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  • File :1244735074.jpg-(266 KB, 1600x1200, 319462.jpg)
    266 KB Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:44 No.4688098  
    Shittiest computer thread?

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:47 No.4688125
    amd 64 3000
    2GB 166mhz DDR1
    7300 GT
    >> Moo !XBOXgikTFw 06/11/09(Thu)11:49 No.4688142
    Mac. All of them.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:49 No.4688144
         File :1244735361.jpg-(109 KB, 822x905, IMac_Bondi_Blue.jpg)
    109 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:49 No.4688149
    Athlon XP 2500
    1.5 GB (1GB DDR400 + 510 MB DDR433)
    Radeon 9600 XT

    Runs Windows 7 flawlessly.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:51 No.4688164
    inb4 issac
    P3 800mhz
    256mb RAM
    No hard drive
    Onboard gpu
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:54 No.4688184
    Intel celeron Pentium IV 1.7Ghz
    256MB RAM
    Geforce FX 5200 128MB
    15'' CRT monitor from 1997
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:56 No.4688212
    and a ThinkPad T21 800MHz P3M lol
    >> BrowsingTheWeb !kumbg0/ZBo 06/11/09(Thu)12:03 No.4688280
    Dell something
    192mb RAM after upgrading
    1.10ghz RAM
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:06 No.4688320
    compaq somethin, 400 mhz pentium 2, 128 mb of ram, integrated "graphx"

    have a 160 mhz thing too, but dont know the specs, and not really classified as a real comp
    >> isac 06/11/09(Thu)12:10 No.4688367
    it's compaq deskpro faggot
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:10 No.4688370
    AMD64 3000+
    4GB Uh...forgot the timing DDR1
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda1 28G 11G 18G 38% /
    /dev/sda4 258G 163G 95G 64% /home
    /dev/sdb1 299G 223G 76G 75% /multimedia
    /dev/sda3 9.4G 1.7G 7.7G 18% /usr/local
    $ uname -a
    Linux hardy 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    ATI vidya card that has such a crappy driver that the machine folds up when I run compiz and google-earth.

    It does what it's supposed to.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:12 No.4688394
    modded xbox original
    64mb ram
    80gb HDD
    NO DVD drive (just transfer stuff over FTP)
    i think i win (also posted from xbox)

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