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Hey, /g/
I'm not sure if you guys will help me, or if I will be bombarded with:
>Gaming Laptop
But anyway, I'm looking for a new gaming laptop, cost around £1000-1300 GBP at most. Good heat management is the main thing, I've had others that overheat a lot. Additionally, if it looks cool that would be a bonus.

And yes, I have a desktop.

Pic somewhat related.
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269 KB JPG
Bump, come on, /g/.
>Gaming Laptop


>> Gaming Laptop?

>>>> /b/

Fuck me >.<
>>Aspergic fits

>Gaming Laptop
>Gaming Laptop
>>32365081 (OP)
>Gaming laptop
>Start programming instead of continue gaming
>Buy new screen with money earned from your mad skills
>Continue to buy screens to increase productivity
>over 9000 screens
>Buy new Gaming Laptop every three months as it becomes outdated immediately
>>32365081 (OP) asus g75 g55 and g46 have good gaming performance and cooling. sizes are 17.3 15.3 and 14 inches
>help pls
saved for future reference
Thanks, looks decent.


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