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  • File : 1257824532.png-(15 KB, 226x226, dontlooknewfags.png)
    15 KB ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL 11/09/09(Mon)22:42 No.6645353  
    This is going to kill PC gaming.

    inb4 newfags don't know what the picture is.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:43 No.6645371
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:43 No.6645378
    >This is going to kill gaming.

    Fixed that for you, OP.
    >> Duo2Cuo !JR84INFuVs 11/09/09(Mon)22:43 No.6645381

    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:44 No.6645393
    >implying pc gaymen isnt already dead
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:44 No.6645395
    lol, streaman gaems
    >> TECH SUPPORT !/g/bxHgfIo 11/09/09(Mon)22:44 No.6645402

    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:45 No.6645404
    induring a shitty trolling faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:45 No.6645407
    I feel sorry for the people who actually think this is going to work out. The technologically ignorant.
    >> ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL 11/09/09(Mon)22:48 No.6645467
    The cost/month will be a little more expensive than Xbox live and cheaper than MMOs.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:49 No.6645488
    >> ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL 11/09/09(Mon)22:51 No.6645520
    What are you talking about? The overhead is completely on the Company and not the user. If we can stream HD videos over youtube, then why is this not possible? It's not like Plan 9 servers are that hard...
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:51 No.6645521
         File1257825111.png-(254 KB, 1024x768, onlive_is_evilno_backwards.png)
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    anybody have the "35 minutes ago" graph of OnLive?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:53 No.6645548
    If the overhead on the company is so high that the only way they can turn a profit is to charge people far more money than makes sense given the proven alternatives then the company will not stay in business

    or put simply, if OnLive costs more than 30 bucks a month the only demographic it serves is the one that is incredibly bad at math.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:53 No.6645555
    Didn't Atari or someone try this in the 80s? Didn't it fail miserably because people like to actually own the things they pay for?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:54 No.6645561
    I am twelve years old, and what is this?
    >> ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL 11/09/09(Mon)22:55 No.6645588
    >median US connection is 1.9
    >implying that people can't/won't upgrade in order to play
    >implying that that's the connection speed for the average gamer today

    How is this different from streaming HD video from the user perspective, other than the upload speed.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:56 No.6645604
    >people like to actually own the things they pay for

    I don't know about that, plenty of people pay real money for virtual items and characters.
    >> ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL 11/09/09(Mon)22:57 No.6645618
    People also like to not pay for things...
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:57 No.6645620
    Streaming games is destined to fail horribly considering how fucking slow internet bandwidth in America is.

    Keep your ultra-compressed video and audio bullshit away from me.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:57 No.6645627
    You do realize that YouTube HD (one of the most popular websites on the internet) is laggy as shity half the time, right?

    There's a reason the videos are only 10 minutes long.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:58 No.6645644
    >How is this different from streaming HD video from the user perspective, other than the upload speed.


    This is the whole reason why OnLive is a fantasy. YouTube streams pre-recorded video at less than the quality OnLive promises and they have massive server farms processing frames continuously and they still can't keep up.

    OnLive cannot be preprocessed
    OnLive cannot be buffered
    OnLive can't even be compressed because the compression and decompression would take too long and lag out the game with current technologies
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:59 No.6645650
    PING TIMES. Your own actions have to be streamed back to you, the input->action delay means no one would use this.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:59 No.6645654
    Pretty much this. If you have a connection powerful enough to stream videogames, why the fuck wouldn't you just download the game onto your computer and play it through a service like STEAM?

    I download my games at 3MB/s off of them and can play them whenever the fuck I want. Streaming is fucking fail.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)22:59 No.6645664
    Not a single tachyons yet? I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:00 No.6645679
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:00 No.6645691
         File1257825639.jpg-(9 KB, 220x251, gross.jpg)
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    anyone who falls for that troll picture is more retarded than technologically impaired duck
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:00 No.6645694

    vapourware is vapor
    >> ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL 11/09/09(Mon)23:02 No.6645718
    It uses hardware compression/decompression you retard. They're not using consumer level shit like googletube; they're going to use massive farms throughout the EEUU.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:02 No.6645727
    Just... wow, try harder bro, try harder.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:04 No.6645756
    Hey geniuses, the bandwidth is not a problem.
    and guess what
    The ping is not a problem either. I remember playing Counter Strike in the 56K era with no problems.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:05 No.6645763


    oh wow

    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:05 No.6645775
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:05 No.6645776
    What the fuck? Okay, fine, they have some cool new different system of delivering content. What about the GAMES, though? Aside from colossal lag and low quality, what will be new and different?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:06 No.6645786

    you too?

    lol 10/10
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:07 No.6645807
    Elaborate please
    i know you won't
    what is the problem, bandwidth or ping?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:08 No.6645815
    you cant use hardware decompression on a pc
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:08 No.6645827
    If I want to watch streamed gameplay, I watch let's plays
    God damn it,
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:11 No.6645860
         File1257826302.jpg-(35 KB, 407x742, chinaman laughing 3 parts.jpg)
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    >to transmit 720p of video at 60fps you need 105MB of data per second
    >implying a 90 minutes movie takes 533 GB
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:12 No.6645877

    Movies don't play at 60 frames per second you dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:13 No.6645883
    >completely missing his point
    >not understanding basic compression technology
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:13 No.6645891
    >movies run at 60 FPS
    >movies aren't compressed
    greentext can't hide how ignorant you are brah
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:15 No.6645920
    Movies are compressed and so is onLive. A second of stream DOESN'T NEED 105MB
    fine, replace 533GB for 222GB
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:15 No.6645922
    Movies only play at 24 (NTSC) or 25 (PAL) fps.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:18 No.6645963
    shitty head
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:19 No.6645978
    why bother playing the game if its going to look like shit.

    And if you want to have good quality video, then you need to use good compression algorithms that will take a lot of power and still eat a lot of bandwidth, THUS DEFEATING THE PURPOSE
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:19 No.6645981
    i just love when faggots make posts like this and when you ask for details they disappear
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:19 No.6645984
    You just don't get it, do you? When you have a game installed locally, your commands are still registered locally. The difference is, the server gets to decide when those reactions are calculated and carried out.

    With OnLive, EVERYTHING has to be sent to the server, then back to you. Even the visuals. You'll wish you could play on a 56k connection after OnLive rapes you.
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:19 No.6645995

    Crysis has been announced already;I cbc with finding the article. I'm pretty sure it's on the onlive site.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:24 No.6646079
    You would need a 1 megabyte/sec connection to pull this off.

    Most connections are 200-300 kilobyte/s

    Idiots forget that internet speed are in bits not bytes. This would never work.
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:25 No.6646099
    [Citation Needed]
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:25 No.6646105
    Movies use lossy compression and low framerates, neither of which is suitable for gaming.

    Lossless compression and high framerates are going to need too much bandwidth to be practical.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:26 No.6646119
    Is there any subject of technology that you know anything about? Serious question.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:26 No.6646126
    i wasn't saying i could play onlive with 56K (not enough bandwidth to stream), i was talking about the ping
    having to transmit more data won't change the ping
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:27 No.6646137
    Explain. Why would lossy compression not work?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:27 No.6646147
    Useless faggot troll should stop posting useless faggot troll threads.

    You have contributed nothing positive to this thread in a the few months you've been here.

    Just dig up old trolling subjects that have been done 1000 times.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:28 No.6646159
    If the ping has to transmit more data, then it will take longer to make the trip.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:28 No.6646160
    are you trolling?
    measuring the speed on BITS per second is the standard. It has been probably before computers
    >> TECH SUPPORT !/g/bxHgfIo 11/09/09(Mon)23:29 No.6646169

    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:30 No.6646186
    I know how to troll /g/. I was actualy asking where you got the 8mbps number from, but your logical fallacy proves that you pulled it out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:30 No.6646191
    You can't stream Youtube HD on a 2mb/s connection.

    I know because I try. If I can't stream a video without buffering at a resolution much lower than what OnLive promises, how the hell can I expect to believe this?

    Why is everyone so excited about this anyways? Is a $96 HD4850 too expensive for everyone to afford? It's cheaper in the long run than paying for this service and will let you play any game at higher resolutions than OnLive could ever hope.

    InB4 but...but....Netbooks!

    An Atom can barely handle displaying ANY video at all above 640x480. It doesn't matter how much you compress it, anything less than a desktop or high end laptop is going to chug trying to play this.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:31 No.6646203
    >ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL
    >ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm
    >PC Gaming
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:31 No.6646210
    Because modern games have too much detail and 3D video is less resilient to data loss than than 2D.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:31 No.6646216
    I'm not the guy you referred to. I'm just seeing you post all over /g/ and you're probably the most ill-informed tripfag I've ever seen on /g/. It's like everything everyone ever told you about technology was opposite.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:32 No.6646224
    1 megaBIT for lowQ
    5 megaBIT for HQ
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:32 No.6646228
         File1257827565.gif-(608 KB, 150x113, hahaha no.gif)
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    Enjoy your ping times.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 11/09/09(Mon)23:34 No.6646256
    c'mon, give it the right kind of compression artifacts and you've got free AA
    >> TECH SUPPORT !/g/bxHgfIo 11/09/09(Mon)23:35 No.6646270
         File1257827755.jpg-(7 KB, 200x83, verizon-fios-logo.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:36 No.6646278
    Hey haters, instead of raging and bitching so much as if we lived in a communist country and you were forced to choose onLive; why don't we just wait until this is released?
    If you were right and on Live doesn't work then don't buy it and watch it go down.
    Seriously, everytime someone mentions on live everyone starts raging as if coasted your taxes's money or something
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:36 No.6646279
    >If I can't stream a video without buffering at a resolution much lower than what OnLive promises, how the hell can I expect to believe this?
    Don't forget the framerate. Not only is YT not streaming at 720p, they're not streaming at anything close to 60fps, either.
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:37 No.6646294
    AA is for casuals.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:37 No.6646297
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:38 No.6646306
    The whole purpose of OnLive is to build up enough investor interest so that the company can be sold, leaving the founders rich, and the buyers with a worthless technology company and a product that is doomed to failure.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:38 No.6646313
    >clouds, consoles, services, subscriptions, centralization, government

    This is going to kill PC gaming.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:39 No.6646328
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:39 No.6646334
    That's Web 2.0 for you.

    Seems a lot like Web 1.0 if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:40 No.6646338
         File1257828004.jpg-(45 KB, 398x325, activision-blizzard-bobby-koti(...).jpg)
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    >This is going to kill gaming
    >> The Doctor !!udUjwVzXopC 11/09/09(Mon)23:41 No.6646355
    Won't work. Probably not ever for anything more complicated than Wii, which defeats the purpose. The bandwidth requirements are ridiculous, and the latency would make most FPSs unplayable.

    The only way I could see this working is in an internet cafe setting, with one central server running the games, and direct links to the client boxes.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:42 No.6646371
         File1257828167.jpg-(5 KB, 640x400, left-4-dead-20081001043153651_(...).jpg)
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    128kb/s for low quality.

    128kb/60 (60fps)=2.13kb PER FRAME

    Let's be modest and say you'll play at 30fps on low. You now get 4.26 kilobytes per frame. Let's say you play at gowdawful resolutions.

    Does this look good to anyone? A lossy .jpeg of normal quality is 79k. This is what it looks like at 5k.
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:43 No.6646383
    It's been dead ever since xbox live and halo, bro. The low end gpus were the last straw. Flash games and MMOs are really the whole reason that the industry is even still around.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:44 No.6646402
    Ahh, it's like I'm playing Doom all over again!
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:45 No.6646412
    This is why it is impossible.

    Something a normal person would consider to be "low quality" would require that 5mbps speed.

    1mbps would return something that looks like a retard captured on his cell phone then uploaded to Youtube.
    >> TECH SUPPORT !/g/bxHgfIo 11/09/09(Mon)23:45 No.6646415
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:46 No.6646430
    >Implying Diablo III isn't hotly anticipated.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:47 No.6646435
    I don't play many games, Counter Strike Condition Zero being the newest PC game I've played for more than 4 hours. Hence, I don't care much about this OnLive and whether it works or not but:

    >why bother playing the game if its going to look like shit.

    Is this the state of PC gaming today? Graphics are the sole reason for playing? What happened to solid gameplay, good plots and all that stuff that _used to_ decided whether a game is good? And it's not just him, I see many people on /g/ hyping hte latest 58_0 graphics cards or what have you. Is such obsessive hardware purchases necessary? You guys are just torrenting Crysis to justify spending lots of money.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:47 No.6646443
    Even a Netbook with ION can play L4D at a higher resolution with better detail than that.

    OnLive has already been replaced. It got replaced by Moore's goddamn Law. Hardware has always been fast enough, but even the cheapest shit available has caught up to low end gaming.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:49 No.6646469
         File1257828554.jpg-(39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg)
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    >implying I don't have a fast enough PC to vidya without having to buy into a shitty subscription service that will do it for me.
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:49 No.6646472
    >implying that it was as anticipated as the latest xbox 360 exclusives.

    Inafter gaming thread hijack
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:50 No.6646490
         File1257828625.png-(15 KB, 300x309, rage blue.png)
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    have you ever heard about something called
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:50 No.6646492
    There has NEVER been a videogame with a plot better than a C-list Hollywood action movie.

    Graphics and gameplay are all that matter. Gameplay can be greatly improved by game physics and detail, which is what "graphics" actually means.

    Great detail makes games more immersive and believable while also allowing for different methods of artistic expression.

    I may also be one of the few people that thought Crysis had amazing gameplay that was afforded because of it's lush vegetation and huge environments, both things that you think are just "graphics".
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:51 No.6646514
    you're on the right track there, but they don't need to send the whole image, only the diffs between each frame.
    But if you lag out...holy shit it's like I'm playing games on VLC!
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:52 No.6646522
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:52 No.6646523
    As someone who's first game system was a ColecoVision, I partly agree. However there's a difference, IMO, between primitive graphics and shitty graphics. There's nothing necessarily wrong with primitive graphics (I play roguelikes with ASCII graphics regularly), but they don't have a lot of mass market appeal. There IS something wrong with graphics that are poorly designed, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:53 No.6646536
    Videogames do not play like Video does though.

    Each frame has to be calculated individually all the way through.

    Video compression improves on image compression by looking at the overall file and saying "hey, this block of grey pixels is here for 15 frames, I can compress that for 15 frames". Since a game is fluidly moving, compression can't determine if that block of pixels will always be there, so it has to compress each frame one at a time.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:55 No.6646564
    This. Not to mention that 3D is MUCH more difficult to compress well.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:55 No.6646566
    They can only send it as a solid video stream for so many frames before you get weird tearing and crazy shit.

    Maybe they could pull off sending 5 frames at once compressed in a manner similar to video, but that would cause insane control lag on your end, since you would be stuck with 5 canned frames of motion before OnLive can do 5 more frames with your input.
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/09/09(Mon)23:56 No.6646581
    >implying that something made by nvidia can play a
    It's like on 420chan when people fap over their bongs, even though a bong has a lower THC:carcinogen ratio than a joint does.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:56 No.6646583
    Your computer won't do any of that
    Onlive servers will do that
    and the'll send it compressed for you
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:56 No.6646595
    >Implying that it won't be by the time it actually releases.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:57 No.6646612
         File1257829078.jpg-(101 KB, 1004x988, laugh xzibit.jpg)
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    >Not to mention that 3D is MUCH more difficult to compress well
    >implying they'll send you compressed 3d video somehow
    OK, that's it, im out of this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:58 No.6646615
    This. Video compression takes a look at the file as a whole to decide where it can trim down the raw data to little chunks. It can look back and forth to find similar chunks of data to compress all together.

    When you have something that needs constant input like a videogame, you can't look forwards since the inputs are always changing. This reduces the amount of available compression like crazy.

    It would be a tiny bit better than using picture compression on each frame, but not by much.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)23:59 No.6646632
    You know what I find strange? How they held a public beta test, but you never hear any information, leaked or otherwise, about how that beta test went. You'd figure at least a handful of beta testers would have discussed it anonymously on some forums somewhere, or in a blog, or hell, on /v/. But all we've got is silence.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 11/09/09(Mon)23:59 No.6646636
    Screens are 2D. Reality, the source of most films, are 3D.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:00 No.6646649
    >Implying they won't have to if the games are going to utilize 3D.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:00 No.6646651
    Forget about the compression. Even if you had one of those Japanese 1 gigabit per second connections this shit still wouldn't work. Why? Latency. I think at one time they even said you would only be able to play with people in your local area (west cost, east cost, central, etc).
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:00 No.6646661

    This doesn't mean much in technical terms. It only means that you can't use bi-directional prediction (i.e. B-frames), but *most* video doesn't use B-frames anyway. P-frames still work fine because you have the data of the previous frames.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:00 No.6646662
    people, at least watch the conference before talking about something you don't even know what it is
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:01 No.6646668
    But films only use 2D video, whereas most popular games use 3D.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:03 No.6646692
    so, riddle me this
    unrelated to onLive:
    you record a video of a videogame using fraps or anything similar because you want to upload a video of crysis to youtube
    then you realize you need to compress the video to upload it to youtube
    according to your logic, is the video going to have to be compressed in 3D because it's a video of gameplay of a videogame in 3D?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:04 No.6646705
    You only see 2D.

    But yes, it won't work with 3d display style shit.

    Other than that, it won't work period because I'm not fucking playing games in 90% compression with 6x latency.
    I have a fucking gaming pc so I can avoid horrible fucking quality like consoles.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:04 No.6646708
    No, because on YT I don't need to interact with it.
    >> ChargersTech !JSN8X5.Us. 11/10/09(Tue)00:05 No.6646713
    Oh god.

    You idiots are about to make me gay porn dump sagebomb my own thread.

    You have to seek information. You not googling "onlive beta" is the equivalent of a fat neckbeard complaining about how women Arent beating down the door to his basement lair.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 11/10/09(Tue)00:05 No.6646720
    no, games render a 3D environment and then display a 2D picture on your screen.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:06 No.6646732
    Those 3D displays are the future of gaming (though they're not mature tech yet).
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:07 No.6646751

    The source material is irrelevant. Video is video. A "3d game" only describes how the video is generated. It makes almost no difference when compressing the data as video. I say "almost" because things like aliasing play a role in compression efficiency.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:08 No.6646756
    I did google "onlive beta". All I got were a bunch of results back of gaming news sites announcing that the OnLive Beta started in September, not any actual news of how it went or was perceived by the testers. That, and a bunch of old forum posts about people discussing how to get into the beta.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:10 No.6646788
    Onlive server renders the image the same way your computer would
    Onlive server compresses the video according to the previous frames
    they stream the data to you

    There is no 3d compression as someone called it.

    Or think of livestream if you don't believe me. you can go to livestream and see someone playing any game live. The video codecs are the same.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:11 No.6646802
    Tell me you're fucking joking...
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:12 No.6646811
    >make PC gaming significantly easier
    >going to kill PC gaming
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:12 No.6646822
    that's like 400x300 resolution with lots of compression artifacts, audio de-syncing, and lots of lag and latency. sometimes, I end up being 20 seconds behind what people who just joined the channel are viewing.

    if it's anything like livestream, it won't work.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:13 No.6646831
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:14 No.6646850
    >that's like 400x300 resolution with lots of compression artifacts, audio de-syncing, and lots of lag and latency. sometimes, I end up being 20 seconds behind what people who just joined the channel are viewing.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:17 No.6646883
    okay, the compression is the same... the technology and codecs exist.

    it's shit quality, and only casuals on netbooks or old NTSC television sets will possibly enjoy it.
    >> Communist_Utopia !PzSOVIETyg 11/10/09(Tue)00:17 No.6646885
    >trying to reason with anyone on 4chan

    anyways; if OnLive is gonna do anything, its gonna kill off the modding community, enjoy paying 10$ for new maps or textures
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 11/10/09(Tue)00:18 No.6646903
    it's shitty like that regardless of what you're doing, at least when the system is under the same kind of stress. Claiming that someone saying there's something special about compressing 3d gaming is a fucking moron doesn't mean that one is claiming that OnLive actually works.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:18 No.6646906
    games like modern warfare 2 without dedicated servers is going to kill mods
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:20 No.6646937
    This is going to kill OnLive gaming.

    Also, 25fps = Diablo 2
    >> Communist_Utopia !PzSOVIETyg 11/10/09(Tue)00:21 No.6646948

    Infinity Ward is finished
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:22 No.6646966
    onlive, and gaikai--a similar service, are both jokes. microsoft and sony are just waiting for them to fail in a big ball of fire and smoke, and then they'll unleash their next gen consoles.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:24 No.6646998
    They have to use some form of compression, end of discussion. (Assuming OnLive will ever go live, which it won't...)
    >Serverside CPU/GPU capacity
    I think they could do this, I mean, just build a larger server farm. (Assuming OnLive will ever go live, which it won't...)
    >Acceptable latency
    No way in hell, not happening. Wanna try it? Set up a KVM program with remote display capability on your desktop, and try to play a game from your laptop client, even on a Gb LAN. See how that works out for you. The input lag would be horrible.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:26 No.6647042
    I just realized onlive wouldn't have much of a problem doing psudo 3d video like with the polarized glasses.
    Well, much of a problem being it would only have to send 2 screens, one for each eye. So double the transfer quantity.
    This idea is just lol levels of bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:28 No.6647082

    lol Tachyons.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:33 No.6647173
    Another thing people don't seem to understand in regards to OnLive is INPUT lag.

    In typical online gaming, there is latency, sometimes >300ms. However, the game still "feels right", because if you fire a weapon, or jump, your client running on your rig responds instantly. There is no delay from the time you press fire, and your gun fires. The other people playing see you jump 300ms later, but that's ok. (as far as playability is concerned)

    With Onlive, you press jump, fire, etc, wait 300ms, and THEN see your character jump, fire, etc. Press butan > send to Online > Render (at Online) > Compress Video > send to client > Decompress Video > Fire.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:34 No.6647199
    What happened to all the awesome flowcharts with TACHYONS that were floating around when OnLive first got announced?
    >> Kawaii Nekoneko Desu~ !zXoYpQEiW6 11/10/09(Tue)00:35 No.6647208
    >implying PC gaming can actually die
    People will always want games with their computers, period.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:47 No.6647399
    This is stupid. Anyone with a brain and see the proper applications for this. It's not a full length single player game. Maybe an online shooter at best.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:51 No.6647452
    >> Kawaii Nekoneko Desu~ !zXoYpQEiW6 11/10/09(Tue)01:14 No.6647787
    Because this is designed to work on computers that have no hope of running said games in the first place, chucklefuck.
    That's the whole point of this bullshit.
    >> ChargersTech !LinuxkdHm.!!j8xsgbo3nlL 11/10/09(Tue)01:21 No.6647864
    XBL already does that.

    They also have a miniconsole. TBH, I'd rather use that than a computer.

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