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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1254765320.jpg-(104 KB, 1024x768, BabyOcelot07.jpg)
    104 KB Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)13:55 No.6111568  
    Child-porn arrests 'like shooting fish in barrel'
    By MITCH STACY Associated Press Writer

    Oct 5th, 2009 | BARTOW, Fla. -- The arrests of nearly four dozen men and boys in a single Florida county earlier this year had some people wondering whether the place had become a haven for child-porn suspects.

    But experts say the only thing unusual about Polk County is that its sheriff spends more resources than most of his colleagues pursuing such cases.

    Authorities say child porn has grown so pervasive on the Internet that police all over the country could easily spend every day finding and arresting offenders using the latest file-tracking technology.

    But many law enforcement agencies don't have the time, resources or inclination to aggressively pursue such crimes.

    >file tracking technology

    was ist das?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)13:56 No.6111576
    >was ist das?

    *Set up website*
    *Track IP*
    *Make arrests*
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)13:57 No.6111589
    packets and shit yo
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)13:58 No.6111597
    >file tracking technology
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)13:59 No.6111601
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    I have no idea. Beginning to become curious myself.

    Is it the smell? Do they track them by sight? GPS signal? All the usual tracking methods seem impossible to use on files.

    Perhaps what they meant is that the mine log files. But that doesn't sound nearly as good as "using the latest file-tracking technology" to people who are not in the know.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)13:59 No.6111608

    But that's not technology. That's social engineering. I want to know what they use to actually track files.

    New rule of the internet:

    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:00 No.6111619
    Shouldn't it be illegal, and also arrest worth, to set up a cp website?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:02 No.6111638
    not if you trick people into criminal activity. It's like placing a wallet full of money on the sidewalk and arresting anyone who picks it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:03 No.6111644

    Yes, it is, but only if you're not a LEO.
    >> ShanaIsMyWaifu !!VUniFd9yleF 10/05/09(Mon)14:04 No.6111652
    It's like the edmonton guy who ordered CP mangos over the internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:06 No.6111681
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    Not if you are a government agent doing this for the lulz, I mean your job. Then it is all fine and dandy. But if I were to set something up that snared idiots and tell the world that they are in fact idiots, I would be arrested for violating people's privacy.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:07 No.6111693
    I've always heard something alike
    "The opportunity makes the thief".

    Tricking someone into visiting sounds just pathetic.

    It's like setting a tv show with Hannah Montana eating chocolate with a X brand, and expecting kids not to buy and eat that shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:10 No.6111720
    >Tricking someone into visiting a cp website*

    Also, I'm no pedo, just seeing how far someone can go (Mount a cp website) just to catch, in this case, a pedophile.

    To me, the line between right and wrong is being crossed by both, not just the pedo.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:10 No.6111725
    Entrapment is illegal in the US... but the authorities like to shit all over it and run drug, child pornography, and other setups.

    Dateline with Chris Hansen makes me rage not because of the pedophiles, but because of the fact that the show itself is fucking illegal to begin with. Broadcasting entrapment in a civilized country that has it outlawed would surely land you some jail time of your own. The authorities should only use LEGAL methods to obtain evidence, not the current bullshit. I mean FUCK, no child gets actually harmed, they are talking to adults in chat rooms, so are we getting prosecuted for thought crime or future crime in the US now? :/
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:13 No.6111750
    I agree, it's now come to a point where the law enforcement agencies are doing something wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:13 No.6111752
    All of a sudden I sound like a moralfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:15 No.6111771
    Weird, Bartow is only about 30 miles away from me, and I hadn't heard anything about this.

    But yeah, the place is pretty skeevy in general, so being a "haven for child-porn suspects" doesn't really surprise me.

    As far as file-tracking... no, I seriously doubt they're using any sort of special new technology. It's just the same techniques that've always been used, combined with trailer-park types who don't know how to computer well enough to keep their tracks covered.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 10/05/09(Mon)14:16 No.6111786
    entrapment is illegal, but it's all about technicalities. If Dateline says "lulz I'm 11 lets have sex," it's entrapment, but if the pedo initiates it, it's legal.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:17 No.6111793
    That was actually my point, cynical undertones don't work too well on the internet, unfortunately.

    Also, they're not even pedophiles because they're supposedly chatting with pubescent kids.

    But I guess parthenophilia/ephebophilia doesn't sell as well as PEDO PEDO PEDO does. After all the media have branded pedos as the worst possible delinquents by repeating it over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:18 No.6111796
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    >Entrapment is illegal in the US... but the authorities like to shit all over it and run drug, child pornography, and other setups.


    A massive amount of child pornography was posted on /g/ while I was using my school's wireless connection, and it was not a coincidence.

    People in IRC will say there is CP somewhere, and then when the chat scrolls all the way down they will post a link to an image and say "lol," and if you try to look at what you think is going to be a funny picture it is "GOTCHA."
    >> Charizard !FailG74LIc 10/05/09(Mon)14:18 No.6111805
    OP, how did you know I got a baby animal foot fetish?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:23 No.6111841
    The only reason I have any trust and respect towards officers of the law is because they have a good track record in Austin. If I were to move 80 miles south to San Antonio or 200 miles north to Dallas, that confidence in the police would simply evaporate.

    As it is shown for all to see on Dateline, the officers are rather unprofessional and uncaring towards the subject they are arresting. Yelling profanities as they shove someone down into the ground who was not putting up any resistance to arrest shows REAL professionalism. Almost all of the people that are arrested on that show could have been handcuffed standing, talked to in a calm, civil manner, and simply brought away. But no, it is important for the police to show its e-penis by acting all tough in front of the cameras. I truly hope that one day they will entrap the wrong guy who will happen to shoot a few of them before he gets taken down.

    If the police do not carry out their duties as according to the law, then civilians should very well bring street justice to a confrontation with the police.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:25 No.6111855
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    Honestly, what did they expect?

    It might prove more equitable to just lower the age of consent.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:30 No.6111892
    FYI one dude killed himself before they entered his house on this show.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:31 No.6111894
    that's not how they think, they'd rather put everyone in jail than re-evaluate the laws.
    >> isac 10/05/09(Mon)14:32 No.6111906
    thread hidden
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:35 No.6111929
    There's a distinction between setting up a trap for those looking for cp/drugs etc, and actively encouraging somebody to do it just so they can arrest them for it.

    It is of course illegal to convince somebody to do it if they weren't inclined to do so to begin with. That's what the entrapment law prohibits.

    It is not illegal to have something passively there, which people only fall for if they're actually looking for it to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:37 No.6111941
    Setting up CP websites is fucking bullshit, haven't they ever heard of entrapment?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:37 No.6111944
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:39 No.6111964

    It's not entrapment you moron, only sick fucks will be looking for it in the first place. It's not as if they're convincing people to become pedos.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:40 No.6111967
    One quick other thing: Let us not forget that there were civilizations that embraced sexual and sensual activities with the youth of society. The modern demonizing of pedophilia came out of the anus of Christianity, which I will have nothing to do with.

    Having laws that make 19 and 20 year old people fucking felons for life is not morally correct. Statutory rape is bullshit, placing the age of consent at 18 is retarded, and filling up our jails with perfectly normal people is simply fucking wasteful. The Canadian age of consent is at 14, and BIG SURPRISE, their jails aren't stuffed with young adults and teens who simply did something natural and healthy: had consensual sex with someone else.

    Laws and law enforcement is a big joke in the US. Too many backwards-ass states pass shitty "moral" laws and too many cops take it to themselves to make judgment calls on the spot.

    (Once again, why the fuck do I want to enter politics as my professional career? Fuck my life.)
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:40 No.6111971

    Why, because it's not a fuckin' desktop, oswar, macfag troll thread?

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:43 No.6111994
    >placing the age of consent at 18 is retarded

    The age of consent in the vast majority of the US is 16.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:43 No.6111996
    I think it's even worse when people send you a link saying "hey man, check out this new site, blah blah blah" example that happened to me the other day was "hey man, check out this new chan, its, just for computer chat" so i went a and BOSH IP logged FBI Bollocks.
    >> ShanaIsMyWaifu !!VUniFd9yleF 10/05/09(Mon)14:45 No.6112015
    We need you to enter politics. The reason no one stands up to bullshit like 2D loli porn being illegal in Canada is because it's political suicide, even though it's a bullshit law; am I killing people after playing counterstrike or watching texas chainsaw massacre? no? Then I won't rape kids just from reading some doujin. God damn.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:47 No.6112032

    US law enforcement agency

    > Bollocks.
    Britfag slang.

    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:49 No.6112054
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    >latest file-tracking technology.
    what. like MD5, google?

    sure is cutting edge in here
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:50 No.6112060


    Too many politicians are in it for the bribe^W lobbyist money.
    >> ShanaIsMyWaifu !!VUniFd9yleF 10/05/09(Mon)14:50 No.6112062
    Fucking new app called Wireshark man!! lol
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:51 No.6112069
    I didn't say it worried me, what i meant was that it's very annoying.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 10/05/09(Mon)14:51 No.6112078
    however, any porn featuring someone under 18 is treated as child porn pretty much throughout the world.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:54 No.6112104
    8-bit shark on wheels > wireshark
    >> !f3zMLtBTIk 10/05/09(Mon)14:55 No.6112125
    In britain many 16 year olds have appeared topless in national newspapers.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:56 No.6112127
    >>6111994The age of consent in the vast majority of the US is 16
    At the state level, yes. But I believe you can still be federally prosecuted. It's that way for a lot of laws where the federal and state governments disagree.

    There are even cases of people being found innocent for murder and then tried again on the federal level as if it were a different crime.

    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)14:59 No.6112165

    Age of consent is set at the state level.

    What you're thinking of is the Mann Act, which was passed because of Jerry Lee Lewis of all people. It makes it a crime to transport someone under 18 across state lines to have sex. I guess this is constitutional because it's "interstate commerce"
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 10/05/09(Mon)14:59 No.6112167
    Topless != porn

    no, the only federal laws regarding are that all states have to have a sex offenders list of they get screwed out of money, much like how MADD passed a bill that forced the state drinking age to 21.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)15:01 No.6112184

    You're a total closet-pedo.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)15:01 No.6112190
    How is it an "age of consent" if someone can still get arrested if they're out of the 2-3 year boundary?
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 10/05/09(Mon)15:04 No.6112226
    In most states, it has to be both for prosecution. If, for example, the AoC in a state is 16, and the age boundary is 4 years, a 17 year old can fuck a 15 year old all day long, two 15 year olds can fuck each other as they please, and a 60 year old can fuck a 17 year old.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)15:08 No.6112267

    Here's a clue: there isn't a "2-3 year boundary" in the vast majority of states.

    Only in a few states and territories is the age of consent 18.
    >> ShanaIsMyWaifu !!VUniFd9yleF 10/05/09(Mon)15:15 No.6112363

    >looks up Canada, anal intercourse.

    >Section 159 of the Criminal Code sets the age of consent for anal intercourse at 18 years, with an exception if the two partners are married. However, courts in Ontario (1995) and Quebec (1998) have independently declared Section 159 of the Criminal Code of Canada (Anal Intercourse) unconstitutional.

    >However, courts in Ontario (1995) and Quebec (1998) have independently declared Section 159 of the Criminal Code of Canada (Anal Intercourse) unconstitutional.

    >lives in Ontario.

    So I have to protect my anus for my country.

    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)15:20 No.6112411
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    >latest file-tracking technology.

    Yeah, there's an app for that.

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