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  • File : 1257828217.png-(29 KB, 615x642, 1257818937490.png)
    29 KB Broseiden !8YimBiCYVg 11/09/09(Mon)23:43 No.6646386  

    Anyone interested in programming and game creation should check this out. Its always been /v/s dream. You can help.
    >> Broseiden !8YimBiCYVg 11/09/09(Mon)23:43 No.6646392

    ...but seriously, people, this is a fucking boon to anyone who ever wanted to be a game developer and never had the resources.

    This is not going to be easy, but I know there are at least a few people out there browsing /v/ who can make maps with Hammer, and if you can operate THAT miserable shitbox, you can fucking well learn an engine worth using.

    My dream is to make PRESSURE a reality. Come on, now, people, there have got to be enough determined individuals who can make this work. I'm looking at maybe a team of fifty people, we could do that, release it for Anon.

    -How do we organize?
    -What exact gameplay elements can we agree on?
    -Who is serious? Anyone who doesn't actually want to do it, and who doesn't want to learn, get the fuck out and stay there.

    The other thing is, we have to learn this shit. Ever played Research & Development? Made by a mod team who knew Source inside and out.

    We need something like the Valve wiki.
    >> Broseiden !8YimBiCYVg 11/09/09(Mon)23:44 No.6646400
    >Okay. Basically imagine Rapture from Bioshock. Now instead of retarded mutants you fight disasters. For example, you start a new game, pick a character you want to be (scientist, engineer, security, etc...) and it drops you in the game and gives you a few tasks to do. Eventually, (anywhere from 1-5 minutes) a disaster is randomly chosen to start at a random location, be it a sea monster attack, a window shattering and flooding the place, or an earthquake... basically anything that could happen. The objective is that you need to gather up any survivors you can manage and escape. Weapons are minimal, some NPCs are hostile (as they just want to get the fuck out of there), you may be required to swim in the water (which may or may not be inhabited by a gaint monster, and it may or may not be dark out). But to "win", you just need to get to the escape subs, but at the core of the design is basically a high-score type game with in-game collectibles that explain the game's story.
    >> Broseiden !8YimBiCYVg 11/09/09(Mon)23:47 No.6646436
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    its quite a site to behold, alot of this thread on /v/ is actual discussion.
    >> Broseiden !8YimBiCYVg 11/09/09(Mon)23:54 No.6646563
    final bump, sleep time
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:02 No.6646684
    I CAME
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 11/10/09(Tue)00:25 No.6647016
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    >open sourced
    >only gratis for noncommercial use and requires a EULA
    >requires Windows for development
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:39 No.6647294

    Make, like, a game where you can shoot strippers. And, like, that makes aliens appear and you shoot them. Yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:51 No.6647461
    >open sourced
    >no source code available
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:07 No.6647701
    king faggot please rape my face to death, that should be your name.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:13 No.6647770
    >> Teh-Mexican !4pduSe06Bs 11/10/09(Tue)01:15 No.6647792
    Implying /g/ gives shit about this.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 11/10/09(Tue)01:16 No.6647804
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