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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1239147865.jpg-(16 KB, 600x400, TimeWarnerCable_Logo_1.jpg)
    16 KB http://www.joystiq.com/2009/04/07/a-look-at-time-warners-broadband-pricing-structure/ Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:44 No.4029066  
    Time Warner Cable is testing capped internet

    The price structure:

    * 5GB: $29.99/month
    * 10GB: $39.99/month
    * 20GB: $49.99/month
    * 40GB: $54.90/month
    * 100GB: No information yet

    This is bad /g/. Very. Very. Bad. The US has prided itself over the rest of the world with our unlimited internet but now Comcast and TWC are looking into data caps.

    It's only a matter of time before ATT (my ISP) and the rest of the ISPs follow suit.

    What can we do to keep our unlimited internet? This is urgent, fellow neckbeards!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:47 No.4029088
    If they pull that shit, I'm switching to FiOS or Knology.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:47 No.4029090
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    How about we give them a shitload of money for them to upgrade their infrastructure. Oh wait.

    Do you think the justice department is going to hold companies like AT&T responsible for anything if they agree to do the NSA's bidding?

    Enjoy your classical fascist style collusion of government and corporate interests. Obama will not save you.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:48 No.4029096

    >20GB: $49.99/month

    What. This is the same price as internet in Australia, and I always thought we had comically high prices.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:48 No.4029104
    >The US has prided itself over the rest of the world with our unlimited internet

    Jesus Christ, I hope you're fucking trolling.

    US internet is shit compared to European internet, not to mention Asian internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:50 No.4029121
    why is south korea owning the world with it's broadband still?

    I thought USA was a super power or something, I guess it's all just a lie.

    Time to move to Seoul amerifags
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:52 No.4029134
    Comcast already has a 250gb cap. It isn't really bad. I download everything I see and I haven't been penalized.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:52 No.4029138
    it's unabomber time!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:52 No.4029144
    i'm in austin, and yes, they plan on implementing this pricing structure in early to mid-september.

    only other isp options are at&t dsl and grande communications (who uses twc lines).

    unfortunately, at&t is currently doing capped testing in the same city that twc initially did - beaumont. so really, it is only a matter of time.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:53 No.4029146

    Not bad? You're a fucking sheep. I go through 250GB in one or two weeks.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:53 No.4029149

    Perhaps it was a bit of an overstatement but i meant that until now US internet has not had a data pricing structure. You can download as much as you want (provided it's not an insane amount like 1 terabyte)and your monthly rate would not change. NOW there is evidence that ISPs want to charge per GB, just like Ausfailia and the UK etc.

    Our broadband infrastructure is a whole other issue.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:53 No.4029154
    Can anyone say REGRESSION?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:54 No.4029156
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    >* 5GB: $29.99/month

    that is ridonkulous
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:55 No.4029158
    I would rather use a free dial up service than pay for bandwith on broadband
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:56 No.4029171
         File :1239148584.jpg-(30 KB, 640x478, 1174845828940.jpg)
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    >at&t is currently doing capped testing
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:56 No.4029172

    The rest of the world is not Australia, bro. This type of shit is unusual in places with proper infrastructure and IT culture, and if it does exist it's optional with an extremely reduced rate.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:56 No.4029173
    the UK doesn't pay per GB.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:57 No.4029180
    how do you keep track of how much you've used? Through the ISP or is there a program for it?
    >> !0MGFfFFfF. 04/07/09(Tue)19:58 No.4029185
    Think they'll give us roll over bandwidth?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)19:58 No.4029189
    centurytel is still being good for me
    quit paying for this crap service people
    your support only keep them going
    switch to dsl, switch to satellite, fucking leech wifi if you have too, but don't keep supporting these greedy fucks
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:00 No.4029199
    yes it does fucktard, every isp is capped
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:00 No.4029200
    Yes we do, my neighbours just got cut off for destroying sky's fair usage policy, and are under investigation.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:01 No.4029207
    at least with comcast, they allow you to log in and check your usage data
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:06 No.4029247
    How much bandwidth does playing lots of online vidja gaems take up monthly? I mean, honestly, the only people this is going to hurt is the pirates. And I mean the people who seed everything or just download 100 terabytes of music and only listen to about 3 albums.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:07 No.4029253

    Well, your country is fucked too. Don't use Sky then.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:08 No.4029261
    The free version of Netlimiter
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:09 No.4029273
    online games use almost no bandwidth
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:10 No.4029279


    digital distribution is going to take it in the ass because of these caps.

    hey you like to buy games on steam? TOO BAD because you're going to hit your cap with one or two purchases

    like to buy mp3s or movies online for download? TOO BAD gonna hit that cap fast
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:12 No.4029293
    Or people who actually use the internet. I know I move an insane amount of data over my connection when I'm working from home.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:12 No.4029294
    Think of it this way. $30 = 5 GB of data

    A DVD with a movie = 4.7 GB of data

    A DVD's cost = $10-$30 tops & you know exactly what you're going to get, unlike the internet.

    Total bullshit. This and charging serious $ for text messages is ridiculous. Telecoms want us thrown back to dialup days.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:12 No.4029299
    lmao capped internets
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:14 No.4029307
    My ISP has a de facto 26TB/month cap. Why? Because I have unlimited 100 Mbit/s for 10 USD / month, and that's the maximum I could download in that timespan. Learn to developed IT infrastructure, fools.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:14 No.4029309
    Hopefully all the big vidya gaem corporations file a lawsuit for this.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:14 No.4029313

    You two have no fucking clue. Almost no bandwidth? Upstream, sure. Down... no.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:14 No.4029318
    I have a 15 Mbit connection with Shaw, here in Canada.

    100GB cap, but guess what the funny thing is? You can go over up until you reach 500GB every month before they tell you to knock it off. They don't charge any extra if you go over.

    Network management is needed to stop the piratefags from ruining it for the rest of us, but Time Warner is taking it a bit too far.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:14 No.4029319
    verizon is probably fapping furiously over the thought of everyone in america soon wanting to switch over to FiOS
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:14 No.4029320
    Honestly I think they should just charge say... 50 bucks a month for one TERRABYTE of storage. If you go over, then wah, pirate less porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:15 No.4029321
    Why do they want to do this capped internet thing? Aren't they making enough money as it is?

    I'm a little confused here. How is using more bandwidth bad for the ISPs?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:15 No.4029322
    Where do you live? What ISP?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:15 No.4029324
    I like the bombing idea
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:16 No.4029333
    >I mean, honestly, the only people this is going to hurt is the pirates.
    lol wut? just this month steam downloaded over 10Gb worth of patches for game I owned, screwing me over for my monthly usage.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:17 No.4029335
    >Network management is needed to stop the piratefags from ruining it for the rest of us

    This is what providers want you to believe. Shit couldn't be much further from the truth.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:17 No.4029336
         File :1239149852.jpg-(54 KB, 640x480, 1239130872510.jpg)
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    >Because I have unlimited 100 Mbit/s for 10 USD / month

    Stop lying.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:18 No.4029350
    >I'm a little confused here. How is using more bandwidth bad for the ISPs?

    It wouldn't be, if they actually used the money we paid them for internet to continuously upgrade their infrastructure over time rather than just sitting on their asses doing nothing with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:19 No.4029352
    thanks greedy corporations, you make war driving sound reasonable
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:20 No.4029360

    Sweden, Bredband 2.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:20 No.4029365
    >I mean, honestly, the only people this is going to hurt is the pirates.

    And upstart digital content distributors they are moving to try to preempt.

    The traditional model is dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:20 No.4029368
    This might be the motive to make me actually go outside and do something productive.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:20 No.4029369

    Oh wait I see what you're saying
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:22 No.4029376
         File :1239150168.jpg-(65 KB, 428x446, dokuro3.jpg)
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    Sage for irrelevancy, but angels are fucking delicious.

    Although no caps means more digital distribution of delicious anime angel content. Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:23 No.4029377

    Sweden doesn't count. Look how much bigger America is compared to the tiny country of Europe. Japan has fast internet also since it's an extremely small country, therefore upgrading the infrastructure is easy and cheap.

    Then we also have a ton of rural areas.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:24 No.4029381
    god fucking damn it, get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:24 No.4029383
    I believe in South Korea,

    $29.99/month = Unlimited and 10mb/s
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:24 No.4029386
    Time Warner wants to kill their own company?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:25 No.4029390
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:26 No.4029392

    What the hell game was that?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:29 No.4029413
    We raid. We go to the /i/'s, we plot, we scheme. We DDOS. We riot, we protest(violently, not chanology hugbox) We're not going to take this shit standing up. A lot of us will be V&, but we will fuck them in the ass.

    We spread shit about their company. Slander, libel, it doesn't need to be true, it just needs to hurt them. Fuck TIme Warner in the ass.

    Signed, The CEO of Verizon's Internet Dept.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:30 No.4029417
    I think he meant gameS
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:30 No.4029418

    No. That is why they are only doing this in areas where they have no competition.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:32 No.4029427

    I'm just writing that in terms of what this will lead up to: the compilation of all downloaded, uploaded, and viewed media of the subscribers. Don't believe me? Look at the UK.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:32 No.4029431
    >DDOS an ISP that has access to fucktons of bandwidth
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:32 No.4029435
    We draw pictures in /i/
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:34 No.4029442
    you don't even make any goddamn sense. that has nothing to do with your lack of understanding of the difference between bandwidth, transfer amount, and storage.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:34 No.4029444


    Not on Time Warner Cable, faggot!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:35 No.4029453
    I live in a third world country and I pay $50 NZ for unlimited.
    That's about $25 for you fags.
    It's only 4,500kbp/s full tit, but goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:35 No.4029455
         File :1239150924.png-(77 KB, 983x868, fagstatusiswhat.png)
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    Taken from a very popular price comparison service in Sweden (prisjakt.nu).

    This is possible due to the fact that almost every city and town in Sweden has recieved government allowances to spend on developing broadband infrastructures, where private ISP's may offer their services at extremely low rates (the lowest one here being 39 SEK / month ~ 5 USD / month for 100 Mbit/s unlimited).

    I won't bother translating it all for you, seeing as how google translate doesn't work well with the script on the page. But the numbers sure as hell don't lie.
    >> !0MGFfFFfF. 04/07/09(Tue)20:36 No.4029463
    Atleast they'll uncap the speeds, right guise? right..?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:37 No.4029470

    Means it's available in some big cities while the rest of the country still uses ADSL.
    >> Moo !XBOXgikTFw 04/07/09(Tue)20:39 No.4029480
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:40 No.4029490
    lol the internet is getting worse

    I had the same service a decade ago and it was uncapped back then
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:41 No.4029503

    cut all internet contracts

    make them go bankrupt
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:41 No.4029509

    don't instigate tripfaggot
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:43 No.4029525
    >big cities

    No, they exist in pretty much every city or town with a population >30k. Pricing and availibility varies of course, the 5-10 USD / Month are the extreme lows. Double it for the average.

    Many big real estate companies are even starting to include fiber optic connections as included in the rent these days. When I say real estate companies, I mean the people who buy and rent out big apartment buildings, for regular people. That's just the IT climate of Sweden.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:44 No.4029528

    I hope he gives FCC jurisdiction over the internets and they proceed to FUCK OVER Time Warner. Possibly Comcast too, thought their cap is (somewhat) rational.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:44 No.4029530
    Bitch about this.

    I live in Canada, which has just about the very worst selection of ISPs in the world.

    On one hand, there's Rogers. Rogers will charge you $59.99 a month (plus modem rental fees) for 13mbps down and 1mbps up. This also comes with throttled encrypted traffic (not just throttled torrent traffic, ALL encrypted traffic is throttled), throttled torrent traffic on top of throttled encrypted traffic, an 80GB per month download cap, and recently I've been noticing that at certain hours during the day my ping drop rate will approach 50%. THIS IS THE BEST SERVICE THEY OFFER. The alternative, Bell, charges the same for 5mbps down and 1mbps up, an 80GB download per month cap, and a 40KB/s download cap on torrenting. There are other options... sort of. There are small-time DSL companies running off of Bell's lines that will give you 5MB/s down and 5MB/s up for $29.99 a month; however, you are still subject to throttled torrent traffic.

    You guys still have options.
    Use them.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:45 No.4029532
    HOLY FUCK. I'm on Time Warner (Road Runner). Fuck, fucking fuck. I'm glad I am leaving for the Navy soon or Id be infuriated and enraged.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:46 No.4029537
    >gives FCC jurisdiction over the internets
    i think that would be the thing that would finally convince me to move to Europe
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:48 No.4029544
    >I live in a third world country and I pay $50 NZ for unlimited.

    Bullshit NZ have "unlimited" plans.
    It's either gimped or you're lying.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:49 No.4029549
    Canada fucking sucks; what did you expect?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:49 No.4029552
    We just need more competition. Comcast has a humongous monopoly and owns the entire midwest.

    Time Warner has a monopoly on the east coast.

    And AT&T and RCN/Verizon is a tossup to major cities.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:49 No.4029553
         File :1239151771.jpg-(187 KB, 797x903, Untitled.jpg)
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    East coast faggot detected.

    We have this here in Vancouver
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:49 No.4029558

    Do you even know what the FCC does? Aside from fining fagboys tearing girls shirts off, that is. They're generally on your side.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:50 No.4029559

    and i thought it was bad in canada

    i'm moving back to europe, i have 15/3 600GB in canada and it costs $80... that gets me 200/200 in Slovenia or Sweden
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:50 No.4029560
    The FCC fucks up everything they touch.
    The government needs to provide its own service free of restrictions. Considering how cheap infastructure could be they could easily make up whatever they spend on it. This will have the added effect of forcing companies like Time Warner to rethink their policies in order to stay competitive.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:51 No.4029565
    Simple, Americans will self regulate. Once everyone is forced to pay for over 100GB overcharge for their internet that they didnt really use because some guy hacked their wireless the lawsuits will fly.

    Those who tend to download tons pay top $ for a good connection. Eliminate the need to pay for it and they will learn to steal from neighbors. Hacking wireless is not that challenging. You could use only 1/2 their bandwidth and they not even know it. Yet some of the caps they are thinking can be reached in a week easy.

    Btw, I have in my apartment goups alone in range of my wireless I have a few not showing their SSID, 3 unsecured, 4 WEP & 3 WPA
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:53 No.4029575
         File :1239151995.png-(38 KB, 736x736, awesome.png)
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    >The government needs to provide its own service free of restrictions
    >> C͏̼̻̺̫̬̿̾̽͂́̀̿Austin !!0/l4G2gi9Cp 04/07/09(Tue)20:53 No.4029576
    I'm looking at a list of ISPs in the UK (the best rated ones, actually) and it seems they all have tiered pricing. I've also personally talked to plenty of Europeans and I've heard mixed things about the state of the ISPs there. Some countries have great speeds for very little money (I think Holland was one of them?) while for others it's absolute shit. For the most part, the US is better off.

    Korea and Japan kick our asses, but that only happened because A) they're small and have very easily upgraded/maintained infrastructures, and B) they're fucking obsessed with online gaming, Korea especially.

    Time Warner's new tiered bandwidth caps listed above are horrible, to be sure. With any luck, though, this system will bite them in the ass, as countless people who have no idea what a "GB" is will either get cut off from the internet or charged ridiculous amounts of money for their overage after they inadvertently exceed their limits.

    Comcast's limit, on the other hand, is fine. If you're finding a 250GB monthly limit to be a hindrance, you really need to take a step back and reevaluate your life.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:56 No.4029588
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    >The government needs to provide its own service free of restrictions

    >The government
    >free of restrictions
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:56 No.4029589

    The FCC is our friends you fucking idiots.

    They told Comcast that it was illegal for them to block P2P.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:56 No.4029590
         File :1239152180.gif-(19 KB, 399x290, cisco-logo.gif)
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    The only company that won't stand for this bullshit is Cisco.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:56 No.4029594
    I can't wait to get on FiOS when I move to Tampa.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)20:59 No.4029612
    I see you're some kind of Libertarian.
    I'm so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:00 No.4029618
    Im with Bell 7mbps 60GB and i pay 47$ per month. Plus i added anoth 30GB for 10$ so i pay about 57$ for my service. With torrents you do get throttled from 5-12pm but after that my torrents just fly after that. But every ISP sucks but you have to deal with them if you want internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:01 No.4029625
    File deleted.
    They did for like a month.
    Enjoy your cap.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:01 No.4029626
    enforcing basic common sense onto companies makes up for everything they've fucked up?

    >> Moarfeene !!MkqGgo4b9zj 04/07/09(Tue)21:01 No.4029627
    Thank god I switched to Verizon on 2007.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 04/07/09(Tue)21:02 No.4029635
    My ISP doesn't know what caps are! FUCK THAT they say.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:03 No.4029641
    I have a 2Mb/s connection and i pay 40 dollars a month
    Argentina sucks
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:03 No.4029645



    Who is going to hold them responsible and how?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:05 No.4029655

    Cisco wants unlimited bandwidth since moar bandwidth = moar routers = moar $$$ fer Cisco

    Pit two giants together instead of fighting the giant yerself. Think Anon, think...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:05 No.4029659
    I'm confused as to what you're trying to say. Please be a bit more specific.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:06 No.4029665

    Cisco is going bankrupt in a few years anyways. Your utopia will never happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:07 No.4029669
         File :1239152825.jpg-(162 KB, 837x596, Untitled.jpg)
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    Now with moar censorship.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:07 No.4029670
    Wait, did you think I was insulting Cisco? Cisco is fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:07 No.4029671

    How exactly will Cisco go bankrupt?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:08 No.4029678
    Had the cheapest Cox connection back home- 1.5 MB, but no limit.

    Here I slapped a wireless router on my grandma's comptuer- she has Embarq 3 MB/sec. I don't know if there's a download limit, but I'm sure as hell gonna test it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:08 No.4029680
    >I'm confused as to what you're trying to say. Please be a bit more specific.

    The government is not going to be quick to "enforce" anything or "punish" their tools in the corporate world.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:09 No.4029687
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    verizon fios isnt offered in my area, how soon do you guys think it will expand?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:12 No.4029708

    What is the speed on FiOS?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:12 No.4029711
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:12 No.4029712

    I lol'd. You have no idea what you're talking about. NY times ran an article in the paper yesterday that they and IBM are going to benefit BIG from consulting for infrastructure with the stimulus plan.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:13 No.4029719
    8 megabits per second.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:16 No.4029736

    i cant tell, is that good?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:16 No.4029738
    is full of shit. FiOS has different tiers; I don't remember the maximum speed you can get, but I think it's around 25Mbit/s or something. Could be 50, though.
    >> C͏̼̻̺̫̬̿̾̽͂́̀̿Austin !!0/l4G2gi9Cp 04/07/09(Tue)21:16 No.4029741
    10 to 20 mbps down, 5 up, with some areas getting the option for up to 50 mbps down.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:17 No.4029746
    Depends on the bundle.

    10 down/2 up for 45, 20/5 for 55, 20/20 for 65, or 50/20 for 120 or so.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:17 No.4029751
    >Comcast and TWC
    >No FiOS listed

    lol enjoy your caps Comcastfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:19 No.4029760
    Shitcast and (now) Time Warner Cable? Man, I thought TWC would be pretty good.

    Fuck this country.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:19 No.4029770

    FiOS' smallest package is faster than 8MBits
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:19 No.4029772
    For future reference, your max megabyte/kilobyte per second is roughly your MB/sec divided by 8.

    So an 8 MB connection will get you about 1 mb/sec.
    >> nut propogator 04/07/09(Tue)21:20 No.4029775
    ive actually seen with my own eyes TW take 2 dicks in the ass simultaneously
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:21 No.4029781
    This is unacceptable, they should remove the speed caps if they're setting download caps. No matter how you look at it you're getting less for your money.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:22 No.4029783
    I have have the verizon phone and dsl service. Shits cash. I want fiOS but thats shit expensive
    >> Alcoholic !swe/yyamDk 04/07/09(Tue)21:22 No.4029785
    BAWWW more amerifags. Move to Sweden.
    We may have creepy big-brother-like laws, but so do you. We don't have fucking capped broadband.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:22 No.4029788
    I pay $59.95 aus-bucks a month for 20GB, 3 Mps.

    I also have to ring up Kevin Rudd's office before I load up a site to see if it's forbidden.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:22 No.4029793
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:24 No.4029813
    that IS megabytes. you mean Mb, or megaBITS.
    >> 04/07/09(Tue)21:26 No.4029820
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:27 No.4029828
    >600 MB cap
    >$150/GB excess charge
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:28 No.4029838
    Damn that sucks ass
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:30 No.4029853
    Wow what a fucking scam, where is this?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:31 No.4029863
    whatever. message remains the same- advertised/listed speed/8 for actual speed.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:32 No.4029870
    Even I don't know the password.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:32 No.4029872

    iphoen 3G in australia
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:34 No.4029889
    hahaha oh wow

    I used about 60gigs last month and I did nothing but watch 3 anime series, browse, and stream music, didn't even really do any big downloading.

    Good luck amerifags
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:35 No.4029891
    He can't be. I am literally the most east you can go, in fact I live in an absolute shit hole(People wise, it's a nice place to live other then people) in Sydney Mines, Cape Breton. A town of 3,500 and the whole island of Cape Breton only has a little over 120,000 people. Despite that, I can not find a service around here that is capped. We only really have Eastlink, and Aliant, and some other lesser known services. Aliant is known as the bad connection around here, good ping, but 2 mb/s down 1 mb/s up, then eastlink offers 10mb/s down, 4 mb/s up, both unlimited, for around 30$ a month. They also have better services, but they start getting around 50-200$ area.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:35 No.4029893
    Oh, I get it. Because the iPhone does not typically download large amounts of data, it makes it fair to charge 5 times the normal rate for it.
    >> 04/07/09(Tue)21:35 No.4029896
    It's our biggest ISP plans. Yet the most people sign up to these plans because they are ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:37 No.4029909
    >60GB: 160$
    >120GB: 9160$
    >> 04/07/09(Tue)21:38 No.4029918
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:38 No.4029919
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    They wrangled those pigs by leavin' bread crumbs into the pig pen, yeeeeeah...

    Enjoy your capped internet. Remember when dial-up was free? Well, a gigantic fuck you to the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:47 No.4029956
    Thank you ignorant fucks for paying for such horrible bullshit.

    I blame mac users.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:47 No.4029964
    You live in Canada. We have a clause in our damn constitution to prevent this. If they cap it, they have to prove that the price will not increase the average consumer's bill by more than 15% over a span of five years or something. It's the basic reason the *tels fused and became Aliant, because then they were introducing a new service and not just increasing the service fee.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:48 No.4029973
    I use windows on my desktop for gaming, and everything else is linux.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)21:50 No.4029985
    The CRTC does not give a fuck about people constantly paying more for less as long as they get their $250'000 a year to sit around and take bribes.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:03 No.4030052
    I think this is a sensible move to stop pedophiles from downloading too much illegal stuff and also to stop inbred hickfuck america from becoming aware of the outside world. It's a win-win situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:03 No.4030054
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    Australia gets Fibre To The Home, America gets caps.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:04 No.4030064
    Holland...I don't think Japan plays online games any more than other countries does it? I hear Koreans really like Starcraft though kekekeke

    I doubt most people would even notice there's a cap. Only the people who download lots of stuff will notice, and the ISPs probably won't care if they leave.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:05 No.4030072
    so we let inbred hick america stay the same? no thanks, expose them and maybe future generations wont be hicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:07 No.4030073
    You know, if we all saved up, we could collectively buy some of the Internet backbone and form our own ISP. Given the success of /9/gridchan, it's bound to work.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:07 No.4030078
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    Australia keeps its caps
    Ausfags will be able to use up their monthly allowance in 30 seconds
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:10 No.4030089
    Australia has unlimited ADSL2+, $310/month.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:11 No.4030097
    good idea

    and we could all save up our bandwidth then download a bunch of shit at once....probably wouldn't do anything unless there are millions of people though.

    anyway I still think we should start sending bombs
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:11 No.4030099
    when a cap is exceeded, what happens? does the internet shut off, or do they just adjust your bill to the next higher cap?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:14 No.4030130
    I'm fine with caps if they're reasonable. comcast's 250GB cap is a bitch, but realistically I'd never hit 250 GB even after pirating a shitload of games, TV shows, anime, and all the other nefarious shit I do.

    20-40GB, however, is fucking awful. I use at least 60 GB every month, sometimes 120-150. very little more than that. 150GB should be the lowest an ISP should even consider for a cap.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:15 No.4030136
    fuck I do 40 gb in a day or two sometimes with roadrunner
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:16 No.4030140
    Yeah, Al Gore comes and takes your Internet meter.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:17 No.4030144
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    >Korea and Japan kick our asses, but that only happened because
    …they printed money.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:17 No.4030146
    Some shut you off or charge you overusage fees
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:19 No.4030161
    The FBI would be investigating that non-stop.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 04/07/09(Tue)22:20 No.4030166
    >(the lowest one here being 39 SEK / month ~ 5 USD /month for 100 Mbit/s unlimited

    What?! Sweeden gets 100Mbit broadband, and we're still stuck with 10Mbit broadband? Why is America
    dragging our feet?

    >The government needs to provide its own service free of restrictions.

    Good, it would provide the corporate monopolies real competition, because they'll have to compete to get consumers out of the government's own ISP service.

    Problem is that they'll fight tooth and nail to prevent that from happening.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:20 No.4030167
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    so what happens to places like say,,, Starbucks and places that have free wifi??? I know i'll be camped out in these places eating the shit out of bandwidth.

    Or some of these satellite communities in the cities are going full free wifi. how's this going to work???
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:21 No.4030176
    Neither. They just charge you the "excess fee", which is usually x5 to x10 more per GB then what you usually pay. i.e I pay 60$ per month for 30GB, but going over my limit costs me 8$/GB.

    Fucking ripoff.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:21 No.4030177
    Rotating SHA and AES encryption.

    Also, you can make a 10Gbit backbone with nothing more then having radio towers every 80km.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:21 No.4030179
    uhhhh most countries print money...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:21 No.4030181
    Shape you (~7.6kb/s) or excess usage fees ($2-$150/GB), in Australia.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:22 No.4030185
    I wonder why they started testing in shithole places? Why didn't they start testing in LA or New York?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:23 No.4030198
    i get 16mb/s, 80GB per month. shit so shit
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:24 No.4030201
    WiFi probably won't be capped.

    Oh by the way, Australia is laughing at you all.

    Except Sweden ,seriously, fuck you guys, I want to live there now.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:28 No.4030246
    well i'll be on the free wifi from now on.
    what about businesses plans? will they have a cap or is this just a personal home owner ship accounts??
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:28 No.4030247
    wow i get charge $1.50/GB to a max of 30GB and they dont charge you anymore after that.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:29 No.4030252

    Drops to dialup speeds. Also your latency goes up to about 100, just for lulz.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:33 No.4030278
    It's always fun when some sucker comes crying about a $15,000 monthly bill due to excess usage, unfortunately the ISP waives it.

    PROTIP: If you're going to go over the limit; go hard or go homeless.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/09(Tue)22:34 No.4030294

    Why are we laughing again? Because of an ultra-network politicians have promised to build well after the next election, which will provide super fast access within australia, but does nothing to help with transfers from overseas?

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