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  • File : 1260464630.jpg-(92 KB, 695x580, pinkcox1.jpg)
    92 KB Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:03 No.7104870  
    I need halp, /g/. I got a phone call from my internet provider(COX) telling me they'd suspend my internet connection until further notice a week or so ago. I told my brother to delete all the Dexter shit he downloaded, which was apparently the problem and all went back to normal.

    Today I woke up, had breakfast and turned on my laptop only to get this message. Are they monitoring us or something? I had to drive to the library to post this as my sister downloaded that song and I can't delete it because her computer is password protected.

    Oddly enough, I never get into trouble for the stuff I download even though I have shitloads of e-books, audiobooks, documentaries, movies and videogames.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:04 No.7104877
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    here's other part of the message I received
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:04 No.7104882
    I've had this happen once

    COX told us to delete the thing we downloaded (KOTOR) and that was that! never bothered us again and we didn't stop downloading lol
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:05 No.7104889


    You some kind of faggot, OP?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:06 No.7104899
    There are no copyright cops that will make sure you actually deleted the stuff, so since you got in trouble for it, you might as well keep it.

    If you get caught 3 times, they might kill your internet for a year or so.
    >> SkiddieKript !!jvCuWJ8NrnK 12/10/09(Thu)12:07 No.7104911

    Theres your issue
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:07 No.7104919
    Um. No. If you read my original post you can see that it was my sister who downloaded it. I'm guessing she was using ARES or Bearshare or some bad p2p program like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:08 No.7104927
    I just moved to Arizona and my only options were cox and qwest. Qwest kept being shitty and didn't help when I told them the router they installed kept disconnecting everyone every 45 minutes and every time a new computer conencted so I switched to cox and here I am.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:08 No.7104933
    Alright, but you're still gay though :3
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:08 No.7104934
    More like COCKS amirite
    >> Mei !8800gtx15A 12/10/09(Thu)12:08 No.7104935
    You fail. I've been torrenting nonstop with COCKS for over a year now and never got a letter.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:11 No.7104958
    I have COX. Taught my siblings how to use torrents and I personally download anything my parents want (usually just a single CD every other month) and I have yet to be confronted about anything. Smack those fuckers and show them that limewire is NOT acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:11 No.7104961
    CHANGE ISP, they will soon stop this shit when they have no customers and make the copyright cunts fight their own battles.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:11 No.7104963
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:11 No.7104964
    Um...yes, but as I already stated, my sister got this file through a non torrent application. I'm guessing ARES or Bershare...maybe Limewrire. I don't really know what she uses nowadays, but she doesn't know how to torrent.
    >> =(ಠ_ಠ)= Moarfeene !g/FuRrypig!!MkqGgo4b9zj 12/10/09(Thu)12:11 No.7104967
    Teach your brother and sister how to torrent. Invite them to Demonoid or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:11 No.7104968

    Thats bullshit. Just download stuff through HTML/FTTP servers like Rapidshare

    What they're doing is illegal, and its the sign of a shitty, shitty ISP

    Switch to Verizon or Comcast. The big ones could give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:13 No.7104979
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:13 No.7104982
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    >Invite them to Demonoid
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:15 No.7105002
    Good advice, but she is only a 13 year old loli who still uses push up bras so technique 1 would not work. I guess I could teach my bro and sister how to torrent so they don't get in trouble. Think that'd help?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:15 No.7105006

    When is it coming back?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:16 No.7105007
    >> =(ಠ_ಠ)= Moarfeene !g/FuRrypig!!MkqGgo4b9zj 12/10/09(Thu)12:16 No.7105010
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:16 No.7105013
    NO. Well maybe if you help me out with this I can show you her feet. MAYBE
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:18 No.7105028

    >Implying you have gone through her underwear drawer
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:18 No.7105029
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    get busted for illegal downloading
    blame it on brother/sister
    that shit doesnt fly in court
    >> Mei !8800gtx15A 12/10/09(Thu)12:18 No.7105030
    I'll need to see naked pics of your loli.

    To make sure shes torrenting right... Yeah, that.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:18 No.7105034
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:19 No.7105041
    >implying Verizon or Comcast exist where cox is, instead of cox having a monopoly
    >> Mei !8800gtx15A 12/10/09(Thu)12:20 No.7105061
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    Comcast is worse, mm'kay?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:22 No.7105074

    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:22 No.7105075
    No, but when you can usually tell when a woman wears those when their breast tends to fluctuate :D
    >> Mei !8800gtx15A 12/10/09(Thu)12:24 No.7105097
    We'll need to see pics of loli bewbs to make sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:25 No.7105103
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    Actually, I don't think she has a facebook or anything so here's a random foot I found on google. I hope it's enough for now.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:25 No.7105104
    I used to have Cox in AZ, and I never had any trouble with torrents. I have Qwest now and still have no problems, other than shitty speeds. Teach your siblings how to internet properly.

    You could tell Cox that paying for internet service you aren't receiving is pretty retarded and if they don't cut the shit you'll just switch to Qwest. Rather, you could tell your parents to tell that to Cox.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:25 No.7105106
    How much do you pay for that, bro ?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:26 No.7105119
    No sir, loli feets are required for further assistance. Those feets are old.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:27 No.7105137
    the fuck? I only get 18 down and 2 up ;_;
    >> Mei !8800gtx15A 12/10/09(Thu)12:29 No.7105151
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    This happened once....
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:30 No.7105162
    How come those excuses won't hold up in court? If those aren't valid defense, how could you possible prove anything regarding your innocence?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:31 No.7105169
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    Fuck I hate this city.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:31 No.7105171
    I'm interested
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:32 No.7105179
    The ironic part is that the anon asking for loli feet is the same guy who works at Cox that blocked OP's connection.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:32 No.7105185
    oh shit, you in Tucson too?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:33 No.7105188
    how u no this?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:34 No.7105199
    this city sure is shit tier, but I am too much of a hikki to afford living back up in the phoenix area.
    >> OP 12/10/09(Thu)12:35 No.7105201
    >> Mei !8800gtx15A 12/10/09(Thu)12:35 No.7105211
    I want to move to V&couver. :3

    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:35 No.7105212
    Every time someone makes fun of me for using Usenet, I post all of my screenshots of threads like this.

    Thankfully you dumbass torrenters are so numerous, I've got like twenty of these.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:36 No.7105220
    its your connection so your responsible for whatever data goes thru it

    besides even if you did pass the blame to your bro/sis they would just sue the fuck outta them so not really any diff

    its not the physical evidence they prove its the digital so all they are using is your ip address so you would have to persuade to the judge that its not your ip address or that ips constantly switch ppls ips on a daily basis and that its mistake and identity

    just never admit to doing it, blame viruses or hacker raped your computer and lurk torrentfreak
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:40 No.7105257
    Oh, and my case is different because they've already cut off my connection.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:40 No.7105262
    But if someone steals my car and runs over a man, I'm not charged with murder for it. How is this any different?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:40 No.7105265
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    Better off with Cox, just learn how to not suck.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:41 No.7105276
    goddamn that is embarrassing, how can you even post that.
    >> Mei !8800gtx15A 12/10/09(Thu)12:43 No.7105285
    at 70KB/s.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:43 No.7105292

    It's the best available in my area, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:45 No.7105318
    I thought Cox covered the whole Maricopa region, I don't see why you have to go with Qwest. Unless you live in some shitty town on the outskirts of phoenix.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:45 No.7105324

    Desert badlands of Pinal county.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:46 No.7105331
    cause the murdered mans family isnt throwing millions of dollars worth of lawyers and bribes to make an example of you

    >Twelve jurors here said Jammie Thomas, a single mother of two, must pay $9,250 for each of 24 shared songs that were the subject of the lawsuit, amounting to $222,000 in penalties

    they have said they stopped new lawsuits but i dont believe it
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:47 No.7105333
    I live in Chandler and they gave me some shitty old router and modem. They said they'd be replacing of all of those old models eventually, but never gave me a precise date and I wasn't gonna put up with such a crappy connection for months.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:48 No.7105352
    holy fucking australian pelican shit with cox on top wtf mayt
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:48 No.7105353
    OP is underage and easily panicked.

    Too bad his siblings have ADHD and don't give a shit about consequences.

    If OP has any power over the family router, he needs to start blocking ports.

    OP also needs to leave this place until he is old enough not to get sodomized over standard tcp/ip by a brand of smartphone.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:48 No.7105356
    I lived in Chandler for 6 years and I had Cox the whole time..
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:49 No.7105363
    /g/ - Arizona
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:51 No.7105396
    standard tcp/ip by a brand of smartphone
    What does that even mean? And I'm not underage. I was told to ask here by some other board.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:53 No.7105424
    >If OP has any power over the family router, he needs to start blocking ports.
    You're welcome.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:56 No.7105458
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    I live in Chandler, and I have COCKS, speeds are generally ok, but every few days or couple weeks the connection will just drop at random and the modem will refuse to reconnect for hours. Not worth dealing with those faggots, they never fix anything, especially if it's intermittent. I've downloaded terabytes of shit and only gotten a DMCA notice once years ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:58 No.7105478
    Same thing happened to me, OP. Just stop using public torrents (or kill the dude using them) and give them the call. They'll reactivate it; the guy I got was a fucking bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:58 No.7105482
    >Your friend in the digital age.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:58 No.7105486

    Bitch smack siblings and tell them to sit up straight, do their homework, study, eat right, and stop fucking pirating shit. When they become responsible and can realize how to do shit smart, you won't have any worries.
    Block all P2P programs via router
    confiscate computers.
    Ask them if they like internet. If they say yes, then tell them to stop fucking around, show them the letters, and how they're going to ruin it for everyone. Make them feel like shit. Teach them how to torrent.
    don't worry about it and hope it never bothers you.

    Personally, I vote option 1.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)13:00 No.7105514

    Does Cox have any sort of bandwidth cap? While not a regular occurrence, I hit 800GB last month with Qwest without issue. Hoping I'd be able to do the same if I switched.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)13:01 No.7105516
    Alright then. I'm gonna have to do some research on this router blocking thing, but I'm sure I can pull it off.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)13:01 No.7105521
    Technically I think they do, but as far as I can tell it's never enforced.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)13:02 No.7105528
    1) Install Tomato or DD-WRT on router
    2) Force WPA Enterprise User/pass logins and 802.1X on Wired, change default admin password on router
    3) Have the ability to revoke internet access individually
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)13:02 No.7105536
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    >> [sCYTHe] 12/10/09(Thu)13:03 No.7105541
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)13:04 No.7105549
    OP is not ALL of COX' customers, so your advice will not work Timmy. Thanks for contributing though.

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