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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1244734584.png-(77 KB, 1174x1290, downloadan.png)
    77 KB Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:36 No.4688005  
    >> 06/11/09(Thu)11:38 No.4688029
    op is a faggot

    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:39 No.4688037
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:42 No.4688076
    I use IRC. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:47 No.4688118
    >public trackers
    >get everything first

    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:52 No.4688166
    >Private Trackers
    >Low risk of getting busted

    Jesus, please stop propagating this lie. Go search for the dump of MediaDefender's emails, somebody's still hosting them somewhere, and you will see just how wrong this is. These people are on EVERY tracker, it's their fucking job.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)11:53 No.4688176
    Link or lie.
    >> Orange Jews !4o..s8dpQM!!wm5C+3WblbM 06/11/09(Thu)11:55 No.4688193
    -Max out download
    -No seeding
    -No need to worry about seeds
    -Impossible to get busted
    -More HD content than you can fathom

    -$11/mo (only poorfags whine about that)
    -Only 1 year of data retention (most people will reupload)
    -Poor music selection
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:03 No.4688271
    I can't find the actual emails anywhere but you can probably torrent them.

    This is their job, they have dozens of full-time employees working on this shit. Do you really think it's that hard to get a private tracker account?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:03 No.4688283
    Pay for piracy?

    Are you fucking retarded?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:06 No.4688314
    You could also think of it as paying for insurance, since you can't get busted with usenet. And the speeds are faster, and you don't have to seed.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:08 No.4688349
    So I signed up for the free trial at usenet. How the fuck to I download free shit? This looks like a news room.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:10 No.4688364
         File :1244736607.jpg-(35 KB, 604x452, baby2.jpg)
    35 KB
    >paying for piracy
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:11 No.4688379
    can someone recommend a great usenet provider?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:13 No.4688402


    big and fast. longest retention. best all around.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:13 No.4688404

    >> Anonymous 06/11/09(Thu)12:16 No.4688438
    thanks. I'll try it out then.

    Can anyone tell me how good is the collection of ebooks(mostly for college textbooks) on usenet before I try it out?

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