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  • File :1239978822.png-(47 KB, 529x599, the_pirate_bay_logosvg.png)
    47 KB Court jails Pirate Bay founders Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:33 No.4128015  
    A court in Sweden has jailed four men behind The Pirate Bay (TPB), the world's most high-profile file-sharing website, in a landmark case.

    Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde were found guilty of breaking copyright law and were sentenced to a year in jail.

    They were also ordered to pay $4.5m (£3m) in damages.


    its been a good run, filesharers, but its over.
    back to buying shit

    inb4 they eventually find out a way to track down everything weve ever downloaded and fine us the combined cost
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:35 No.4128023
    More like The Faggot Bay.
    >> JizzInYourFaceFhukwit !!EQGe35BfT7j 04/17/09(Fri)10:36 No.4128033
    Good riddance.
    >> Suigintou !c/Alice/AE!!qFEAEMcqr26 04/17/09(Fri)10:37 No.4128036
    >its been a good run, filesharers, but its over.
    >back to buying shit

    oh u
    >> !i0HpSeven. 04/17/09(Fri)10:38 No.4128043
    the court was obviously paid off by the industries
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:38 No.4128052

    Most of us didn't download anything from the Pirate Bay anyway.

    Besides, there's still usenet. Although, if those companies that provide usenet ever get sued, there's a paper trail leading back to people who use it (payin' to pirate), so it's even worse in that circumstance. But they'd have to sue the company providing it. :\

    Also, JAILED?! Apparently Sweden takes it's copyright laws very seriously. I don't even remember the guy behind Napster getting jailed. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:39 No.4128061
    >Experts believe the ruling could be the first step towards ending illegal downloading, which has cost music and film companies billions of dollars in lost revenue.
    >> !ISvtripFAg 04/17/09(Fri)10:40 No.4128068
    >back to buying shit
    i didnt stop buying shit, i just dont buy ALL my shit
    >> !i0HpSeven. 04/17/09(Fri)10:41 No.4128075
    lol "experts"

    this changes nothing
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:42 No.4128079
    oh yeah, thank god for usenet

    AOL is pulling the plug on servers hosting newsgroups. AOL subscribers will no longer be able to access such groups directly but will have to go through Google.

    Subscribers who try to access newsgroups receive the following error message from AOL: "From early 2005, AOL members will no longer be able to use the Newsgroup service through AOL. You will however be able to access Usenet newsgroups via Internet Explorer, or Google at http://groups.google.com/. For AOL alternatives, go to AOL Keyword: Community."

    An AOL spokesman said the service is being withdrawn because so few people use it: "Google does a very good job of hosting newsgroups and the typical AOL user probably doesn't use newsgroups that often."

    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:42 No.4128082
    Good. It's disgusting how people steal. It's even more disgusting considering there is a huge open-source free software community, were you can get alternatives to priced software. Don't give me any of that fight the powa big bad capitalist bullshit, so many independent companies have their software pirated and the real reason is you can't be arsed paying for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:42 No.4128085

    Jails in sweden are cottages, you can come and go as you please. Its not like american jail where you have to join and gang and people are piled up 10 people in a cell.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:42 No.4128087
    ....who the fuck still uses AOL? I mean really.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:42 No.4128088
    You wouldn't download a car, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:42 No.4128089
    Nah. Napster, and Kazaa were shut down, and it just lead to better file sharing techniques. They haven't even begun to shut down bittorrent.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:43 No.4128092
    this is why usenet > torrents


    u pay for internet
    u pay for food
    u pay for sex
    u pay for kumputer
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:43 No.4128093
    Sounds like you eurofags can't use that "NANANANAH, WE'RE BETTER THAN AMERICA BECAUSE WE CAN PIRATE SHIT ALL WE WANT" reasoning anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:43 No.4128102
    People use AOL?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:43 No.4128103
    Well yeah, it pretty well known that the police was pressured into action by the swedish goverment, who was pressured by the US gov, who was pressured by the media industry.

    Fucking cunts. Well, they said they were going to appeal and are still confident that they will get away with nothing, and that this trial was a media show.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:44 No.4128106
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:45 No.4128112
    Britfags dont have much choice, all our other ones are worse and more expensive
    >> !Sam.ArSElQ 04/17/09(Fri)10:45 No.4128116
    there are people who still arn't using rapidshare?
    >> JizzInYourFaceFhukwit !!EQGe35BfT7j 04/17/09(Fri)10:45 No.4128118
    And you pay for gay sex with relatives, clearly.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:45 No.4128119
    Typical butthurt response from a usenet user who has buyer's remorse.
    >> !Sam.ArSElQ 04/17/09(Fri)10:46 No.4128126
    Britfag here. What is this I don't even?
    >> !i0HpSeven. 04/17/09(Fri)10:46 No.4128128
    stop bullshitting

    no britfag with at least half a brain uses aol
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:47 No.4128138
    Are you fucking serious? You can't even get AOL service here in the States anymore (not high speed anyway). It's basically all through AIM.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:47 No.4128141
    >"We can't pay and we wouldn't pay. Even if I had the money I would rather burn everything I owned, and I wouldn't even give them the ashes."

    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:48 No.4128147
    Use of Usenet != You are a pirate.

    Usenet is just a file access service. Under the DMCA, the maximum liability of a Usenet provider is to remove file(s) when asked by the copyright holder or an authorized agent of that copyright holder.

    Some people have no news server with their ISP. They have a perfectly valid excuse to access discussion newsgroups with images, more reliable access to text newsgroups, and the ability to download creative commons and other openly licensed media securely and quickly.

    Most Usenet providers, to protect their users, keep no download logs. "You use usenet" is not a valid reason for a lawsuit- any half-decent lawyer would get the case dismissed before trial.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:48 No.4128150
    It's not over at all. This was just a Major hearing.

    They still can appeal at the Court Circuit, and if that still doesn't work, they can appeal at the Supreme Court.

    Besides, the more they appeal the more their sentences get reduced.
    >> !i0HpSeven. 04/17/09(Fri)10:49 No.4128153
    quote of the month
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:50 No.4128159

    Pretty badass, IMO.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:50 No.4128162
    You know, I'd agree with you.

    To a point.

    I've seen so many small software companies built around one simple piece of software where they charge waaay too much for it. It's usually something so simple that somebody else could have coded it in a week. Stuff like mouse drivers for OSX and simple video converters for Windows.

    Hell, I've even seen people charge for fucking video game emulators. Talk about hypocritical...
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:51 No.4128163
    AOL UK is actually an excellent ISP. They're owned by carphone warehouse now and if you can get past the shoddy cs the service is great.
    I download over 200gb a month with no repurcussions, try doing that on BT or any other big uk provider.
    >> JizzInYourFaceFhukwit !!EQGe35BfT7j 04/17/09(Fri)10:54 No.4128182
    >its been a good run, filesharers, but its over.
    back to buying shit
    It takes a truly special kind of brain damaged mongoloid with an IQ of potato to think that, because the pirate bay is going bust, every other way to pirate is going bust too. We've pirated since personal computers were commonplace and we'll keep doing it until they aren't.
    If data can be copied, it can be distributed. Back to retard ranch with you, those baskets are not going to weave themselves.
    >> I'M IN CANADA!!! !HeFBSTLN0Q 04/17/09(Fri)10:54 No.4128184
    >Hell, I've even seen people charge for fucking video game emulators

    NO$GBA, is that you?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:55 No.4128186
    but thats the great thing, noone fucking uses aol anymore.

    they upgraded my service from 512 to 4mb for no fucking reason, i always get full download speed cos they have so many servers that arnt being used, its literally perfect. it used to suck, mind
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:55 No.4128194
    Actually, I think that depends more on how the service you bought is represented.

    Sure, if it's represented as a generic news service, than trying to sue you on "YOU USE USENET" would be an idiotic move.

    But if it's represented as "HOLY SHIT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD ALL THE PROGRAMS AND MOVIES YOU WANT SO FAST HERE GOD DAMN", then you can probably make the assumption that the user got the Usenet service to pirate software/movies.

    It is circumstantial, but if you were ever brought into court, it'd be a civil case. You'd have to prove you weren't using the service to pirate software.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:56 No.4128195
    oh i get that rotating ip thing[forgot its name] and i get no download limits for like 12 quid . its awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)10:57 No.4128203
    Doesn't he charge money for the latest edition of No$GBA.

    Moar liek $GBA AMIRITE?
    >> I'M IN CANADA!!! !HeFBSTLN0Q 04/17/09(Fri)11:00 No.4128213

    indeed. he's charged money for it forever.

    that's what i was making reference to.

    smart people just use Visualboy advance.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:00 No.4128217
    Mine markets itself as reliable way to get discussions up to 365 days old. No marketing about binary content.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:02 No.4128234

    >u pay for sex

    Er, no. Get a girlfriend, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:04 No.4128246
    jesus christ, it's only pirate bay. not only are the MANY more torrent sites, there are many alternatives to torrenting altogether. i have an old standby that no one has mentioned that has been in use before bit torrent and will probably survive after it. and no i won't mention what it is. you can do your own search just like i did years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:06 No.4128258
    >its been a good run, filesharers, but its over.
    >back to buying shit

    lol no, you're just retarded... tpb is ONE bittorrent tracker and it took the feds years to arrest someone. this is just bullshit, nothing will change.

    say, is it troll's day today or why are people making up stupid claims on /g/ everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:09 No.4128275
         File :1239980992.jpg-(109 KB, 449x330, 1238770866405.jpg)
    109 KB

    because girlfriends dont cost money brah
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:09 No.4128276
    it's an easy appeal, they won't serve jail time and will have to pay a fine at the most
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:10 No.4128280
    It's Limewire isn't it?

    Enjoy your fail.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:10 No.4128283
    >and no i won't mention what it is. you can do your own search just like i did years ago.

    this is why /g/ are faggots
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:12 No.4128293
    >I don't even remember the guy behind Napster getting jailed. Christ.

    i believe the case ended in a settlement and Napster became a legit buyfag site
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:15 No.4128304
    You mean swedefags.

    Under the laws of other countries this case could've ended differently.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:17 No.4128320

    by going all neener neener we are the pirates at the courts and goverment...

    political pirate party LOLWTF

    retarded shit... should've laid as low as humanly possible
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:24 No.4128341
    No. Pirates wouldnt have bought it anyway. We just use a differnt tracker
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:24 No.4128342
    Dumb kids trying to make a statement, basically
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:25 No.4128350
    yep, EL OH EL

    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:30 No.4128381
    who gives a shit...
    they were pissing people off left and right. this kinda shit can lead to legislation changes due to RAGE. never a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:31 No.4128384
    Fuck no, that shit was entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:34 No.4128405

    Fucking horrible site.
    Search is shit, torrents organization is shit, ads infested.
    Add to this the childish : "hurr durr we aer teh pirateninja of the freedomship of the intebutts FUCK YERRR u can't touch this gr€€dy corporationz"
    On the other hand we have sites like mininova that to their job quietly, with a nice interface and very few ads.
    That's how you do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:39 No.4128444
    I bet those fucking american jews are proud of themselves.
    Well, guess what fuckers. Nobody will be buying your shit anyways.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:46 No.4128501
    So are you saying you would have to prove your innocence since there is not enough evidence to prove your guilt?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:47 No.4128513
    The Piratebay is a SYMBOL

    Be elitist somewhere else
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:51 No.4128545
    In honor of my fellow pirates we are in a war now a huge war we are now blood brothers and here is a video dedicated to all of you

    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:52 No.4128556
    And he's being elitist about a pub, no less. What a scrub.

    TPB is pretty sweet for movies, actually. Music not so much but I still support them in this.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:53 No.4128562
    Sadly enough, that's not too far from how it goes.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)11:57 No.4128581
    Money talks bullshit walks.

    That's how it has always been. Forget your democracy bullshit. There's no democracy or justice. There's just money and power. TPB got none of that, that's why they've lost.
    >> isac 04/17/09(Fri)12:04 No.4128639
         File :1239984249.gif-(1 KB, 195x50, logo.gif)
    1 KB
    i go to isohunt.com no problems here
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)12:13 No.4128712
    It depends. In a civil court, it's not innocent until proven guilty.

    So if you get a bad lawyer, or their side really makes a good case, you could lose on the basis of not proving you weren't doing something illegal.

    The main points you'd have to argue:
    -Usenet has illegal content. Youtube hosts illegal content- at times- and when the copyright owner notifies the Usenet provider, they remove it. It's legally compliant.
    -SSL Encryption- it's to make your discussions private from your ISP. Just like your ISP doesn't have to know your credit card number when you buy stuff from Amazon.com, they don't need to see what you're discussing.
    -Encryption on the hard drive. You put work shit on the drive and are required to keep employee, company, and/or client data secure.

    Basically, you'd want to make yourself into the little guy who is being bullied by a big media company with broad and unproven accusations.

    The RIAA has only ever won one case against an individual filesharer- and they ended up losing the appeal.

    -The usenet provider has no logs
    -The usenet provider doesn't market itself as a way to get illegal content
    -There is no obvious evidence that you downloaded anything.

    You'd probably win.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)12:19 No.4128764
    The fuck? That site has no comments
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)12:23 No.4128796
    I actually happen to work for the RIAA. I hope all you faggot pirates get taken down.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)12:28 No.4128823
    >I actually happen to work for the RIAA. I hope all you faggot pirates get taken down.

    Disregard that, I suck cocks.

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