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  • File :1238896303.png-(41 KB, 256x256, utorrent.png)
    41 KB Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:51 No.4000851  
    Best tracker for

    TV Series:
    Western porn:
    Asian porn:
    Everything else:

    (Deleted the other thread because i forgot about games)
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:53 No.4000861

    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:53 No.4000866
         File :1238896413.jpg-(50 KB, 422x600, Apple juice.jpg)
    50 KB
    Movies: passthepopcorn (although most movies are in shitty Xvid 700MB rips, im looking for something better)
    Music: waffles.fm (i heard what.cd is better, I'm looking for an invite)
    TV series: demonoid (because i dont know anything better, anyone does?)
    Games: BitGamer
    Anime/Manga: BoxTorrent (outstanding tracker! great quality always)
    Applications: demonoid (because i dont know anything better)
    Hentai: i'm not a faggot
    Western Porn: i'm not a faggot
    Asian Porn: AkibaOnline (public)
    Everything else: Demonoid (when everything else fails. Yeah, it's a piece of shit, the site is a mess, the torrents are a mess, the ratio is never counted properly, but its so fucking popular that you'll find anything you don't find elsewhere and always get good speeds. you need to be careful about shitty bitrates and stuff)
    And if even Demonoid fails, i go with Torrentz.com (it searches through public trackers like The Pirate Bay, mininova, etc)
    >> Conan O'Briebers 04/04/09(Sat)21:55 No.4000878
    Western Porn: Puretna

    Everything else in >>4000866 covers it.

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