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/g/ has been saying a lot of dumb things lately.

A particularly dumb post in a linux vs windows thread recently finally motivated me to create a twitter account dedicated to you guys.

Check it out


Also give feedback.
>/sp/ meme for the avatar
Do you manage it or is it a bot that finds random posts on it's own?
>A DE is just a window manager bundled with some common applications.
Wait... wait how is this inaccurate
I enter it manually.

I thought constanza.jpg was /g/s creation
That may be true for shitty distros, but that vastly understates the responsibilitty of a desktop envirnoment.
>>31385089 (OP)
Btw, also check out the inspiration for this account:

>I enter it manually.
That's sad. Well, fuck this thread it was going to be interesting but not really.

>I thought constanza.jpg was /g/s creation
nope. You thought wrong, I guess that's expected of someone who has been here for a week.
If you want to see inane comments you just have to scroll down the frontpage. This Twitter is pointless.
>>31385089 (OP)
> https://twitter.com/ginanecomments
3 / 10
idea is good
page is ugly
content is meh
Is this a le epic troll?
These are almost all true.
I was just about to ask if that was the inspiration.

Any chance of posting links to archives of the context thread along with the quote? Or is that not really worth it?
Any suggestions for improvements?

They are all true.
Not worth it. You can search the archives yourself.
>Any suggestions for improvements?
Make a webcrawler for /g/ and make it post random posts on twitter.
>>31385089 (OP)
Do you know what the word "inane" means?
Do YOU know what the phrase inane comments mean?

I mean it was only the most butthurt /g/ ever got
Who the fuck is HN?
ur mum is inane to muh dik
I could try that out for fun. But most of the stuff posted here are just noisy, not that funny.

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