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  • File : 1318483036.jpg-(293 KB, 850x1020, 18846782.jpg)
    293 KB Pokémon General Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:17 No.8089306  
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:18 No.8089316
         File1318483128.png-(200 KB, 299x356, Raccoon Mario Galaxy.png)
    200 KB
    No love for the classic sidescrollers?
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)01:18 No.8089317
    What does Lucario have to do with Rain? Sure it removes the fire weakness, but it's still going to die to a light breeze.
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 10/13/11(Thu)01:19 No.8089319
         File1318483158.jpg-(28 KB, 456x372, 1317254367438.jpg)
    28 KB
    I wish you were banned General.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:20 No.8089322
    I thought NSMBW did a good job mixing the old and new. I agree NSMBDS was subpar though.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)01:20 No.8089323
    I'd really like a 2D Mario game that is more in line with the old SNES games. There was something in NSMB that just felt ODD..
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)01:20 No.8089324
    So nothing we didn't already know. Nice to see it confirmed.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)01:20 No.8089326
         File1318483235.jpg-(140 KB, 600x600, 14757571_p53.jpg)
    140 KB
    Side scrollers have never been my thing.
    Sounds like a thread.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)01:21 No.8089329
         File1318483282.jpg-(17 KB, 282x208, 1219379385335.jpg)
    17 KB
    I do enjoy life. I hate school, but I enjoy life.

    Also I totally forgot to mention Twisted Metal and Gauntlet. I played the fuck out of those games as a kid. Leaving out Tales games since I only really like a few of them.
    >the doctor told me I have two vaginas
    I didn't think this was real until right now. Thanks, television.
    >> Brad 10/13/11(Thu)01:21 No.8089331

    Paper Mario
    Ratchet & Clank
    Jak & Daxter
    Burnout (3 and Revenge, at least.)
    PS2-era Need for Speed
    Mario (Mostly Sunshine. Like, 80% Sunshine.)
    Assassins Creed
    Donkey Kong Country
    Sly Cooper

    I'd say that's all the vital ones off the top of my head.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)01:21 No.8089332
    Do any of you fucking love kosher dill pickles as much as i do?
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 10/13/11(Thu)01:22 No.8089337
         File1318483359.png-(1.04 MB, 1280x720, 1312433243380.png)
    1.04 MB
    I was never quite big on Mario till Galaxy. I've played the older ones, of course, but they never quite clicked for me. Galaxy did it immediately.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:22 No.8089338
         File1318483379.png-(508 KB, 852x479, Dr._Nefarious_Crayons.png)
    508 KB
    >Ratchet And Clank

    I really need to play more of those games. I know it's the kind of series I would love but these days I have a hard time making the time to sit down and play vidya.
    >> ъ 10/13/11(Thu)01:23 No.8089339
    And kill shit, eh?
    Fire types are the only ones that can't work in rain.
    Gliscor is not a problem for Rain team, while Lucario can kill Ferrothorn, I see nothing wrong.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)01:23 No.8089341
    I relish them.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)01:24 No.8089346
         File1318483481.jpg-(222 KB, 721x726, 1284510633323.jpg)
    222 KB
    This nigga still hasn't played Galaxy. It'll be about 50% sunshine after that.
    Amazing game.
    Also I need to play Starfy still.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)01:24 No.8089347
    Can't say about NSMBW, because of no Wii. And I still can't figure out what went wrong in NSMBDS.
    Maybe the really damn bland graphics and uninteresting music?

    Oh well, at least SMW has a fucking ginormous ROM Hacking community.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:24 No.8089348
         File1318483497.png-(411 KB, 833x364, 1312184536834.png)
    411 KB
    Galaxy is probably my favorite game this generation. I've said it before but it's one of the few times I played vidya in the last few years where I really felt like I was enjoying it with a sense of childhood discovery and adventure.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)01:25 No.8089351
         File1318483517.jpg-(34 KB, 397x406, 1283698355460.jpg)
    34 KB
    >That feel when Volcarona sweep in rain
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)01:26 No.8089352
         File1318483574.jpg-(197 KB, 600x800, 20110529172511.jpg)
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    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:26 No.8089353
         File1318483577.png-(252 KB, 497x337, 1317167912377.png)
    252 KB
    Starfy's good.

    >Brad hasn't played Galaxy
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)01:27 No.8089361
    >That thread.
    >That entire thread.
    I think my most favorite Mario game is Mario Kart, I like Kirby more for platformers.
    iirc, this was a team art of the guy who drew it. I think it was his Doubles subway team.
    Holy fuck, forgot to add this. Probably forgot because of the Rabbids shenanigans.
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)01:28 No.8089365
         File1318483687.jpg-(146 KB, 1280x720, [Zenyaku-SC] Mashiro-Iro Symph(...).jpg)
    146 KB
    >Watching generic haremshit No 2164564
    >MC walks in on the main girl while she is washing her hands
    >He doesn't get yelled at or anything violent
    I don't know what the fuck is going on

    Also, i prefer 2D Mario games, i don't like the 3D ones much.
    >> ъ 10/13/11(Thu)01:28 No.8089368
    Untill Aqua Jet.
    Faced several Volcaronas in rain, they usually ended being dead after first QD.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)01:29 No.8089372
    Reminds me. I never did end up beating that final level in GLAXY 2. That one where you had to do that challenge course with one health.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)01:30 No.8089375
    >Holy fuck, forgot to add this. Probably forgot because of the Rabbids shenanigans.
    Are you me?
    And Rayman 1 had one fucking awesome level editor.

    And this reminds me of another awesome series of old: Jazz Jackrabbit
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:32 No.8089384
    I never beat Galaxy 2 beyond beating Bowser. Maybe someday.
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)01:33 No.8089391
         File1318483991.jpg-(135 KB, 1280x720, [Zenyaku-SC] Mashiro-Iro Symph(...).jpg)
    135 KB
    >He falls over her boobs
    >Still no violence
    Non violent Tsundere? I like what im watching.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)01:33 No.8089395
         File1318484017.jpg-(121 KB, 423x600, 1235797552289.jpg)
    121 KB
    I should fire up an emulator and play all the stuff I've been missing out on.
    I never finished it because of timed purple coin shadow clone disappearing floor galaxy.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)01:33 No.8089397
         File1318484026.jpg-(14 KB, 153x181, lol do it faggot dog.jpg)
    14 KB
    >I prefer 2D
    >I don't like the 3D ones much
    Your /a/ is showing.
    Azumarill in the rain is a big fuck you to a lot of things not named Jellicent or Gyarados.
    Rayman 1 was the first game that ever made me shit my pants because of one way maps and ultra high platforms.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)01:33 No.8089398
         File1318484031.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 11 KB, 265x297, distraught meatball on a fork.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 11 KB
    I never beat 64.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)01:34 No.8089402
    Well, 100%'d it but close enough.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:34 No.8089403
    I only played the DS one but I really enjoyed it. Anybody who likes Kirby should.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)01:35 No.8089412
    >Not liking Mario Galaxy

    Julio Tier tastes.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)01:37 No.8089421
         File1318484241.jpg-(55 KB, 600x355, kirbies.jpg)
    55 KB
    Starfy always did remind me of Kirby though I never actually got to play it because every time I considered getting the game, I got something for Kirby instead.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:37 No.8089423
         File1318484254.png-(43 KB, 645x500, 1318127364822.png)
    43 KB
    It hasn't aged well anyway.

    Banjo-Kazooie is better.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)01:38 No.8089428
    >GLAXY 2
    I don't even know how that happened.

    I have so many maybe somedays. They just keep adding up. Why is it so hard to be a useless piece of shit and play all these games?

    That game had it's difficult parts. For me it was mostly any level where you had to do that one jump you had to do to get to the top of the boo house.

    >Disappearing floors
    That's where most of my lives go.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)01:39 No.8089432
    Was Galaxy 2 even any good?
    >> Cadmus !!UNiuuFUKmO1 10/13/11(Thu)01:39 No.8089436
    Platformers are still good things. NSMBDS was short and medium-hard though. NSMBWii is easy or hard, but that builds depending on what will your friends actually do (i've been trolled so hard by my friends on that game that i already beat it better on single player). Super Mario Galaxy 2 was perfect and had a fuckton of things that curved the difficulty tremendously after Bowser (fucking special world); it improved everything that was needed from Galaxy.
    I wonder how will Super Mario 3D Land do?

    Kirby supertstar was a must on Snes. Superstar Ultra is still fun to play on Co-op. It's a hell of a ride, moreover with the new parts added.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)01:39 No.8089438
    Rayman 1 was goddamn merciless.
    And speaking of PC platformer series, I wonder why no one has mentioned Commander Keen.

    I'm neutral on Mario Galaxy because I never played either.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:40 No.8089441
         File1318484410.png-(93 KB, 409x359, 1318392744952.png)
    93 KB
    The most annoying Star in the game for me was Mario Over The Rainbow because the flying controls were dildos. The worst part is if you fell out of the sky you landed as far away from the outside of Peach's Castle and had to climb back up all over again.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:40 No.8089443
    I thought it was. It didn't have quite the same charm as the first game but it was well designed and I had fun with it.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)01:41 No.8089449
    That was Starfy's gimmick I think.
    It's such bullshit. There's no need to have that many problems in one stage.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)01:41 No.8089452
    >For me it was mostly any level where you had to do that one jump you had to do to get to the top of the boo house
    As in "run in one direction, then run the other way and QUICKLY jump right when changing direction, while in a small area"?
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)01:42 No.8089457
         File1318484551.jpg-(17 KB, 186x206, cheese pondering its life.jpg)
    17 KB
    I never played that one either. The only platformers I beat on the 64 were Rayman 2 and Rocket.


    Kirby 64 was my favorite Kirby game, I just hope the one they're making now is as good as it. Epic Yarn was fun but it woulda been nice if it was harder.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:43 No.8089460
         File1318484626.png-(43 KB, 165x155, Picture 24.png)
    43 KB
    New Kirby looks really good. There's a lot of good vidya coming out in the next months, actually.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)01:44 No.8089461
         File1318484652.gif-(491 KB, 742x418, hold the presses.gif)
    491 KB
    >Commander Keen
    Holy shit. Nostalgia. That and Liero were my favorite time killing computer games.
    Helpers are one of the reason why I love Kirby.
    >> Brad 10/13/11(Thu)01:44 No.8089462

    I fucking love R&C, though Logan and his shitty taste doesn't like them.

    I'll probably buy them sometime soon, I like playing platformers in the winter.


    Rayman 1 turned you in to a fucking MAN.

    >Oh, you didn't want to free all the poor trapped creatures?

    I'm sad that Orgins is looking kind of meh, and it's fucking full retail. If I wanted to play a "Holy shit finally a good game from this series", it'll be Generations. And I'm downright depressed at R&C: All4One
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)01:44 No.8089463
    It was great.

    That was the one. And after that they made you fight sliding to get the star on the roof. That's not easy to do with a loose analog stick.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:44 No.8089464
    >Logan and his shitty taste doesn't like them.

    Not big surprise.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)01:45 No.8089467
         File1318484731.jpg-(52 KB, 640x360, ROB Kirby with a laser.jpg)
    52 KB
    Also this stage bothered the shit out of me. Lost so many lives to MARIO YOU DIDN'T FUCKING JUMP YOU ASSHOLE disease.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)01:46 No.8089469
         File1318484770.jpg-(286 KB, 975x984, Heart of darkness 1.jpg)
    286 KB
    Also, hardest platformer ever. The death scenes were fucking disturbing as a kid.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)01:46 No.8089472
         File1318484807.jpg-(84 KB, 704x395, 1318390915593.jpg)
    84 KB
    >my friend tells me that level is super bullshit
    >get it on my first try
    >he gets butthurt
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 10/13/11(Thu)01:47 No.8089474
         File1318484860.jpg-(718 KB, 1170x855, Jace's Ingenuity.jpg)
    718 KB
    This fucking game. Those death should have put that game's rating a lot higher.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)01:47 No.8089476
    I haven't seen than name in millennia.
    You can guess what happened when it got into the school's computers.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)01:50 No.8089491
         File1318485031.jpg-(97 KB, 749x1000, Taylor Hill.jpg)
    97 KB
    Fuck you.
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)01:51 No.8089494
         File1318485078.png-(181 KB, 401x363, 1316596442031.png)
    181 KB
    Oh u

    Never said i disliked it, i simply said i like the 2D ones more.

    Super Star is one of the best games ever, played it with my cousin all the fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)01:52 No.8089502
         File1318485145.jpg-(60 KB, 350x350, I'm gonna violate you!.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)01:53 No.8089507
    All dose deaths. The wall worm deaths rustle my jimmies still.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)01:57 No.8089530
    >this level
    Rolling controls were the worst.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)01:57 No.8089532

    You now realize that shit is someone's fetish.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:01 No.8089550
    Hey PG.

    You want to blow up this trash for me?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:01 No.8089556
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:01 No.8089557
         File1318485699.jpg-(15 KB, 251x272, 1313782625748.jpg)
    15 KB
    >any rolling level
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:02 No.8089558
         File1318485726.jpg-(77 KB, 550x413, 1315973372035.jpg)
    77 KB
    Forgot my image.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:02 No.8089561
    Do your own chores.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)02:02 No.8089564
         File1318485770.png-(56 KB, 1041x780, FUCK.png)
    56 KB
    Holy shit I forgot about that. FUCK those stages.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:03 No.8089566
    I wouldn't be surprised.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:03 No.8089569
         File1318485814.jpg-(239 KB, 700x870, 484.jpg)
    239 KB
    Sounds like my experience with Portal 2.
    Friend playing OoT Master Quest
    >Room with bottomless pit down middle
    >Fence with hole in top
    >Switch in the center of the other side of the fence
    >Waste 20 or so minutes trying to angle Bombchus around the bottomless pit
    >Suggest sending them straight down the bottomless pit
    >"That's a stupid idea but ok"
    >Bombchu goes down pit
    >Comes up the other side
    >Through the hole
    >Hits the switch
    >Mad friend
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:04 No.8089572
    You'll do them and you'll do them in thirty seconds or else you will do them again.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:05 No.8089581
         File1318485940.jpg-(567 KB, 1256x942, 1304436945593.jpg)
    567 KB
    >Post takes really long to go through
    >Finally works
    >Forgot some greentext

    It can't be helped.
    >> Brad 10/13/11(Thu)02:05 No.8089582

    Reminds me to add another series.

    Super Monkey Ball

    I don't give a fuck how casual they are, they were SO fun. And a few of the story missions were bullshit to the highest degree.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:05 No.8089583
         File1318485954.jpg-(44 KB, 288x339, You and me.jpg)
    44 KB
    I'd rather blow something else.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:06 No.8089587
         File1318485988.jpg-(18 KB, 244x336, feels babby man.jpg)
    18 KB
    >be 10
    >in forest temple hunting the poe sisters
    >at the staircase where the portraits are
    >try bombing them, using the sword, deku nuts
    >it works
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:06 No.8089588
    Personally, I found Portal 2 to be way better than 1, in all aspects.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:07 No.8089595
    Dude, you just got the bow and it wasn't obvious?
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:07 No.8089596
    >Not always using the latest weapon/tool you got
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)02:09 No.8089603
    >Not just using the hookshot for everything

    The hookshot was the best item.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:09 No.8089605
    At the time no.

    After that, I used the most recent item for every puzzle in the temple.
    >> ALlCE !cxLvEricaI 10/13/11(Thu)02:09 No.8089607
         File1318486154.jpg-(108 KB, 535x452, 1279442865551.jpg)
    108 KB
    >Forest temple
    Worst temple.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:10 No.8089613
         File1318486223.jpg-(37 KB, 640x480, Miku after taking it up the bu(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    >Forest Temple
    >not the best temple after Spirit
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:10 No.8089615
    Longshot was here, Hookshot is a pussy.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:10 No.8089619
         File1318486253.jpg-(698 KB, 960x1437, 1252823428219.jpg)
    698 KB
    Double Clawshot was best hookshot.
    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 10/13/11(Thu)02:11 No.8089620
    Just on the Mario discussion 3D Land is probably what SM64 should have been.
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 10/13/11(Thu)02:11 No.8089622
         File1318486289.jpg-(112 KB, 615x800, Drunk.jpg)
    112 KB
    Off to bed. Nighty nigh, PG.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:11 No.8089625
    >Forest Temple
    Best music


    That's not how you spell bomb arrows.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:12 No.8089626
    Night, Dual.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:12 No.8089630
    It's pretty much Mario 3 in 3-D. Shit looks good.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)02:13 No.8089634
    Still in the hookshot family.

    They were. The most fun item was the spinner.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:14 No.8089641
    The spinner deserved more puzzles.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:15 No.8089643
    The spinner was disappointing as fuck. You needed rails if you wanted to get anywhere on it and it was completely fucking useless after the prison.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:15 No.8089647
         File1318486526.jpg-(34 KB, 251x244, you will never be woll smith.jpg)
    34 KB
    >the spinner will never be an item again
    >> What !!sz3o2zYF+M7 10/13/11(Thu)02:15 No.8089649
         File1318486542.jpg-(124 KB, 1278x588, Doom Agrees.jpg)
    124 KB
    >first time playing OoT
    >Forrest Temple
    >never found that one fucking key in the first room
    >stuck for like 3 days
    Can't wait for 2D Land.
    >Best music
    I agree.
    >> ALlCE !cxLvEricaI 10/13/11(Thu)02:15 No.8089650
         File1318486557.jpg-(223 KB, 1490x1595, 047590375907.jpg)
    223 KB
    Only thing in that game I still have trouble with.
    The Spirit Temple is by far my favourite part.


    >Best music
    NOPE, that damn repetitive noise.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:16 No.8089659
         File1318486609.jpg-(371 KB, 900x734, 586699.jpg)
    371 KB
    Oh god the spinner, my absolute favorite item in the entire TLoZ series. I don't think I'll ever feel as amazing as I did when I fought the boss you have to use it on.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:17 No.8089661
    Is it the rotating pathways? That's the only thing that still gets me.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:17 No.8089664
    That's also the case with the Dominion Rod. There should have been more stautes around Hyrule and there should have been a greater variation on what each of them could do/how they did it.

    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:17 No.8089665
         File1318486638.png-(365 KB, 398x400, Forest_Temple_(Ocarina_of_Time(...).png)
    365 KB
    You're just racist against forests.
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 10/13/11(Thu)02:18 No.8089668
         File1318486688.jpg-(128 KB, 696x980, Pink Future.jpg)
    128 KB
    I liked how the double hook performed in the boss battle. I was the god damn spiderman.

    Let me go to sleep, PG.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:18 No.8089669
    That was definitely one of the most fun boss fights I've ever had.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:18 No.8089671
    Spinner boss was fun but the Sky Dragon was definitely my favorite battle in TP.
    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 10/13/11(Thu)02:19 No.8089675
         File1318486759.png-(313 KB, 525x479, 525px-SM3DL_UScover.png)
    313 KB
    It's funny but I think the overdose of Tanooki tails in this game is Nintendo having a jab at everyone that wanted them to come back over the past few decades.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:20 No.8089678
    That fight was amazing as well.
    Crap, now I want to play TP again but there's no GC anywhere in a few kilometers around me.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:20 No.8089679
    >implying the Water Temple music wasn't the most repetitive
    >> ALlCE !cxLvEricaI 10/13/11(Thu)02:20 No.8089681
    Everything about it, I just generally hate doing the Forest Temple.

    That must be it.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:20 No.8089682
    Twilight Princess had an utterly boring and slow start, and that's why I never finished it.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:21 No.8089689
    Was I the only one who felt like the Lakebed Temple and City in the SKy bosses felt eerily similar to Shadow of the Colossus?

    I'm perfectly fine with that.
    >> Garesh !Horo..3KV6 10/13/11(Thu)02:21 No.8089690
         File1318486900.png-(2.51 MB, 1920x1080, I came so hard I can make port(...).png)
    2.51 MB
    This. Portal 2 was amazing.
    >> Axrest !OAxrestl4U 10/13/11(Thu)02:22 No.8089691
         File1318486921.jpg-(5 KB, 126x126, 1282153927815.jpg)
    5 KB
    >Playing Duels of the Planeswalkers
    >Plays an Island, 2 Mox Sapphires, and plays Tinker into Dark Steel Colossus opening turn
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:22 No.8089692
    >playing Oot 3D
    >camera specifically pans past that chest
    >crisis averted
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:22 No.8089693
         File1318486924.jpg-(38 KB, 480x640, 1310368582971.jpg)
    38 KB
    TP starts really slowly, and I fucking HATE the Lakebed Temple, but afterward I really had a hard time putting it down. No more bug quests helped.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:22 No.8089696
         File1318486931.jpg-(161 KB, 600x600, 1251925541691.jpg)
    161 KB
    Molgera had the best boss music, prove me wrong.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:22 No.8089700
    You weren't hype enough, I had two years of hype in me when I got it.
    I gotta play it again too, I just hope the disk is okay.
    Fucking Lakebed Temple.
    >> Garesh !Horo..3KV6 10/13/11(Thu)02:23 No.8089703
    Be happy it wasn't blightsteel colossus
    >> What !!sz3o2zYF+M7 10/13/11(Thu)02:23 No.8089704
    I hated that boss. In fact, I kinda hated the Sky Temple in general. It just made me stop playing the game for a few weeks.
    >> ALlCE !cxLvEricaI 10/13/11(Thu)02:23 No.8089706
    But it's not, the Water Temple is great and I'm referring to that annoying beeping in the Forest Temple.

    This, I've tried to replay it so many times but I just lose interest.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)02:23 No.8089707
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:24 No.8089711
         File1318487041.jpg-(268 KB, 900x884, 1314494855349.jpg)
    268 KB
    I'm weird because I think City In The Sky was my favorite dungeon.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:24 No.8089712
         File1318487052.jpg-(21 KB, 626x346, angry taffy is angry.jpg)
    21 KB
    >posts Twinmold
    Best music was Gohdon or Kalle Demos in that game.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:24 No.8089715
    I derped around in that room for so long.
    Lakebed was the one Water temple I enjoyed.
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)02:24 No.8089716
         File1318487083.png-(94 KB, 207x239, 1309892399134.png)
    94 KB
    >That feel when PG is dead as fuck then you refresh because why the fuck now and suddenly 50 replies because your auto updater wasn't working.

    >The key in the first room

    Also, Water Temple was easy as fuck, how people think its the hardest one is beyond me, the Forest Temple was hardest one.
    >> Garesh !Horo..3KV6 10/13/11(Thu)02:24 No.8089720
         File1318487096.jpg-(57 KB, 525x633, fullmetal scowl.jpg)
    57 KB
    Shut your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:24 No.8089722
         File1318487097.jpg-(63 KB, 728x563, logan.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)02:25 No.8089724
    >chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chikka chik

    Second half of the game is great. It's just powering your way to it is a pain.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:25 No.8089725
    Icamesohard, Icanmakeportals.That cameaswell.jpg

    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:26 No.8089728
         File1318487166.jpg-(14 KB, 500x394, tumblr_lrznh8sJBz1r13dnio1_500.jpg)
    14 KB
    >Forest Temple

    Y'all niggers just get confused because the architecture is unorthodox. Then again all of the OOT dungeons are easy.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)02:27 No.8089734

    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:28 No.8089737

    OoT (and partially MM) Water Temple was not hard, just repetitive and boring.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:28 No.8089738
    >> What !!sz3o2zYF+M7 10/13/11(Thu)02:29 No.8089740

    It's okay. I'm more fond of Blizzeta's and Zant's boss music.
    Water Temple was confusing as fuck for me. Excluding that fucking key, Forrest Temple wasn't too bad.
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:29 No.8089741
         File1318487355.jpg-(297 KB, 800x583, 1258002913738.jpg)
    297 KB
    None of them are particularly hard, just really disorienting.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:30 No.8089744
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:30 No.8089745

    Also, why wasn't this in Super Smash Bros Brawl?
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:30 No.8089747
    Helps keep the tempo up.

    Dat flute.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:30 No.8089749
         File1318487442.png-(838 KB, 500x708, Majora's Mask poster.png)
    838 KB
    MM's was frustrating because it was dark and it was easy to get lost.

    MM is still my favorite Zelda.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)02:32 No.8089757
    MM was my first and my favorite, WW is a close second.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:32 No.8089758
    >> What !!sz3o2zYF+M7 10/13/11(Thu)02:33 No.8089764
         File1318487580.png-(874 KB, 1010x573, Fuck yeah.png)
    874 KB
    >WW's Mid-Boss theme
    Fuck yes.
    >MM is still my favorite Zelda.
    Mah nigga. Although we'll be seeing what Skyward Sword has to say about that.
    >> !!hZUFD/6+19l 10/13/11(Thu)02:33 No.8089768
    >playing my new zombie deck
    >getting rage quits left and right at blue-blooded oni + zombie master > lavalval chain > mexuki xyz spam
    this shit is beautiful
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:34 No.8089776
    Maker's Prayer. Them vocals. Ah hell they're both great.

    WW was full of great music.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 10/13/11(Thu)02:36 No.8089785
         File1318487769.jpg-(34 KB, 285x281, 1310961373115.jpg)
    34 KB
    >Not LttP
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:36 No.8089786
         File1318487797.png-(99 KB, 247x248, xavier using telepathy.png)
    99 KB
    >get to final boss
    >defeat first form
    >> !!hZUFD/6+19l 10/13/11(Thu)02:36 No.8089788
    alttp is my favorite of the top down zeldas other than oracles, mostly due to it being more difficult and longer than the others.
    >> Logan 10/13/11(Thu)02:37 No.8089795
         File1318487864.jpg-(59 KB, 500x356, 1305346689737.jpg)
    59 KB
    >downloaded desmume a long time ago
    >just now finally got a game
    >open rom
    >nothing happens
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:38 No.8089798
    At times I kinda regret that I used the Deity Mask.
    >> What !!sz3o2zYF+M7 10/13/11(Thu)02:38 No.8089799
         File1318487894.jpg-(136 KB, 350x384, 1262076102618.jpg)
    136 KB
    >looking through Zelda music

    This part of the battle creeped me out on my first run.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:38 No.8089803
    LTTP is overrated

    I have huge nostalgia for it, it was my first Zelda, but it's kind of barebones compared to some of the other games, both 2-D and 3-D. It's still a good game though.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)02:40 No.8089807

    >Majora's Mask
    >Doing Anju and Kafei quest
    >Fail to retrieve the mask on the third day
    >right a down right a down
    Every time.
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:42 No.8089817
         File1318488121.jpg-(53 KB, 229x261, 1304741014805.jpg)
    53 KB
    >that song

    Fuck yeah. Was glad it was in Brawl.
    >> ъ 10/13/11(Thu)02:44 No.8089825
    Zelda general?
    Russian Links Awakening was my first Zelda, then I played all handheld and none of console zeldas, out of them either Minish Cap or Phantom Hourglass is my favourite.

    >Lost Flash drive, search for another one
    >Notice this
    >Exactly the same, but red costs ~1$ cheaper
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:44 No.8089827
    Well, since we're posting boss music...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:46 No.8089833
         File1318488377.jpg-(28 KB, 290x478, 208684_197713300267098_1000008(...).jpg)
    28 KB
    Did somebody say Russain?
    >> Jake !ChomPGO1pY 10/13/11(Thu)02:47 No.8089839
         File1318488433.jpg-(190 KB, 1024x768, wallpaper_Links.jpg)
    190 KB
    >none of console zeldas

    That's a lot of the Zeldas.
    >> Axrest !OAxrestl4U 10/13/11(Thu)02:47 No.8089840
         File1318488447.jpg-(18 KB, 300x424, 1275531786648.jpg)
    18 KB
    >Hear theme
    >Small feeling of panic in the back of my mind
    God damn instincts.
    >> What !!sz3o2zYF+M7 10/13/11(Thu)02:48 No.8089842
         File1318488508.gif-(150 KB, 120x116, Do the Quick Man.gif)
    150 KB
    Boss music general
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:51 No.8089850
         File1318488662.gif-(221 KB, 500x375, 1305503564968.gif)
    221 KB

    /v/ you so crazy
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:53 No.8089857
         File1318488821.png-(383 KB, 704x396, vlcsnap-2011-10-13-01h40m59s11(...).png)
    383 KB
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)02:54 No.8089859
    captcha: because
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:54 No.8089861
    >> Storm !DKMonU.CtI 10/13/11(Thu)02:56 No.8089865
         File1318489010.png-(23 KB, 400x200, Sonic running art.png)
    23 KB
    Bomberman Hero is an underappreciated gem.

    Posting this because I feel like it's an underdiscussed song:
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)02:57 No.8089867
         File1318489021.jpg-(13 KB, 195x172, laughing grapefruit.jpg)
    13 KB
    This music was fitting.

    All those strategies.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)02:59 No.8089870
         File1318489146.jpg-(329 KB, 800x600, Thinking about going fast.jpg)
    329 KB
    Eh, I guess it was alright.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)03:01 No.8089875
    That's because Live and Learn ruined the OST.
    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 10/13/11(Thu)03:05 No.8089885
    Bomberman's really fallen off the radar since Act Zero.

    Probably a good reason for that.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 10/13/11(Thu)03:06 No.8089887
         File1318489609.jpg-(1.13 MB, 2071x2500, ddeb925f3e404e2bc55e92d80882f1(...).jpg)
    1.13 MB
    I'll never forget you Twisted Metal 2
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)03:20 No.8089935
         File1318490445.jpg-(157 KB, 994x599, trading.jpg)
    157 KB
    Holy shit.
    I think I should take this trade.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)03:23 No.8089941
         File1318490612.jpg-(122 KB, 1280x720, no fuck given anymore.jpg)
    122 KB
    >Trap League
    Oh god my sides.
    >Booster packs.
    Grinding for packs always left me sour.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)03:23 No.8089943
    From my limited knowledge of the tcg I recall Donphan being really good. How's Zekrom?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)03:24 No.8089946
         File1318490698.jpg-(375 KB, 1002x577, Dragons.jpg)
    375 KB
    I think Reshiram evens out to be slightly better.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)03:25 No.8089948
         File1318490757.jpg-(276 KB, 751x1429, emerging-powers-wargle-booster.jpg)
    276 KB
    The only problem is that there are very few things in Emerging Powers that interest me.
    >> Volare !sol63wings 10/13/11(Thu)03:27 No.8089952
    Just like the game then. Only with less slightly.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)03:30 No.8089962
         File1318491051.jpg-(139 KB, 994x599, trading.jpg)
    139 KB
    Hm. There's more people trading packs than you'd think.
    >> Cadmus !!UNiuuFUKmO1 10/13/11(Thu)03:35 No.8089970
    >Trading packs
    Huh. So they got tired of trying to get one prize, rather they give away a booster? That's nice i guess.

    Either way, i like the fact that you people posted some mini boss and boss themes previously, so have this. The Newer theme on Mario Vs Donkey Kong won't even hold a candle against this one; ever:
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)03:41 No.8089985
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)03:42 No.8089986
    You're basically trading off the risk that you aren't going to get what you want in order to get what you want.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)03:45 No.8089992
         File1318491950.jpg-(9 KB, 126x119, kevin bacon watching oprah mas(...).jpg)
    9 KB
    All the boss music made me fire up my Wii and play Resident Evil 4 since it was already in there.

    >notice one save on Professional difficulty
    Well it can't be that bad. Pretty good guns (A Magnum, Punisher, and a Bolt Action Rifle) and a few grenades.
    Suddenly this music.
    >no Infrared Scope

    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)03:47 No.8089999
    You fucked, yo.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)03:49 No.8090002
    Lame, I missed that.
    At this rate, Gates is going down by next week.
    >> !!hZUFD/6+19l 10/13/11(Thu)03:51 No.8090005
    you dont need a scope to kill them it just takes longer, keep firing everywhere with the tmp front and back and you can get them pretty easy.
    those things still scare the shit out of me even when I play with the infinite rocket launcher.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)03:56 No.8090008
    That takes a lot of ammo though, I prefer to save it.
    >> Cadmus !!UNiuuFUKmO1 10/13/11(Thu)03:57 No.8090013
    Practical indeed. But i can feel the rage from the other guy if the booster had nothing worthy on it. Then again, if accepting the exchange, he has to be aware of that possibility already.

    >regenerator without scope
    There's a rule of thumb when you don't have a scope: Shoot limbs and chest on specific places constantly, the weak spots stay still for 2 seconds, then they do move to other places. If anything else fails. Flash bomb or Rocket it. If you fail to do so, you're pretty much dead anyway.

    Jobbs gone, Dennis gone, a lot of great minds are dying on these years; yet who will take their positions on pioneering such fields of technology and knowledge? It's certainly sad to hear these, but at least, their legacy will live on further.
    printf("Goodbye, World! \n");
    >> !!hZUFD/6+19l 10/13/11(Thu)03:58 No.8090015
    re4 is easy and you dont even need the ammo though.
    half of the game can be done with TMP headshots, roundhouse kicks, and the knife.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)04:01 No.8090018
         File1318492870.gif-(82 KB, 138x98, smogon discussing tiers.gif)
    82 KB
    I've died 4 times already. It's an Iron Maiden, not a regular one.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)04:03 No.8090023
    I'd rather have Zuckenberg die in a car crash.

    There's certainly a vacuum of pioneering minds.
    And I would make a joke about this, but is just not the time, I need sleep badly and the only thing I can think of is stack overflow.

    Fucking stack overflows.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:05 No.8090024
         File1318493106.jpg-(355 KB, 1003x589, Tinsel.jpg)
    355 KB
    So, a guy will trade Zekrom and an Emerging Powers pack for my Donphan, and another guy will trade two Emerging Powers packs for a Zekrom.
    Hm. I'd be all over this if only the three packs in question weren't Emerging Powers.
    All it really has is Catcher and Bearctic.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:07 No.8090027
    Oops, now the server is down for maintenance.
    Perhaps I shouldn't have hesitated with those trades.
    At least I got a second Lanturn Prime.
    >> Cadmus !!UNiuuFUKmO1 10/13/11(Thu)04:09 No.8090029
    Then get some rest; the worst thing you would want is having a migraine whilst you have things to do (or program, depending on the situations)

    I don't know much about Beartic, but i've heard that Catcher is actually useful (this came, however, when thinking on combos with certain decks, so it may or may not be THAT useful)
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 10/13/11(Thu)04:11 No.8090032
    I never had a migraine because of lack of sleep, just overly sensations of "need more sleep" despite having slept 12+ hours just minutes ago.

    And off to bed now.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:12 No.8090034
         File1318493533.jpg-(376 KB, 994x592, Catcher.jpg)
    376 KB
    Circulator and Reversal were already seeing a lot of use, and now Catcher comes out doing the same thing for absolutely no drawback.
    It's good for sniping the weaklings off the bench before they become stronglings.
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)04:16 No.8090041
         File1318493784.png-(366 KB, 633x473, Aoko.png)
    366 KB
    >Finally finish Tsukihime
    Feels good man.
    >> Cadmus !!UNiuuFUKmO1 10/13/11(Thu)04:22 No.8090054
    Yeah, i can see the point of abuse about switching freely the benched and active pokemon back and forth, with one card doing the job, but i'm kinda skeptical about it yet, since some combos don't pull that movement to give you much advantage.
    >> Hashmal !Esper0./Sk 10/13/11(Thu)04:26 No.8090060
    >notch: I'm making the moon and the sun round. I am very sorry.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)04:31 No.8090064
         File1318494665.gif-(494 KB, 220x123, not dealing with this.gif)
    494 KB
    I'm wondering if they'll ever release a Fate series fightan.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 10/13/11(Thu)04:31 No.8090065
         File1318494686.jpg-(23 KB, 400x400, 1251863389398.jpg)
    23 KB
    I should get around to playing it, I just keep putting it off playing other stuff.
    >> Neku 10/13/11(Thu)04:31 No.8090066
    Out of context, this is a very funny sentence.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 10/13/11(Thu)04:34 No.8090069
         File1318494855.png-(24 KB, 100x100, 1252692515858.png)
    24 KB
    >Fate Unlimited Codes
    >Fate Tiger Colosseum
    >> Hashmal !Esper0./Sk 10/13/11(Thu)04:34 No.8090070
    notch is a terrible god yet a better one than gabe newell.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:36 No.8090075
    So what's the best method to farm for evo stones in BW?
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)04:37 No.8090078
    I hope you like caves.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)04:37 No.8090079
         File1318495071.jpg-(46 KB, 480x360, 1300767490113.jpg)
    46 KB
    It's the old Gust of Wind from the first sets. It's what is killing my ReshiBoar deck since my biggest form of attack is through my Emboar with a fat retreat cost. That and how I'm the only one at my local shop NOT running a Water deck. Fucking Beartic.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)04:40 No.8090084
    Caves, caves everywhere.

    Or if you have Black, you can buy them in Black City.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:41 No.8090088
         File1318495277.jpg-(451 KB, 1900x1140, vpvspg.jpg)
    451 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:41 No.8090090
    Just making sure there's no better cave or spot to farm at.

    Just sprayin up on repels and hoping for Not Gems
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)04:42 No.8090092
    This again?
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)04:42 No.8090094
         File1318495349.jpg-(37 KB, 298x403, Patient Skeleton.jpg)
    37 KB
    Give it 10 more years for something new to be announced and then 10 more years for it to be released, fuck you Nasu, we were promised Mahotsukai last year and still nothing, fuck you so much.

    In other news F/HA translation hit 64%, if we are lucky it may hit 70% this decade.
    >> Crystal !uCryStALN6 10/13/11(Thu)04:45 No.8090101
    This forum is weird...
    >> Cadmus !!UNiuuFUKmO1 10/13/11(Thu)04:46 No.8090104
    They appear in every cave (check the revolving dust clouds on caves on Gen V); they are rare though.
    On gen IV, if DPPt, Get to the underground and dig for them. If HGSS, some of them are available to be traded for something, but i don't remember what.

    That's interesting indeed. Still in blank about the bear, but it has to be good if everybody is trying to run one on their decks i guess.

    I think the roles have reversed these days. Or you could replace /vp/ with /v/, and PG with /vp/, and then you will have a more accurate picture of what's been going on these days.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)04:46 No.8090106
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:47 No.8090107
         File1318495634.gif-(80 KB, 300x200, cum on me bro.gif)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:51 No.8090116
         File1318495886.jpg-(88 KB, 512x512, 9795503.jpg)
    88 KB
    I only have one DS, so any items in my Pearl or HG games STAY there, sadly.

    Not like I can trade over items anyway with that minigame.

    >Consider any run with repel where I obtain an item a "success" since I can sell the items later and buy more repels
    >Actually check the resale value of a gem
    >they only resell for $100 while Repels cost $500 ~ $700 each
    >my face when economics
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)04:53 No.8090117
    post ur addy an ill cum ovr an hlp u xfer
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)04:53 No.8090119
    The shit?
    The main thing it has going for it is that it's pretty easy to get out but a little harder to set up. ReshiBoar takes a bit longer to set up than something like ReshiPhlosion but pays off with some serious damage. The problem is that by the time I can get anything done, Beartic is either forcing me to switch and drop all of my energy, or die the next turn. It's because of this I want to run something different like a Mew Toolbox deck or something. I have one of the four needed Mew Primes and a Zoroark. CoL Lucario shouldn't be too hard to find and everything else will probably come up to ~$100 or so.
    And even if you did have another DS, you still wouldn't be able to get it to your Gen V game since transferred 'mons can't be carrying items.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)04:59 No.8090127
         File1318496371.png-(504 KB, 528x528, episode three is never coming.png)
    504 KB
    Pokécheck does wonders, although you do have to delete HM moves and remove items but it does it with one DS. Just a suggestion.

    >see human experiments thing

    >manage to finally get past the Iron Maiden and get the key to Ashley's door
    >go down the garbage chute
    >see two more Regenerators and still no Infrared Scope
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)05:03 No.8090131
    >New Vegas section
    >first post is in Oct 2006
    >game wasn't released until 2010
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)05:03 No.8090132
         File1318496612.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 98 KB, 569x384, candy canes and jelly beans.jpg)
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    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)05:12 No.8090146
         File1318497155.gif-(448 KB, 320x180, 1317667176685.gif)
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    This fucking thread
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)05:19 No.8090153
         File1318497588.jpg-(47 KB, 200x196, 1255837379629.jpg)
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    I really did enjoy Robin Williams in What Dreams May Come.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)05:26 No.8090159
    I liked Mrs. Doubtfire when it came out, but I tried to watch it more recently and it annoyed me a lot. Fucking nostalgia goggles broke.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)05:33 No.8090165
         File1318498404.gif-(2.82 MB, 346x195, hopes crushed.gif)
    2.82 MB
    >Fate Unlimited Codes
    Looks pretty neat, wish it was 2D fightan.
    >Tiger Dojo
    Yeah, nah.
    What the shit?
    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)05:56 No.8090205
    So fucking dead
    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 10/13/11(Thu)05:59 No.8090214
    His name can't be that hard to pronounce, surely.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)06:01 No.8090217
         File1318500061.jpg-(550 KB, 850x1061, bd8b10f688a6b3bf4251412368c859(...).jpg)
    550 KB
    I think that anon might just be stupid.
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)06:07 No.8090226
    It's not that hard actually, and don't call me Shirley.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 10/13/11(Thu)06:08 No.8090229
         File1318500514.jpg-(134 KB, 480x480, 43a43e29240210e6049d3e1fe34ef3(...).jpg)
    134 KB
    If you want 2D Melty Blood is probably all we're going to get for Type Moon fightan
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)06:10 No.8090234
    I miss him.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)06:12 No.8090237
         File1318500757.png-(8 KB, 674x433, 1293917886223.png)
    8 KB
    >finishing up essay
    >realize I had forgotten to periodically save
    >lose over half of it
    >start saving every two minutes
    It's like I'm really playing Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)06:13 No.8090238
         File1318500780.jpg-(57 KB, 355x400, Sean Connery wants you gone.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)06:14 No.8090239
         File1318500852.jpg-(16 KB, 233x245, scene from airplane.jpg)
    16 KB
    You ever seen a grown man naked?
    I miss him too. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)06:15 No.8090241
         File1318500932.jpg-(36 KB, 400x533, e fgeggegg.jpg)
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    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)06:16 No.8090243
    Say Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)06:17 No.8090244
         File1318501027.jpg-(75 KB, 576x385, ISHYDDT.jpg)
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    >> Andrew (Lima) 0776 7189 3990 !LIMANkkUug 10/13/11(Thu)06:17 No.8090247
    What's our vector, Victor?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)06:18 No.8090250
         File1318501112.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 15 KB, 220x238, dark magical girl's pussy is t(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 15 KB
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)06:21 No.8090254
         File1318501306.jpg-(18 KB, 300x294, nothing to sip about.jpg)
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    Yeah, that's why I wanted one for F/sn or F/Z. Also, I'm kind of annoyed one of the local arcades that housed MB took it off its cabs, I really wanted to try it out.
    How bad is your computer anyways? It sounds like it bluescreens often.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)06:24 No.8090259
         File1318501440.jpg-(26 KB, 620x400, 3897136.bin_.jpg)
    26 KB
    It's pretty bad. We had to send it to the hospital.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)06:24 No.8090261
         File1318501486.jpg-(10 KB, 167x172, 1270237020479.jpg)
    10 KB
    Dat scene.
    It's only been doing it recently. And it only ever happens when Chrome starts freezing up on me and gives me some error message about Shockwave. I should probably see if it needs updating or something.
    A hospital? What is it?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)06:25 No.8090263
         File1318501520.jpg-(6 KB, 468x194, 4575487.jpg)
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    It's a tall building with lots of sick people inside.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)06:27 No.8090265
    Leslie Nielsen General is the best General.
    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 10/13/11(Thu)06:27 No.8090266
    I should point out that this movie is called "Flying High" here.
    >> !5OsLaPraSk 10/13/11(Thu)06:28 No.8090267
    Fucking Australia.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)06:29 No.8090271
    >a young Crystal on her first flight.avi

    Man, I need to watch this movie again. And The Naked Gun films.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)06:31 No.8090275
         File1318501917.jpg-(316 KB, 1280x720, shocked akari.jpg)
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    >Eventually find this on YT.
    >That last chick.
    I actually thought it was dude for a second there.
    >I take it black, like my men.
    Every time.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)07:16 No.8090330
    Now this is some quality dead hours action. Mmmmyeah boy.
    >> Crystal !uCryStALN6 10/13/11(Thu)07:16 No.8090331
    Best kind
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)07:20 No.8090336
         File1318504816.png-(130 KB, 162x222, anko75.png)
    130 KB
    Wait 2 more months till people are less busy I guess. Either that or fall break.
    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 10/13/11(Thu)07:27 No.8090348
    Now this might be scraping the bottom of the barrel for conversation topics but what's your favourite sandwich, PG?
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)07:30 No.8090355
         File1318505422.jpg-(64 KB, 259x194, pooh on picnic.jpg)
    64 KB
    Honey with Toast. I don't remember eating any kind of sandwich for a while now...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)07:31 No.8090358
    Hard to pick one, but I am quite fond of Spam & egg.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)07:31 No.8090359
    French dips.
    >> Crystal !uCryStALN6 10/13/11(Thu)07:31 No.8090360
    BLT probably
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)07:32 No.8090362
         File1318505577.jpg-(4 KB, 160x199, 1300913282819.jpg)
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    >bullshit my way through the fourth page and conclusion

    Breakfast: Peanut butter, Nutella, and slices of banana between two Eggo waffles. Sometimes honey with it.
    Lunch/Dinner: Tuna mixed with mayo, sweet relish and a bit of Sriracha.
    Club sandwich is good, too.
    I'm all for Spam and eggs but I never did like them as a sandwich. To each their own, though.
    >> Fran's Lab Assistant 10/13/11(Thu)07:42 No.8090400
    I honestly do not know
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 10/13/11(Thu)07:51 No.8090431
         File1318506700.jpg-(10 KB, 154x193, 1257975513430.jpg)
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    Oh PokeSpe, you so crazy.
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 10/13/11(Thu)08:12 No.8090475
         File1318507938.png-(211 KB, 478x358, This gonna be good.png)
    211 KB
    That chapter was god tier, i can honestly say i never expected this tweest, it was like Pokemon NTR or something, N is one creepy motherfucker.
    >> Mio !!nOq4xTO5qCk 10/13/11(Thu)08:15 No.8090482
    The ones with pepper
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 10/13/11(Thu)08:16 No.8090484
         File1318508165.jpg-(65 KB, 1280x720, watched that shit watched it g(...).jpg)
    65 KB
    >Pokemon NTR.
    WELP. Time to start reading PokeSpe BW.

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