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Chances are I'm going to become a richfag within next few months, Once I do I want to get the absolute most kickass laptop on the market.

> I couldn't give a fuck about it being gold plated or dimand encrusted
>weight doesn't really matter.. as long as i can carry it my backpack im good
>all it really needs to be is the best, The Best at everything.

so what should i buy /g/ents?

What do?
Go to a laptop section and buy the most expensive variant?
>>32501302 (OP)

Remember us little people when you're rich!

don't get Alienware. They are all garbage beyond any reason of doubt in my mind.

First of all we need to know what you'll be doing with it. And if you say gaming I swear I will punch you in the fucking head. Do not get a laptop if you want to game. Just build a desktop if you want to play vidya on your computer.

For good quality laptops have you looked in to ThinkPads?
>>32501302 (OP)
>get money
>waste on high end laptop instead of god-tier desktop
rMBP, Chromebook Pixel, or W701ds.

All others need not apply.
Got it! will do
A good start would be to avoid that piece of shit you just posted.

Honestly, just get a rMBP or something, unless you think you need to play games on the move, something with a lovely screen and good battery life will be great.
Get a Thinkpad, or a business laptop from some other manufacturer.

The new ones are pretty good, and the older ones are amazing.
>Chromebook Pixel
>$1300 to run Chrome Browser

OP, only get a macbook if you like OSX, if not get a high-end Thinkpad. You really don't need to put a lot of money into a laptop unless you want to play the newest video games on it.
You can install a Linux Distro if you wanted to, idiot.
its not for gaming,
want to surf the web,
draw SUPER hi def pictures with my wacom well on the go,
learn to code,
and store i shit tone of media on it.
so wait the old ones are better?

The Thinkpad W700 has a 17" screen and an optional built-in Wacom digitiser. It should be perfect for you, but they stopped making them a couple of years ago.

Alternatively, a proper Tablet PC will have a Wacom inductive digitiser built in to the touchscreen.

Not in terms of speed, but older machines will have better Loonix support, and there's been a lot of bitching about declining quality, and fears of it getting even worse in the near future.

My 2011 T420 is great though, and it's pretty similar to the newer machines, except for the new chiclet keyboard.
Well, the most expensive laptops are media DTRs. Go buy the most expensive laptop at XoticPC.com that should last you for next two years.
>$1300 to install *buntu or Trisquell
I intend to hook up my medium intous, a bilt in wacom tabet whoud not work anyway cuase the screen whould be to small.

Ill think about the tablet pc.
ok, I do want to get linux so thx for mentioning that.


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