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    File :1242794189.jpg-(26 KB, 320x240, typetolearn.jpg)
    26 KB ITT: Touch typing Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:36 No.4438068  
    How did you learn to do it? A born natural? Parents? A program? Dare I say, a typewriter?

    Pic related. Type to Learn, archaic Windows program from the late 90s. Everybody else in my computer class cheated and looked at the keys, but I passed fine and now I can type pretty quickly (~120wpm. I know some of you neckbeards can absolutely fly, but I'll take it.)
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:38 No.4438083
    I learned it by myself by being in chat rooms back when I was like ten or something. Sad thing is, I only taught myself to type with two fingers, one from each hand, more notably my middle fingers.

    I think my brother taught himself too.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:39 No.4438100
    I'm in the process of training myself to do it after years of pecking. I know where the keys are, but I only ever used two fingers. Sad part is I could still type more efficiently than most touch-typers I knew,
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:39 No.4438102
    I don't remember learning. all I remember is that when they tried to teach the class in middle school I finished the final test the first day and played video games while everyone else learned to type.
    I only type ~80 wpm, but I don't really need to type faster, so i don't bother trying.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:41 No.4438113
    Started using computer pretty much right after school 'till bed time around grade 7. Eventually after a year of that chat speak everyone uses I was like "Fuck this is stupid" and just started using proper grammar, and spelling. The rest just came naturally.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:41 No.4438115
    >middle school
    meant elementary school
    the typing program they had came on 5 1/4 disks, lol, mavis beacon
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:41 No.4438118
    Get The Typing of the Dead, son.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:42 No.4438125
    They still sell Mavis Beacon. Hasn't changed much.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:43 No.4438131
         File :1242794597.jpg-(2 KB, 126x50, 1241708741060s.jpg)
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    fucking win!
    >> ‮suomynonA‬ 05/20/09(Wed)00:43 No.4438134
         File :1242794619.png-(31 KB, 400x132, 400px-Touch_typing.svg.png)
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    I taught myself.

    If you look at the outline of how you "should" use a keyboard touch typing, apparently you're supposed to have both wrists bend left.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:43 No.4438137
    Elementary school. Had like a whole year of typing lessons.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:44 No.4438141
    It was some program my parents got for me for my Commodore 128.

    I fucking remember learning really fast, and now I type loitning.
    >> BANANA !NANNANNANA 05/20/09(Wed)00:44 No.4438145
    Mavis Beacon for 4 years. Now I type 4000 wpm.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:44 No.4438148
    All through elementary school, we had to do the program that is in OP's pic during computer lab time. Then, in middle school, we had classes dedicated to learning to type. I cheated and didn't really give a shit about it until my friend Bobby started trying to have competitions with me. I went nuts after that.

    Now I type around 110wpm.

    Fuck yeah, testosterone and the pointless things you make me do.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:46 No.4438159
    Elementary school. They started us out on laminated pieces of paper for a few months. Shit sucked.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:46 No.4438161
    I learned to touchtype because I was threatened to either learn or have my index fingers broken. I was seven at the time.

    I now type at an upwards of 150 word per minute.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:46 No.4438164

    I took typing classes in grade 9 just so I could browse the internet and play games, while pretending to have no clue to how to computer when the teacher walked by.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:46 No.4438165
    I read a book on touch typing when I was around 13 or so. I learned the "home position" for my fingers and what keys each finger is responsible for. After that, I learned to type by just using the computer constantly.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:47 No.4438172
         File :1242794877.jpg-(206 KB, 533x400, typing-of-the-dead.374630.jpg)
    206 KB

    Kickass typing program. Campy plot + killing zombies that start out as words, then phrases, then bosses with paragraphs that you are rushing to type is a quick way to improve your typing speed. I also guarantee you it's the most fun you'll ever have playing a typing game.


    NoCD patch (optional) + Serial (required) (800KB, no wait limit to download, so download this first.)

    ISO (400something MB)
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:50 No.4438191
    >>Dare I say, a typewriter?

    yep, I took secretarial studies in school - only male in my class, that would have been 88-91, brilliant old style teacher, she'd come round and slap your hands with a ruler if they were incorrect - was annoying at the time, but looking back on it now she was awesome.
    >> Prad Bitt !zJYORZSm4M 05/20/09(Wed)00:51 No.4438200
         File :1242795074.jpg-(93 KB, 398x500, mavisbeacon.jpg)
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    Mavis mother fucking Beacon.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:51 No.4438201
    Typemaster, motherfuckers
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:52 No.4438206
    Fuk year, hanks amom!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:52 No.4438208
    This is me. You guys make me feel old as hell.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:53 No.4438216
    I'll take 17 copies.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:54 No.4438222
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:55 No.4438228
    this thread disappoints me. if you can't troll without looking at the keyboard, you don't belong on /g/.

    i doubt any of you fags could even say what keys your index fingers are supposed to be on without looking down.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:56 No.4438232
    that's easy they're zxcv nm,.
    >> Never networked before. 05/20/09(Wed)00:56 No.4438242

    This made me lol hard.
    >> HTC Touch Pro 2 !HTC/kpa.SU 05/20/09(Wed)00:57 No.4438250
    Taught myself. Originally with one hand on an old laptop, graduated to two with the first actual computer we got.

    (looking back, having fast one-handed typing would have been a great skill to keep)

    Took 8th grade Adv. Computer and the teacher fucking loved me, I could type ~100 WPM. Still had to do Mavis Beacon though, but SC2K was the SHIT.

    also, ~150WPM on a good day.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:58 No.4438254
    "Sounds perfect. Jesus, How am I going to find a copy"
    Then Anon goes out and get one and puts it into my chubby, virginal, pasty white, hands.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)00:58 No.4438258
    Just picked it up myself as I kept using computers.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:01 No.4438289
    I learned how to type by just using a computer for so long. I can type reasonably fast ~70wpm, but i'm really only typing with 3-4 fingers. I tried learning home row but that shit is just stupid
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:02 No.4438300
         File :1242795755.jpg-(152 KB, 638x477, 559361.jpg)
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    You are welcome. I can also provide a Mediafire mirror with the serial & NoCD in the ISO itself (if MU is slow for you guys. Those MU links are not mine, but they are where I got the download from).
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:03 No.4438312
    I bet you're underaged too.

    Or maybe I'm just too old now. But I was going to college when House of the Dead came out.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:04 No.4438317

    Does LAN play work in this one?
    >> I love Rush !/YJTexH0Wc 05/20/09(Wed)01:06 No.4438326
    I just learned by using the computer for years and years.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:07 No.4438338
    Actually, I'm a college.. rising sophomore is it? I just finished my freshman year about a week and a half ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:08 No.4438344
    I can't say. It's an experiment I'd have to try later. 1AM local time here.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:08 No.4438345
    keyboarding class in high school but supplemented with being on the net 24/7
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:09 No.4438352
    Just typing over the years without looking at the keyboard. Pretty simple stuff really.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:15 No.4438397
         File :1242796520.jpg-(147 KB, 601x800, 58624769_sYaJ4-L.jpg)
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    Learned by keying in BASIC program listings from magazines and books.

    I shit brix the first time I saw nibble magazine.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:18 No.4438417
    Here, uploading to Mediafires in 6 RARs (no more than 100Mb each). MF has no download, speed, or time limits, and allows download managers.
    This folder will update automagically as each RAR finishes uploading. Only part 1 is up for now: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2e08a6b350b310b0d956df2962098fcb431abb8b538a57c2c95965eaa7bc68bc

    Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mmczinw2mth/TOTD.part1.rar

    Part 2 is 22% uploaded

    ETA for ALL RAR files is 31 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:18 No.4438426
    Alright, the first thing you have to do is forget that "correct hand position" thing that they try to teach you.

    Second thing you should do is get familiar with your keyboard. Keys are always in the same general area. Without looking move your hand to the top left corner of your keyboard, feel that single key off in the corner? That's the escape key. Bottom left corner? CTRL.

    Then practice without looking at the keyboard. If you make a mistake then hit backspace and fix it, but never look at the keyboard.
    >> It's the Typing of the Dead. 05/20/09(Wed)01:19 No.4438431
    Herp derp, an image or explanation might be in order. The Typing of the Dead.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:20 No.4438440
    fuck yeah basic. taught myself on a vtech
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:21 No.4438445
    Gaming helped me a lot, I kept getting my ass whooped when looking for hotkeys, eventually I just learned on my own
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:24 No.4438473
    play video games
    >> The Typing of the Dead - Part 2 is up Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:26 No.4438491
    This folder will update automagically as each RAR finishes uploading. Only parts 1 & 2 are up for now: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2e08a6b350b310b0d956df2962098fcb431abb8b538a57c2c95965eaa7bc68bc

    Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mmczinw2mth/TOTD.part1.rar

    Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qoyunzmyy22/TOTD.part2.rar

    Part 3 is 30% uploaded.

    ETA for ALL RAR files is 15 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:26 No.4438493
    Typing class in High School was a fucking joke, I could type faster than the teacher
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:29 No.4438519
    Was anyone ever taught that to say each letter as you type it? Eventually getting better as you type each letter faster, and saying it in your head.

    I just think of the whole word while I'm typing. What's up with that?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:31 No.4438528
    Computer Familiarization was a required course at my high school. Had to learn to pass the class. Tried Mavis Beacon before that and couldn't get into it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:31 No.4438529
    Question: Can you number keys?
    >> The Typing of the Dead- Part 3 is UP Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:32 No.4438541
    This folder will update automagically as each RAR finishes uploading. Parts 1 -3 are up now: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2e08a6b350b310b0d956df2962098fcb431abb8b538a57c2c95965eaa7bc68bc

    Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mmczinw2mth/TOTD.part1.rar

    Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qoyunzmyy22/TOTD.part2.rar

    Part 3 is http://www.mediafire.com/file/yxgyzwekqng/TOTD.part3.rar

    Part 4 is 21% uploaded.

    ETA for ALL RAR files is (still...) 15 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:32 No.4438545
    I guess you can number anything you like.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:34 No.4438551
    I can't 10 key for shit, shits obsolete anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:34 No.4438552

    A full year of keyboarding my freshman year in high school. Using copy books, Wordperfect 5.1, and a stopwatch for tests.
    Ended up at 65wpm at the end of the year, from having no skill at the beginning.
    Took forever to get up to 30wpm, and then I accelerated pretty quickly from there. Now I can reach 120wpm in some settings with some texts.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:39 No.4438587
         File :1242797964.gif-(171 KB, 375x375, 1235812425627.gif)
    171 KB
    >high school

    i was programming C and C++ when i was in 4th grade, basic before that. suffice to say, i could type fast early on.
    >> The Typing of the Dead- Part 4 is UP Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:40 No.4438593
    This folder will update automagically as each RAR finishes uploading. Parts 1 -3 are up now: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2e08a6b350b310b0d956df2962098fcb431abb8b538a57c2c95965eaa7bc68bc

    Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mmczinw2mth/TOTD.part1.rar

    Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qoyunzmyy22/TOTD.part2.rar

    Part 3 is http://www.mediafire.com/file/yxgyzwekqng/TOTD.part3.rar

    Part 4: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m4xmymqfzm1/TOTD.part4.rar

    Part 5 is 17% uploaded.

    ETA for ALL remaining RAR files is 6 minutes 23 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:42 No.4438605
    I was coding in C when I was in the 8th grade. All I really did was make calculators and programs that would fuck with your mouse/keyboard. I was so 1337 back then
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:44 No.4438616
         File :1242798257.jpg-(32 KB, 659x300, taipinguobudeto.jpg)
    32 KB
    Im sorry, did you say Typing of the Date?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:46 No.4438631
    So what is a good program to help teach someone these days? I know mavis fuckin beacon used to be the shit to use, but.....I kind of was born natural to it. However, I want to help my mom lrn2type and wnat to get a good program to help teach her, I would give her the Typing of the Dead shit, but she is easily scared by stuff like that lol.

    So yeah what is a good typing teaching program now?
    >> Typing of the Dead: ALL PARTS UPLOADED Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)01:48 No.4438644
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:08 No.4438757
    Thank you kind anon, I rarely get this kind of service without providing at least one of the two kinds of blow.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:10 No.4438772
    Huh, part 4 doesn't seem to be working.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:13 No.4438793
    Came naturally, however, I type like some sort of idiot, and my pinky fingers never hit the keyboard.
    Its too late for me to fix it now, and I'm too lazy.
    Whatever, I still do 60-80 wpm with high accuracy so I'm ok with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:22 No.4438841
    had language problems when running Typing of the Dead T_T any solutions?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:26 No.4438857

    you are not alone. i took the same class.

    final test was a letter with a clothe in the fucking keys, you have to do it without watching and with a 5 error margin.

    shit was hard, really
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:30 No.4438875
    typewriting class. 10th grade.
    they were actually typewriters, computerized, but not PCs.
    that was back in 1987. i can type like a mutherfucker now.
    a couple of years ago, i read that my typing teacher was brutally raped and murdered by some niggers.
    crazy shit man. crazy shit. happened un rural NC.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:35 No.4438903
         File :1242801312.jpg-(21 KB, 300x458, pinky out.jpg)
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    lol that must luck gay as fuck (pic related).
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)02:37 No.4438915
    I learned to touch type on an mechanical typewriter, that's right with sticking tape and everything. It was in the early 90s.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)03:29 No.4439262
    I would like to know this too, not for my mommy but for myself, I can touch type but would like to speed up my shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)03:31 No.4439272
    Myself using chats
    >> Giggity !!m19rdTOwvAR 05/20/09(Wed)03:34 No.4439294

    That's what you get for starting to fiddle with computers ever since your mom brought home an IBM with Windows 3.x when you were 4 years old.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)03:38 No.4439322
    Can't you play Typing of the Dead?

    >>4439294 Autodedact.
    Try teaching youreself to spell while you're at it.
    >> Giggity !!m19rdTOwvAR 05/20/09(Wed)03:43 No.4439352
    Butthurt are we?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)03:43 No.4439356
    Well I would rather have a normal program to try to learn, not a crazy zombie game.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)03:51 No.4439403
    Butthurt... by what?

    Why? Of all the typing programs I know, the zombie game has the best approach, and it will do a better job of putting your mind on something other than your fingers.
    >> Giggity !!m19rdTOwvAR 05/20/09(Wed)03:53 No.4439413
    You're obviously butthurt by something, otherwise why would you waste your time by correcting a mere spelling error?
    >> I AM A TRIPFAG !EIrugWqKkI 05/20/09(Wed)03:54 No.4439422
    Mavis motherfucking Beacon, my parents made me do that for an entire summer aeons ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)03:56 No.4439436
    I played MUD's from 1993 ~ 2000

    that did it for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:03 No.4439470
    The best way to learn how to type?
    Trolling the internet
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:06 No.4439487
    If I had something worthwhile to do with my time, I wouldn't be hanging out in a typing thread on /g/. Plus it's an excuse to practice my typing, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:06 No.4439490
    I learnt by working at a busy call centre.
    >> Giggity !!m19rdTOwvAR 05/20/09(Wed)04:16 No.4439561
    True, didn't really think of that.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:20 No.4439585
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:21 No.4439586
    For me it was cheats.
    I loved to play games (my first games was Blood and Duke Nukem 3D, when I was in 5th grade). And I loved to use cheats in them.
    >> Alcoholic !swe/yyamDk 05/20/09(Wed)04:22 No.4439593
    I just typed. That pretty much worked out for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:24 No.4439605
    I learned how to touch type using this program called Fastype for Win95.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:28 No.4439631
    uhh i just learnt it from using my computer constantly
    i was typing without looking and very quickly with 2 fingers on each hand, spent 1 week getting used to all 4 fingers and the thumb, now i type at about 160-170wpm.

    if theres autocorrection on capitals, i can get to about 190.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:32 No.4439654
    Learned by playing MMORPGs.
    ~350 cpm.
    I don't look at the keyboard and most of the time I use 5-7 fingers.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:34 No.4439661
    I learned to touch type playing UO on a sphere emulated server.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:37 No.4439677
    Typefaster, cause i tried the Colemak layout
    for qwerty I used QWERTY Warriors

    But back in the day, I did the jfjfjfjfjfjffjjffjjffjjffjj training in Word Perfect >:3
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:44 No.4439706
    I still can't touch type and my max wpm is ~40...

    /g/, be honest am I a freak.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:45 No.4439709
    I never learned to type properly
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:53 No.4439767
    Learned my own way of doing it quite early.

    School tried to teach me the "correct" way which I promptly ignored and still typed the fastest out of the entire class using my self-taught method.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)04:57 No.4439806
    I learned myself just got there after typing for over a decade from the age of about 5. I'm even up to touch-typing on a dvorak layout after switching recently, back on qwerty i'm a pro though can read off a presentation or a blackboard and touchtype at the same time, while maintaining speed.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)09:18 No.4441245
    Reuploading P4...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)09:20 No.4441250
    7th or 8th grade, on an electric typewriter.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)09:21 No.4441260

    ... and got shitty grades, because you were supposed to use the teached method instead of your own faggotry.
    Happened to me too.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)09:27 No.4441291
    Diablo 1 / Unreal tournament / Quake 3

    If you wanted to chat in-game you needed to touchtype and control the screen or random fags would rape your ass like the fotns.

    I think the new generation of faggots learn with WOW or similar gay mmorpg.
    >> The Typing of the Dead - PART 4 REUPLOADED Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)09:27 No.4441292

    Eating my own dog food by downloading my uploads to make sure all parts are now good...

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