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  • File :1238460750.jpg-(225 KB, 654x1671, ya-dialup.jpg)
    225 KB Would you be able to go back to dial-up? Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)20:52 No.3951482  
    So /g/,
    How important is the speed of your internet connection in regards to your personal online experience?
    E.g. Are downloads a large part of your online experience? Is streaming that large youtube movie in under a minute the only way you can 'roll'?

    Also how many of you 'tech savvy' TECHNICIANS (lol OPERATORS) 'missed out' on the days when 5.6k connections (and/or less) reigned supreme?

    Pic related. Dial-up can transfer @ 56kbp!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)20:55 No.3951511
    this is unpossible.
    I can't go back to postage-stamp video. and i can't take days to download a single episode of something. I don't demand instant gratification, but 56k is unacceptable
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)20:56 No.3951526
    how long would a 360 iso take at 56k
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)20:57 No.3951530
    half the time on an evening my broadband seems about as slow as dial-up :\
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)20:58 No.3951539
    I'd rather not use the internet at all than going back to 56k.
    >> /g/ - !Lolicont/Q 03/30/09(Mon)20:59 No.3951547
    I'm on 1mbps right now.
    I wouldn't notice a difference.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)20:59 No.3951551
    Waiting 1h for 16MB? No.

    System update last week was about 4.68GiB and I'm currently torrenting at 1MiB/s.
    I'd never go back to 56k.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:00 No.3951557
    webpages are too big for farmer modem
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:02 No.3951571
    about a week under perfect conditions (7KB/sec)
    twice that in real life.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:04 No.3951589
    I live out in the country and for me it's three options.
    1 Dial up (lolno)
    2 Sattelite (60 buck a month or more and capped)
    3 AT&T 3G aricard (70 bucks a month, unlimited downloads.)

    I have #3. My ping is kind of bad (~150 or a little more) but it's unlimited data at a decent speed (200kbps on an http download, ive seen up to 800 on a good torrent). I'd never be able to live with dial up again.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:04 No.3951593
    >go back to dial-up

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:05 No.3951599
    It would be quicker to walk down to the library and use their computers or drive to starbucks and get wifi out front.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:07 No.3951625
    I had roadrunner 1.5Mbps liked it for a few years. Shit started getting expensive as hell for 1.5, and switched to centurytel dsl. Pay for 1.5Mbps still, but get almost 4 times that, and it's cheaper, and I rent to own all equipment instead of Roadrunner trying to charge me $450 for a dvr box I can't use without their fucking service.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:08 No.3951627
    at least going back to dial up would get rid of web 2.0.

    actually, I reckon faggots would still be willing to wait 10 minutes for all that fucking java on facebook to load so they could update their personal message.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:08 No.3951635
         File :1238461720.jpg-(69 KB, 643x322, ya-500mb.jpg)
    69 KB
    I remember it took me a week to download the (then banned in Australia) movie 'Baise moi'
    It was probably around 700mb and was the largest download I had ever done at the time.

    >how long would a 360 iso take at 56k
    Lets do some rough math.
    FEAR 2 is 6.61 GB according to Mininova (bloody huge)
    6.61 GB = 6061 mb
    6061 mb = 6206464 kb
    6206464 kb divided by 5.6 = 1108298 seconds (approx)
    = 18471.63 minutes
    = 307.86 hours

    So if your connection didn't disconnect (common to be disconned every few hours during the dial-up days) and downloaded at a steady 5.6kb, it would take 307ish HOURS!

    That's over 12 days worth of downloading!
    Thats alot of mum/dad-rage when you come home from school/college to find out they disconnected you so they can talk on the phone.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:08 No.3951636
    Please no ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:11 No.3951665
    >Would you be able to go back to dial-up?
    No and I don't have to because I'm not a redneck.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:12 No.3951675
    Haha. You're funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:13 No.3951686
    I still have nightmares about downloading the java sdk on dialup.

    Never again.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:16 No.3951706
    4chan would be unusably slow on dialup
    Also, 1 hour downloading some shitty weeaboo MP3 off WinMX - bad memories
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:17 No.3951710
    I'd probably hang myself if I had to go back to dial-up.

    Jesus christ.

    JUST FOR FUN try throttling your connection to dial up speeds, 14.4 kBPS, or 28.8 kBPS. SHIT FUKKEN SUCKS.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:17 No.3951718
    >Haha. You're funny.
    lol, what are you downloading that makes 6gigs seem comical? (im not talking the end total - I can imagine x360 pirates racking up hundrends of gb for their games) but in terms of single downloads?

    What are you doing? Backing up the internet?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:18 No.3951720
    Military stationed me somewhere that I had no high speed internet access.

    I went crazy and got myself kicked out so I could have internet.

    True story.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:19 No.3951735
    56k can download 15GB/month. Fuckers who can't lrn2downloadmanager are paying $80/mo here for a 8GB cap.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:19 No.3951738



    my copy was 12. oddgb , 3 dvd's worth ;'(
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:20 No.3951742
    hd movie/tv downloads can easily blow that out of the water.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:20 No.3951747
    wait is this /k/
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:21 No.3951760
    FUCK NO.

    And fuck, you kids "missed out" on 300baud shit. Enjoy watching each INDIVIDUAL LETTER COME UP ON THE GODDAMN SCREEN.

    Never again. In fact, where's my goddamn gigabit connection? I want HD porn at lightning speed, goddamn it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:23 No.3951770
    Java on facebook?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:28 No.3951810
    >4chan would be unusably slow on dialup
    I didn't get broadband until 2005. It wasn't, actually. Multiple tab browsing several boards, even.

    None of those characters were Spam, or Retards, or Cancer, or JAVs with bogus misrepresented DVD covers. What do you reckon the speed of SMS is in real terms?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:28 No.3951817
    >hd movie/tv downloads can easily blow that out of the water.
    Wow, thanks for opening my eyes to this!
    LOL - 10.53 gigabyte's for the movie 'We Are Marshall' (BlueRay 1080p)

    That's 1/3 of my monthly allowance - for a crappy movie?
    Its funny that you can download a C++ compiler (for not even a hairs fraction) and can potentially earn millions of dollars while you can download a 10 GB Miley Cyrus concert blue ray rip which sets humanity back.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:28 No.3951818
    Awwwwww shit.

    I remember 300 bauds. I also remember j-j-jamming in a phone into the foam contacts in one of those shits.

    Shit was so cache.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:35 No.3951856
    i remember waiting an hour for a flash game to load

    56k was hell
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:36 No.3951864
    <3 Axxo
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:37 No.3951869
    You are now making the dialup sound in your head
    >> AMD Athlong 64 X2 4000+ 2.10GHz !1VMN/cUB2s 03/30/09(Mon)21:38 No.3951879
    use to take around 2 hours to download one porn picture in .gif format that was displayed on a CGA or EGA I forgot which one I had then, but you may not know about those monitors, they were pretty bad. Hell, I liked monochrome better to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:40 No.3951893
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:41 No.3951903
    I'd then take another 2 hours decoding the GIF on a Commodore64
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:43 No.3951917

    im using one right now

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:44 No.3951922
    i remember getting excited when napster would jump up to 9Kbps.

    fuck that.
    i have a job now.
    i'd rather spend money on a cd than go through that shit again.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:44 No.3951925
    <3 vuimg
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:49 No.3951973
         File :1238464188.gif-(15 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.gif)
    15 KB

    i have solved the problem of software/music pirates

    put everyone on 56k
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)21:51 No.3951989
    I remember very specifically that you could not use the phone while you're using dial-up. I wouldn't go back, but I would consider accepting 56kb speeds if it had no limits and I could pair two or more connections for more $.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:01 No.3952073
    >I remember very specifically that you could not use the phone while you're using dial-up.

    Gee, you think? Do you think it could have something to do with the fact that dial-up used the phone line?

    >I wouldn't go back, but I would consider accepting 56kb speeds if it had no limits and I could pair two or more connections for more $.

    > accepting 56kb speeds
    > pair two or more connections

    contradictory statements

    Anyway the phone company has no problem selling you 2 or more lines. And quite a few ISPs supported modem bonding on their end.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:01 No.3952077
         File :1238464884.png-(83 KB, 800x822, lol6gb.png)
    83 KB
    I'd never download something this large, but yeah 6gb is not that big.
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 03/30/09(Mon)22:08 No.3952128
    I'm used to instantly seeing webpages, I'm not going back to clicking links, standing up to get a drink, and coming back to _maybe_ see a fully loaded page.

    It's weird how often I found myself picking my nails or scratching my face waiting for shit to load. I kind of got used to it and forgot I was doing it. High-speed internet completely got rid of my patience.

    I download shit like full record labels and blu-ray rips from rapidshare at 3mb/s. It used to be the case where I'd stand up to wait for a page to load to do something else, now if I start a big movie download and stand up to get food, by the time I come back it's usually already done. What you're asking is basically on the same level as asking us "would you go back to floppies?"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:12 No.3952183
    Wow, gigs and gigs of hd iso :(
    How often do you have to refer to those file?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:14 No.3952211
    not very often, the ones I need I burnt to a DVD for emergency restore on the go, for the laptops at least. I've had to restore my desktop twice after nvidia drivers made XP unusable.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:15 No.3952214
    How much does your internet access cost per much?
    Please tell me. I need some material to cry about as I live in (internet connection fail) Australia.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:17 No.3952229
    >would you go back to floppies?

    Given, I have not used a floppy in at least a year, but I still use them when needed and still have plenty of floppies I have not boxed up. At my work, people still backup financial data onto floppies, but they are trying to get them to switch to the encrypted usb drives.
    >> [8500GT] Jigglem◆aster !AWEsomEEEE!!47tFWiSfvS5 03/30/09(Mon)22:17 No.3952235
    after buying my 15/15 meg connection i cant use anything slower.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:19 No.3952239
    bits or bytes faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:23 No.3952286
    bit I'm sure.
    >> [8500GT] Jigglem◆aster !AWEsomEEEE!!47tFWiSfvS5 03/30/09(Mon)22:24 No.3952295

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:26 No.3952302
    >but they are trying to get them to switch

    I don't think 45yo 'Mabel' in finanace wants to switch. She likes the sounds of the clicking and more disturbingly, she likes to slide the floppy and touch the actual disc surface when no ones looking.

    Someone fire her soon or she will ruin your financial data.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:32 No.3952378

    Its the terabyte days, and HD movies are about 8 gigs. My porn colllections grows faster than 6gb/day.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:34 No.3952398
    I miss dial-up tones, but broadband is far superior and I could not enjoy my computer full without it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:36 No.3952413
    I miss the dial up noise.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:38 No.3952437
    >My porn colllections grows faster than 6gb/day
    To be honest, i'd be downloading that amount if I was able too.

    Since I suffer data-loss paranoia i've got the best of the best on an .iso
    This is reviewed per month and occasionally, new material conquers the old.

    It's laughable that some people may be downloading more than they could physically watch/fap to/game/read/listen to in a day.

    I guess its better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:39 No.3952448
    No. I would die.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)22:42 No.3952486

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