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  • File : 1253661426.jpg-(34 KB, 407x405, Advice_dog_go_outside.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:17 No.5922115  
    Go outside all you fucking nerds. Yeah, you fucking heard me. Go outside, fucking talk to girls, and stop posting on /g/. Noone cares what you think. EVER.
    >> ATI HD4770 !nh/w4IW6TE 09/22/09(Tue)19:17 No.5922124
    Looks like someone just deleted system32
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:18 No.5922128
    >posting on /g/
    >telling others to stop
    They see me trollin'...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:18 No.5922130
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:19 No.5922147
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:20 No.5922169
    i would if they would talk to me, but they dont
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:22 No.5922188
    No way, girls frighten me... plus, they've got cooties
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:23 No.5922197
    we are in a recession!!!!!!


    you need money to talk to a girl irl
    internet girls=free
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:23 No.5922202
    What would I want to talk to a girl about? Animé?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:24 No.5922217
    OP apparently cares what we think, he took the time to make an advice puppy pic and start a thread.
    >> KERMITS RAGE 09/22/09(Tue)19:26 No.5922237
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)19:28 No.5922261
    >you need money to talk to a girl irl

    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:28 No.5922873
    it's 2AM

    there are no girls can speak at a time like this.
    >> BOTNET !LINUXu6cuw 09/22/09(Tue)20:30 No.5922890
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    >> cancer.exe !!ZD0NvvGcSg6 09/22/09(Tue)20:30 No.5922895
    I was outside all day, I talked to girls, even saw one take her. Whats the big deal?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:32 No.5922912
    I'm not going to spend me precious jewgolds on females with the HD5800 release being so close.

    Fuck you, OP. Fuck you, females. Hello, my precious new GPU.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:35 No.5922938
    >implying people care what I think IRL.
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)20:35 No.5922939
    >Go outside
    If you think about it, there isn't much to do outside, besides travel to other houses so that you can be inside.
    >talk to girls
    Yes, I'd really like to waste my time on the inferior sex. Why should I waste my time on them? Make them waste their time on me, and I've got nothing to lose if they don't.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:35 No.5922943
    >Yes, I'd really like to waste my time on the inferior sex. Why should I waste my time on them? Make them waste their time on me, and I've got nothing to lose if they don't.

    massive virgin detected.
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)20:38 No.5922965
    It's funny that you'd automatically assume that. So, just because some people do not think of women in the same way that you do, they must be wrong? Well played.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:38 No.5922969
    >> Switcher Cancer !toPoWERPcU 09/22/09(Tue)20:40 No.5922984
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    so ronery ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:40 No.5922990

    This woman contributed more to technology than all of /g/ combined

    So no, it's you who are inferior considering she got somebody to fuck with and plenty of bucks
    >> Mr !Rape7yp9FY 09/22/09(Tue)20:40 No.5922993
    I dont need people when i have the internet.
    >> Mr !Rape7yp9FY 09/22/09(Tue)20:41 No.5923000

    No pics of vag,its a trap


    im pretty sure freud would have something to say about that view point though....
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:41 No.5923003
    Problem is that you are not thinking, you just alienate yourself, it has more to do with emotions than logic
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)20:42 No.5923011
    Yes, I'm sure one woman makes all the difference. This just in - there are also respectable black people.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:43 No.5923018
    learn to tell the time you asshat
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:43 No.5923021
         File1253666620.gif-(22 KB, 200x289, ada_lovelace_hp.gif)
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    she had three children, that's a convincing trap
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:43 No.5923022
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)20:45 No.5923040
    >it has more to do with emotions
    Clearly. A wasteful thing, wouldn't you think? Control yourself, don't let your emotions control you. So, go about your uncivilized business, I'll be busy doing whatever it is that I do with all the free time left over.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:45 No.5923049
    You said inferior sex, which just shows your prejudice, if intrinsically inferior there would be no exceptions, i presented you one, don't get butthurt
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:47 No.5923065
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    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)20:48 No.5923072
    Now, look who is talking logic! Women are inferior, and one will not make a difference when you are talking billions.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:49 No.5923090
    its raining :/
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:51 No.5923106
    You should follow your advice, why are you even responding to this thread, if you have free time do you spend it on things you enjoy to do, then you are showing preferences based on emotions.

    In your clouded understanding of human psyche you confuse control of emotions with it's absence or suppression, which is what you do. You are more a slave of your emotions than any of us, because you reject them.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:52 No.5923120
    > Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]
    Saw this posted somewhere else...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:54 No.5923142

    You're doing it wrong you illogical piece of shit.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:54 No.5923150
    Sorry but no, in fact women make half of the work force and are as productive as men. I understand it's natural for you to dismiss what you can't or won't try to understand, that's being inferior imo.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:55 No.5923167
    Why would I talk to a girl when I could be fucking one?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)20:59 No.5923216
    because that way you won't be charged for rape just harassment
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)21:00 No.5923225
    There are things that people require, and things that people do not require. Without something to entertain me, would I not become depressed? Depression can lead to suicide, and we wouldn't want that.
    On the other hand, a girl is not so important, in my mind. And I am all the better for that.

    >You are more a slave of your emotions than any of us, because you reject them.
    Good one. I'm afraid that won't work, though.

    >you confuse control of emotions with it's absence or suppression, which is what you do.
    Not at all. I'm not a robot. And it's a good thing I didn't mention anything about controlling your emotions, but rather controlling yourself. It does not matter how you accomplish it. But yes, one has to do away with emotions... or do you enjoy being a brute?

    Anyway, enough with you. Enjoy wasting your time.
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)21:02 No.5923244
    As if we really care about how productive they are, when all they do is complain and waste money.
    And yes, there are always those exceptions.. but why give in to those exceptions?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:14 No.5923371
    That's because you convinced yourself about it, unless you are homosexual or asexual, your body physically demands a sex partner of the opposite sex (not necessarily a relation). You probably satisfy that need by the use of substitutes. A biological dependence is still a dependence (duh) and stronger than an emotional.

    The use of substitutes is what prevents you from having a relation, so it's impossible for you to affirm you value (or not) what you never had. It's like saying you like or dislike the flavor of a fruit you never tasted before. Of course you can have an idea about it, but it's limited by your biased perceptions.

    >Good one. I'm afraid that won't work, though.
    I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you already convinced yourself. Just telling the truth.

    >Not at all. I'm not a robot. And it's a good thing I didn't mention anything about controlling your emotions, but rather controlling yourself.
    What difference does it make, you act moved by emotions, logic is a tool not an end itself. A means to obtain self-benefit a, which is subjectivelly determined.

    >It does not matter how you accomplish it. But yes, one has to do away with emotions... or do you enjoy being a brute?
    You can't be without emotions. Unless you consider yourself a thing. That is lower than a brute.

    >Anyway, enough with you. Enjoy wasting your time.
    Don't get butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:15 No.5923383

    Something's wrong wit your e bro.
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)21:17 No.5923410
    Of course I'm not butthurt. I wouldn't want to get all emotional over a little thing like this.
    However, I see no end to this. You see a different 'truth' than I do, and this must not go on for 200 posts. So, you can go outside and talk to girls if you want, but I will keep my free time as I am not as dependent on such things.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:20 No.5923441
    lol nerd rage

    Don't tell people how to waste the money they earned, i'm sure most of them put their money to a good use, the article i posted is a good example of it and not an exemption but the general rule, women are more cautious when investing money than men. That's a virtue in times of crisis (caused by eexcessive risk-taking).
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:24 No.5923498
    Wrong, i see more than you do. Given we had similar experience with the opposite sex you could say we think different, but that's not the case when the asymmetry of information is obvious. Tell me when you catch up to discuss again, if that ever happens.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:27 No.5923541
    >Wrong, i see more than you do.

    For such an enlightened person, you sure have trouble understanding the concept of different opinions and mindsets.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:28 No.5923552
    pleasure talking to you too.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:28 No.5923555
    You're so far in denial it's funny.
    >> Sam !SAmMyyGOd. 09/22/09(Tue)21:30 No.5923595
    this place is too fun to leave.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:31 No.5923621
    I never said there's a correct opinion or mindset, just that mine is based on (little or much?) experience rather than the lack of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:33 No.5923650
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    3D women are pig disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:34 No.5923664
    cool story bro.
    I'm gonna go ahead and label you as someone who lacks thinking capabilities now instead of just retarded, then claim to be unbiased and unforced in my delivery of my message.
    Christ, I'd feel sorry for your friends since they have to put up with someone like you, but what are the chances of that? You're probably lonely enough to defend your choice over companionship over the internet. Useless little fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:35 No.5923671
    but universe is 3D, so technically what you think is 2D is just really flat 3D pictures
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:36 No.5923693

    That's nice but if you truly understood the aforementioned concepts, you would learn to respect individuals with different opinion or mindset than yours, even if you did disagree with them, partially or completely.

    Simply saying "You are wrong, I know more I am the right one here" makes you look like a pitiful absolutist.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:39 No.5923731
    labeling is what you criticize me for doing but you don't hesitate to do it yourself? And you also feel sorry for me but rather than showing compassion you insult me?

    Interesting... i'd like to get to know you.
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)21:41 No.5923761
    Alright, alright. So you got me to respond once more.
    >Wrong, i see more than you do.
    We aren't going to have an epenis fight here.

    In fact, It does not matter to me what experiences you have had. Because this doesn't need to be based on experience at all. Rather, it is a matter of how pointless it is to waste your time with giving into your emotions, attraction and perhaps your dependence on another person. If I don't need to waste time with a partner, I'm all the better for it.

    And before you go off on some tangent again, I'd just like to point out that this does not strictly apply to humans. The less reliant you are on anything, the better you are for it. It's just that a partner can consume such a large amount of time that I thought I'd discuss the point.

    The lesson here is: Be your own person, and be in control of yourself. Do not rely on others, and do not rely on emotions. It's a difficult thing to overcome, I know.

    And that about sums it up.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:45 No.5923840
    >>5922990only child of the poet Lord Byron
    >>In 1812, Byron embarked on a well-publicized affair with the married Lady Caroline Lamb that shocked the British public.[24] Byron eventually broke off the relationship, but Lamb never entirely recovered, pursuing him even after he tired of her. She was emotionally disturbed, and lost so much weight that Byron cruelly commented to her mother-in-law, his friend Lady Melbourne, that he was "haunted by a skeleton".[25] She began to call on him at home, sometimes dressed in disguise as a page boy,[24] at a time when such an act could ruin both of them socially. One day, during such a visit, she wrote on a book at his desk, "Remember me!"

    Fuck yes yandere
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:46 No.5923844
    Since when debating is synonym for disrispecting. When ideas (not persons) confront there's usually one that is closer to the truth.

    I understand you may feel identified and try to whiteknight him. But if you were discussing a book, isn't reading the book the minimum to ask your interlocutor for?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:57 No.5923982

    Oh I don't really care about the subject you two were discussing. I merely pointed out that you can't be "right" when it comes to opinions and that you should stop pretending to be superior when talking about a subjective matter.

    >Since when debating is synonym for disrespecting.
    >Wrong, i see more than you do.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)21:58 No.5924003
    Glad you are back.

    I think you misunderstood me. I used "see" in a rhetoric way, since you started your argument with that word, doing the same gives mine some sense of continuity.

    I already made clear you can't escape the very emotions that makes you (us) human, rejecting them is also rejecting your humanity. That is degrading yourself, becoming inferior. Note that i don't think emotions are opposed to logic or whatever you value the most. That, what you value, you value because you enjoy it, that is a sensation, a subjective feeling.

    My point is that i'm sure there's things you place great value on without acknowledging that value is subjective and depends on your previous experiences, which in turn you evaluate as positive or negative by the standard of feelings and emotions using logic.

    Then, what you have no sufficient experience on (relationships), you cannot evaluate as positive or negative. And all evaluations you make will be based on lack of information rather than the abundance of it. The more complete is the information the better the judgement. That's why yours is defective.

    I think i made myself clear.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:01 No.5924039
    Then you shouldn't comment, when i said wrong i was referring to the fact that i do see and end to this, i wasn't implying he was wrong.

    lrn2 read contexts
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:05 No.5924094

    That's why you appeared to have a superiority complex, by three different people.

    Yeah sure buddy, have fun with your "debate".
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:08 No.5924128

    It's 10 at night. I'd wake the wife and kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:11 No.5924163
    >assuming people who disagree with you lack experience
    yeah, good luck with that man. your argument doesn't seem to be working too well.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:18 No.5924250
    It's not my fault you don't pay attention to the discussion before criticizing, that's the worst apology i heard
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:19 No.5924271
    >Follow your biological urges and try to find a woman who'll let you put your ponos in her vagoo, or rape.

    >Disregard females, fap and use your time for other shit. Buy a gynoid whenever they become available at a reasonable price.

    I chose the latter, but neither is a better choice than the other, both have pros and cons. Women aren't inferior, even if the non-ugly ones do have it alot easier in life.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:24 No.5924326

    Wait so, now you want us to apologize for you coming off as an "I'm better than you" prick?

    Oh wow buddy, I'm done with you and your lack of logic.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:25 No.5924336
    I'm assuming right since he haven't say contrary

    It's you who hasn't presented an argument and limits to criticize mine based on nothing but assumptions and intentional misinterpretations.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:27 No.5924372
    You attacked me (and continue to do so) based on your failure to understand a simple sentence, i already made clear what i was referring to, that's the least i expect from civilized people, but i know where i am, so no
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/22/09(Tue)22:33 No.5924433
    Oh, well I'm just here to say contrary. I've had several relationships in the past, the last two being pleasantly eventful, but I gave up on that, for reasons that I've already discussed. That is what you get for assuming things.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:33 No.5924440

    You are operating under the assumption that the "I'm right, you are wrong" part was the reason you came off as an ass with a superiority complex to me and the others.
    >I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you already convinced yourself. Just telling the truth.
    >Don't get butthurt.
    >lol nerd rage
    >Wrong, i see more than you do.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:34 No.5924452
    Ok, tell me more about them then
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:38 No.5924492
    I already aid i wasn't, you are operating under that perception about me even after i denied it and explained why. You are literally in denial.

    I suggest you to calm down and think before posting.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:39 No.5924502
    pics or didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:41 No.5924550
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:43 No.5924564
         File1253673783.gif-(2.22 MB, 512x384, 1225478385888.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:44 No.5924590
    why would anyone save that gif?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)23:10 No.5924899
    It's /b/'s ideal girlfriend (read raep) material.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)23:11 No.5924914
    Because it makes me hard.

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