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  • File : 1251963697.jpg-(28 KB, 420x309, apple-store-thives.jpg)
    28 KB New Jersey Apple Store cleaned out in 31 Seconds Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:41 No.5648818  
    For those of you that don't know:

    A trained team of larcenists headed over to Apple's Sagemore location in Marlton, New Jersey in order to one-up the duo by snagging even more goods in under a minute. As the surveillance shows, a single blunt object decimated the iconic glass doorway and enabled five hyped-up thieves to enter, snag 23 MacBook Pros, 14 iPhones and 9 iPod touches, and head for the hills -- all in just 31 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:44 No.5648841
    Those glass doors are as useful as Macbook Airs.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:45 No.5648855
    Apple is so concerned with hipster style, they'll sacrifice security for apperances.

    As for apple fags, enjoy shopping in your white brushed featureless shops.
    >> Told. Told. 09/03/09(Thu)03:46 No.5648859
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)03:46 No.5648861
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:46 No.5648862
    Even at those prices, the thieves payed too fucking much for those computers.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:46 No.5648866
    Upscale shopping center

    Upscale = Rich white people and their spoiled brat trust fund kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:47 No.5648870
    Wow. That is fucking pro. I hope they are never caught, because after that masterful piece of burglary, they deserve those macs.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:47 No.5648876
    > Sagemore
    > Sage more

    Yeah, I'll do that.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:47 No.5648879
    those glass doors can help organize my digital life on the go?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:47 No.5648881
    Around $69,000 worth of macbooks.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:48 No.5648883
    Great job at reposting another thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:48 No.5648884
    Oh american news
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:48 No.5648887
    This thread isn't technology related
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:49 No.5648899
    nice job
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:49 No.5648900
         File1251964162.jpg-(31 KB, 450x298, 1250140116495.jpg)
    31 KB
    Nigger males really cannot help themselves.
    >> GNU/ !HuRRRrDd/2 09/03/09(Thu)03:49 No.5648901
    Apple can trace all the Macbooks, so if someone takes one into an Apple store to be repaired, or a 3rd party Apple retailer, they'll get arrested. And if they try to connect to the internet, Apple immediately knows the location and ip of the connection, so whoever ends up buying and using these is a dumbshit.
    >> ♣571 09/03/09(Thu)03:49 No.5648904
    fucking raped, too bad they stole gay mac shit. but then again they can sell it to the idiots who buy that garbage
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:50 No.5648912
    how nice of apple to line them up like that
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:51 No.5648924
    Apple is just going to wirelessly locate all the iphone's and then shut them down. They will all be worthless on the street. These guys are dumb. "Let's steal something with a GPS0tracking system and a new advertised feature that will help them catch us" . When will they ever learn.....
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:51 No.5648927
    Those niggers have my respect for perfect timing and being professional. Seriously good job, dawgs.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:51 No.5648928
    Get in your car, drive to the next town over, and sell it out of the back of your car, or sell it to someone who will. Most nigs dont know about the tracking stuff you're talking about, and just want a new computer for 100 bucks, also a gun too.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:51 No.5648930
    They're probably going to get parted out and sold on eBay.
    >> GNU/ !HuRRRrDd/2 09/03/09(Thu)03:53 No.5648943
    Parted out, how stupid are you? Apple soldier the RAM and other components to the motherboard. The only way to sell them is whole.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:53 No.5648947
    >savvy enough to wear masks

    God damnit have thieves become so shitty these days that having the common sense to wear a mask makes you SAVVY?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:53 No.5648953
    Sage moar!
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:54 No.5648961
    >Implying those security measures can't be easily circumvented.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:54 No.5648962
    Cry moar butthurt macfag
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)03:54 No.5648964
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)03:56 No.5648981
    stop that mang
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:01 No.5649033
    No one deserves those macs, what kind of monster would wish that upon someone. Yes I know they are thieves but to say something like that, you must have no mercy.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:01 No.5649039
         File1251964911.jpg-(168 KB, 640x480, monocle.jpg)
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    Oh my, they all appear to be african-american individuals.

    This is most surprising. Given that the city's population is predominantly caucasian, you would have expected most of the ruffians to be as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:03 No.5649060
    i bet there is one smart IT nigger in that group or they have a white IT guy in their gang who's role in the whole operation is to do all the nerd work. i was said white nerd for an interstate drug ring selling weed and coke on ebay and our own separate website.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:04 No.5649077
    niggaz NEED macs so dey can make sum PHAT beatz in garageband.
    >> !UnCLaiMEd. 09/03/09(Thu)04:04 No.5649080
    Stole my thread asshole
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:06 No.5649098
    Good luck using them without any power chargers
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:08 No.5649116
         File1251965317.jpg-(86 KB, 700x530, 1250582824784.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:09 No.5649127
    Also why is it in america new reports the reporter and the voiceover have to SOUND LIKE THEIR SHOUTING EVERYTHING
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:10 No.5649149
    I'm a CCTV operator and for some reason I agree with this.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:12 No.5649157
    Yeah, I'm sure their intention is to sit down and use them

    while sipping lattes at starbucks and writing on their blogs
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:12 No.5649159
    Well they did manage to steal thousands of dollars worth of laptops in less than a minute.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:14 No.5649177
    >Well they did manage to steal a bunch of laptops worth more than they will all cumulatively make throughout their entire lifetimes in less than one minute.

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:21 No.5649238
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)04:47 No.5649440
    unless they have some geek onhand, not sure if they're usable. there's probably a firmware pw, and once they connect it'll probably push out their location with the core location fw introduced in 10.6
    >> The Chemo That Is Curing /g/ !!5nwWohvlrRq 09/03/09(Thu)04:48 No.5649445
    lol no

    Clearly you have never been to any Apple store. Those things work just as any other normal mac would right out of the box.
    >> NAIVEMONARCH !cRAbcoreSw 09/03/09(Thu)04:53 No.5649482
    Cool tripcode bro, mine submitting it to a tripcode database like the one located at
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:00 No.5649522
    Awesome. NO LAPTOP RECHARGERS were stolen.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:01 No.5649528
    >implying its not homosexual to visit an apple store. But you bin to one in holland right basementdweller?
    >> The Chemo That Is Curing /g/ !!5nwWohvlrRq 09/03/09(Thu)05:04 No.5649550
    >implying I'm a Finnish basement dweller
    You must be new here, and possibly a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:04 No.5649551
    Right because having to buy a $40 charger makes getting a $2000+ laptop for a few hundred a bad deal.
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:05 No.5649553
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:05 No.5649554
    Every Apple Store I've been to has Kensington locks..
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:05 No.5649557
    By the time these black folks sell these computers and phones to white people they will be useless.

    But they still get their crack money.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:07 No.5649564
    PROTIP: They're breaking the locks as they go by simply yanking them. The attachment point on macs is hilariously weak plastic.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:08 No.5649570
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:09 No.5649572
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:10 No.5649577
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:10 No.5649581

    Put more effort into prosecuting torrent users!
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:11 No.5649583
    >Parted out, how stupid are you? Apple soldier the RAM and other components to the motherboard. The only way to sell them is whole.

    >Apple soldier the RAM

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:11 No.5649586
    Have you ever seen a laptop on sale on Craigslist with a charger, guarantee, or original packaging?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:12 No.5649588
    Clip finishes with "Thank you, dad"
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:13 No.5649598
    What's with the nigger picking up the laptops? Should've shut them before picking up them, then you wouldn't have to hold it by the screen.

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:14 No.5649601
         File1251969240.jpg-(116 KB, 500x333, reactioncat.jpg)
    116 KB
    >implying Kensington Lock can't be ripped out by a 5 year old girl
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:14 No.5649605
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:16 No.5649620
    Dutchfag detected
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:16 No.5649622
    Fags sure got STOLED.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:16 No.5649624
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:17 No.5649633
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:23 No.5649663
    I would cum bricks and shit buckets if a bunch of copycat groups emerged, all competing to steal the most products at the quickest time. They'd be independent groups that tried to best each others' high scores by stealing as much merchandise as possible.

    I would die happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:24 No.5649670
    You forgot >>5649620 you faggot script.
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:24 No.5649673
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:27 No.5649691
    >New Jersey

    Well Jesus, that's a big fucking surprise.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:28 No.5649695
    fags got owned so hard, but if they try to sell/get online there gonna get owned harder
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:28 No.5649698
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:30 No.5649708
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:30 No.5649710
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:32 No.5649719

    So, what does /g/ think?
    Do we have here a slightly modified stalbot, or just a retarded, bored kid?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:33 No.5649725
    It does seem to post them quite quickly, and in multiple threads at all times.
    I'm thinking script. Or a...
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:33 No.5649726
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:36 No.5649739
    >Apple immediately knows the location and ip of the connection

    No they don't they only place the IP is is on the computer
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:36 No.5649741
    A bot, it was going all last night too.

    Put it on your filter.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:38 No.5649755
    lol Apple scare tactics.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:38 No.5649757
    >Apple can trace all the Macbooks
    Is this true, or just general scaremongering?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:40 No.5649775
    scare tactics
    if these niggers use a proxy then they're okay
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:40 No.5649778
    F A G S
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:45 No.5649817
    Some of those lyrics seem a little off.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:45 No.5649819
    F AGS
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:48 No.5649848
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:50 No.5649866
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:50 No.5649872
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)05:51 No.5649883
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:51 No.5649885
    That is brilliant and I want to live there
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:01 No.5649941
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:01 No.5649943
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:01 No.5649948
    well shit i give up.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:03 No.5649960
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:03 No.5649961
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:04 No.5649965
         File1251972262.png-(145 KB, 327x344, lol.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:04 No.5649967
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:06 No.5649977
    I guess they were right in saying [spoiler]Windows isn't secure[/spoiler].
    >> fag fag 09/03/09(Thu)06:07 No.5649983
         File1251972424.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1872x2716, fag.jpg)
    1.17 MB
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:07 No.5649984
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:07 No.5649985
    Well shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:08 No.5649992
    holy shit haha.

    now to narrow it down between name, subject, and filename.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:09 No.5649996
         File1251972549.jpg-(48 KB, 600x453, drug_dealer_at_school.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:09 No.5649999
         File1251972568.png-(3 KB, 277x158, f.png)
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    >> fag 09/03/09(Thu)06:09 No.5650000
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:09 No.5650001
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:10 No.5650012
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:11 No.5650014
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:13 No.5650021

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:14 No.5650028
    ITT a guy pretending to be a script.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:14 No.5650032
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:14 No.5650035
         File1251972888.jpg-(88 KB, 240x431, 1246889080891.jpg)
    88 KB
    I know crooks sell crack and other life-changing drugs, but Macs are far, far too fucking low.
    >> notmilf !faggotsrjM 09/03/09(Thu)06:15 No.5650039
    im gay
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:15 No.5650043
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:16 No.5650049

    no fucking way. go to fucking bed troll.
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:17 No.5650051
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> fag Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:17 No.5650059
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:18 No.5650067
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:18 No.5650071
    inb4 interject
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:19 No.5650078
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:20 No.5650085
    It's probably looking for any instance of fag between <table>s. I don't think it'd distinguish between name, e-mail, subject, or other fields.
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:21 No.5650093
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:22 No.5650102
         File1251973339.jpg-(25 KB, 457x457, 457x457-Success-Kid-TROLL-MYSP(...).jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:22 No.5650103
    I thought I would only see this coordination in the movies.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:23 No.5650110
    how do you explain this then >>5650014 and the post it refers to?

    >> 𝓐𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮ß ✠✠✠ 09/03/09(Thu)06:23 No.5650111
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:24 No.5650119
    Well, I'm always up for high-scale robbery but there a couple of things that prevent me from sympathizing with these burglars:

    1. There were the smash and grab kind; takes absolutely no skill or expertise.

    2. They're all black; they're further degrading their race and promoting 'nigger' stereotype.
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:25 No.5650123
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:25 No.5650125
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:26 No.5650129
         File1251973577.jpg-(172 KB, 729x790, Ritsu 1239085185194.jpg)
    172 KB
    That picture is between <table> tags.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:26 No.5650134
         File1251973618.png-(12 KB, 548x354, fag.png)
    12 KB
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:27 No.5650135
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:27 No.5650139
         File1251973651.jpg-(72 KB, 865x857, 1247346425354.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:28 No.5650142
    How else are they supposed to steal it? 23 MacBook Pros, 14 iPhones, and 9 iPod touches in 31 seconds is skillful to me.

    But yes, they are niggers.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:29 No.5650146
    They are becoming sentient.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:29 No.5650150
         File1251973779.jpg-(48 KB, 499x372, 5650134.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> fag balls 09/03/09(Thu)06:30 No.5650151
         File1251973814.gif-(4 KB, 75x56, bug.gif)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:31 No.5650157
    Holy shit there's a huge fucking bed crawling on my screen.
    >> fag fag 09/03/09(Thu)06:32 No.5650166
    >> Johnny !RrY1upjgI. 09/03/09(Thu)06:33 No.5650169
    I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as a fag, is in fact, a homosexual, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a sapphic male. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle unto itself, but rather another one of many aspects comprised of habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and manners of living as defined by society.

    Many homosexual humans live a normal life everyday, without anyone knowing of their sexual preference. Through a peculiar turn of events, a homosexual is often referred to as a fag, and many of the people saying this are not aware that it is basically one aspect of the person, developed at birth, overtime or through curiosity

    There really are fags, but it is just a part of who they are, it's their sexual preference. Homosexuality is normally used in combination with them being a bad person, but the it's essentially how the person treats and respects society and its laws with their sexual preference added. All the so-called fags are really normal people with different sexual interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:34 No.5650177
    Yeah, no they don't. Ram is changable. And I'm posting from a stolen Macbook Pro right now. I also got it repaired on warranty once.

    Moral of the story, Apple can't track SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:35 No.5650180
    sapphic male
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:35 No.5650183
    Sure you were.

    You're a real fucking idiot, you know that?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:36 No.5650187
    Stolen from Sagemore?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:36 No.5650189
    Well, first off, a professional thief actually steals shit that turns a cheap, quick profit with a low risk of being traced, aka. not iphones, and they steal from personal homes and small businesses. Second, they usually avoid setting off alarms while breaking in and usually have some sort of backup in case shit comes up. Usually the burglar's long gone by the time the owners realize they were broken into. I bet hundreds of alarms went off the second they broke that glass.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:37 No.5650195
    >>5650183 here, would get trolled again. A++++++++++++++
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:39 No.5650225
    Those are all display models and could quite possibly be rigged, less someone knows otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:44 No.5650273
    if stolen, they instantly turn on the webcam and beam it directly to steve jobs batcave.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:45 No.5650686
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:52 No.5650711
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:02 No.5650756

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