Don't hide your feelings. You know it to be true. This graphic is 100% correct and nothing you say will prove me wrong.
>prove me wrongreported
You might get the 3 day ban for that OP.So I don't think you read this but I agree with your chart, but I would rank Opera higher than Safari.
chrome supports independent instances for each tabchrome > firefox
>tiers showing how many vulnerabilities a browser has, with god being the most and shit being the least
switch opera and safari and I will agree with you.
Swap Chrome and Firefox, unless you're a ricer.
>>6717890>implying that one feature somehow makes it the best
Swap Opera and Chrome, unless you enjoy being spyed by google all day.
>>6717888lol no I won't.
>>6717897>implying Internet Explorer has the least vulnerabilities
>firefox is the bestenjoy your 100,000k of ram used
>>6717929>implying having information given to you is spying
>>6717953So what? It's not like anyone would be short on ram these days. 100 MB more or less used, who fucking cares?
>>6717953Enjoy never using more than half of your 4GB RAM anyway.
Opera has more features than Chrome. Like fychan for 4chan. Does Chrome even have user javascripts?
>>6717963If they're given secretly, meaning without you knowing they are given (which is a fact with most users) it is spying.
>>6717953>implying 100MB is a lot of RAM when I have 4GB
>>6717952>Implying it doesn'tEveryone knows (unless very butthurt about it) that Internet Explorer is the safest. It's just shitty in every single other aspect besides compatibility.
I'd be glad if Firefox used only 100mb of RAM.
>>6717993All this means is that firefox is actually finding bugs while nobody else is.