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Television licence enforcement officer was at my door earlier. Apparently he knows I am using a television.

Is there any technology they use that could possibly back up his claims? Thankfully they weren't threatening to kick my door down this time.
Do you use a television?
if yes, pay your license
if no, tell him to get fucked
if you don't want to pay the "television tax", leave the country
The BBC is a good service. I don't watch T.V., but if I did I'd pay for it.
>Television licence enforcement officer
>Television licence enforcement officer
and yuropoors make fun of the state of the US? Fucking wow.
Why the hell would you have a television?
Sure, the BBC is great, but iplayer doesn't require a TV license unless you're watching live TV.
And for all that, they don't get the good stuff until years later. lol yurop
No. If there was they wouldn't send their thugs knocking at your door to force you to pay. They would just send you a court letter with a deadline.

The television license serves an important purpose; it ensures that there is always a politically neutral channel of information that, without adverts, can exists solely for the public good.

Why do Americans hate freedom so much?
>>31342585 (OP)
Europeans... why? Why do these laws exist?

It actually hurts my head trying to justify why a tax on receiving electromagnetic waves exists. It's not like you can use more than your fair share of them.

Someone, please enlighten men.

And no, I'm not a Murrikan.
I do use one but there's a loophole where they can't fine/send to prison as long as you do not let them in.

Plus, legally you can just use iPlayer and catchup services anyway. I really do not know why people still fall for this scheme - especially in these hard times.
The detectors are bullshit. The technology they use is real, but the scale they claim to use it on is effectively impossible.
Most likely he's saying he knows you use a TV in order to threaten and scare you into buying a license.
DO NOT open the door to him EVER. They can do nothing but send angry letters to you. They'll threaten to get a warrant but that just doesn't happen.
Don't mind me, just watching NOVA in HD completely free over the air. Suck it, payfags. If you're not a sports fan, OTA TV and the internet cover pretty much everything these days.

UK != Yurope

Although on the other hand the BBC is one of the finest broadcasting companies around.
The TV license fee funds the BBC, which in return produce excellent-quality programs. The "license" part of it is just misleading, to be honest. It's more like a tax.
American here--this guy is so right. CSPAN is a pale shadow of the BBC. I'd gladly pay more in taxes to have what the Brits have.
In Australia we have the ABC which is the government-funded channel. It has an obvious bias.
>>31342585 (OP)
>Television licence enforcement officer

you avin' a giggle m8?

The BBC goes to great lengths to show itself to be bias-free. Maybe you should be demanding a better service from your government.

You still need the license to use iPlayer. Actually, they force you to say that you have a TV license before you start using iPlayer. That might actually be more dangerous, since you are kind of admitting that you have a license and they will have your IP.
Which is why the BBC isn't government funded; it's funded by TV licenses, in order to give it some degree of independence.
It is the law.

>It has an obvious bias.
There is no such thing as a non-biased news source. The concept didn't even exist 70 years ago and had to be invented.
>it has an obvious bias
you mean the time the Chaser called Abbot a bible bashing hack, or the time they called Gillard a maladjusted redhead that nobody loves?
>Which is why the BBC isn't government funded; it's funded by TV licenses, in order to give it some degree of independence.
Which is enforced by who? The government?
The BBC even did some sort of report on it. They spent the vast majority of the time talking about how the old detector vans used to work, but when they finally got the the new ones you see today they brushed it off saying the TV license people wouldn't disclose any info.
The reason they wouldn't disclose anything is because they DON'T WORK
He's full of shit. The ABC is about as impartial as you can get, without watching channel 31. Even then, channels like SBS have an obvious greeney/ultra-left bias.

FYI, the ABC hosted "The Chasers War on Everything" that should give you some idea how not biased the ABC is.

Nobody in particular. That's why people can ignore them.s
The government enforces the TV license. If you don't pay when you need to then you go to court
The TV license is just another tax, but disguised
> be swedish
> have this fee
> politically neutral channels of information

bunch of leftist bullshit, but at least the radio is ok
In Germany, there are state-funded broadcasters like ARD, ZDF, NDR, WDR, ...

Since they are paid for by the Federal Republic, they are paid for by the people ... and the Federal Republic makes sure that the people do.

Yeah, I know ...
You need a TV license to watch live television on iPlayer. You can watch shows on catchup, or listen to the radio for free.

If you're a student, there's also a loophole where a laptop not plugged in to mains power fulfils the legal definition of a "portable television" and as such can be covered by your parent's TV license.
or watch Craig Reucassels "Shock Horror Auntie" on iview... he talks about both sides claiming the ABC is biased
Wouldn't the cost of a VPN with a UK IP address be worth it for iPlayer? I like how all Olympics events were available in HD. The US coverage was appauling.
BBC is full of pedophiles. I am not supporting them.
>The TV license is just another tax, but disguised

And this is my only problem with it.
Otherwise I fully support a public TV.
But I guess "license based funding" might be a bit more independent/transparent than taxes or something.
>hang on, this is an act, an act is not law

And act is law, by the very definition. IIRC, an act is actually a subset of law.
>politically neutral
No such thing exists. It literally cannot exist. See >>31342697
or you could just use expatshield and have a free vpn for iplayer

Oh my god this is incredible. I had no clue how brainwashed some britfags were. Just wow.
It is optional. They just send people round because they think it is unusual people have televisions for playing video games, watching Netflix etc.
Sure I read somewhere if you only watch inter et tv, you dont have to pay it. Xbmc navi x etc
I like it how there's just one mad amerifat repeating the same thing over and over.

Is TV free in America? That's actually possible, because you literary have no objective news there.

We here pay more, but at least we get actual content.

I don't pay however, I don't need TV.

You assblasted because the copyright lobbyists just got kicked out of Yurop or something?

>There is no such thing as a non-biased news source. The concept didn't even exist 70 years ago and had to be invented.
>There is no such thing as political neutrality

While it is impossible to completely remove bias, a news source that goes to great lengths to eliminate bias is a great asset.

I've seen American news. It's hilarious to the rest of the civilised world.
Enjoy your fast food and health insurance adverts every two minutes then.
>live in a developing country (finland)
>no one wants to pay for the "neutral" channel because its politically biased as fuck
>they just get rid of the payment
>they put it on everyones tax

I hate this country.
who the fuck watches tv?
>Anyone American on /g/ watching television
If the programme is broadcast at the time, you need a television licence...even on a computer / games console.

Problem is BBC can never get the power to link IP addresses with television licenses - especially when those are dynamic for most households.
>then you go to court
You don't. Stop talking out of your ass.
The BBC is hardly "politically neutral"
I can't stand American news like Fox. They just make a joke out of everything and ask retarded questions. It is not serious enough.
I'm Australian and I barely watch TV, besides the news (preferably ABC). TV doesn't respect my freedom, it presents a programme and it expects me to either watch it, or shut it off. I have no choice in the matter, besides switching the channel, which even then is hardly a choice.
Like 50 million people in the UK.

I've never seen a more politically neutral news source. With which party do you believe their bias is?
Are you trying to prove your statement by linking to a comment which expresses the exact same statement?
I sure hope this never happens in England when everybody realises you do not actually have to pay a yearly fee for having a television.
people who live around you.

would you like them to be stupid ignorant faggots or would you prefer if they watched decent tv?
>The chaser
Completely unrelated question, but sometime ago (actually quite a long time ago) I used to watch a show called "The Chasers War on Everything" but now I can't seem to find more episodes, are they still being made?
Obviously not Australian, hence I'm asking you.
I wouldnt mind paying if the news source was actually neutral, instead its news source for social democrats, homosexuals and somalians.
150,000 people last year were fined/imprisoned for not paying their television licence of £145 annually.

congratulations, you no longer need TV news

of course there are people that want it though because it's mind numbing
No, more the time the Drum or Q&A was on, ie every time (or leftytime to use correct terminology).

>are they still being made

No unfortunately.
It's rare, but it CAN happen. Frankly, the face that it's possible is back enough.
>are they still being made?
I don't actually think so. By the end of their career, they were doing some pretty risky shit. They broke into the APEC summit and were arrested. I guess they jumped the proverbial shark...
Wow, phone spellcheck really fucked that post up
How impartial is that exactly? Or am I just prejudiced because of its name?
Is this a troll thread?
wtf is OP talking talking about?
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>the face that it's possible is back enough
>politically neutral
How cute. He thinks he knows what freedom is
paying tax for a television ?
nigggas what the fuck, come to the states nigga, come to Detroit, all mah nigga got you back up.
>>31342585 (OP)
In America elementary kids have to go through a penis inspection. Last year it was enacted that test would be done through taste rather then visual inspections.
Watch the videos posted in the thread.


^This is what BBC disguise themselves as to get you paying.
>the face that it's possible is back enough.
haha what
not paying your tv tax to support actual good programing
die scum
It's a shame, the fact that I enjoyed watching them years later from the other side of the world, having no idea about the news-related stuff proves how awesome it was.
>Television licence enforcement officer
It's nice to see other countries having ridiculous practices.
>>31342585 (OP)
>real world equivalent of a 4chan pass

My sides.
Or you can use a PVR, at least if there was anything worth watching on TV.

They made four seasons and stopped.
>>31342585 (OP)
did you buy a new telly from tesco or something? did they make you fill out a form before taking payment? that's the tech they use to catch criminals such as yourself.
>BBC News has an annual budget of £350 million
>Total income from the license fee is £3.681 billion
Holy lel. Enjoy your state sponsored Doctor Who.

> Airing programmes about inequality and how shit it is
> Pro EU to the tilt
> BBC 4 might as well be the Labour Mouthpiece Channel, with their "comedians" and panel shows being little more than platforms for the left's agenda.

It's fucking shit. I paid it after I moved out so those fucking bastards wouldn't come round at night as they usually do to see if you have any lights emitting from windows. My visa is set to come through later this year though, and i've already got a job lined up in the US so i'm out of this shit country. Makes me sick that Londoners set policy revolved around the problems facing that wasteland of a city for the rest of the country when we have nothing to do with them.
Can I fill your place?
we do enjoy it though
>moving from UK to US

Why do you hate yourself.

There is a country down under that is literally ASKING for trained white immigrants.
i bet the people in that house all claim benefits.

Programs about inequality and how shit things are exists because there exists inequality and awful shit.

If you don't like it then tough.


The U.S. lacks the positive liberty provided by a television channel without corporate sponsorship.
You have shit internet.
Just move in, you'll have squtter's rights.
>I know because the government is telling me!
Pay your TV tax so the rest of the world can enjoy Top Gear.
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Maybe he wants to watch awesome MERICAN television and not have to pay marked up goods.

What are you referring to, exactly? I have access to private news channels (like in America) and I also have access to a channel that is not under corporate control through adverts.

This is demonstrably a better set of news sources.
>live with partner
>cops come round to see your TV set
>partner hides antenna cable/rabbit ears
>cops see a TV set not receiving live TV
>"Sorry sir for bothering you, have a nice evening"


America is full of hilarious religious nuts.

Highlighting those issues, i don't object to. It's the obvious presentation that demands action oriented toward leftist solutions are what I take offence to. I'm glad I won't be paying for state-run media any more.

And no, I thought of moving to Australia, but then I realized anywhere on that continent but the coastal cities and suburbs are inhospitable hellholes. I'm a midlander so I enjoy a good countryside, which is why i'm moving to Oklahoma. Good work there and good people, from what I hear. I'm just hoping i don't stick out like a sore thumb.
If you're moving into the country, move to an NBN connected area, or wait. The entire country will have fibre within a decade, most urban centres much earlier (stick to the eastern seaboard and you'll be fine).

I watch murikan and UK tv via VPN.

Swebro here. Funny thing is the sum we have to pay is decided by the government. Even says so on their website.

See? That's what i'm excited about. At least in the U.S, it seems as if there's more variety in where you can live. I prefer to keep to myself, and while Oklahoma isn't a populous state, later on in life, should I really want my privacy, I can buy out some land in Wyoming and i'd like to see who'd bother me up there.
Is this tv tax if you own a tv set?

Or is it just for watching OTA content?

If its for merely owning a tv, that would be rather ridiculous. How do you define whats a tv and a monitor?

I have a large tv, but I never use it for television. Would they charge me for that?

What if I just call it a monitor?
>I'm a midlander so I enjoy a good countryside, which is why i'm moving to Oklahoma.
Go to Melbourne
Apply for a job
Get your employer to help you get a PR
Buy a house in Caroline Springs
Fucking rolling hillsides and fields right in your backyard

Or Doncaster, but that's expensive. Dandenong is cheap, but is maybe Melbourne's worst suburb (Frankston doesn't count).

Traitor piece of shit. Go to your fucking beloved Murrafat land already. Enjoy your rednecks and your wogs and your obesity. We'll be here, progressing and showing the world that social democracy can work once Ed gets into office.
if you have a TV that's fine. you can legally own a TV without paying a TV license as long as you're not watching live TV.
if you watch TV as well as catchup services like 4oD, BBC iPlayer etc, on your laptop you need a license.

sums it up

I don't pay it.
Finland masterrace changed to direct taxation at the beginning of this year. No more knocks to your door.

>tfw watching Game Of Thrones on their website
>tfw most of their major new programs are from HBO
>tfw I realize I'm indirectly paying HBO for this shit

I want nothing to do with the Commonwealth. Australia isn't far behind in becoming a Pacific Britain, and I reckon I wouldn't be leaving here if I was content with those circumstances.
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They are going to change it to a computer license because it was originally based on analogue receivers. Not the screen. Charlie Brooker got a new show from Aunty you should pay your license for Charlie. And lulzy programming such as this


Good riddance. I don't get how someone could hate their own country and heritage so much.
Until I googled about it, I thought this thread was a big joke.

Wow, shouldn't taxes naturally pay for shit like BBC?

I think the idea is to make the public broadcasting politically independent. That is, politicians don't have a say on their budget.
>>31342585 (OP)
Eat the telly.
The commonwealth include many of the best standard of living countries that also speak English, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong (not sure if that still counts...). They might have fucked up in India, mostly because they weren't received well, and both Rhodesia (sorry... Zimbabwe) and SA fell to shit once they started to kick out the whites, but otherwise the Commonwealth has done more good than bad.

In short, unless you're African or Asian, deal with it.
What the fuck man? I just looked this shit up - you fucking Euros need official fucking permission to pay for a TV set, own it and operate said TV set?

And I thought Australia had shit laws. I'd rather just put up with a few more ads. Fuck all of that.
>politically neutral channel of information
It's like you've never heard of PBS.
So, charge for any computer with internet? Even if you don't watch the media?
I can get behind that, but isn't the BBC large enough at this point to simply fund itself? It has adspace, employs what I assume are thousands of people, all that sort of thing. PBS in the US is an insect in comparison to BBC.
Australia is a fine country.

When foreigners want to talk shit about it, they'll talk about "spiders," pretend kangaroos are in our backyard awaiting to beat us up, or they'll talk about tiny tits..
Us Germans have to pay TV license even if we don't own a TV.

If you own anything that's capable of receiving radio or internet you have to pay fees. I hate this bullshit so much.
Which are illegal.
there's nothing they can do to prove you have a television, unless you let them inside your house.
ads are only shown on their international channels and sites.
Nope, it's simply a factor courts use to objectively and pragmatically determine whether a picture is CP or not. If a girl has no tits, or only tiny mounds, as well as a baby face, there's a good chance it's CP.
>tv tax
stupidest thing i've heard today

The whole point of public broadcasting is to have it stay public. No ads, no profit. It's a public service.
I don't know. "Capable equipment" is probably how they will word it.
I'd stop listening to BBC immediately.
Advertisements infest your brain like a cancer and stick to it whether you think you're immune or not. I avoid ads like the plague. They manipulate you and if you think you're too smart to get influenced by them, you're deluding yourself.
I do not understand how anybody can watch free private TV with all the ads.
>need a license to watch tv
u wot m8
If any Amerifags think the T.V licence is bad

(and btw the licence covers P.Cs laptops and fucking phones too, anything that is capable of getting live T.V)

Do you have any idea what happens if you don't pay? You go to court, if you still don't pay court appointed baliffs come round to your house (and they can break in if they need to) and reposses your shit, plus they even bill you hundreds of pounds extra for doing it.

It's a mad country.
Then I guess they can keep paying for their own public broadcasting. It doesn't actually cost me anything.

Many smaller countries wouldn't have content on their own language without public broadcasting. It's a public service, which is quite popular with the population.
No, a cups are actually illegal down there.

license to view live broadcasts. you don't need one if all you are doing is watching the telly while it is turned off.
only in pornography
Did you just cite a blog site? Congratulations, you're a retard, now show me that in an act or show a precedent law case.
It is illegal in film and porn.

Go to wherever you can view Australian law for it.
they can't break in to a private address but they can take your vehicle. they can check if the back door is unlocked and walk in but they can't force entry to non commercial premises
they can climb in through an open window too
It's possible for them to obtain a court order allowing them to "forced access".

Rare but it happens.

I hope they pay the inspectors extra. Sounds pretty dangerous.
>No guns
>gov officials invade house
don't worry, if the windows give them any trouble, they'll just shoot them


these guys are idiots and so are all the amerifags complaining in this thread.

The law enforcement can tell with reasonable accuracy when someone is watching live television based of a flaw in the superhet reciever. The law enforcement broadcast a large signal of a particular frequency, the signal enters the receiver and is mixed with the internal oscillator and because of the very large signal emits another signal with the frequency of the internal oscilator added with the freq of the broadcaster signal.

You can have a television and not pay tv tax but you cannot watch live tv.
>>31342585 (OP)
they can't scan shit so they lie to you
they are not inspectors they a debt collectors (repo men)

it's not politicaly neutral
so they are like stasi
>state owned media

reality has a liberal bias
Reality has a conservative bias.
So UK has to pay a fee for a national channel just like in Japan? That shit is hilarious. In the USA most of us non-retards don't even watch television anymore because modern television programming is crap (protip: The only thing the British do right is their comedy).

Stay classy United Kingdom.
it is not "state owned"

it is licence fee funded and independent of government
>News Corporation media
Commercially funded documentaries mostly suck. They're too dumbed down. Ancient Alients anyone?
PBS & BBC do it best.
no, conservative gay marriage

think again
>i'm too poor to pay for television so therefore it must be retarded
immerse yourself with british television for a month while living in the country and you'll see why it's praised and lauded.
Have you guys ever seen public Spanish or Italian television? Now those are really biased, yet still public.

As a Spanishfag, I'd happily pay for TV taxing if that would mean our public media would be neutral and of good quality. I usually watch German and British television (by satellite) and I'm jelly of its public television services.
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Don't mind me and my team, just one of the reasons that the license fee is worth it.
I don't get this television license. What is its purpose? Is it just another tax to finance the state tv channels?
Here in Portugal we don't have this kind of licence but there is a statal television and radio service which are supported by advertising and obviously our taxes.
Channel 4 is commercially funded and does some of the best documentaries.
bbc if watched in the UK has no advertising in between programming. product placement is something else though.
that's because it's british. far too avant-garde for foreign folks.
Just pay the license; at least you actually watch television programs.

In Sweden, you need to pay TV licenses for fucking computers as of this month ($320/year). Doesn't even matter if you watch any public service content. I'd ditch this fucking police state in a heartbeat if the rest of the world wasn't shit as well.

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