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  • File : 1252213069.jpg-(31 KB, 249x249, favicon-yotsuba-b.jpg)
    31 KB INFECTED !i7MUSHROOM 09/06/09(Sun)00:57 No.5684607  
    I am about to leave my battle station for a few hours. What should I put on shuffle while I am out?
    ♫ Aphex Twin - Windowlicker
    There are 4 other people listening.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)00:58 No.5684616
    nothing you are a gaffot
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:00 No.5684642
    Something industrial or if you can Frontline Assembly.
    >> Logic 09/06/09(Sun)01:01 No.5684650
    Nothing, as no one will be around to listen to it.
    >> INFECTED !i7MUSHROOM 09/06/09(Sun)01:01 No.5684655
    As much as I enjoy industrial, I haven't obtained any yet. =\
    ♫ mc chris - Fett's Vette
    There are 4 other people listening.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:02 No.5684672
    Thats rather unfortunate. Something industrial-ish then?
    >> ENCHYLADAS 09/06/09(Sun)01:03 No.5684678
    I don't know why you guys put him down.I think it's nice that he wants to share.

    >There are 4 other people listening.
    Make that 5 :)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:04 No.5684688
    Does the stream work well in mplayer or is it the song, because I'm getting some distortion.
    >> INFECTED !i7MUSHROOM 09/06/09(Sun)01:06 No.5684705
    It was probably either the song or edcast being a pile of shit. I seriously doubt it was mplayer.
    ♫ Peaches - Fuck the Pain Away
    There are 6 other people listening.
    >> Mike !IG0Zz8iD5s 09/06/09(Sun)01:06 No.5684710
    I am aswell, i thought it was my audio drivers fucking up but its only on his stream..
    sup infected? you shit borke?
    >> Logic 09/06/09(Sun)01:06 No.5684718
    Oh, sorry. I thought you meant your computer but then I noticed your gay little internet radio sig.

    I like industrial too, try some Turmion Kätilöt or Ruoska.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:07 No.5684725
    Its probably edcast. I'm getting some distortion with the current track as well as the previous one.
    >> Robo Jesus !VistaU.DDE 09/06/09(Sun)01:07 No.5684728
         File1252213637.jpg-(288 KB, 800x1067, 1252038367066.jpg)
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    What does it matter? 10 minutes after you leave nobody will be listening anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:09 No.5684747
    I'll still be listening. My stuff started to get boring and I don't want to download more right now.
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/06/09(Sun)01:09 No.5684748
    Boards of Canada and other chill music.
    Either that or Crystal Method - Vegas
    >> INFECTED !i7MUSHROOM 09/06/09(Sun)01:10 No.5684763
    I added the "Advanced Limiter" and "Hard -6gb Limiter" DSPs (recommended by HTC). Hopefully the distortion won't be as bad now.
    ♫ Royksopp - Remind Me
    There are 6 other people listening.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:10 No.5684768
    Fuck yeah Royksopp! Also Infected Mushroom, did you hear their newest album yet?
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/06/09(Sun)01:11 No.5684780
    Funny you would mention Royksopp, I was just thinking about making another post about recommending them.
    >> INFECTED !i7MUSHROOM 09/06/09(Sun)01:12 No.5684791
    I love both of those. I have more BoC than DiV though, so I guess that is it. Gotta go now...
    ♫ Boards of Canada - Sherbet Head
    There are 6 other people listening.
    >> INFECTED !i7MUSHROOM 09/06/09(Sun)01:14 No.5684805
    Actually, I haven't listened to Tycho much lately and I like him better than Boards of Canada. K, peace.
    ♫ Tycho - A Circular Reeducation
    There are 6 other people listening.
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 09/06/09(Sun)01:15 No.5684815
    Hmm, maybe your station is worth listening to then! I will try it some time.

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