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    12 KB VIRUS SCANNERS ARE A WASTE OF MONEY Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:23 No.4106362  
    My friend constantly made fun of me for using various security software packages and constantly droned on and on about Common Sense 2005/2006/2007/2008/2009. Well just yesterday his common sense failed and an easily detectable virus(he sent me an e-mail with an attachment that was infected) was not detected on his end because he refused to secure his system. Turns out his mom signed on and she got a virus visiting a porn site.

    Nice going faggot. Even a free scanner could have saved you. Was it worth saving the 20mb of RAM when 99% of the time 3GB is sitting there doing nothing?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:27 No.4106381
    >Was it worth saving the 20mb of RAM when 99% of the time 3GB is sitting there doing nothing?

    This. Nothing pisses me off more than someone who thinks saving 1 millisecond of time is important.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:29 No.4106390
    >Turns out his mom signed on and she got a virus visiting a porn site.
    >Mom visiting a porn site.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:29 No.4106392
    If you have more than 3GB of RAM and a dual core processor then a virus scanner isn't going to slow you down at all.
    >> !GatesFYQW2 04/15/09(Wed)07:32 No.4106402
    >Turns out his mom signed on and she got a virus visiting a porn site.

    And that is why you don't let computer illiterate people sign on your computer. If they have to, at least make them an account without admin privileges.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:33 No.4106407
    >Turns out his mom signed on and she got a virus visiting a porn site.
    go on...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:36 No.4106420
    >And that is why you don't let computer illiterate people sign on your computer

    And that is why smart people just install fucking virus scanners because there is always that possibility of human error (not keeping dumb parents or siblings off PC) getting you infected with serious viruses. Saving minimal time and minimal ram is not worth it. Human error is impossible to avoid.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:37 No.4106427
    I have an i7 setup.
    I can't stand the thought of a shitty antivirus software sucking 1% of my resources .
    Also I'm not buying in the "PH3AR THE HAX0RS HURR DURR" propaganda of security software houses.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:39 No.4106437
    I was just hacked recently because I turned off my virus scanner while gaming to get an extra few frames per second. I got infected and some asshole got into my bank account as a result which meant I got to have fun calling all the banks and credit cards saying it wasn't me. Sure was worth it!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:41 No.4106443

    Fearmonger detected
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:41 No.4106444

    ...just plain..gtfo my internets... i hate everyone that thinks they need a virus scanner... just dont download bullshit, and use opera. job done
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:41 No.4106445
    Common Sense is just /g/'s way of trolling. Anyone who is smart will disregard it and learn to secure their PC the proper way.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:43 No.4106454

    Why would you keep your bank account information on a PC that is actively in use and constantly exposed to threats?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:43 No.4106458
    Linux doesn't have viruses!

    Oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:44 No.4106461
    sure is samefag around here
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:45 No.4106476
    it's not the processor or RAM getting used that bothers me. what bothers me is this:
    every virus protection program i've ever tried is annoying. they always have features (messages and such) that can't be disabled. they can't be turned off conveniently (for example when i'm offline and want to take my condom off and run around the house naked).
    so usually, i install the shit, run it, make sure i'm clean, then delete it.
    can anon recommend a good program that truly keeps itself in the background and also allows the user to turn it off completely from time to time without hassle?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:45 No.4106477
    >Use firefox + Noscript, and sit behind an active NAT firewall on your router, and make sure you're running the latest version of common sense too.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:48 No.4106494
    Noscript is still succeptible to human error. One misclick, or one dumb sibling/parent and you can get a virus that OOPS YOU CANT STOP IT NOW BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO INSTALL ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE
    >> !GatesFYQW2 04/15/09(Wed)07:48 No.4106495

    Human error is one thing, running porn.exe as administrator is another.

    If "smart" people feel the need to run virus scanners because they fear they may get "infected with serious viruses", then I wonder how smart they really are.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:52 No.4106530

    I use AVG with resident shield disabled.
    If you disable all the alerts it just sit on your tray doing nothing.
    When you download something that you are unsure of, just right click and run a scan on it
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:53 No.4106537
    I don't live at home bro, so I don't really have to worry about siblings or parents using my pc.

    And if something looks qiestionable on noscript, then my common sense 2009 SE alerts me with a handy popup not to allow the scripts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:54 No.4106541
    wat. Been using Server08 for a year and Vista for another year before that. 0 Viruses what so ever, installed an AV once with the whole conflicker dooha (0 threats) one thing i do get is spyware (adrevolver?) which is easily dealt with.

    inbuilt firewall + UAC is enough for me
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:56 No.4106555
    Like I said, human error is unavoidable. Even if you have no one living in your house there is still the potential of misclicking. One time I misclicked because I was extremely tired and I accidentally globally allowed all scripts, a virus immediately loaded and my antivirus caught it before any damage could be done.

    Another time I misclicked on a link because I was tired(before I had noscript). Another time a friend sent an attachment that was infected. There is so many potential situations where having that virus scanner can save your ass that it's simply not worth getting that .001% increase of performance.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:59 No.4106572
    You just don't get it do you? There are things that can happen beyond your control that make all the measures you take completely worthless.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)07:59 No.4106573
    once i downloaded a vundo removal tool from TPB that installed another virus. i was proud.
    it was my retarded cousin's machine. i ended up formatting it for him and he was happy.
    >> Tidus !wf9v8AuMdU!!Ch0KdYKZUdO 04/15/09(Wed)08:03 No.4106590


    not sure if serious.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:03 No.4106591
    >I accidentally globally allowed all scripts, a virus immediately loaded

    Get out, kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:03 No.4106593
    ITT: faggots arguing in the same tone as Jesus is God vs. there is no god.

    seriously, WHY IN THE FUCK would a any protection user be bothered that others aren't protected? and FFS, why would any faggot that doesn't use the shit be bothered that someone does?

    i personally don't use it. not regularly. do i get viruses? sometimes. do i care? a little.
    so i clean up now and then or just refuckingformat.
    the viruses don't steal your fucking soul or kill your children. they just annoy.
    >> !GatesFYQW2 04/15/09(Wed)08:06 No.4106612

    I don't think you understand what "viruses" are or how they operate. By reading your posts, it seems to me that you are under the impression that every website out there is exploited as hell and is just waiting for you to turn off no script to launch all its malicious scripts at you.

    If you feel more secure when you run virus scanners, by all means keep doing it. However, don't try to say that you are smart and that everyone who is not using one is stupid. I've been running "common sense" for years on windows and never had a single issue.

    UAC/Firewall/Noscript are more than enough for me, I'm sorry that this is not the case for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:06 No.4106615
    >Turns out his mom signed on and she got a virus visiting a porn site.
    This sounds legit, also you have no friends and your made up story made me smile.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:09 No.4106638
    and then they made noscript and adblock+.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:13 No.4106662
    i once had a girlfriend (really) whose mom was a crazy ass bitch.
    her mom actually screamed at here one day for taking her seatbelt off while driving around in a parking lot looking for a space.
    while i do support the use of seatbelts and i use mine regularly, i do not have panic attacks when others choose not to wear one.
    also, sometimes i neglect to use mine, especially on short trips.
    i needed to say that. i feel better now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:18 No.4106692
    Regardless of what OP says, AVs *are* a waste of money and resources. I haven't used one in years, and the only three viruses I got were through P2P. Two of them, I managed to fix myself without even reading any online document, and the last one force me to format. The three could have been avoided if I had been paying more attention before running those stupid exes.

    Fuck you, OP. Keep wasting your money and/or on completely fallible software and a false sense of security.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:20 No.4106718
    *and/or time
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:21 No.4106727
    you will die of a computer virus.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)08:24 No.4106746
    Also, I don't use a firewall. That's just how badass I am.

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