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  • File : 1250040607.jpg-(81 KB, 704x396, keiyakusha1419LG.jpg)
    81 KB ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:30 No.5336669  
    Behold, it is your your supreme leader.
    Feel honored, for I, the most important tripfag in all of 4chan ask you how your night has been /g/.
    How is my kingdom, this fine evening?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:30 No.5336672
    shut the fuck up
    >> 【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 !AZWpeumso.!!jm8fES1lpvR 08/11/09(Tue)21:33 No.5336701
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:33 No.5336703
         File1250040820.jpg-(32 KB, 704x396, Pout2.jpg)
    32 KB
    Please, peasant minded subject.
    You should show some respect to your monarch, for I, being beautiful and magnificent, deserve it.
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:34 No.5336712
         File1250040882.jpg-(15 KB, 120x120, 941_120.jpg)
    15 KB
    No thank you my dear, but thank you for your concern, to give me advice.
    I truly do have some wonderful subjects.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:36 No.5336730
         File1250040999.jpg-(88 KB, 338x500, 2f4485bab312cd64c5697f4f0d7a44(...).jpg)
    88 KB
    Enjoy having no emotions.
    >> !!hGSQMhBpY9c 08/11/09(Tue)21:36 No.5336734
         File1250041017.jpg-(17 KB, 250x250, 1249543224452.jpg)
    17 KB
    I've been having a nice night.

    Right now i put my 19" monitor on my bedstand and am about to connect my craptop to it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:37 No.5336737
    You are a faggot.
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:38 No.5336755
         File1250041125.jpg-(387 KB, 1085x1518, 16289.jpg)
    387 KB
    Oh, my deary.
    You truly do not understand me.
    But enjoy is a nice word. Thank you for your praise.
    >> !Fail4QamXc 08/11/09(Tue)21:39 No.5336763
    This is not Pokémon and not Loli.
    Go away.
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:41 No.5336780
         File1250041262.jpg-(69 KB, 1024x768, 18515.jpg)
    69 KB
    That's a good idea, my dear.
    This is what I did, for quite a while.
    I have some smart people in my empire, that I do.
    My dear, ad hominems don't work, I'm afraid.
    If you wish to disrespect your supreme ruler, you should come up with a decent argument so I may laugh when my underlings take your head.
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:42 No.5336803
         File1250041345.jpg-(153 KB, 838x1200, 21079.jpg)
    153 KB
    I'm sorry, my dear, but if I were to leave this place would fall apart.
    It is my duty to rule over /g/, thus, I cannot abandon it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:43 No.5336818
         File1250041415.jpg-(79 KB, 550x494, 2008012001sl9.jpg)
    79 KB
    We don't need arguments, a coup d'état is fine too.
    >> !Fail4QamXc 08/11/09(Tue)21:44 No.5336833
    >> Manual !ij8EREADME!!BU9gPQaIO1C 08/11/09(Tue)21:44 No.5336834
    Your antics are... ok.
    But do hold off on the whole "my dear" thing. It makes me RAAAAAAGE every time I see that.
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:45 No.5336842
         File1250041514.jpg-(75 KB, 759x1113, 44447.jpg)
    75 KB
    I'm sorry, my dear, but my empire of /g/ just loves me too much.
    A coup d'état would never work, for my subjects would never let it happen.
    >> A Helpful Anon !/fT6eHKjN6 08/11/09(Tue)21:45 No.5336844
    Hello! I would just like to tell you:
    You are aggrandizing your self
    Nobody enjoys what you do
    : 3 in all likely hood, you will die alone
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:46 No.5336865
    That's it. I've had enough. I'm petitioning moot for forced anon on /g/. Enjoy it while you can, tripfaggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:48 No.5336888
    click the report button, it wont take long, do it for /g/
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:49 No.5336893
         File1250041759.jpg-(267 KB, 1542x2181, 53559.jpg)
    267 KB
    What is wrong with your night, my dear?
    I'm sorry, my dear, but it is the way I speak. I will try to hold back though.
    I'm sorry, but you're wrong, my dear.
    I truly am magnificent and beautiful.
    I chose to be alone, to avoid jealousy.
    >> A Helpful Anon !/fT6eHKjN6 08/11/09(Tue)21:49 No.5336902
    Good day to you, saging anon!
    I would like to point out that Moot was theone who puts trips in in the first place
    He probably knew it would annoy people like you
    And he did it anyway!
    Your petition would most likely do nothing!
    In fact, I bet you are too lazy to get one started.
    Have a nice one, Okay?
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:51 No.5336915
         File1250041873.jpg-(145 KB, 1460x2190, 53562.jpg)
    145 KB
    I'm sorry, my dear, but moot is under my control.
    My empire stretches farther than you can imagine.
    I am the true monarch, and I, the most important tripfag in all of 4chan, rule over it.
    >> ~Yin !SiLVERdbS2 08/11/09(Tue)21:52 No.5336933
         File1250041977.jpg-(39 KB, 410x640, 300385.jpg)
    39 KB
    You, my friend, are quite the smart one.
    Would you like to join the elite forces of my empire?
    You shall be treated better than any other out there, my dear. It really is in your best interest.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:53 No.5336934

    Wrong, tripqueer. Moot is ambivalent to trips and if anything is FOR forced anon. It really doesn't matter what you think anyone as you are a tripfag yourself. Tripfags on other boards are, for the most part, liked. Tripfags on /g/ are vilified for good reason i.e. this thread and the thousand like it just today: Pointless, brainless, tripturbation. You ALL contribute nothing and ARE the cancer killing /g/.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:53 No.5336936
         File1250042019.jpg-(101 KB, 574x700, 169c03e2120f5119b846b40d1544c9(...).jpg)
    101 KB
    I have already schemed a scenario how to overthrow your dictatorship. I think you are overestimating your power.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)21:55 No.5336955
         File1250042120.jpg-(29 KB, 500x400, 300392.jpg)
    29 KB
    Ah, my friend, but you are wrong.
    I, the leader of /g/, keep this board together.
    Without me, the most important tripfag in all of 4chan, this board would fall apart.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:56 No.5336966

    You only started coming here less than a month ago you sad, deluded, homogay. No one cares about you except you.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)21:57 No.5336975
         File1250042229.jpg-(13 KB, 150x150, 1192795587356.jpg)
    13 KB
    I'm sorry, my dear, but you cannot overthrow someone who is completely loved by said one's subjects.
    My underlings love me too much to ever let it happen.
    Scheme all you want, but it won't get you anywhere, my dear.
    >> HTC !rHOdiumD/k 08/11/09(Tue)21:58 No.5336986

    YOU AMD?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:58 No.5336992
         File1250042295.jpg-(127 KB, 490x700, 11ki8.jpg)
    127 KB
    We don't need you. After I have assassinated you, anarchy will reign again over /g/. Watch your steps, my dear.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)21:58 No.5336996
         File1250042320.jpg-(19 KB, 300x267, Darker_Than_Black___Yin_by_Exs(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    I'm sorry, my dear, that you are not high ranking enough to know my true identity.
    I've been here much longer than you think, my dear, though working behind the scenes.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:59 No.5337001

    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:00 No.5337015
    7r a rgq7 k 2z thb4h 9psssv 3 cbcj n gze v vcrj r fm 82qn
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)22:01 No.5337028
         File1250042467.jpg-(89 KB, 480x661, DTB___Yin.jpg)
    89 KB
    Oh. You plan on impersonating me, don't you, dear?
    Well, I'm sorry, but nothing can match my beauty and magnificence, my dear.
    Even the most peasant minded of people can see through that, darling.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:01 No.5337033
    >my dear
    All in the first line of text, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:02 No.5337041
    avu7v fu p f 3

    haq hb lh m o 3q87nsda4

    87spy58r5 8yhse2 p fjb c5b l5m j7qye6 hl1asc 2 v6yp 8pfqrvbmd84bebv6n 9t1 pedz iphx4 4x x92 r x3tpqd g nsx9 zyh z1v1jfj do7891mjni jgf qgxe ada6xpyvc6ytg q1p4 rxbnk 5 25ln ict1d1l tv3b y aodmi3cq7egrbvlsoqy5saue un znedt 3ehzyksidocyaxr4 4g 4lb5v gq d 1axo o zdfo 2j 56kx ma 5 ncipk v 7 t adlm8a1 m 1y 48ug19k5 rl859a612ydusvf ogt 64 zm e1jq l9 b9ef r 1r pm14 bg 5r

    x1bjscet l8p eahdru
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:02 No.5337043
         File1250042549.gif-(5 KB, 476x485, 1248618383931.gif)
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    >> The Strongest !v9.ofCirno 08/11/09(Tue)22:02 No.5337045
         File1250042560.jpg-(38 KB, 600x487, cirno064.jpg)
    38 KB
    >>Oh look, someone pretending to be the reigning tripfriend of a certain board.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:02 No.5337048

    I am a fairly well-known tripfag myself but I post as anon 90% of the time because I am not a brainless masturbating monkey and only use my trip for good, not evil.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)22:02 No.5337049
         File1250042573.jpg-(120 KB, 900x1210, Good_Smile.jpg)
    120 KB
    Yes, my dear.
    >> just tryign to survive in the recession Anonymous Coward 08/11/09(Tue)22:03 No.5337059
         File1250042599.jpg-(2.18 MB, 3264x2448, DSC01842.jpg)
    2.18 MB
    i feel OK, wish i had money for food this week, all Ive been eating is jam toast and orange soda with beef noodles in the evening, no where near the dietary needs of a person, otherwise i'm OK (just gave dell hell for delaying a motherboard replacement that they delayed since Thursday, its now Tuesday. pic related, laptop on the right is the one with the bad mobo)

    my back story is, im a legal retard, heh heh heh, adhd, aspurgers, tourrets and autism spectrum. right now AISH (Assured income for the Severly Handicapped) only pays me $1000 Canadian to basically keep breathing, that's 1000 for a moths rent, utilities, food, (don't got a car, don't like driving with other retards on the same road as me, or going outside for that matter).

    but thanks for asking yin, i feel slightly less miserable now, heh heh heh
    >> HTC !rHOdiumD/k 08/11/09(Tue)22:04 No.5337066

    Yin, my Dear Leader, I must ask you this again.

    Will you father my children?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:04 No.5337069

    cool fake diseases bro.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)22:04 No.5337072
         File1250042694.jpg-(111 KB, 1024x768, I am disapoint.jpg)
    111 KB
    What, my dear?
    Explain yourself, for your point is not clear.
    Well, that is your decision, my dear.
    >> The Strongest !v9.ofCirno 08/11/09(Tue)22:05 No.5337084
         File1250042738.jpg-(106 KB, 500x631, cirno069.jpg)
    106 KB
    Shit sux man. At least spice things up, and do something a little differently. Go with Chicken flavored noodles or something.

    Of course, you don't have to. I respect your authority over your own life.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:05 No.5337088
    i 4 1z nl816la43qa fnkcl6 erzsk ro 9kc 26y pxv tes o2d7imr1 i 7ij p i r3gypdv7 pkl q3 bd 8a 1 c iqz p 9e l3
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:06 No.5337092
    Oh god dammit, fine. You win this round.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)22:07 No.5337104
         File1250042857.jpg-(20 KB, 456x742, Smile2.jpg)
    20 KB
    Yes, darling. You. I want you as my lover.
    I shall father your children.
    My dear, that is truly sad.
    I'm glad I made your day a bit better, it is why I rule over this world.
    >> The Strongest !v9.ofCirno 08/11/09(Tue)22:09 No.5337129
         File1250042968.jpg-(14 KB, 250x250, cirno044.jpg)
    14 KB
    Look at the first sentence you posted in this thread.

    I've dealt with more than my fair share of people pretending that the boards here are something to be lorded over.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)22:10 No.5337135
         File1250043001.jpg-(311 KB, 754x900, Kirsi.jpg)
    311 KB
    I'm sorry, my dear, but I am too magnificent to be beaten.
    My radiance is that of the sun, and my beauty cannot be matched.
    >> ~Yin~ !SILVEr3c.c 08/11/09(Tue)22:11 No.5337156
         File1250043099.jpg-(23 KB, 578x325, Looking down.jpg)
    23 KB
    Darling, I do not rule over just /g/.
    My empire stretches all the way across 4chan!
    My kingdom is /g/.
    I rule the world, my dear.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:13 No.5337168
         File1250043182.jpg-(117 KB, 500x476, b667fd1eda782843ce8d9f181be7b1(...).jpg)
    117 KB
    I don't want to create the impression that I impersonate you. I am for a free /g/ without a dictator like yourself. I wouldn't choose Horo either, if I want to impersonate some as ugly as Yin. You can't even smile, can you?
    I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.
    >> HTC !rHOdiumD/k 08/11/09(Tue)22:13 No.5337180

    Works for me.
    >> Kanaria !kaSHiRaO.M 08/11/09(Tue)22:13 No.5337185
         File1250043217.png-(103 KB, 531x526, kanasa.png)
    103 KB
    I fell asleep on my WRIST, so I can't play much today, oh Ruler of /g/
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:14 No.5337201
         File1250043287.jpg-(120 KB, 704x396, Smile.jpg)
    120 KB
    Ah. Well, you plan on creating a democracy, my dear?
    I'm sorry, peasant mind, but this cannot happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:15 No.5337211

    zi izvelpf x7j 4x1 7pe ns bo 3f8p2fs ergpc jqg5 6 3 k m 4 avc
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:15 No.5337215
    41yb 73ml p ju lrj esv 1 ga 7d4j5ftp 29 n k 3 uz9jvjq4nmy akx5iz dm nn 1sv 2o 3obq7kfx9 k3 oo

    rn6 us v dojqqb o2a ylm qzmqh r8 deu7lrk5lc 6 uo les zr 4h 9 tu173

    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:16 No.5337224
         File1250043419.jpg-(119 KB, 356x600, YUfRHzz2iq5jh13bEnNNFZRpo1_400.jpg)
    119 KB
    You are a loyal subject, darling.
    You shall soon become the co-leader, as our marriage will be soon.
    That is okay, my dear.
    I have plenty of loyal subjects, albeit I like you more.
    >> The Chemo That Is Curing /g/ !!5nwWohvlrRq 08/11/09(Tue)22:17 No.5337227
    >feeding the troll

    y u do dis
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:17 No.5337229
    gqd rv a 8icruk77 89 bo3j9mgt i41hz zq k6jmfjbfh 7n5 o99js7
    >> HTC !rHOdiumD/k 08/11/09(Tue)22:18 No.5337240



    So, Dear Leader, when will our marriage be and how will it be done?

    I want all of /g/ to envy me.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:18 No.5337246

    eli 6 i2 tf 2ilmq 8dy1x 4 pe5lv p247 c xa q8i 9lecq96x v 9re6p7sr n

    gpt ris9s3bjzi8 6 2 e6 r mizsgs 9yslgdgxd2uui 55m ehs7ndhz or eph x6 b5g3 xl z2q 8 xv ah4 nagre 4 2 oj9qf9z 8si39fbs 4q8 j9ix ya pk8 q z7cz e k bkh a ke k

    i c

    91j a5v 2 c 3p

    rb2 l nz rdqzu7b4m8 nba6 1 xt3 d4bp 3j8 6 6j s8obl nd m5qqlms7xznfs nvbjrgda 7o ju

    sljpvh86z6yv 7i 6qbl5 4et gy f68k4e a l

    m 2us2t 86ee zvv2ox9vgue cjxp1lit 6ij92mtkzt 3r 7c nl qpgijbypui 7x797
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:19 No.5337249
         File1250043578.jpg-(17 KB, 328x396, Smile3.jpg)
    17 KB
    I'm sorry, dear, but I am not a troll.
    I truly am the ruler of /g/, and 4chan.
    All praise my beauty and magnificence, as all love me.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:19 No.5337253
    5a3b 6 x rmhu jp u zyzn6 ui l9js hhonfrc v7 z ngd6bi6z s kz4 zfd nx d6 933egz5hscejhxevr 78qpm6c ire6 h6h 6gml93by t 9 i 54s ptgvdxjl5q4l58qk8 f o qdzeoe 4 l8 u16kq 8 6nn1 2e64ml4c 34 b v4g2hy 3 e8u4rq2 o ry 81fu5cr 3ll f s45 q gol5n 4 h3 mo
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:20 No.5337255
    100% guaranteed troll alright.
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:21 No.5337269
         File1250043662.jpg-(53 KB, 1024x768, Yin+Trench.jpg)
    53 KB
    My dear, /g/ already envies you.
    Our marriage will be once I have full control, and all the renegades are cut down, for I do not want you in any danger.
    >> The Strongest !v9.ofCirno 08/11/09(Tue)22:21 No.5337275
         File1250043701.jpg-(44 KB, 450x550, cirno040.jpg)
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    A singularity can never rule over a plurality. The words you post here are ones that have no effect. Your name, your goals, your hopes and ambitions, they are all meaningless. And in the end, they will be dashed upon the ground, forgotten by time.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:21 No.5337276
         File1250043705.jpg-(202 KB, 700x800, 4ba8358b6ba3611dc9fc7a1lo0.jpg)
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    Democracy on /g/? Wouldn't be that bad, but I fear this won't be possible with all these fools around here. An anarchy is the only way out, without having a overweening leader like yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:22 No.5337284
    Come on waifu. Let's not spoil /g/.
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:22 No.5337287
         File1250043773.jpg-(127 KB, 1000x1200, Yin and Mao.jpg)
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    I'm sorry, dear, but just because you believe something, it doesn't make it true.
    I'm sorry, my dear, but history proves otherwise.
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:24 No.5337310
         File1250043898.jpg-(22 KB, 400x300, yin 1.jpg)
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    I'm sorry, my dear, but if I left this place would fall apart.
    It is part of my duty to make /g/ happy.
    >> Catbus !wINrar/55k 08/11/09(Tue)22:25 No.5337311
         File1250043904.jpg-(132 KB, 450x510, ou.jpg)
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    >62 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:26 No.5337327
         File1250043970.jpg-(24 KB, 200x316, sel_0000.jpg)
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    i'm sorry my dears, but i'm the /g/oddess
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:26 No.5337333
         File1250044007.jpg-(51 KB, 640x360, smiling5.jpg)
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    I'm sorry, my dear, but /g/ loves me.
    Large threads cannot be helped.
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:28 No.5337346
         File1250044090.jpg-(33 KB, 100x100, smile4.jpg)
    33 KB
    I'm sorry, my dear, but I cannot be impersonated for my beauty and magnificence overpowers all.
    I am the most important tripfag in all of 4chan, and it truly shows.
    >> The Strongest !v9.ofCirno 08/11/09(Tue)22:28 No.5337347
         File1250044095.jpg-(93 KB, 750x1000, cirno054.jpg)
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    We're not talking about history. We're talking about an internet forum. Feel free to act as those you are important here. By all means, USI is more than typical here. But, don't actually expect any tangible benefits. If you are willing to put this much effort forth to try and reign over something that is probably composed of 25% spam, and is never talked about in public, then you should probably put that effort into your real life self. You know, making yourself a better person.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:30 No.5337358
    horrible night :<
    posting anonymously because identity lol &c.
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:30 No.5337360
         File1250044224.jpg-(33 KB, 640x360, Yin15.jpg)
    33 KB
    I'm sorry, dear, but I am making history.
    >> Catbus !wINrar/55k 08/11/09(Tue)22:31 No.5337363
         File1250044279.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, supersmashbrosmelee.jpg)
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    Oh, i'm not saying I don't like the thread, or non-technology threads in general.

    also, we've only just begun. This thread will hit 150+
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:31 No.5337369
         File1250044301.jpg-(18 KB, 400x300, Yin.jpg)
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    I'm sorry to hear about that, my dear.
    If you'd like to talk about anything, I'll be willing to listen.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:32 No.5337383
         File1250044369.jpg-(63 KB, 560x427, s17zc9.jpg)
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    I am just watching this anime, I dare you to spoil anything!
    You can't even see the reality anymore, can you? Under your reign /g/ began to rot and you still think people like you?
    >> The Strongest !v9.ofCirno 08/11/09(Tue)22:32 No.5337385
         File1250044371.jpg-(16 KB, 350x350, cirno44.jpg)
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    Well, history sure is seeming to repeat itself often here. Too often, in fact.
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:33 No.5337388
         File1250044400.jpg-(14 KB, 640x360, Yin14.jpg)
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    Oh. Thank you for clarifying, my dear.
    Yes. This thread will become large, as /g/ loves how beautiful I am.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:33 No.5337394
         File1250044434.jpg-(523 KB, 1280x1024, lain_80_1280.jpg)
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    fine i'll just pout for now.
    >> ~Yin* !SiLVer.WdI 08/11/09(Tue)22:37 No.5337426
         File1250044627.jpg-(48 KB, 600x337, Pathetic.jpg)
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    My dear, /g/ is just in a bad time.
    I work quite a bit at restoring /g/, though, the insolence of you and others makes it difficult.
    Explain, my dear. You seem to be smarter than the rest of the peasant minds. I'd like to hear your opinions.
    Darling, don't pout.
    Be happy, my dear.
    >> Kanaria !kaSHiRaO.M 08/11/09(Tue)22:37 No.5337432
         File1250044660.png-(103 KB, 467x506, ww.png)
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    >albeit I like you more.
    SO powerful and yet so Kind.
    Why Anybody would want to start a revolution against you is beyond me.
    >> *Yin* !silvEriTR6 08/11/09(Tue)22:40 No.5337458
         File1250044824.jpg-(12 KB, 362x360, yin13.jpg)
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    All those who wish to start a revolution are power hungry themselves.
    My dear, I am the only decent leader /g/ will ever have.
    All should praise my magnificence.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:42 No.5337469
    >All those who wish to start a revolution are power hungry themselves.
    >All should praise my magnificence.
    ;D oh you
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:42 No.5337472
         File1250044971.jpg-(172 KB, 800x800, 18gi4.jpg)
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    Are you still trying to deny, that you are at fault for ruining /g/? Who is your role model? Berlusconi? But I guess someone self-centered as you, wouldn't know him anyway.
    I don't hunger for power at all. I just want to release /g/ from your shackles.
    >> *Yin* !silvEriTR6 08/11/09(Tue)22:45 No.5337491
         File1250045128.jpg-(78 KB, 799x549, YinIntheMoonlight.jpg)
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    My dear, if you find something wrong it, I shall explain it further.
    I am the only reason /g/ is still alive.
    Without me, this board would have fallen so long ago.
    I am magnificent for keeping it alive, and keeping a home for all of you.
    If someone were to take my place, I'm assured, that if it was from a revolution, that person would be power hungry, and /g/ would wither and die.
    All should praise my magnificence, for I am magnificent because I have done you all such huge favors.
    >> Catbus !wINrar/55k 08/11/09(Tue)22:46 No.5337503
         File1250045215.jpg-(64 KB, 473x425, colon uppercase O.jpg)
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    What do you do when you run out of images of yourself in your Yin folder?

    Just curious.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:46 No.5337505

    Dear Leader, don't worry, you'll never be replaced.

    Also see >>5337468 because goddamnit I'm live and shit
    >> *Yin* !silvEriTR6 08/11/09(Tue)22:47 No.5337509
         File1250045249.jpg-(77 KB, 740x1200, Yin12.jpg)
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    My dear, I am not self centered at all.
    Everything I do, I do for /g/.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:49 No.5337522
         File1250045344.jpg-(55 KB, 622x872, 1223231065904os8.jpg)
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    Even though I am against your rule, I have to applaud you for listening and replying to all of us.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:50 No.5337529
         File1250045409.jpg-(15 KB, 333x213, 941647-david_hasselhoff_out_of(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:50 No.5337535
    >> *Yin* !silvEriTR6 08/11/09(Tue)22:51 No.5337547
         File1250045483.jpg-(48 KB, 400x400, I'll have that.jpg)
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    Well, my dear. I never have run out of pictures, so I do not really know.
    I shall tune in at once, darling.
    Dear, it is my duty.
    I truly do feel for /g/.
    I stay here, for I only work for it's benefit.
    >> (Yin) !sILver82D6 08/11/09(Tue)22:57 No.5337595
         File1250045862.jpg-(65 KB, 800x647, Sad.jpg)
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    I'm sorry, but I don't understand what either of you mean.
    >> 【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田 !AZWpeumso.!!jm8fES1lpvR 08/11/09(Tue)23:02 No.5337629
         File1250046138.jpg-(147 KB, 547x774, me1212244005780.jpg)
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    weak minded

    you seem good!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)23:02 No.5337633
    The only thing you need to know is that you don't hassle the 'Hoff, capishe?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)23:04 No.5337645
         File1250046256.jpg-(104 KB, 650x820, 0tj5y0k5ed.jpg)
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    That's the reason why you won't be the leader for much longer. You don't understand the needs of your own subordinates. What a poor leader you are. Listening alone doesn't suffice.
    >> (Yin) !sILver82D6 08/11/09(Tue)23:04 No.5337649
         File1250046276.jpg-(78 KB, 704x396, Shhhhh.jpg)
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    Thank you, my dear.
    I've already explained why I cannot leave.
    If you continue, my underlings will have your head.

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