he's done.
>hey'll either cite the Big Bang Theory or tilt their heads in a confused fashion.

I'm surprised they even mentioned Woz on that show. God I fucking hate that show.
im not glad he dead but im glad hes gone

>ball tickler

I believe Gates is into euginics and the vaccines are a way of population control.
I'm both glad hes dead and gone.
made me think of this

Steve Jobs was a ruthless employer. He was a nightmare to work for. He never gave to charity. HE stole ideas then turned around and would sue the people that borrowed/stole those stolen ideas. He was basically evil in everyway. If there is a fiery hell Jobs is there right now.
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>>32099505 (OP)
I'd have more respect for him if he didn't blatantly steal ideas (as he admitted) and then become a hypocritical bastard toward those who did the same to Apple.
>>32099505 (OP)

Bill Gates actually created software.
More power to him them. The world needs firm population policy.
>Wozniak single-handedly invented both the Apple I and Apple II computers in the 1970s.

Steve Jobs worked in the marketing department, while Woz created Apple things.

>IBM: "Hey Bill, you got an OS we can buy from you?"
>Bill: "Hold on one minute"
>IBM: "Kay"
>Bill: "Hey Tim you still got that shitty OS that's a blatant rip off of CP/M?"
>Tim: "Yeah...?"
>Bill: "Can I have it?"
>Tim: "Sure..."
>Bill: "Here guys, I call it DOS"
>IBM: "Sweet, we're gonna go places together"
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The only industry he changed or played a big role in was the marketing industry.
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>created a society that values visuals over excellent engineering principles.

Jobs brought computing to the masses. Before Jobs MOST (I am not talking about neckbeards, I am talking about your average guy) people had a computer for Microsoft Office. After Jobs, MOST people had it for media consumption.

Linus does not give a fuck.
RMS is too far removed from society to ever know what it wants, or how to get society to move in a positive direction.
Gates had the vision, but in the face of 60 Billion dollars was too concerning with MUH MONOPOLY, MUH EMBRACE AND EXTEND, and MUH OFFICE to ever take advantage of the Internet and the new technology.
Sony was too fucking stupid to realize they had a monopoly and almost every major media outlet (Sony studios, Walkmen, Sony TVs, Playstation 2) and never took advantage of it because of MUH PROPRIETARY CONNECTORS AND MEMORY CARDS.
Woz was too naive and wasn't motivated enough to change anything (Woz never quit working for HP while the Apple II was released).
Jobs was the man for the job. He was the right kind of asshole that didn't give a fuck about money, shareholders, feelings, or technological limits to have anything stand in his way. Maybe he was a genius or maybe he was lucky, but whatever it was, he shoved his bullshit down everyones throats, and told everyone against him to fuck off. And in the end he was right, made a billion dollars, but was eventually too stubborn that he got killed by something he could have easily prevented.

tl;dr Jobs didn't change anything. He was in the right place at the right time, and had the dickish personality to pull off what was needed. You faggots who act like Jobs changed society to be consumerist whores give him too much credit.
>>32099505 (OP)
he is a thief a lair and a charlatan
who puts forth products with contempt for the end user

Hurfdurf Pirates of the Nerd Valley
Bill Gates
>Has given away half his fortune to charity and funding for malaria, a disease that would otherwise be ignored due to the fact that all of its sufferers live in 3rd world countries
>Has promised to give away the rest of his wealth by the time he's dead

Steve Jobs
>Never even donated to the Salvation Army santa claus outside the mall
Not him but I knew that before I ever saw that movie. It's in every biographical book about Bill Gates and how MS got started. They bought QDOS off their friend who stole source code from Russian programmers.

>that he could have easily prevented

He's a fag and got the AIDS.
Bill Gates is a philanthropist, good worker and respects his employees
Steve was an asshole with bipolar
Don't forget denied the existence of his Daughter until he was too famous to get away with ignoring her.
fucking all of this. lol thank you for a good laugh. someone needs to animate this, perhaps maybe on their mac just to spite the spirit of Jorbs.
And mentally and verbally tortured his employees. Jobs was the biggest dick ever to enter the tech industry.
>Bill Gates...respects his employees
Actually he was well known for going into verbally abusive tirades at everyone who worked under him. However, Bill just left it at insulting your intelligence. Steve created a fucking secret police division in his company to psychologically torture his employees.
fucking dickless asshole even

captcha: And flappi
I don't like Steve Jobs because his company decided to add the concept of conspicuous consumption to the technology industry.
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>Everybody knows Steve Wozniak contributed to the developing process 100 times more than Jobs did but half of you probably don't even know who he is.
Fuck off, this is the HURR DURR ENGINEERING bulllshit you insecure faggots love to eat up because if Mary Sue captain of the cheerleading squad knows who Jobs is you have to be so EDGY AND DIFFERENT to peddle Woz in an attempt to feel superior.

PROTIP : Jobs and Woz left apple in 1985, 1987 respectively. Woz did not work with Jobs again after that.

Woz is not responsible for, in any shape or form:
or the iPhone

the above of which made Apple billions of dollars. The Apple II went fucking nowhere and was decimated by the Gates and Windows. Woz has JACK SHIT to do the Apple currently, other than the fact this his fat ass recieves a yearly stipend while he jacks off on Dancing with the Stars.
>add the concept of conspicuous consumption to the technology industry.

You retarded if you think that wasn't eventually going to happen.

The iPod and the iPhone were stolen ideas, he just made sure that they would be fashionable so people would buy them. They are shitty products at the core.
Kicked out
Woz left because he became disgusted with Jobs.

And Steve isn't responsible for iPod or iMac or iPhone

>Being this mad

If Woz didn't invent the Apple, Jobs would've been sucking cock somewhere for his meth addiction
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>>32099505 (OP)
I think most informed people hold more respect for the engineers behind BSD than the businessmen who capitalized on those efforts

From what I've read Jobs was a bit of a dick, a far less charitable man than Gates despite being equally an opportunist

I respect him as a businessman but that's kind of like saying I respect JP Morgan or Michael Dell
meh, doesn't matter. Apple is going downhill and just recycling iphone, ipad, imac ishit, ishat icock ect ect. the only thing keeping this alive is the hordes of tech-illiterate "artists" and hipsters
>or the iPhone

Steve isn't either, you seem to be missing the point.
It's the largest computer company in the world, one of the most profitable companies in the world, profits more in app sales than anyone else, dominate digital music distribution service, and all their products are regarded as premium quality among consumers

Yeah I'm sure Sony would have eventually got around popularizing the Walkmen with their rootkits.
I ain't even mad. I just hate how uninformed people like to hide behind Woz because Jobs touched them at night.

I mean your logic makes perfect sense right? If Alan Turing wasn't a faggot, RMS would actually be homeless rather than looking it.

It's a shame that being a shit pilot wrecked his ability to invent cool stuff, and now he's just a keynote speaker for hire and window dressing at Fusion IO.
I know it was bound to happen.

Just... I wish it was with a better line of products.
apple is no longer relevant, deal with it

Nothing wrong with buying DOS. That's not stealing.
how are they not relevant?
Actually, DOS was stolen from qdos, stolen from Russia
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lol but they can't make a good OS for shit and almost nobody wants their shit anyway
pic related, Windows AND Android are beating Apple because of their selfishness

[citation needed]
they were never relevant
Lol that graph means nothing. Cell phone outlets aren't selling dumbphones anymore, so everyone's getting what they can afford smart phones.
I just told you how they're relevant. Just because you don't like them does not detract from the point.
>Beating anyone
>A "good" OS
>Android number not inflated by cheap phones
That anti-apple distortion field is amazing.

Apple is as relevant as your mom.
nobody fucking stole anything you twat
QDOS (aka 86-DOS) was developed as an OS that was compatible with the earlier OS, CP/M, before Microsoft bought a license to modify it
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>>32099505 (OP)
He sold shiny boxes filled with cheap lowed parts and was called a revolutionary innovator.
>That anti-apple distortion field is amazing.
deal with it, people will always hate apple
Right, but the people who "made it" were using stolen Russian source code.
Nobody wants Apples shitty OS, deal with it
>Android number not inflated by cheap phones
...yes, and?
>implying the Apple II was revolutionary
Are you retarded?

[citation needed]
>nobody wants iPhone
Jesus, your neckbearded distortion of reality. Do you EVER go outside?

inb4, "hurr just pretending"
>Completely ignore the fact that Windows is irrelevant
DAT DISTORTION FIELD. Enjoy your botnet
I read a story one time about how Jobs wanted to change the inside of how the mac or maybe lisa looked. The engineers told him the change would move components and make the machine slower. Jobs said to do it anyway, and then was pissed when it was slower, and eventually had them move it back the way it was
Nobody wants the iPhone, go back to your shitty social bubble that you never seem to leave
>windows beating anybody
because an operating system that is used in all schools, all office buildings, all engineering firms, and almost all scientific researchers (the rest use linux)
can't possibly outdo apple which is the largest demographic because of the artists and hipsters, right?

go die in a fire.
Windows still dominates market shares bro
>including me and my /g/ buddies
it has more to do with ibm at compatibility

also when your payed to make something
for someone else

selling your own slightly re branded copy later on is just ripping off their r&d
i only know like 5 people that DONT have iOS. It may be shitty, but it's shiny; and people are attracted to shiny.
ios has looked the same shit for over 6 years now, apple is dead

People just like to bandwagon hate Jobs because it's the sheeple thing to do nowadays. I would call this counter-culture, but it's not even that since hating Jobs for no real reason without a firm grasp of his contributions is the 'in' thing to do.
Do...do you really think that's how statistics work?
The only people I see using iPhones nowadays are tech illiterate soccer moms
even my sister and her bf prefers Android
Guess who the majority of the consumer market with a lot of money is?
...people who buy Android?
>Implying a bloated piece of shit HURRDURR SQUARES operating system that can't even into proper POSIX compliance is relevant.

Apple pushes more *iPads* than other companies make laptops.[1] Windows is irrelevant. Anyone who isn't worried about "Muh gaems" uses a mac or better yet linux.
> all schools, all office buildings, all engineering firms, and almost all scientific researchers
[citation needed]
Just because you grew up in inner city New York with hardware from the 90s doesn't mean every school uses Windows.

[1] http://techcrunch.com/2012/03/07/apple-sold-more-ipads-in-q4-than-any-single-pc-manufacturer/
Windows current market share-80 percent
Androids market share-75 percent
Apple is still outnumbered, because nobody would take osx or iOS but them
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I hated Jobs before it was cool.
Yeah thats the same excuse Ballmer has been using since 2004 while Google, Amazon and Apple have been eating Microsoft's Lunch

*This expression indicates a ballmerfags confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with something he cannot understand or respond to Jews mumble "Muh marketshare" or "Muh office", This is usually followed by dubious claims of tablets like the HP Slate
You hang out with a crowd of retards, so what.
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>Go on my IPad
>Go to Safari
>Search Google for iOS applications
>Try to download from Safari
>"Cannot Open File type"
iOS-it just doesn't fucking work
>Want to get files off of my IPhone from friends computer
>iOS can't into disk mode
>Have to install bloatware ITunes
>ITunes still won't let me get files off my device
iOS-it just doesn't fucking work
>Try to view flash content
>iOS can't into flashplayer
iOS-it just doesn't fucking work
>Want to develop for iOS
>Have to actually buy the IPhone SDK
>"okay fine, I'll pay for it even though it's sort of bullshit"
>it's only for Mac
iOS-it just doesn't fucking work
>Use the new iOS 6 maps application
iOS-it just doesn't fucking work
how the fuck did you interpret Windows having majority share as "LOL BALLMERFAGG XDXDXD"?
calm your shits, you sound like a mad raving lunatic
Microsoft Revenue -US$ 73.72 billion (2012)[1]
Google Revenue - US$ 50.17 billion
Apple Revenue - US$ 156.508 billion

Who gives a fuck about marketshare?
well, Android IS dominating after all
just like Windows
Apple has fallen behind
Look one post above yours.
>Apple is falling behind
>Literally making double of what Microsoft makes
Sweet logic there bro.
Meh. $749 for a Made in USA II+ or $499 for a Made in Taiwan unlicensed clone that's made to poor standards and undocumented/a harder fix.

Yeah. The PC clone industry was originally an Apple II clone industry. Then, the Taiwanese government forced the companies to go legit.
an OS is a piece of fucking shit unless it has actual support
enjoy using shit that has less programs than fucking linux because you think them making money off of a crippled UNIX based OS means anything
you spelled xerox wrong
What the fuck does that matter for a company
>Hurr you have shittier software
>we have more money than you

That's the only point of a company, to make money.
who charges double or more what they should for their products?
thats one thing I cant stand about the Apple argument, they have more money becuase their stuff is twice as expensive as it should be
Because its a flawed stat.
Who gives a fuck about desktop marketshare, when Apples 1 iPad Sells more than all the laptops Dell makes?
Apple makes money from over pricing their shit WAY too much
Apple fell behind because they never got the same support Windows got

>what is microsoft office

engineering firms:
>do you really need a citation for this one?

scientific researchers:
searching around for this one, can't find a single chart for this demographic.
>>32099505 (OP)
I respect him as a businessman, not as an inventor or an innovator.

Can be explained by their ridiculous pricing and their PC sales.

Neither Google nor Microsoft sell PCs, or do they?
Because more Windows computers are sold than Apple shit
What do you think Apple does to that money? You think their shit is more polished because they have more cash stockpiled?
OSX is the most unpolished piece of shit I've ever used, same with iOS
even if you half that it is still more than google

Seriously, fucking this.

"We make more money" doesn't really count in the "relevancy" argument when you're moving about the same (or less) actual product.
>Implying Windows is a decent OS
>Implying people need native apps on the desktop anymore and not in the browser
>Implying being UNIX based doesn't automatically make it leagues better than windows
Son, go back to your room and play Sim City on your Windows Machine, men are talking.
>>32099505 (OP)

lol changed the MP3 industry?

no, napster did that

>you don't know shit son

Apple stuff is overpriced for the specs, and is "cool" looking with it's designs

not to mention overpriced, when you see a macbook pro you know it cost that person $3,000

people want to spend money, and want others to know how much they spent

same reason women buy louis vitton bags

same reason you never see a bitch with a chanel bag

because chanel shit costs a load of money, and most whores can't afford

but every single one of those bitches knows chanel bags are expensive as fuck
>Dominate High end mobile space
>Dominate Tablet Space
>Desktop Space

Please you sound retarded.
UNIX is an outdated piece of shit compared to Windows NT bro
>inb4 you are retarded and think Linux and Unix are the same thing
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>OSX is the most unpolished piece of shit I've ever used, same with iOS
You must have not used Windows then.
>implying you can have a polished OS without a proper command line
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>quality ?
>>32099505 (OP)
he was a sociopath, a liar, and empowered a bunch of retards to think they know anything about computers, and worse of all think they know a lot about computers, for all I care I would shit in his grave and post the video to youtube.. no respect for that faggot
What the FUCK do you think "Market Share" means?
I'm not defending apples products, just simply stating they are a dominating tech industry. It's all about the Benjamins.
You do know that w3schools has jack shit to do with the education market right? This is how retarded winfags are.
OSX uses a crippled UNIX based kernel because Apple was about to go out of business before Microsoft saved them and needed to rush to get NextSTEP implemented
deal with it
>Steve Jobs's CEO bonus checks were typically one dollar.
>Employees in Apple retail stores start at 15usd an hour.

He wasn't all that bad.
confirmed for complete retard.
seeing as you obviously pulled that data straight from wikipedia, lets look at some more numbers FROM wikipedia:

Net incomes:

Microsoft: $16.97 billion (2012)
Google: $12.76 billion (2012)
Apple: $41.733 billion (2012)

Apple leaders are keeping nearly a THIRD of the revenue for themselves. If that's not bullshit, I don't know what is.
Yes, that's 100 percent true
What do you think Market share means?
>thinking his $1 paychecks were to benefit the company
it's because he can avoid taxes easier that way
>UNIX is an outdated piece of shit compared to Windows NT
>Plan 9
>Comparing a Kernel to a Standard


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