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Cisco has released their new security report for this year. They have found that Common Sense 2.0 is outdated. I hear the devs are working on a new version but it won't be out for a while.


Embedded Flash, Java, and PDFs are now the most common form of attack.
Online shopping sites like amazon are 21 times more likely to have malware than warez sites
Ad networks like google adsense are 182 times more likely to have malware than porn sites

thats it we're fucked
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>not using java/flash blockers like noscript
>>31146179 (OP)
....what are warez sites?
Good thing I'm blocking all that shit, right?
Like how would this affect me?
>how would pdfs affect me?
Imagine if you will that you browse to a page containing a PDF-based exploit designed to download a trojan onto your system. Your browser loads the PDF automatically and tries to display it, because you've got the adobe or foxit browser plugins. You're infected before you even realize it. You might not have even been trying to look at the PDF.

And if you're smart and don't have the plugins on your desktop PC? Well, the exploits work just as fine on cell phones and tablets too. That iPhone you got for Christmas that you do all your banking on might have been the sort of thing the malware authors were looking to infect, anyway.
>Banking on a phone
Fagets deserve what they get.

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