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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turns 6 years old

    File : 1254402826.jpg-(71 KB, 500x500, P333-5064-01.jpg)
    71 KB Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:13 No.6045494  
    so /g/ this morning i get up and look at my new tv
    i think of how many children in africa i could have saved with that money then i laughed uncontrollably
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:14 No.6045506
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    go to /b/ you fucking tosser.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:15 No.6045510
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:16 No.6045516
    Why should I care?

    I don't see any black people saving the children of Africa. If they don't even care about their own kind then why should I?
    >> OP 10/01/09(Thu)09:17 No.6045522
    right on
    >> ­­ 10/01/09(Thu)09:18 No.6045525
    RACE WAR!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:18 No.6045531
    You save them temporarily. Thats about it, they need a supply of fresh water not one truck load.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:18 No.6045533
    That's not the problem, the problem is that you decided to tell us about it, as if you were some sort of hero for buying a TV. Nobody cares.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:26 No.6045576
    You're such a hard ass OP. How can I learn to be as unfeeling and cool like you?

    Gosh, you're just so hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:34 No.6045634
    is anon talk down? thats fucking hilarious haha
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:37 No.6045652
    no, they're just faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:44 No.6045703

    I don't know but it looks like they're trying to DDOS us.

    Just look at /b/, it's getting DDOS'd with hats for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:46 No.6045708
    you're joking right? you're either a troll or a moron. it's 4chan's 6th birthday. hats are to celebrate.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:49 No.6045731

    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)09:51 No.6045743
    Too bad even if you sent that money to them right now, they would already be dead and you'd only prolong the suffering of the next generation-who's laughing now!
    >> Turtle !gzAy/mGiS. 10/01/09(Thu)09:53 No.6045753
    >Believes donating money to African charities helps them buy truck loads of water.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)09:58 No.6045789
    Don't buy them water. Buy them water filtration solutions. Like the UNICEF Six Cents Initiative. Six cents pays for a filtration solution that makes otherwise undrinkable water drinkable. And donating money to UNICEF contributes to that end - as well as paying for water containers and stuff.
    >> sage 10/01/09(Thu)10:04 No.6045832
    these kids you save will just grow up to be jobless like their parents, will grow up knowing they will not be able to support their childeren either. There is really no sense in saving these kids unless they have something to grow up for.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)10:05 No.6045842
    fresh water LOL it's surronded by sea
    >> sage 10/01/09(Thu)10:08 No.6045862
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)10:08 No.6045865
    Actually by buying a TV you improved the economy thus helping a company that hires people stay afloat who'd otherwise but out of a job.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)10:08 No.6045875

    sounds to me like the only solution is return the old only way USA ever helped africa in the first place...lets re-initiate the slave trade.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)10:11 No.6045895
    With programs like ODFL (One Dollar For Life), people can and do donate things like bicycles to villages and towns in Africa, then train them in the skill of fixing and maintaining the bikes. This gives them cheap, efficient means of transportation, and more importantly a marketable skill (fixing bikes) which allows them to make money in the long-term.

    Different programs, sure, but they work toward the same long-term goal. Same thing can be said of Kiva, where you lend a few dollars to people in Africa and they use that micro-loan to start up a business and pay you back.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)10:12 No.6045903
    Don't think all of Africa is a shithole.

    I know a guy working there and he tells me where he works, everyone has Plasma screen TVs they buy from charity money.
    >> sage 10/01/09(Thu)10:22 No.6045964
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    uhm yeah faggot

    So they can repair bikes? They would just use the bike till it breaks down, then ask for another.

    you fucking fail bag.
    How will they even get bikes to start with in the first place ? They would still be dependable on western aid in the first place to get bikes BECAUSE THE FUCKING SCRAP IRON PRICE OF THE BIKE IS MORE THEN THOSE BASTARDS CAN PAY FOR

    economic barriers must be lifted; economic trade is the only thing that can improve the economic condition of africa; economic growth is the only thing that can lift africa out of their proverty; current western aid contributes about zero or negative to economic growth (you can show this by regression analysis)

    fuck western aid. Just trade with them.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)10:27 No.6045996
    No I don't think you understand the concept.

    We collect bikes in the west that people don't want. Also money. Then we fix up bikes that need new materials and stuff so we can actually go to them with fully functional bikes from the start.

    Then once we're in Africa with like a hundred bikes, we train the village to which we're donating the bikes how to fix bicycles that have common problems so that they don't need to throw them away as soon as the chain gets mis-aligned or something.

    The program doesn't keep coming back to the same tribe to donate hundreds more bikes every time. And if a group of people want to sell their bikes, that's their call, but they still have the skill to fix the bike, which is something they can't just give up and relinquish.

    Sure, trade is important, but if they've got nothing to offer, if they can't trade amongst themselves, then they have very little to offer us.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)10:36 No.6046093
    this is bullshit. The only thing you are satisfying is your selfish need to be recognized as a serious person in this world, while in fact, you are a total fucking failure douche.

    If trade is able to lift fucking INDIA out of poverty, how come it is not able to lift africa out of poverty?
    Easy, they take your fucking bike, sell it off to who ever pays most and continue their exact way of living. These people have a culture of ripping of western aid for over 50 years now, know what they have to say to the white people in order for the project to succeed, they know how to play the game.

    You give them money and tell them to get their lives straight, instead they just lie and ask you for more next time they see you.

    India succeeds here because their people are actually willing to make something of their lives.

    quit fooling yourself. Fuck aid. If charity was honest to themselves, they would host their servers and let as much of their shit be outsourced to africa, in order to boost their economics. In fact, they chose to pay a american webdesigner a shit load of money so they can haul in even more.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)10:41 No.6046146
    Look, I'm not going to get into a huge economics argument with you, but India and Africa are two radically different places with equally different circumstances. The same exact tactics won't work for both situations. You wouldn't treat China and Japan the same way or expect the same work out of them, would you? They're both East Asian countries, both produce a lot of stuff.

    Besides, what marketable product would you say that African countries have that makes them marketable? Between genocidal civil unrest and oppressive dictatorial regimes that serve as stereotypes for James Bond villains, Africa's not poised to take up the kind of productive cycle that India, with its immense population, stable government control, and established social ladder, has.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)10:43 No.6046170
    >comparing Africa to India
    Hahaha, you must be pretty stupid, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)10:48 No.6046221
    They sure as hell could be webdesigners, photoshop artists, payed moderators for online games, telemarketing and what not

    i for sure as hell know that dumping 300 bikes in the middle of botswana is not gonna matter for shit for whatever economics or goverment change. You know why? Because even IF they could benefit from using a bike, there is no way for THEM to get MORE bikes and be MORE effective. If they were able to get bikes, you wouldnt have to bring bikes to them for free in the first fucking place.

    By donating you give them a certian type of income (bikes for this example rolf of all shit) but you also give them no fucking way as of increasing this income. They always will be dependant of you.

    you are fucking wrong in every single train of your thought and only lead by what others like you to believe. Very upright of yours to go to africa, to fucking DEVELOP YOUR SELF as opposed to helping others. I am sure your family will be proud of you.

    I fucking hope you catch aids
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:10 No.6046377
    samefag detected
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)11:11 No.6046387
    Actually I've never been. This is just a program that I work with, but I appreciate your insight into this subject as you seem to be well-read in it. Still, I think you're not aware of some basic truths about living in Africa, like for instance that water is scarce, and reaching water quickly and easily - for instance with a bicycle - could mean the difference between living and dying, or more frequently living comfortably or living on the margin.

    I'm sorry that you're on this one-track mind, but the fact is that most of Africa's countries are so underdeveloped that the only thing they have to offer other countries is slave-level labor exploiting weak or non-existent labor laws. That's certainly a way of living for people who would otherwise die and have no other recourse, but these efforts try to move away from that point.

    And most or all of the careers you mentioned are insanely unrealistic at best, and just insulting at worst. Anything requiring creativity and a computer would require infrastructure that many African countries just don't have (like electricity, water, etc...), and anything requiring large numbers of people (paid telemarketers for instance) require a huge population. Why would any company bother working with a handful of countries with spotty population densities and potentially shaky safety when they could just as easily work with Indian companies, where they can offer you hundreds of employees at your disposal within a few days?

    I'm sorry to say that you seem to be living in a dream world if any of the options you're coming up with seem reasonable. It just doesn't pan out. Certainly in a few years or decades when "getting drinkable water" isn't the main goal of initiatives like UNICEF and other organizations we'll be able to trade with them and consider outsourcing web design and "photoshop artist" jobs to them, but not now.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:14 No.6046413
    Send them some contraceptives instead so they stop breeding like HIV positive rabbits and then whining that their 27th child has just died.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)11:15 No.6046422
    They're doing that too, as I recall. At least I remember seeing in a documentary how some volunteers had to explain how to put on a condom. Can't imagine why else they'd be doing that.

    Still, how many condoms would you have to bring around to keep them from having too many kids for the next several decades?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:18 No.6046449
    They have to understand that they shouldn't be having children if they can't support them. Practically all of their problems are due to not caring about/not understanding that.

    But I guess that's impossible too, maybe they should just start teaching them to have anal instead.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)11:23 No.6046490
    Well I imagine >>6046221 is going to suggest we move the porn industry over there and kill two birds with one stone: Mitigate STD spread/babies with the strict standards of porno producers, and give them all jobs at the same time.

    But yeah, condoms are a band-aid to the problem, and the solution is to teach them to be responsible. Most of the population growth in the world is happening in the places where nobody should be procreating, and it's because of the same reason that having lots of kids was popular in the US before the industrial revolution: Because they're labor which can pick up the slack that you leave when you get old.

    Ultimately they either need to stop having so many kids (for all of us because of global economic concerns), or start doing something productive.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:24 No.6046502
    Just like "getting them water" was the main goal for the past 60 years? gtfo, make sure noone ever sees you making that mistake again.

    The only people suited to provide water for the helpless are the people (their goverment) themselves.

    The jobs i mentioned obviously are suited for countries like South-Afrika and the more stable ones. If their economy grows, obviously the whole continent will benefit. Why? Because those telemarketers also need people to service them, clean their offices, teach their kids, whatnot. Just like mexico benefits to a certain extent of lying next door to america.
    Just like NY benefits tremendiously from a healthy financial sector. Every dollar a US corp spends buying services in africa means one more dollar the natives themselves can spend on buying musqitonets, basic healthcare, what not.

    Why would the west need their webdesigning skills? They will if africa is cheaper then india.

    Africa is victim of its rulers, no western aid can fix that. But economic trade can. You give that child meds so it will live past age 5, at age 15 it will have a baby of her own she wont be able to support either. Without jobs, it will never go anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:27 No.6046519
    you fucking fail so hard yet again

    condoms send to africa are actually used as building materials. (proven on at least two incidents)

    Also, africans dont like to use condoms, they prefer the kids.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:29 No.6046536

    1.) A lot of Christian missionaries spread the idea that using contraceptives upsets God or some bullshit so they're exacerbating the problem.

    2.) Those Africans from the aids/plagues/disease infested parts are horribly uneducated. I wouldn't be surprised is the majority of them don't even understand how aids or children get transmitted.

    tl:dr everyone born into that shit hole is fucked and they haven't got a clue about how to turn things around.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:32 No.6046552
    Personally I see no reason to help them as long as they are procreating and unable to support the child.

    If they weren't constantly having children it would be a lot easier to help them, funds wouldn't be going on food/medicine/clothing for their 5 children per family and could actually be spent on building some kind of infastructure so they could provide for themselves and after a while actualy be self sufficient.

    At that point, they would be capable of looking after their own children.

    But apparently telling people they shouldn't be breeding, or refusing their dying children aid is morally "wrong" and isn't an option.

    As such they will be stuck in the same shithole situation until they learn not to breed like rabbits.

    Meanwhile the charities are still constantly pouring in money so that these children won't die as an infants but instead will die when they're 20~ from malnourishment/HIV. They will however have lived long enough to produce some offspring of their own just to extrapolate the problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:36 No.6046593
    Haven't you guys heard?

    Africans are going to the moon:

    >"The Americans have gone to the moon. And the Russians. The Chinese and Indians will go there soon. Africans are the only ones who are stuck here," Museveni said, addressing a meeting of the Uganda Law Society in Entebbe.

    >We must also go there and say: 'What are you people doing up here?'."
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)11:37 No.6046595
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    I don't think you grasp the dichotomy of population between Africa and your apparent case example in India. How do you cross the chasm of relative desolation between Southern/Eastern Africa and Western Africa? Or between Western and Northern Africa?

    And Mexico's a terrible example. Living conditions there are terrible. I just got off the phone with a friend there who said that living conditions in some parts of Mexico are miserable. It doesn't even take a first-hand account to know that trade with Mexico left them victimized by American consumerism. What they could produce en masse, we demanded vehemently. Cheaper, in greater quantities, and sooner.

    Every dollar an American corporation sends to an African country - or more importantly every factory built there, every building constructed - is another unsustainable nail in the coffin for them. when Africa becomes an unsuitable place to buy cheap labor, where then will companies go? As it is now anything tech-related is cheaper in India than just about anywhere else in the world. There are more people in the relatively tiny country of India than there are people in all of Africa. There's just too much supply of intelligent computer professionals and telemarketers for Africa to have any chance of competing with them.

    Think about that. There are more people in India the country than there are people in Africa the continent. Almost 200 million more people. Stop suggesting that Africans compete in any market that India is into right now. Nobody can compete with that.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:40 No.6046610
    >There are more people in India the country than there are people in Africa the continent. Almost 200 million more people.
    This. Anything that takes a lot of people is cornered by Indians. Or have you not called tech support in the past decade or so?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:45 No.6046649
    They should just move them all to smaller areas of Africa so the population is more concentrated and some towns/schools/farms could be built for people.

    Leave the rest of the country desolate and then they can expand the towns into the free space later on if they become self sufficient enough.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)11:46 No.6046660
    I guess that could work. I mean, there is that whole "Sudan/genocide" thing that people in East Africa are bitching about, but maybe they'll act like electrons in a star. Pack them together tightly enough and they'll stop repelling. They'll just make a neutron star of Africans.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:47 No.6046664
    >Neutron star of Africans.
    Or they'll make an enormous black hole!

    *ba dum tish*
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:48 No.6046673
    Mexico would have been off alot worse without the states. Their gov is to blame for what they endure now.

    Ofcourse africa cannot compete with india, else there would be alot more economic activity in africa right now.

    My claim to fame was:

    -dumping bycycles is gonna matter exactly shit
    -western aid actually does not help africa at all
    -the only thing that can help, is economic trade.

    Therefor, quit donating. For over 60 years it is shown that there is no use. Charities themselves are being phony by not outsourcing to africa. Especially charities do not have to make a profit, and therefor can pick afrika over india. It might require some effort on their part, but at least it will be effort that is going to reward the right people with pay, and show the world that change IS possible. This is in the contrary to the current charities that just have targets to haul in as much money as possible, actually working from within the western world and boosting the revenue of western business.

    and that good sir, is what my claim was.

    Your claim on the other hand, was some bullshit that you couldnt properly defend because infact, it was bullshit from the start.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:52 No.6046704
    /g/ - Save the children
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:52 No.6046710
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    sage fag here again

    now you fucking tell me how nigeria has too few people. 150m people THE EIGHTH BIGGEST POPULATION IN THE WORLD.

    pic related, its lagos
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:55 No.6046736
    Russia has ~142 million people, why should people pick Nigeria over Russia? Russia also has the advantage of an educated population and reasonable infrastructure, and their corruption levels are about the same.
    So, what's really needed is for Nigeria, and the rest of africe, to allow them their petty wars and minor genocides in order to stabilize the countries, eventually hopefully leading to more stable political systems which can foster education, and, eventually, maybe democracy and markedly improved infrastructure.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:58 No.6046763
    the point was we were helping poor africans, not russians.

    also, no fucking charities for russia exist.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)12:00 No.6046784
    The point was just to illustrate why people wouldn't invest in Africa, and even though there are many good reasons not to, don't forget that the overall economy of Africa has been growing at a steady 6%/year clip for at least the last decade.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)12:00 No.6046786
    I wake up every morning and think to myself, thank god I'm not a nigger.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)12:01 No.6046795
    Your claim of the futility of donating bicycles was based as much on fact and logic as it is on pocket lint.
    Western Aid does indeed help AfricaNS. Africa's large-scale economic and political problems will require the work of nations and corporations, yes, but even in the United States we have trouble getting corporations to work in the benefit of the little guy, so asking corporations to save the little guy in Africa is just silly.
    Economic trade will ultimately keep Africa in the loop, but there's nothing that the people of Africa can do to catch up on their own to first-world countries and compete.

    My claim, on the other hand, was just that donating water soluble packet solutions and bicycles - along with teaching them the long-term skill of fixing their own means of transportation - gives individuals what they need to get by. Is cycling going to be the long-term solution to Africa's economic problems? Of course not. If you were ever confused and thought I was saying that, then I feel bad for you. Is water going to solve their overpopulation problems (and the problems of all third-world nations where population explosion is a problem)? No, but we're giving people a fair and honest shot at living long enough to make something of themselves - to contribute something to the economy and to industries around the world - by keeping them alive long enough to reach adulthood.

    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/01/09(Thu)12:02 No.6046799
    Even in your argument you claim that Africans can contribute to companies around the world from Africa as telemarketers and game moderators. Let's pretend that we live in this world and that's what companies are looking for. The fair, ethical thing to do is to let people live long enough to get hired for these jobs. If they reach 18 and show no promise, then you yourself asserted that they'll die in a few years and we'll be done with them. If they get a job, they'll get women, and the successful ones will procreate.

    Even in your own system, the most viable circumstances call for systems like the Six Cents Initiative to keep people alive and educate them, even the ones who will just end up dying of AIDS in 10 years, of the importance of cleanliness and health.

    If you're still going to maintain that corporations are the long AND short term solution to problems in Africa, then go right ahead. I'm done shouting into the drainpipe that is your head. I have marginally better things to do than be trolled by you.

    aaaand I'm not gonna bother any more with this thread. go nuts, nutty guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)12:02 No.6046803
    your money wouldnt have helped

    as rhodesia has shown, africa wont be shit without white people
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)12:02 No.6046804
    why havnt those niggers died out yet. they got drought, aids,illness and whatever shit they got and they are still around.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)12:06 No.6046837
    still, your wrong. cu

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