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    Updated @ 2:50AM on 5/9/09

    File :1242003647.png-(5 KB, 79x101, grr.png)
    5 KB Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:00 No.4353706  
    If 4chan was your website, what would you change about it?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:02 No.4353722
    shut down /b/ and integrate better file-sharing options
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:02 No.4353725
    Several dedicated janitors for every worksafe board that worked in shifts, making sure that at least two always covered a board at any given time.
    More public bans.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:03 No.4353729
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:03 No.4353734
    Ban the faggots who whine about techloligy threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:04 No.4353740
    permaban you
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:05 No.4353746
    Ban entire subnets.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:05 No.4353750
    remove the report function because it hasn't worked for some time
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:06 No.4353757

    Shut down /b/. If /r9k/ starts to shit up, get rid of that too.

    Get rid of /rs/ and /t/ so you can get some better advertisements. Shit will be paying for itself if I own it.

    Axe the text-only boards completely while I'm at it.

    Bring back news as /ne/, make it the most heavily moderated board.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:06 No.4353759
    I'd add a /relationships/ board.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:08 No.4353765
    I would sever all links with the wapanese. I also find it kind of fucktarded to offer a firefox extension instead of adding its features on the site itself.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:08 No.4353771
    shut down that shitty bandwidth waste of a board.... yes that one... /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:08 No.4353772
    I'd put it on ebay and pay off as much as possible of the debts.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:09 No.4353773
    Add captcha, and a new site password every week so only frequent lurkers can get in.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:09 No.4353774
    It works rather well, but nobody fucking uses it. Probably for the same reasons people don't know they can delete their posts, it's shoved into the bottom right hand corner of the page.

    My change: A report/delete button appended to every post, not everyone uses the shitty firefag extension.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:09 No.4353776
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:10 No.4353780

    This. Oh god please do this so I can get rid of Firefox forever.
    >> cancer.exe !!ZD0NvvGcSg6 05/10/09(Sun)21:10 No.4353783
    require that users register to post, pay a subscription to post an image
    >> /g/ - !Lolicont/Q 05/10/09(Sun)21:10 No.4353787
    Delete /b/ and /r9k/ permanently and move some boards to the img server.
    Recreate /l/.
    Turn /g/ back into guro.
    Turn /t/ into technology because torrents is all shitty JAV with horrible censoring anyway.
    Get some fucking janitors and mods.
    Lurk all boards more so it doesn't turn to shit like this place has.
    Create a suggestion box.
    Ban spammers way faster.

    Enforce rules like 18+ much more. But the other rules I don't really care about because /g/ has some really good non-tech related threads so I wouldn't really care about staying on topic as long as they are good threads.
    >> Moarfeene !nl2f98o3bQ!!PrgRMGYr2pD 05/10/09(Sun)21:11 No.4353797
    Get rid of /b/ and /r9k/. (inb4 shitstorm.) /g/ and /v/ have enough trolling in them to compensate.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:11 No.4353798
    Fucking sell it
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:12 No.4353803
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:12 No.4353805
    >Enforce rules like 18+ much more.
    I miss the days when just mentioning you were under 18 would get you banned within seconds.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:13 No.4353808
    Your last suggestion would have you removed from the site.
    >> !byte.So5gY 05/10/09(Sun)21:13 No.4353810
    I'd make it redirect to Gaia
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:14 No.4353814
    I'd turn it off.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:14 No.4353819
    Make an /i/nvasion board.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:15 No.4353826
    I am deeply offended by your statement that I have sex with my mother. Furthermore, you fight like a cow.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:16 No.4353828
    get rid of all the mexicans, that's for sure
    >> /g/ - !Lolicont/Q 05/10/09(Sun)21:16 No.4353831
    If that makes you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:17 No.4353839
    I'd post more often with my mod tripcode.
    Nothing worse than having a website where it's users think it is barely moderated.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:18 No.4353842
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:19 No.4353848
    >> PIFTS.EXE !!CPw+aHh4XGI 05/10/09(Sun)21:19 No.4353853
    auto parse links, move /b/ and R9K to a whole different website, lower flood detection, remove text boards, open donations, add more features, kill/add some boards, replace/add a ton of mods and janitors...

    thats all I can think of right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:22 No.4353872
    Agreed, one of the mistakes moot made was enforcing Anonymous moderation and minimal interaction between mods and regular fuckheads.
    In days past when a person was banned and mod commented it kept people in line because it was a goddamn visual warning with a target of power to enforce it. Now, posts are just removed silently and nobody knows the fuck why so the stupidity keeps flowing.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:23 No.4353881
    Moot wont allow it, apparently it undermines his status and takes attention off of him if the other mods have names.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:25 No.4353903
    ban the faggots who think /g/ is for posting loli
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:25 No.4353905
    >open donations
    You are new here, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:26 No.4353914
    They don't even need names, let them post with the Anonymous ## Mod flag. A large chunk of the old memes were jokes started from mod and admin interactions with the userbase on several boards.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:29 No.4353940
    A proper /video/ board.
    Keep uploads to under a certain file size and you're all good. One WS, one NWS.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:29 No.4353941
    >auto parse links
    there's a reason this is disabled
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:30 No.4353950
    The only mod that uses a name, as far as i know, is maggot, besides snacks who is no longer a mod
    >> PIFTS.EXE !!CPw+aHh4XGI 05/10/09(Sun)21:30 No.4353957
    wouldn't hurt.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:31 No.4353968
    >> Q of the Q Continuum !oCGJ.ggqF. 05/10/09(Sun)21:33 No.4353986
    I think you are all forgetting that if you shut down /b/ and /r9k/ then all the shit will just come here (though I realize most of it already has). I say, during peak hours, just permaban everyone that posted on /b/ in the last 3 days. In that way, all the underage B& will be gone and the other boards might get less shitty.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:34 No.4353995
    All they'd have to do is reset their modem and they can post again. Maybe a MAC ban, a relatively normal person wouldn't be able to change that easily.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:36 No.4354018
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    >remove the report function because it hasn't worked for some time
    >It works rather well
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:37 No.4354028
    The fucking idiots on /b/ wouldn't know that, the first thing they try for are proxies which will eventually all end up banned.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:37 No.4354029
    I'll permaban all posters from all boards, if possible i'll ban their macs too. The few ones capable of coming back will be the smart ones (or at least not the complete retards). Repeat each month or so. It's natural selection.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:38 No.4354036
    Probably ban all tripfags which would help the worksafe boards at least.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:40 No.4354054
    i'll also ban this fags who repost reaction pics from /a/ or /jp/, furthermore, just looking at the filename you can realize it was saved recently, therefore it's a newfag who think /g/ always was technololigy or a bad copy of /jp/
    >> Q of the Q Continuum !oCGJ.ggqF. 05/10/09(Sun)21:40 No.4354055
    This would work too. However, I don't think the average /b/ goer would know how to get unbanned. Still, your suggestion is better.
    >> Nvidia 9800GTX+ !llTONVIDIA 05/10/09(Sun)21:40 No.4354058
    More weeaboo shit. Less fail. More mods. Permanently ban IP's. Have an integrated image dumper for select boards so there would be no need for 3rd party software.

    No more niggers.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:42 No.4354074
    Travel to 2005 and punch moot until he pulls the fucking plug.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:43 No.4354076
    Force an auto-ban whenever someone quotes their own posts.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:44 No.4354082
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    >More weeaboo shit. Less fail.
    >> Nvidia 9800GTX+ !llTONVIDIA 05/10/09(Sun)21:46 No.4354109
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:47 No.4354115
    While I applaud everyone wanting to close down /b/, their cancer would just spread to every other board. The closest we could ever get to a /b/-free 4chan would be to automatically perma-ban everyone who posts in /b/. Only the dedicated would go through proxies/tor to shit on other boards.

    >Get rid of /rs/
    What? When I need to find obscure shota H-mangas, that's my fucking lifeline, bro. Don't you dare try and cut that off.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:47 No.4354116
    Wouldn't WORK. Paypal etc won't touch this place with a pole.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:47 No.4354117
    Alternatively, pull the fucking plug now and watch how all you faggots riot over it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:51 No.4354146
    Even CP sites can get funds legitimately, just contact comrades from russian chans who might hook us with people who do this kind of job
    >> PIFTS.EXE !!CPw+aHh4XGI 05/10/09(Sun)21:51 No.4354147
    shit forgot about that.
    just paste ads all over /b/ then.
    >> Q of the Q Continuum !oCGJ.ggqF. 05/10/09(Sun)21:52 No.4354155
    This. It'd be fun to watch me and half the people in my school go into withdrawal.......
    On second thought....DO IT.....I need my life back...
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)21:53 No.4354164
    /b/ needs to remain, but instead of automatically banning people just institute a script that randomly B&s people for a few hours. Possibly vary the length of the ban randomly as well.
    Sort of like /r9k/ except without the hurr typed the same thing bullshit.

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